TheColbertinator5459d ago

No doubt about it.SE wants to make money but they should work on something called quality before jumping to investors

Man_of_the_year5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

I don't think we know enough yet about "quality" in regards to FFXIV since all we saw as a 20 second CGI trailer.

Also ofcourse they are thinking about the 360. It's an MMO. They need the money from subscribers to maintain the servers. There is just too much of a market when you add the PS3 install base with the 360 install base.

It's crazy to release a MMO on 1 console that has monthly fees.

Either way, i won't be playing this game on the 360 or PS3 as i don't like paying $12.50 a month for an MMO.

12 months = $120
24 months = $240
36 months = $360 ... well you get the picture.

EDIT @ Below. I'm not poor either. But to play games like MMO's you have to put in the time. I just don't have the time to put into an MMO therefor i am paying for something that i am not using. I like to be able to take my time and play other games as well. The cost just doesn't justify the means for me as i would rather play a good RPG and take my time than an MMO and feel like i am rushed because i want to utilize the high cost to play per month.

TheColbertinator5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

I'm not poor so I'm not concerned with money.MMOs are not out of the question for me since I am a hardcore PC gamer.I just want my cash to go to games that justify their quality.If FFX14 is good,I'll give it some time.

Other than DS remakes and delayed games(Dragon Quest 9,FFXIII),SE really needs to set their priorities

Montreafart5459d ago

Because Tretton said (during E3 conference - you can look it up if you dont believe me): "you can only play FF14 on OUR CONSOLE (ie PS3) in 2010."

From that sentence alone, I realized FF14 would be exclusive for the year 2010 but maybe not 2011.

TheReaper425459d ago

Saw this one coming, bet no one was surprise after FXIII going multiplat. SE repeats itself

Ichiryoka5459d ago

Q: Yesterday's trailer that was shown, was that running of a console or was it pre-rendered?

A: There were parts that were pre-rendered and parts that were running on the in-game engine.

Q: Is that the quality you're aiming for? The scene with the Galka fighting, is that what you're aiming for?

A: Yes, that is the part that was running in-engine

theKiller5459d ago

from the moment they said online!!!!

because 360 have big online community and knowing SE, they wont miss that chance since they r after MS money!! probably they want MS to pay them 50 million check to release it on their 360 as usual!!! damn SE, they r really clever and stupid at the same time!!!!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5459d ago
hay5459d ago

That was surprisingly fast.

Genesis55459d ago

Guess MS brought their cheque book with them.

Shadow Flare5459d ago

I bet if this was on 360, they'd still get charged a subscription fee lol. On top of their xbox live fee. And on top of their internet fee

Chris3995459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

"Write the cheque, MS, write the cheque..."

- Yoichi Wada

P.S. I'm curious to see the rather agile dance MS and SE do around the whole "no hard-drive" thing. Hopefully, they'll just ditch that charade of a console - the Arcade - and bite their honor on this one. MMO's can't succeed on the 360 with the Arcade and the support (b.s. support, but still) that MS is giving it. Just kill the damned thing. It only exists so that they can claim a $200 price point and so that customers can see the greater value of a Pro model.

5459d ago
Blaze9295459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Actually no, playing a MMO game on the XBox 360 is free; all you have to pay for is the MMO subscription itself <---- That applies to Xbox Live Silver, the free service.

Now on Xbox Live Gold, yeah you'd still have to pay for the subscription fee. But chances are, if your playing a MMO on the 360, that's all your playing so why even get GOLD.

As for the internet fee...umm, that applies to every system it'll be on.

SL1M DADDY5459d ago

Not really. I half suspected they would have made the announcement at the same time it was said to be "exclusive".

