
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale A Huge Opportunity/Risk for Sony

"Unless Sony intended for tonight’s PS3 exclusive announcement on GT.TV to deceive the audience, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale from SuperBot Entertainment should be expected to become an official upcoming video game release tonight."


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Dante1124400d ago (Edited 4400d ago )

Isn't every new game that comes out either a risk or opportunity? But on topic...

"Will it be a direct representation of Nintendo’s highly successful Super Smash Bros. franchise or do they have a completely original concept in place? We shall find out tonight, but regardless, there is no arguing the fact that this will either enrich the overall image of the PlayStation brand, or leave loyal fans with a bad taste that may never go away."

We'll just have to wait and see how the game is. Can't really judge it just yet (No footage, just wait until GTTV airs before you decide if you like it or not).

Outside_ofthe_Box4400d ago

Honestly, I don't consider this a risk at all from a financial stand point.

I expect this game to sell over a million at launch as long as it looks even ever so slightly promising.

From the view point of the fans, yes, this is a risk/opportunity. You can either get people feeling like this game is a Super Smash Brothers rip-off or you can get people feeling like this game is a masterpiece that is original enough to standout on it's own.

MaxXAttaxX4399d ago

I want to get more excited for this game because I've been wanting something like this from Sony for a while, BUT I have two fears. The first one is gameplay and mechanics. The second is character roster.

miyamoto4399d ago

The King of Fighters was released by SNK in 1994
Fighter's Megamix was released by Sega in 1996
X-Men vs Street Fighter was released by Capcom in 1996

But when Nintendo released Smash Brothers its like they invented the crossover fighting genre like Apple invented touchscreen smart phones.

How can this be a risk when its an old tried and true genre and formula.


MmaFan-Qc4399d ago

and after all, arent all the FPS games a blatant ripoff of Wolfenstein3D?

sure the gameplay is very VERY similar to ssb, but honestly its not a reason for the nintendo fans to go apeshit because the gameplay is similar.

..if the game is good and fun...whats the problem?

hkgamer4399d ago


I guess it is half true what you said.

King of Fighters was a true mix of all different SNK game but it was released in the era where fighting games in arcades ruled... well good fighting games anyway.

Fighters Megamix was pretty rubbish but I didn't really play it that much to be able to comment about it.

X-men vs Street Fighter was basically X-men game with street fighter characters doing crazy moves to keep up... That was a major risk for the SF franchise I suppose.

But main point I was trying to point out is that KoF and XvSF has solid fighting mechanics and the characters in the game wasn't its unique selling point.

SSB basically relies on its characters and brands. I can't comment too much because I haven't played the game too much and it always felt like a random button basher game that doesn't require skill.

Iceman X4399d ago

WHAT??? man Apple did not invent touchscreen phones. They were not even close to being the 1st smartphones or touchscreens.

sikbeta4399d ago

I don't care if it's an opportunity from the business point of view, as a gamer, I'll be playing the s*** out of PS Battle Royale IF it's as good as it shows

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4399d ago
xtremeimport4399d ago

Sackboy is gonna be like Kirby or jiggly puff.. deceiving little bastards. but the eff shit up!

MaxXAttaxX4399d ago

Sackboy would have to be in control of a bigger Sackbot because he's only about 8cm tall.

I do hope he's in it.

showtimefolks4399d ago

1st of all stop acting like Nintendo was the 1st one to do this kind of game go look and you will find others way before nintendo. And sony has enough IP and enough Characters to really make it work along with having great relationships with 3rd party publishers

since the studio is new that's doing the game that's my only concern hopefully they know how to handle a fighting system that's rewarding

4399d ago
Prince_Dim-Lu4399d ago

Wow! What a completely unoriginal idea. Sony still playing Me too this generation, completely copying Nintendo again.

Jesus, from achievements... errrr I mean trophies, to Wii motes...errrr I mean Move. Sony is such a copy cat this generation.

Game looks like a PS2, Wii mix of a game. Graphics look mixed between last and this generation imo. Completely unoriginal. Wow... this far into the generation, and this is what they come up with

Iceman X4399d ago

Microsoft copied Sony also, who do you think had motion gaming 1st? Kinect is something we called Eye Toy that was released in 2003.

Prince_Dim-Lu4399d ago

Eyetoy is nothing like Kinect. I'll just stop right there.

CernaML4399d ago

"Eyetoy is nothing like Kinect. I'll just stop right there."

