
Hacking Group: "It's The Beginning Of The End For Sony", Promises More Hacks Soon

LulzSec, which had previouslyhacked Sony BMG’s Japanese website (according to Forbes) has promised more attacks against Sony and claimed that this is the beginning of the end for Sony.

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Kran4724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

In other words, theyre saying:

"We're doing to be selfish d**ks and ruin the gaming experience for millions of PSN users. We dont give a damn about any of you. If you wanted a good online service, you should have got a 360. Haha. Nah that'll be hacked too before long. Hacking the PSN is so fun, listing to millions of people cry. Hackers rule because we have more freedom."

Seriously though. Why? WHERE IS THE FUN IN RUINING EXPERIENCE FOR OTHER PEOPLE? If i went and hacked their future weddings (if thats possible), i bet they wouldnt be pleased.

Hands Up For Games4724d ago

You actually think any of these hackers get laid?!?!?!

Nevermind getting married ;-)

OT, I think Sony know they dropped the ball, PSN, when its up and running properly will be harder to get into than Fort Knox!

tehpees34724d ago

it will take more than threats and hacking to bring down Sony. I guess these hackers have nothing better to do

Mr Patriot4724d ago Show
4724d ago
Mr Patriot4724d ago Show
DeadIIIRed4724d ago

They marry each other. That's why they live in California.

Ninjamonkey824724d ago

hackers are pissed of girls that can't get there boyfriends away from the Tv.

GMWPS34724d ago

Are they (Hackers) serious!?!? I mean come on now. What the hell is up with them. This looks more and more like a personal vendetta. Either someone Sony fired, or from a competing company. It's just getting so ridiculous that it isn't funny. Is Sony so bad that they want to bring it down. If the hackers want to do something useful, how about helping people find jobs, or helping fight organized crime, etc. I mean really is Sony what is wrong with the world. Microsft has had it easy. I'd have thought having RROD or even to pay for Live would get hackers up in arms. I guess those are all acceptable in their books.

Storm234724d ago

Ok...we all hate hackers...they are ridiculously stupid *ssholes. I agree. But come on guys. Because they are ridiculously stupid *ssholes...you insult gay people by comparing hackers to them? Really?

Hackers are awful people. Gay people are not.

Grow up. It's 2011.

Joe29114724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

Sony are getting attacked left right and center, because they went to a fight against hackers. And now they and their consumers (me being one) are getting fucked.

I'm pretty sure hackers will be able to crack Sony's new system, no system is impenetrable.

@Storm, well said + bubbles.

Gen0ne4724d ago

@storm23: Bubbles my friend. I dig your style. +1

FunAndGun4724d ago

Mr Patriot

I hear you're a HUGE hacker.

call me!

Dee_914724d ago

Haha what a bunch of dumbasses
I love the arrogance from these hackers
Its gonna be so funny when they get caught

GrandTheftZamboni4724d ago

These mofos are gonna give a reason to legal systems to tighten the control of the Internet. Imagine countries harbouring cyber terrorists being cut off from the Internet for the starters.

zag4724d ago

Sony would be pretty well locked up by now.

Hacking now would just mean everything you do you'd get logged.

People will be found if not already.

Focker4204724d ago

I'm getting really sick of this bullsh*t. I just can't understand the motivation to destroy something that millions of people enjoy. It just baffles me that instead of doing something productive they spend their time screwing over other people that are just trying to have a little fun.

sikbeta4724d ago

I thought this crap was over, I mean what is the freaking point of ruining something good for everyone else? they don't have anything better and or constructive to do with their lives? just stop already!

kneon4724d ago

If they ever actually succeeded in inflicting long lasting damage to a company the size of Sony then they will have gotten the attention of governments the world over.

That could ultimately lead to the end of the anonymous internet. Every ISP could require you to log in before you could access anything. Governments could then start issuing smart cards and require 2 or 3 factor authentication before you could access anything.

What would the hackers do then? They'd probably curl up into a ball and die as their only source of self worth would be all but gone.

nveenio4724d ago

They may be able to hack Sony's new system, but I can guarantee they won't be able to do it anonymously. I'm sure Sony has plans to shut down any connections it can't validate as authentic. And the connections it does take will be traced like the pages of a nudie mag.

jeseth4724d ago

These kids/losers/grown men should get curb stomped, American History X style.