I can hear it now:

Yoichi Wada: "And now, exclusively for PS3 and PC, I bring you Final Fantasy XIV!!! Soon to be available on the 360."

gintoki7775459d ago

so the words only on ps3 mean nothing wow just keep taking microsoft just keep taking the game was announced for 1 day you hear about it and talk to square enix reps after bring to dark alley way hold up a gun and say bring this to the 360 or it will cost your life. then next day we are considering bringing this to other platforms

gamesmaster5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

ok so now FFXIV going multiplat will mean its not just another morpg to fanboys now.

edit: yes and no? thats what makes me laugh about fanboys, with them, game's can go from something to nothing when platform announcements are concerned.

i think the game will be great, FFXIII style battle system chaining moves, combos and spells with your friends. i think its a winner, whatever system.

menoyou5459d ago

Square-Enix sucks so I don't really care. FFXIII looks gay but FFXIV looks interesting, and I hope it destroys World of Warcraft but knowing Square-Enix's track record I doubt it.

SL1M DADDY5459d ago

So you think it is coming to the Wii? The PSP Go? Or are we posting in random code...

IdleLeeSiuLung5459d ago

"Guess MS brought their cheque book with them. "

or it could just be SE wanting to explore more ways to make money. Hmmm... what a concept other than MS bringing the cheque book. Yeah, I know mind blowing indeed!


the game that sony gamers were bragging about is a timed exclusive, lol.

gameplayer5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Isn't this game exclusive/timed exclusive on the PS3 and wouldn't that mean that Sony is the one writing a cheque to keep the game exclusive/timed exclusive? I'm sorry but the install base on either side is too large for me to honestly believe that a 3rd party would go exclusive without some serious cash these days, how have you guys possibly come to the conclusion that MS is the one writing cheques here?!

gamesmaster5459d ago

"the game that sony gamers were bragging about is a timed exclusive, lol."

the game that xbox gamers were bragging about is a multiplat, lol....

osamaq5459d ago

online gaming is made to the Xbox live, I knew it when they said final fantasy 14 ONLINE that this game is hitting the Xbox 360

SpoonyRedMage5459d ago

You know it could have been that Sony lied....

but of course none of you would assume that...

Xephon085459d ago

If it is on the 360 We can all benefit from it, it would enable more people to play the game and thus would increase the game population, which would help everyone in the game. So yes if it goes to the 360 which it might given XI was on it, it would help everyone who plays the game, frankly if you play an MMO and its vacant it sucks, the whole purpose of an MMO is to have a ton of people playing.

the only thing they have to do is solve the space issue, i doubt that old xbox360's with the 20gb and arcade would be able to handle the game unless they did something like have it run off the cd a little bit, so it could remove a big chunk of the 360 owners.

Monchichi0255459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Pie in Face for Sony!

Square must REALLY hate Sony to make them look SOOO foolish!

Tony P5459d ago

Geez. Not even a day and already talking multi after an exclusive announcement. So my main question is who screwed who?

raztad5459d ago


Are you talking about LP2 or MGs:Rising?

Anyway, I'm not sure many people was that excited about a MMORPG. Its cool for fanboys to brag about exclusivity, but an MMORPG is hardly a system seller.

IdleLeeSiuLung5459d ago

Wouldn't it be cool if PS3 and Xbox 360 owners could play this together in the same world?

On second thought (apart from the technical feasibility), you would probably only get bickering from fanboys on both sides.

MGSR THE HD VERSION5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

"SquareEnix Considering More Platforms for FFXIV Including Xbox 360"

if you look at it, how could they ignore ms if ff11 was making them tons money off of their online service. with all these expansions that SE made in the past for 360/pc, i wouldn't be surprised if this game is just a timed exclusive.

Jinxstar5459d ago

I can't fins them saying that anywhere in the press conference. Can anyone link it from the original conference?

SpoonyRedMage5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

FFXIV will be coming to the PS3 & PC. They are currently considering other hardware (including Microsoft hardware!) "

That's a direct quote.

Here's a link to the conference. It's the first thing they say.

@V: Proof?

Christopher5459d ago

FFXI makes SE a lot of money, but not on the 360. Their money is made from original PS2 and PC users.

I do see the comedy in this quick turn around. Wonder what Tretton is saying right now?

Either way, it's unlikely I'll play a FF MMORPG since they're just not my type of games.

Sarcasm5459d ago

lol that didn't take long at all

Doppy5459d ago

So why lead Sony on to believe it was in the first place. This is just a stunt so Microsoft will have an announcement at 2010 E3 saying FF 14 will be coming to the 360.

