
What Went Wrong with PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale?

Push Square: "PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is an excellent game. It may lack polish in areas – the menus in particular are some of the worst we’ve ever seen – but the core gameplay is superb. Developer SuperBot Entertainment clearly invested a lot of time into making each character’s fighting style unique, and it results in a brawler that’s as entertaining to watch as it is to play.

"However, despite a slew of positive reviews – including a firm thumbs-up from the website you’re reading – the game is struggling to make an impression at retail.

"The question is: what's gone wrong?"

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Kamikaze1354196d ago

The game itself seems like a hell of a lot of fun. I just wish they put a lot more effort into the story mode and added some more modes....more cutscenes, voice acting, a decent story.

Akuma-4196d ago

nothing went wrong with playstation all stars except people bad mouthing it calling it a copy or people wishing it was like other game. i love playstation all stars for what it is and wouldn't change a thing. the devs made a game that they wanted to so you either like it or you dont. i love this game.

Outside_ofthe_Box4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

Exactly. Nothing went wrong with the game. Is there room for improvement? Sure, but that goes for every game. PS All-Stars Battle Royale is definitely a nice solid first effort by SuperBot.

MaxXAttaxX4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

The game definitely has room for improvement. However, nothing went legitimately wrong with the game itself.

Why can't they write an article about WHAT WENT RIGHT instead?

nerdkiller4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

@ akuma: why im i not surprised you love it, anything sony makes you love. they could be selling bags of doggy doodie and you love it.I have a ps3 but i dont like every sony game, same goes for nintendo and msoft

Nexgensensation4196d ago

I agree with you 100% about, "i dont like every sony game, same goes for nintendo and msoft."

but for PSASBR the only thing that went wrong was the characters and the name of the title. having the name playstation all stars limits the character roster.

This game is only limited towards playstation, that means seeing a 3rd party character in this game kind of turn this game into a mash up! this game should have been called advertiser fighter! lol

in fact the only thing that went well for the game was the game play.
do you guys remember quantum theory? the only thing that went well for that game was the game play! why? it played similar to gears of war.

MizTv4189d ago

Couldn't agree more dude
I fn love this game
And yes raiden is my boy!!!!!

MizTv4189d ago

And I'm happy it doesn't feel like ssbm
I like it the way it is

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4189d ago
killatia4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

I wish the game had more game modes as well but its still a fun game. If anything the only thing wrong with Playstaion All Stars is a lack of marketing for the game.

Also lack of Crash and Spyro

Williamson4196d ago

How many game modes are there? just 2?

Kennytaur4196d ago

In terms of combat itself: There are three victory conditions and the choice of FFA or 2v2,combined that makes six.

But there's also a couple different challenge modes. Character specific and general.

MaxXAttaxX4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

1v1, 2v2(team), 1v3/3v1 and FFA.
Time Limit, Stock Limit, and Kill Limit.

jakmckratos4196d ago

Yeah...I mean thy had the oppurtunity for so much more..could of had more boss fights from PS games..more interaction than just ONE cutscene..god that really pisses me off that they touted their "rivalries" so much and all it was was one less-than-a-minute-long video that was prety hit or miss with some of those rivalres making NO sense like Radec vs. Sir Dan or Evil Cole vs. Fat Princess....single player for PS All Stars 2 must be more enoyable. Id also like a mode that featured a health bar....the super thing can get pretty annoying

Knight_Crawler4196d ago

LOL...story will never happen because most of these guys are X Nintendo developers who worked on Smash Bros and we all know Nintendo does not give an F about Story because we can save the princess a million times.

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Deku-Johnny4196d ago

One of the problems is they don't have enough 1st party characters for a game that celebrates their 1st party characters.

TenkoTAiLS4196d ago

Yeah that always baffled me, it's called Playstation All-Stars and yet a good portion of them are not owned by Sony or the Playstation brand at all. Even the extra characters people are yammering for are not owned by them. It kind of goes to show just how few memorable or decent characters Sony has these days. NOT GAMES, before people jump all over me, i am talking characters here!! Bring back proper mascots!! Bring back unique characters and not just <insert generic guy with guns>!!

P_Bomb4196d ago

There are lots of Sony owned charachters that aren't playable in-game, so it doesn't "go to show how little there are". They're out there but they capped it at 20 for launch for whatever reason. The first SuperSmashBros though, only had around 10 charachters give or take.

There's 2 more coming as free DLC while some of Sony's best exclusives still aren't represented yet with in-game charachters (Resistance, Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza, Journey, Warhawk, Syphon Filter). All added unique charachters to the Sony brand and/or histories. I'd rather have Kazuma Kiryu in a fighter over another fuzzy/furry/kiddy mascot. Not sure why they didn't add him when they have a guy from Tekken, who is a beast btw.

But point is, the charachters *are* there. Just odd they'd have no Chimera for example, despite having Resistance arenas and player pics/backgrounds.

Nexgensensation4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

I'd rather have Kazuma Kiryu in a fighter over another fuzzy/furry/kiddy mascot.

lol fuzzy furry and kiddy mascot!

your whole logic on this type game style is bacwards! lol i bet if they had only fuzzy furry and kiddy mascots this game would have been perfect.

I think you would like ryu from street fighter in a game like gears of war!

2.) if the only difference of the game is building meter and releasing special moves at the right time to the opposing building enough percentage and knocking enemies off the stage, the game isnt such a big difference.