AliTheBrit4204724d ago

Yes I'm sure plenty get laid, assuming hackers never get laid is about as relevant as assuming gamers who spend way too much time on a website talking about games dont get laid....

Dee_914724d ago

@ everyone asking why would they ruin the fun for everyone else
Its simple .. THEY DONT CARE
So you add not caring about people and the anger they got towards Sony innocent people will suffer alot ..

MintBerryCrunch4724d ago

say good bye to free internet ladies and gentlemen, if this isnt an argument for corporations to push a bill through US Congress to limit what we can do with our internet connections, then i dont know what is...the problem is that these hackers are hard to find, we are the collateral damage...its really pathetic seeing this pissing contest unfold between these jackasses...all because they need to overcompensate for their small penises

MmaFan-Qc4724d ago

"It's The Beginning Of The End For Sony", Promises More Hacks Soon......

shallow statement is shallow

xabmol4724d ago

The PSN is just collateral damage in the war against corporations.

Not saying that I agree with the tactics, but this sort of thing will continue and spread to other corps in the coming years.


badz1494724d ago

F*** YOU HACKERS! Oh, that's 3 words! GO TO HELL SCUM! And that's 4!

jessupj4724d ago Show
rjdofu4723d ago

If they go any further than this ( i.e. actual attempt to bring down Son again), i'm sure quite a few millions people will hunt their necks.

ZombieNinjaPanda4723d ago

Like holy shit are you guys done saying shit about hackers?

Hackers aren't bad people. They just mess around with electronics and optimize them and do whatever else they want for them.

These people that want to "bring about the end of sony" are completely different people. Chill out.

SkyGamer4723d ago Show
zag4723d ago

They more people these hackers piss off the larger the group becomes when you piss off a large enough group they can turn on you.

Look at Anonymous's own IRC servers they all got shut down simply using the very same thing they do to other people's websites.

If a million separate people simply logged into their IRC servers and always did stuff they would have to shut them down.

If another group comes in the group bcomes larger and you simply keep the anonymous servers shut down.

Anonymous will whinge and complain but who cares right because it's only about the lulz after all and really should love it.

XeNoStRatoS4723d ago Show
jjohan354723d ago

I don't understand why these hackers don't do something more useful like take down the intelligence network or financial system of oppressive governments or something.

Get a life dude.

Blackdeath_6634723d ago

as hackers they should know the solid rule for hacking: dont get too greedy or youll get caught. many bank hackers only get caught because they hacked a second time. if they hack again its not gonna be good for anyone.

Fat Bastard4723d ago

Holy shit, this site is more fucking liberal than obama's fucking house. Grow a pair and stop bitching about the word faggot

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 4723d ago
4724d ago Replies(5)
Horny Melon4724d ago

Yeah well the same could be said about you........how much thinking do you do about the kids/people working and dying in the rare metal miness or thedeplorable working conditions in factories that make all the neat technologies you own?

zgoldenlionz4724d ago

lol i hope your being sarcastic. if not its still a bit funny.

BubbleSniper4724d ago

what are YOU doing to prevent that from happening, "Horny Melon" ?

Nothing? Ok.

timzone4724d ago

If we stopped buying those rare metals etc then what would happen to those societies? Without massive amounts of aid(Trillions of $$) that is unfortunately the only way all those nations develop. Kind of sucks but that is evolution. They all work in those factories because either they or their parents know this.

JellyJelly4724d ago

I'm quitting my job and moving to Libya to teach orphans how to read and write, work as a human shield and overthrow evil tobacco companies. Right after I finish L.A Noir.

CardboardGun4724d ago

Jeez guys.. Honestly.. When they have such a powerful network of individuals with an amazing understanding of computer technology, coding and networks, a true gift in more than a few instances - how about using just that energy towards something useful? If they could actually focus it towards taking down ACTUAL bad guys, it would be really interesting to see the results. And don't come draggin with the silly old "I should quit my dayjob"-BS. These people are gifted, and have already shown their potential, though not towards something of actual interest/constructive. Ball is in your court hackers. Give it a spin.