Information Minister5459d ago

It's not that I disagree with you (you may actually be right), but that doesn't change the fact that the millions of gamers with Gold accounts that might want to play FFXIV will be forced to pay 2 subscription fees. And that will put them at a disadvantage over those with Silver accounts, putting Microsoft in a very awkward situation that I'm not sure they want to be in. How would they continue justifying the Gold subscription fee then?

7ero H3LL5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

you know both ff14 and mgsr wont see the light of day by late 2010 or beginning 11.

Rob0g0rilla5459d ago

Since it's already announced for PC, it's on two platforms.

callahan095459d ago

@ Spoony, I have a feeling that this is Square screwing Sony. I believe that this is a deliberate attempt to make Sony look foolish. I mean, Sony was given the exclusive right to debut the trailer to the world. They didn't just have that trailer by dumb luck or by some weird coincidence, they didn't steal it from somewhere, the trailer was given to them, and the announcement was given the go-ahead by Square-Enix. Which means that Square led Sony to believe it was going to be exclusive only to pull the carpet out from under them immediately after. They're trying to make Sony look foolish. It's obvious. The question is: what the **** for?

RememberThe3575459d ago

It funny you say that. Because I thought when Kojima took the stage yesterday and made it clear that the "true" Metal Gear Solid game was exclusively on the PSP, looked like a pie in the face of MS.

Kojima: Metal Gear Rising is a spin off, the true sequel to Metal Gear is on the PSP. (paraphrasing)

I love this E3, Sony and Ms are going blow for blow.

thebudgetgamer5459d ago

not because it would be multi plat, but because this would be the second time they lied about being exclusiuve to one console.


SpoonyRedMage5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Or it could be Sony trying to make Square look bad.

Square gave them the trailer and said it's confirmed for PC and PS3 and then Sony said it was exclusive and they've just clarified that they're keeping their options open. Square Enix never said it was exclusive, Sony did.

EDIT: If it is Square screwing Sony it could be because Sony screwed them with FFXI.

Monchichi0255459d ago (Edited 5459d ago ) pathetic is it that you throw a PSP game as your arguement! Who the hell even cares about handheld games anyways??? We're talking PS3 vs 360 here. (P.S. Wipe your chin cuz you still have some pie on it!)

SaberEdge5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

If Microsoft get a 3rd party game to come to their platform all the PS3 fans act like they're doing something dastardly, but if Sony get's a 3rd party game to come over to their console it is just "good job Sony". When Agent and Final Fantasy XIV were announced as exclusives for the PS3 I didn't hear a peep from the PS3 fanboys about Sony writing checks or "buying exclusives".

The irony that Sony has spent millions on outright buying up studios while complaining about Microsoft paying for an exclusive game seems to be lost on these people.

The hypocrisy is astounding.


Nobody really cares if it is on PC. 90 percent of us are console gamers. Look at the sales of any PC game versus its console counterpart and you will see how marginal the PC is for gaming. In any case, we're talking about consoles here. If the game is only on PS3 and PC, then it is console exclusive to the PS3. This whole argument that because a game is on PC as well as a console it means it isn't exclusive is just a cop-out. Everybody knows that it means it is console exclusive.

FamilyGuy5459d ago

For sony to get up on stage just one day before claiming "console exclusivity" and for Square to spit back in their face like this.

I wonder where all of squre enix's sony hate came from? They weere close last gen but i guess we just didn't notice that they simply go where the money/install base is.

I'm still interested in the game but i really wish i could here sonys side of this statement. This is far beyond "rising" coming to the 360 where they never said exclusive or not, this was Sony's BEST kept secret and they claimed it exclusive yet now it has the possibility of not being exclusive?


If sony didnt throw cash out to make sure FFXIII was exclusive then there no way they'll do it for an MMO. The only reason why it has a chance of NOT coming to the 360 is the fact HDDs aren't standard on the system.

FamilyGuy5459d ago

"EDIT: If it is Square screwing Sony it could be because Sony screwed them with FFXI."

Wait, what happened? I don't know the story of that...