Because you don't want to further reveal yourself as being a total 360 fanboy? :P

Defending Kinect was all I needed to hear.

But I would love to see you explain how Xbox avatars are such an original idea. lol


i better see crash and spyro in this bitch

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4399d ago
Relientk774400d ago

It is a huge risk and opportunity for them. I hope SuperBot Entertainment does an excellent job and makes it just as fun, or more fun than Smash Bros.

Dante1124400d ago

Word. I'm just gonna hang back until GTTV airs.

smashcrashbash4400d ago

If it is as least as fun as Power Stone then I am happy. Also why is this a risk more then any other game Sony has released wasn't Heavy Rain, Journey, Fat Princess and StarHawk a risk too.

nolifeking4399d ago

I really hope they go with a more power stone style. From where I'm sitting, F*@k SSB and go with what I personally would find more enjoyable.

dredgewalker4399d ago

I like Power Stone more than SSB. IMHO I find the fighting in SSB a little too simplistic and kiddy for my tastes since I'm play a lot of fighting games.

Virtual_Reality4399d ago (Edited 4399d ago )

I can see a better Online gameplay and interactivity with PSN in this game.

Relientk774399d ago

Yea def I love Smash Bros Brawl, but the online was not good lol So much lag its ridiclous

Nick2120044400d ago

Every game is a risk, you guys are correct, but no other game for PlayStation has featured all of their premiere characters. If a game like Heavy Rain or Starhawk failed people would just move on, but with the entire PlayStation line up on the line, there is a lot more on the line.

DaveMan4400d ago

this is basically why i'm excited for this.

the concept of potentially having cloud fight kratos is to awesome for words.

mbsaeger4400d ago

Couldn't agree with you more. Sony has a lot riding on the success of this.

Machioto4400d ago

Why? They made this game on the ps3 and not any of their previous systems which were profitable for them,I believe they are toying around the concept to see if this endeavor pays off.

Sev4400d ago

I see why you have one bubble. That makes no sense at all.

That's like saying Mario would have failed if Smash Bros had failed. These are mostly established franchises we're talking about.

Quite frankly, this game not performing well wouldn't keep me from buying God of War. And just because it has "the entire PlayStation line-up" doesn't mean it failing would have negative implications on other franchises. If anything a singular franchise like God of War failing would be a lot more shocking and negative than something Sony is trying out for the first time.

Your logic is backwards.

pwnmaster30004400d ago

I think your over thinking it.
Just look at mortal kombat.
Name was tarnished by dc vs mk, but that didnt stop fans from loving the newest game.
I dont think if this game bunks, it will ruin the characters image or anything

smashcrashbash4399d ago (Edited 4399d ago )

That doesn't make any sense at all. If a game featuring Sony's characters fails that won't affect anything. Do you really think people won't buy Sly Cooper 4 or GOW if this game doesn't pan out? Or decide not to buy any of the franchises if this game fails. If this game fails I will just move on just like any other game.

The entire PlayStation line up is not on the line. This game doesn't reflect any of the characters within it. You act like the survival of Sony's characters are riding on the success if this game. What do you think that people will reject Parapa the Rapper and Sir Dan if they are in this game and cancel the games they were in forever from their minds.

BitbyDeath4399d ago

Mario movie didn't ruin Mario and thats about as bad as it gets.

lategamer4399d ago

Playstation Heroes On The Move had quite a few premier characters.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4399d ago
detroitmademe4400d ago

i hope theres more to it than it just being a fighting game though im interested regardless.

Regent_of_the_Mask4400d ago

They developed it using arcade sticks so that alone tells you it's not just some party game but that it could be competitive as well.

DFogz4400d ago

Not to come off as rude or anything, but where are you getting that information from?
As far as I was aware, Superbot hasn't even said that AllStars is the game they've been working on.

Regent_of_the_Mask4399d ago

Of course they haven't said it. It's not time to reveal it yet (but the time is coming REALLY SOON).

There are pics of them using arcade sticks so obviously it will be a fighting game.

Not to mention the creative director provided pics to what they were working on which is obviously PlayStation All-Stars.

Fierce Musashi4399d ago (Edited 4399d ago )

"it's not just some party game but that it could be competitive as well."

Smash Bros.'s tournament scene says "hello".

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A Decade Later: 5 Things PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Did Well

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Launched 10 Years Too Early

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Inverno538d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69538d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop538d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard538d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi538d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin538d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus545d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer545d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.