AtomicGerbil4724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

@Horny Melon
While it is terrible, would you prefer they didn't have jobs?

ravinash4723d ago

@ CardboardGun

Gifted, I don't think so.
Most of the information on how to do this can be found on the internet.
Most of these people are just youngsters that tow the line and think their clever for it.
Think about it. Most people when they get past a certain age will start to focus on what’s important in life like career, family or a purpose.
How many of them think that purpose would be hacking into a gaming system.

A lot of these hackers seem to come and go, but I never see any of them turn up years later with something to change the world for the better.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4723d ago
UnbiasedGamer4724d ago

Oh thanks hackers for ruining the fun of millions you dirtbags.

4724d ago Replies(23)
Oxymoron0284724d ago Show

A hacker isnt what a hacker once was.

--------4724d ago

Hacking used to mean "not being afraid to break something in order to make it better"

Now it's just "not being afraid to break something in order to ruin the fun of millions"


MarkusMcNugen4724d ago


If some of you actually wanted to learn more about hackers instead of just calling every one a bad person, read the above link. Its a top 10 of some of the more famous hackers. Notice how theirs two lists, White Hats, and Black Hats.

Without the white hat hackers, the black hats would take the internet and hack all the corporations. Do some research before you all start shouting off they arent what they use to be, or that all hackers are stupid evil little teenagers. Its a big business that makes lots of money.

Have non of you heard of DEF CON?

Its almost always been this way. All technology has always gone both ways. It can be used for good, or evil.


a hacker was a hacker and a cracker was a cracker. polly

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4724d ago
CryofSilence4724d ago ShowReplies(2)
Allelujah004724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

Can somebody explain to me why Sony can't just track this guys twitter account arrest the man behind him through the CIA or FBI and be done with it? Or just track the users on Anonymous website and be done with it? Cyber terrorism is a federal offense and if my memory serves right it's a 10 year offense too depending on the severity they could earn up to 15 right?

It seems like the easiest option but it hasn't been done can somebody with better knowledge of this explain this to me.


thor4724d ago

When you use the internet there is no DNA fingerprint, no CCTV footage, nothing to link you to the crime. Every computer has an IP address, yes, and in theory if every node on the internet kept a record of every packet sent and received and to where, you could track every hack back to an individual computer. (Of course this doesn't happen, there are numerous proxy sites and VPNs which can encrypt traffic and do not record any data).

But even if you could track a hack down to an individual computer, there is nothing to tie it to an individual in general. It could be a computer in a library or internet cafe (the payphones of the digital age). E-mail addresses used to register accounts will be free ones created with false info.

The anonymity of the internet is a huge problem because our law enforcement and jusice frameworks cannot deal with it easily. Spam is still a huge problem, scam websites a huge problem, hacking a huge problem. And as soon as one hacker makes himself known, he's targeted, and then the criminals strike back anonymously. It is completely unclear to me how we can stop this whilst retaining net neutrality.

IcarusOne4723d ago

My favorite part of the article: "GamingBolt.com strongly recommends its users to support Sony during these tough times for the company."

As if Sony needs your support. This isn't a family member in the hospital. It's a corporation that would hang all of us out to dry if the profits were right.

jerethdagryphon4724d ago

go away hackers they seem to think that sony will just give up a multi billion dollar company CANT thell continue to try and alter things

its a stupid pointless thing we need hackers to hack the hackers

User-Name4724d ago

Other people are just collateral damage. Just like innocent civilians getting killed in American bombing and poisoned by depleted uranium for decades after America bombs them in order to "bring freedom".

Now hackers are "bringing freedom" to the digital world, fighting companies who sue smart kids. There are better ways to fight piracy. Just like Gaddafi could find a better way to fight protesters.

Violence breeds violence.

Petro4724d ago Show
Legion4723d ago


Personal attacks are against forum policy.

BABY-JEDI4723d ago Show
Petro4723d ago (Edited 4723d ago )

I still cant decide if your being sarcastic or not.