This really is Sonys fault, they should've bought/made SquareEnix a first party developer a LONG time ago. They were probably just WAY too expensive but Sony shoud've made the sacrifice.

Darkeyes5459d ago

Just in... Wada got swine flu for being a pig.

LionMCK5459d ago

This is the spiritual successor to a game that was also on the 360 and porting code from the PC version to either 360 or the next XBOX would be a simple process. This game will be being played even 8+ years from now of course they aren't going to lock themselves into just the PS3 and PC. Right now they are focusing on the PS3 for consoles because it is so much more popular in Japan, where a large portion of FFXI's base was. I'm surprised this is getting so much attention and I think half of you don't even realize the limited appeal of the game because of its MMO status. I'm hoping they figure out a clever way to reel in new gamers who are afraid of monthly fees. I'm an avid FFXI player since NA launch so fees don't bother me.

You guys DO realize this is a PC game that happens to also be on consoles right? The 90% of the serious gamers are going to be playing this on a PC probably. Just like FFXI it may LAUNCH on consoles but you will see the majority of people shifting to the PC version anyway. I doubt many xbox owners are really going to be left out on this one regardless of whether it remains exclusive to PS3. I'll own this on both PS3 and PC day one but you guys are really blowing this out of proportion in every single way. This is not really one of those games to get into a Sony vs MS debate.....most players will be PC, the game will have limited appeal, the game won't move many new consoles(not in the same way as a good single player FF), etc, etc.

Sez 5459d ago

maybe Sony should have waited til the check cleared before they made the annoucement. LOL

Kr1555459d ago

when jack said. Exclusive to the ps3 in 2010 I do believe he implied it was timed exclusive. FFXI. Was on 360 so thi shouldn't be a surprise. Also if your interested in this game at all you want it to show up on the 360. MMOs need people in order to not fail. The more potential customers the less likely it will be that the game will fail. And to the 360 fanboys bragging. MS pulled the same crap when they insinuated mgs:r would be exclusive

KaBaW5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

That's cool. Will prolly be good.
I prolly won't get it, though.
Ima just stick with FF13 & FF13v.

SpoonyRedMage5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Well FFXI required the the harddrive peripheral for the PS2 to play it but shortly after the release, Sony announced the Slimline which had no support for the harddrive. Therefore no support for FFXI.

Then when the PS3 was released Square had the chance to make more money on it due to the Backwards Compatibility but then shortly after Sony took BC out. That's twice they stopped support.

Keep in mind FFXI is Square's biggest money maker.

Also people think Sony treated SE really well and I say we shouldn't 100% believe this. People give the example of Sony "bailing them out" but when you think back to Spirits Within you'll see that at the box office it made 70 million at the box office. Sony took 40 million of that and Square got hit with a 90 million loss.

Square rightfully asked Sony for help but instead of just loaning Square the money, Sony decided to buy 20% of the company. In the deal Sony also made it so Square couldn't release games on non-Sony platforms.

Now that doesn't sound too bad, Sony bought part of the company and helped them right? Well if you think about it they bought part of the company with the money they got from Spirits Within.

Square obviously wasn't very happy because shortly after they announced that they funded 49% of a new company to develop games for Nintendo. The thing is the company was Square's production team 2 and the head of team 2 was the person who owned 51%.

When Enix absorbed Square they made sure the exclusivity contract didn't stick.

From a purely business standpoint Sony should have bought Squaresoft out, I agree.

airheadluffy5459d ago

seems like the best way to make easy money this generation is to announce a ps3 exclusive and wait for microsoft to bring out their cheque book. i wouldnt be surprised if microsoft manages to bring Agent to the 360.

Grooski5459d ago

Guys, seriously? Just like SE is "considering" other platforms for TLR. Its paying lip service to their fans, nothing more.

popup5459d ago

I was going to mention a story about placing greed above focus and passion but then I found some statistics on the average weight of the population.

Why have a relationship when you can be a whore?

KaBaW5459d ago

So that hopefully you don't catch any STD's, or AIDS! :O

-MD-5459d ago

You can play MMO games on live without a gold subscription I thought every idiot in the world knew this already.