3.) if superbot didn't want to be as similar to ssb they should have made a addiction to the fighting genre not borrowed.

P_Bomb4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

[QUOTE]I think you would like ryu from street fighter in a game like gears of war[/QUOTE]

Because I think a Sony exclusive brawler like Kazuma Kiryu would work well in a Sony exclusive brawler like PSABR?What's wrong with that?

Are you at all familiar with the gameplay in the Yakuza games? It's punches/kicks/throws and over the top finishers. PSABR is all about punches/kicks/throws and over the top finishers. How do you see that in a 'StreetFighter Ryu in Gears of War' context? Pretty sure I don't have Superbot's concept backwards. They already have guys like Heihachi from Tekken. Kiryu'd be a shoe-in.

TenkoTAiLS4194d ago

And how many of those games/characters you mentioned owned or developed by Sony? Valkryira Chronicles and Yakuza aren't, they are Sega IP's. Demon's Souls isnt a Sony exclusive or owned by them. Starhawk had a generic guy with a gun last I checked, as does Syphon Filter and Resistance, tho they are exclusive to Sony and the IP's owned by them. Journey's studio may have been funded by Sony originally so I could let you off with that one, but they are now independent.

You missed my point entirely, a lot of the characters even in this list you have are either not Sony owned IP or unique characters. Sure you could add those three extra guys with guns to your roster but what makes them unique? What could they do that another guy with guns can't?

At least Smash Bros until the introduction of "guest" characters had only Nintendo owned or developed characters. They didn't have to borrow other studios stuff or ask anyone for permission. My point was, that Sony, as a whole doesn't have that many unique characters anymore. They are mostly 3rd party or guys with guns aside from the few already in the game that actually do belong to them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4194d ago
Kennytaur4196d ago

Keep going, you might make it to just one bubble yet.

Silly gameAr4196d ago

A couple more of these articles, and we might just figure this puzzle out.

cleft54196d ago

One of the major problems was that the damage you did to the other characters only builds meter, which is just a bad idea. It surprises me that the fighting game guy they hired, Seth something, didn't explain to them properly why this was such a poor idea. Then you had the fact that you couldn't k/o players by knocking them out of the stages. I know they made these decisions to limit the comparisons to Smash Brothers, but they should have just added this and not worried about it.

Also the insistence that this isn't a Smash Brothers rip off is just silly. Smash Brothers is hardly the first game like that, PowerStone anyone, so there was nothing to be a shamed of at all, rather they should have been proud of their game and boasted that they where offering something new to that genre of games.

Kennytaur4196d ago

I don't know if you've played it or not, but the supers based gameplay has its merits. The fact that you can take others AP or just make them lose it while building your own is actually a very interesting and fresh take on the genre. I thought it was kinda crap at first, but it grows on you and I'm glad it's different from Smash Bros, cause if I want to play SSB, I play SSB.

And with the inclusion of the gorgon head item that can KO, we might see some interesting evolution with additional game modes or something take place. The next gen sequel could be truly amazing.

smashcrashbash4196d ago

You are talking complete BS. Please if you have nothing sensible to add to the conversation please don't talk.If you had actually played the game which I doubt you did you would see that the build up meter crap as you call it works very well. It is not as simple as just building a meter it is the whole risk and reward and unleashing it at the right time. Just because they wanted to do their own thing and didn't follow SSB because you believe that the game is no good because you can't throw people off of stages is just the type of ignorance that prevents games from carving their own niche into the gaming world.

People are so stupid that they can't simply just let a game be what it wants to be instead of insisting that it should be like another game.You can't drop it and harp on and on about what what game it should be like instead of accepting it for what it is. It's like the people who insist everything should be like Halo because that is what they cling to and you feel everyone should toss aside their own ideas just so they can follow what ever you think they should.It's exactly like Okami were people INSISTED they were following Zelda when in reality it was even better then Zelda but ignorant gamers could see passed that to see the wonderful game Okami was and just marked it off as a Zelda clone.

Please just stop with what went wrong with every PS3 game that comes out. We got the scores it was above average and I seriously couldn't give a crap about what gamers think these days after watching a ton of good games get ignored for a bunch of mainstream games that developers crap out every year. PASBR is fun and challenging and the MP rocks especially 2vs2. If you don't play it you are just missing out on ANOTHER good game just like Resistance 3 and Rayman Origins and it's your loss. Keep up the narrow mindedness and see where gaming ends up.

SmilyTheSyko4195d ago

I totally agree with everything you said, every game that comes out always could have been something else every game can get delayed over and over again adding and changing and new trailers everyone goes wow i cant wait but well never play it. Games have to stop adding things one day and release so we can play them. I love playstation all stars battle royal its so much fun. Resistance 3 was as well. I cannot wait to get the last of us i have it preordered already. I have all 3 systems (i save my money :) but my favorite system for fun games is Ps3 because of the exclusives. Almost all not 100% all of them are great a few do suck but so do some for all systems. Killzone resistance uncharted infamous are all great games and many others are as well.

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A Decade Later: 5 Things PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Did Well

While Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale didn't get the best review, there are still some aspects of the game that deserve some credit.

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Launched 10 Years Too Early

Though PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale is a bit of a cult classic, it could have been a big hit if it launched in 2022 instead of 2012.

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Inverno560d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69560d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop560d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard560d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi560d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin560d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus567d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer566d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.