Anyway only way to fight against company who's policies you don't agree with or just don't like their products, is to not buy their products!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4723d ago
metsgaming4724d ago

there is a very special level of hell for hackers.

Daver4724d ago

I give them only few days if they decide to hack the PSN again.. They will get caught by FBI..
The only thing that it will do is that Sony will be force to make the service a paid service and all because of those dumba**

alex33694724d ago

well the people who hacked the psn never got caught so i would put my money against sony and a private investigation firm.

Daver4724d ago

yea but theres more security now and FBI is probably still investigating it

ElementX4724d ago

Hack a wedding? LOL, the comments people come up with.

finbars754724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

All I have to say what a bunch of lowlife cowards.all they know how to do is sit behind a computer desk in there parents basement at the age of 40 because they will never be accepted i'n public because of shit like this.your only ruining your life by doing this not ours.hack i'n all they want and see what consequences are to follow douche bags.

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4724d ago

These bastards need to be hunted down, period, end of story. I don't give a damn what issues they have with Sony but don't drag gamers into this sh*t. That's what pisses me off the most.

B-B-But they fightin' for our right!

Fighting for rights my ***. They're criminals.

MagicGamer4724d ago

Everyone was warned by a article that was posted here on N4G a couple of days ago but was moved to the other boiler room site.


Now it's coming out.

MagicGamer4724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

They are going to keep at Sony just for the prize of saying We got Sony. Idiots will get caught this time.

kikizoo4724d ago

They have tons of really huge bastards over the world to piss off, but no, the "just cause" is the evil sony, who entertain millions of gamers since decades...

what a bunch of donkeys.

showtimefolks4724d ago ShowReplies(4)
4724d ago Replies(1)
solar4724d ago ShowReplies(5)
firetaw4724d ago

you havnt been bullied in high school at all then i take it. some people just like to take advantage of others or takes pleasure just by making others suffer. although most nerds bully for pay back for being bullied so there sense of justices is warped or corrupted.
there is no hacker in the world that has learned the lesson " Live and Let Live"

pixelsword4724d ago ShowReplies(1)
frostyhat1234724d ago

I feel bad for the Ps3 guys! Myself as a 360 gamer is wondering what good will come from hacking PSN again.

AuToFiRE4724d ago

like come on, what has sony done? they create reliable hardware across many fields and great games to go with the ps3. if the attacks should be against anyone it should be oil companies, governments, microsoft and apple even. look at microsoft for instnace, you are all getting shafted by them, they cant even create software

Legion4723d ago

Really??? You just tried to make a point that Sony shouldn't be hacked but Microsoft should??? That's like saying you don't believe in the death penalty and that the Warden should instead be put to death. Or you feel that abortion is a sin so we should kill all abortion doctors.

Your thinking is just wrong.

derek4723d ago

I wouldn't worry about it, any "group" foolish enough to brag about what constitutes committing a crime will eventually screw up. The first hack of the psn got the attention of international crime fighting agencies like the fbi who all have a vested interest in locating wherever these attacks are originating from. Ensuring the PSN is secure and that those would be hackers are found out isnot a Sony only venture there are other parties involved now.

Rashonality4723d ago

they are terrorising millions of people
there for they're terrorist
so they deserve a one way ticket to guantanamo bay

blahblah4723d ago

/*sorry, couldn't resist*/

really? hahaha. is depriving someone of online gaming some new age mass torchering method?

just what kind of suffering does depraving someone of online game entail? nausea? suicide? mental illness?

ps3destroyer4723d ago

Why do they do that?I mean if Sony was holy saints from the start why do they do all those things?Maybe it was Sony's fault to get Geohot to prison since even if they did piracy is still at large.

Christopher4723d ago

Civil suits do not result in any jail time.

Andronix4723d ago

If a major hack has happened then write about it.
But if it hasn't happened and they are getting loads of coverage it will inspire them so they get their name out there.