It was expected. The only FF that will stay exclusive is Versus XIII, because nomura won't work anywhere else, unless Square decide to put someone else at the port (just like Konami used to do with Kojima).

This is a FF MMO, the last one was multiplatform, why should this not follow this direction in times like this where going multi is the standard.

Sony announced it as console exclusive becuase probably there is already a team working to bring it to PS3 and PC (like FF XI for PS2) but after they are done with it, they will port even to Wii if they can.

All-35459d ago

Nahhhh - Square Enix has to find ways to pay off its £84.3 million investment for Eidos PLC, the holding company for Eidos Interactive.

Also - Square Enix has a 'polymorphic' business strategy. So developing for more than just one platform isn't really their direction. Besides... FFXIV was always a mutliplatform game. The official site lists it for Windows platforms too, before Sony's E3 2009 conference and announcement.

Pika-pie5459d ago

If this is true then Im not going to believe another word that Jack Trenton utters again!

LoVeRSaMa5459d ago

I think Ill pass when it goes multi platform, just like FFXIII

Jecht5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

First, is anyone really surprised? SE doesn't make exclusives, they make "exclusives".

Second, source is an xbox fan website. Where are all the people shouting biased?

Third, CONSIDERING!!!! That is a KEY word. Just because they are considering it, doesn't mean it's going to happen. But it probably will.

Now, moving on to the 360 fans (or fanboys/girls) talking about how the 360 is "teh greatest fer teh online games" and about FFXI going to it, I have a few things to say.

First, no the 360 is not the greatest. Yeah, it's got something great in Live, but the truth is that Live is PLAGUED with problems. I won't bother getting into an argument with 360 fanboys over what, because you know what, you just don't want to admit it. Second, FFXI only went to the 360 because if it didn't, SE would have lost a f*ckton of money since Sony stopped supporting the harddrive for the PS2. SE had no choice. And even still, few 360 gamers cared.

And next, this stupid installed base argument is so lame. Microsoft doesn't report actual sold consoles, they report shipped consoles. And you have no idea if Microsoft is counting RROD'd units, so you have no accurate number for their installed base. For all you know, it could be LESS than the PS3, but the point is that no one knows but Microsoft. And if you trust big businesses, then you're the most naive person in the world and I'm amazed you made it this far in life.

Pure and simple, SE are stupid and greedy. Fact, the PS3 makes money for developers as being the ONLY console that hasn't been pirated. Fact, all PS3's have a harddrive, which is perfect for MMO's. Fact, PS3 users want any kind of RPG's so they will play any kind of RPG's. If you DON'T think that MS has anything to do with this, then again you're naive.

Wada is a fool who will drive SE into the ground with his plainly foolish, unwavering support of a console whose base cares absolutely nothing for the genre that the company he runs is all about. All while ignoring the console that WANTS the games the company he runs is all about. And when it comes down to it, SE is operating under shady business practices, foolish moves, and repackaging of ideas. And that is NOT how Japanese business is conducted, which is why SE is losing all credibility as a serious and influential game development and publishing company.

BLuKhaos5459d ago

meh seeing as this is more like a sequel to FFXI and that wasn't exclusive I don't see why this would be so surprising, after all this is Squeenix we're talking about.

pumpkinpunker5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Who says MS has to pay money to get this on the 360?

SE is releasing the game for both Microsoft Windows and the PS3. All MS has to do is refuse to license Windows to SE and SE is effectively screwed seeing how the majority of revenue received from an MMO is from the PC community.

Sony fanboys need to get a perspective on how huge a force Microsoft is in the gaming world because of Windows. Square has to open it's checkbook to Microsoft.

popup5459d ago

@Jecht. Nicely and wisely put.

Megatron085459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Will this isnt the 1st time $ony has used their check book to keep developers from announcing games on other platfroms. Anyone remember when $ony broke out the check book to keep ubisoft from announcing AC on the 360

I said this would happen anyways

thesummerofgeorge5458d ago

And nothings even been confirmed (not that it wuld make sense if it were anyway). They're CONSIDERING other consoles, slow down people.

vhero5458d ago

Are you all stupid?? they said considering they are not confirming crap! Did you eve read the title let alone the article?? Also Square said more platforms they didn't mention the 360 or any other system just thinking about other systems so it would probably mean a delayed release. So stop spouting crap saying Sony lost an exclusive over 360 before its actually been announced will ya?

God damn fanboys...

Tito Jackson5458d ago

If they were considering going multiplat, than 360 was a logical choice. The MAJORITY of multiplat games sell better on the 360. I didn't say ALL, I said the MAJORITY. Whats all the fuss about?

+ Show (62) more repliesLast reply 5458d ago
Genesis55459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

MS will spend any amount of cash to avoid Sony having this as an exclusive. It's what they do best.

soxfan20055459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

MS doesn't need money to entice third parties - 30+ million Xbox 360's, and the potential revenue for a developer to make a game available on the 360, is more than enough. Selling more consoles is what MS does best.

EDIT @ below - so, I guess third parties make PS3 games for free out of the goodness of their hearts. I mean, you make it sound like Sony doesn't pay for anything.

EDIT @ 2.3 - MS offers a used 20gb hard drive for $30 to buyers of the Arcade. The 60gb is $100 new.

menoyou5459d ago (Edited 5459d ago )

Actually they do need money because these are japan centric games. Square-Enix has sold jack this gen (low sales records for their company) because all their RPGs have been on 360. Also many developers are very open about how Microsoft throws money at them for exclusivity or to break Sony's exclusivity.

Xephon085459d ago

Its a 30 mil userbase with an astrix, the people who have an arcade have to purchase a HDD which isn't too much to assume they would but its what $100 for it? so its conditional at 30 million, but there is a good chunk that wouldn't have access to it right away.

Nitrowolf25459d ago

I am not surprise by this at all.

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Final Fantasy XIV fans can now properly benchmark their PCs and check out some of what's coming to their game this summer.

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Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn Review | TheXboxHub

Richard writes: Final Fantasy XIV Online on Xbox is built for newcomers.

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Xbox Profanity Filter Is Ruining the FFXIV Chat

The Xbox profanity filter is currently ruining the readability of the FFXIV chat on Xbox Series X/S due to censored words.

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Snookies1242d ago

Lol, damn... At this point, they were better off keeping FF XIV away from Xbox. It has been nothing but obstacle, after obstacle.

gold_drake42d ago

wanted to say the exact same thjng.

VenomUK41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

What happens if you say things that used to get you banned on Twitter e.g. 'a man can't be a woman'?

RedDevils40d ago

*insert gift*
"Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina."

40d ago
DivineHand12541d ago

I'm not convinced this is the profanity filter. It doesn't make sense to censor words like class, harvest and dance. It seems to be a bug.

41d ago
TheGamingHounds40d ago

Well, FF14 itself has some pretty awful chat censoring so Xbox being in the same boat isn't too farfetched

Eidolon40d ago

it censored the S T D in "harvest dance" and I bet the A S S in class. I know this because of Runescape

Aphrodia41d ago

Yeah these new fangled filters are going a bit too far. I have a game that filters "wtf". It's a censor for a self-censoring phrase. But I think overall it's how it should be. If you don't want certain language being used in your game by your player base, then it's up to you to filter/ censor the language you don't want. I can respect that. What I can't respect is when you say things that are not really offensive then you get ostracized for it.

shinoff218341d ago

What happened to just reporting people


This is completely false, I tested this on my son's child account and mine, this is not Microsoft censoring they will censor swears but not the combination of letters I can prove this with a screenshot where I use all mentioned words in the article but do not know how to upload a picture.


You can all continue your bashing, I was wrong someone explained to me this is a new policy, that's why it only happens for me in this brand new release. I'll try latter on ps to confirm but their response seemed informed wich leaves me rather worried for future censorship on my xbox.

CrimsonWing6941d ago

Geezus, Xbox, you get gifted gold and still f*ck things up.


It's not xbox, go ahead start a chat with the youngest person on your friends list then say raid mass class sass said .... they do not censor any of these I even got away with R.Aids. sqaure on the other hand does.

CrimsonWing6941d ago

Does this affect PC and PS4/PS5 users, too? Or is it only happening on Xbox?

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