OmegaSlayer4723d ago

This hackers has not yet understood that in the World there are wars, genocides, people addicted, murdered kids...and they care about having stuff for free calling it freedom.

hakis864723d ago

F U hacker bastards! Please somebody stop them somehow!!!

blahblah4723d ago

well, being white hat hacker all my life and pissed because sony removed otheros (i simply retaliate peacefully with not buying any sony product)... i still can't understand these hackers. hacking once... ok, hacking twice... yea, you showed them who pwns. but doing it repeatedly makes absolutely no sense at all. kinda like beating the sh*t out of paraplegic... 15 times in a row.

although, i have to admit that reading comments here throwing hellfire on my profession almost makes me wanna hack sony just to get back at insulting morons.

zoks3104723d ago

The problem here is that the media and websites are giving these hackers too much attention, and much like terrorists and religious bigots hackers live for the attention that's why they do what they do.

Hackers live for the notoriety, websites needs to adopt a policy that makes it bannable to post any information about hackers or hacks and the hackers will evaporate in the video game scene.
Until this is done gamers will have to live in fear and anger about the reality that malicious people like hackers bring.

likedamaster4723d ago

What a slap in the face for Sony.

Not only are they going public, but they're telling everyone exactly what they're going to do and laughing in their faces about it. smh

I just hope the store goes up long enough to snatch a game or two before "the end".

+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 4723d ago
Dart894724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

Wait don't hackers always use the same route for hacking??

Edit:@Baba i'll go hack their moms:D.

Max_Dissatisfaction4724d ago

Oooooooooh!!! Internet tough guy!!
Lol its the same circle over and over again. Hackers make threats against SONY, the SONY squad gather up and
1. Call the hackers kids/virgins/grown men in basements
2. Threaten that if they ever run into one of these hackers they'd beat up/kill/mame said hackers
3. FBI!!! Ooooooooh!! FBI gonna getcha and you'll be raped in jail!/don't drop the soap! -still waiting on that to happen on from the FIRST hack, remember PS Jailbreak? Yeah.
4. Denial, denial denial. SONY's security is too strong now, it is really unhackable.
And then...hackers succeed in doing exactly what they threatened which leads to the following.
1. Denial denial denial. Its not as bad as it seems, this happens all the time, I don't need online anyway.
Repeat 1, 2 and 3

MaxXAttaxX4724d ago

No one ever seriously claimed #4.

No need to be so sensitive about this subject. You a hacker?

Drac4724d ago

Probably not a hacker just another SONY hater.

pixelsword4724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )

Gee Max, you think you're ruffling feathers but really, you kinda look sad.

firetaw4724d ago

i would have taken you seriously if you actually knew how to count from 1 to 5

pixelsword4724d ago


Max sez in his mind...



frostyhat1234724d ago

This is right on! But still you need to learn how to spell1

MaxXAttaxX4724d ago (Edited 4724d ago )


I think someone needs to take lessons from Count von Count

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4724d ago
Misterhbk4724d ago

Not this stuff again. Cant hackers just move on already? This is getting old and tired. There are much worse things happening in the world that you guys could be "rising up against." This is hurting millions of consumers but the hackers obviously don't care.

soundslike4724d ago

no shit.

Why can't they go hack an oppressive third world dictator, or hack Rush Limbaugh's show to repeat on air "I LOVE BIG BLACK ____ I LOVE BIG BLACK ____"

then they would earn my respect.

zgoldenlionz4724d ago

Those are much better ideas. lol

pixelsword4724d ago

@ soundslike

That won't happen because everyone already knows Limbaugh loves big black _____

rabidpancakeburglar4724d ago

I doubt they'll make much progress if they try

Baba19064724d ago

idiots go hack your mothers....

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"Unlock the Force: Get the Cantina Band Jam Track in Fortnite's Star Wars Event

Discover how to acquire the iconic Cantina Band Jam Track in the Fortnite x Star Wars collaboration. Gear up for an intergalactic musical journey in Fortnite's latest event.

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PlayStation Plus Hidden Gem: Magic Orbz

“I thoroughly enjoy retro-style games and with that, Magic Orbz modernises the classic brick breaking formula and it has held up beautifully.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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KentBlake1d 1h ago

This game deserves a remaster for current consoles. It was awesome on PS3.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B2d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv721d 21h ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii1d 23h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast1d 20h ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...

INMATEofARKHAM1d 17h ago

It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife1d 6h ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit1d 2h ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife1d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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