
Spencer Clarifies His Statement About 1080p Resolution, Talks About New IPs, Gears of War & More

Spencer on resolution, frame rate, 4K gaming, Gears of War, new features and new IPs.

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JeffGUNZ3560d ago

The best thing MS did was make this man the head of Xbox.

MasterCornholio3560d ago (Edited 3560d ago )

I agree.

It still stuns me why Microsoft chose Mattrick over Phil. Things would have been very different if Phil was in charge.

Anyways I'm glad he is doing a fine job but I have to admit that he messed up a little with Tomb Raider.


"People have a distorted view of what Mattrick accomplished at MS."

I didn't imagine the things he did with the Xbox One and I'm sure plenty of Xbox fans are happy that he's gone.

"He also spearheaded Kinect 1 which did 26 million sold in hardware and is responsible for Xbox live being in 40 plus million homes."

You think that anyone's happy with that especially with all the crappy Kinect games they the Xbox 360 had? Phil was correct in removing Kinect from the Xbox One bundle since many people dont like it. Oh and Kinect didn't sell 40 million FYI.

gamerfan09093560d ago

Mattrick was a very highly thought of executive in EA when he was brought in and he increased Xbox's usebase from what it was in the beginning to over 80 million homes. He's also the main guy people point to for building the relationships with Activision and EA. He also spearheaded Kinect 1 which did 26 million sold in hardware and is responsible for Xbox live being in 40 plus million homes. People have a distorted view of what Mattrick accomplished at MS.

darthv723560d ago

@gamerfan...just to be clear, don't confuse the number of units sold as equating to the number of homes.

I have three 360's myself and they were not purchased due to RROD. I like to collect variants so having the original white, the black elite and the newer slim all contributed to those total sales.

As far as Phil is concerned...there is much ground to be made up in regards to getting the gamers to take notice of the system and its games. Making all sorts of bundles helps but securing their own legit exclusives on top of helping 3rd parties to develop the best they can make using the xb1 are very high on the list.

hello123560d ago (Edited 3560d ago )

Master@ He didn't mess up anything. Sony fans are the ones reacting. Why would an x box fan be upset by this? After gamescom i see lot of people switching sides least people claiming they owned a PS4 and have decided to buy a x box`1 now. They regret their decision of buying a PS4. Dont take my word for it you'll find all this on x box reddit.

Higher frame rate is better than 1080p . It just is.

i'll take a 900p 60 frames shooter over a 1080p 30 frame shooter everyday. Thats just me. The 360 native resolution was 480p jeez . If you care so much about resolution why you own a console that barely has any triple aaa 1080p 60 frame games. Go and buy a PC knock yourself's out.

NeoGamer2323560d ago

How much of the 80 million was based on momentum MS had from Peter Moore's leadership? Peter Moore was the one who brought GTA IV DLC exclusively to X360, and made sure Gears was an X360 exclusive.

The relationship improvements with EA and Activision were probably more about Peter Moore than Mattrick. Moore made MS 3rd party friendly. Mattrick kept the ball rolling.

Kinect was something Gates talked about many years earlier. Obviously MS had been working on it for many years before Mattrick joined.

It's not like Mattrick came in and everything changed. It changed over a period of time that started long before Mattrick came in.

OC_MurphysLaw3560d ago (Edited 3560d ago )

Mattrick was good for Xbox in that he really did help spear head the 360 into the system it turned into. So he should get some credit there.

The problem with Mattrick was and is that he thinks like a suit more than a gamer. It wasn't evident early on as the 360 had so many good things going for it but as he got more control of it you saw the suit in him taking over more an more. He is and was very old guard in thinking.

Mattrick had major influence on the design choices for Xbox One and it showed from their early plans. Its original plan felt like something derived by a suit who follows the stock trends among others rather than really looking at what made the 360 successful and he ignored many of the danger signs that were showing at the tail end of 2012 imo

Xbox is 100% better for not having him there and Spencer leading the charge.

redwin3560d ago

@neogamer, I totally agree. Moore was the original dreamcast guy that came to MS and got the ball Rollin in xboxlive because it didn't work well with sega. Then he left MS and now is working with EA and now we have EA access. This is all his plan, he got this hole generation of online gaming stated. I remember the other consoles saying: you don't need online gaming, you don't need a hardrive, you don't need broadband. Just like they are saying you don't need the power of the cloud. Lol. Maybe they are right, but when we try it, we like it then we want it and for that I'm thankful .

ABizzel13560d ago (Edited 3560d ago )

I agree with him on higher framerate vs resolution, but framerate is extremely important for any game. No one wants a game that's unplayable due to bad framerate, but a solid 30fps is good enough for most games.

4k gaming is technically possible on smaller PSN / XBLA games, but full fledged retail games aren't going to happen. PS360 games should be capable of hitting 2k, as long as they keep the original framerate and keep graphics improvements to a minimum (just improve textures, lighting, and effects).

I'm interested in seeing the XBO TGS and Japan launch. I have low hopes for MS success in Japan, but I want to see how hard are they going to try.

Mistwalker should be showing an IP
Scalebound footage
Phantom Dust footage
Japanese Indie games

Possible Exclusives
Dynasty Warrior Xbox Heroes (I called it first)
Dead or Alive 6 (could be exclusive, because MS can easily pay to make up loss PS4 sales)

Multiplats demoed
Tomb Raider (taking dat money, but congrats to MS as businessmen)
Resident Evil Remake (same as Tomb Raider)

Other games
Tekken 7
Final Fantasy 15
Kingdom Hearts 3

What would be a Megaton for MS at TGS?
Monster Hunter Exclusive / Timed Exclusive

bouzebbal3559d ago

i don't like this guy.. he's as fake as all his fellow colleagues..

i remember him say no more than 6 months ago that Gears of War has become irrelevant and a few weeks later they buy the licence. this is my problem with MS, they end up biting their tails everytime and talking in all directions.

turdburgler10803559d ago

Don mattrick is just tanking zynga's stock. That guy is a cancer to the gaming community.

donthate3559d ago

Don Mattrick did a lot of good things for gaming and I agree with gamerfan that fangirls has a distorted view of him, but fangirls in general has a distorted view.

Phil Spencer is great, but I sincerely hope he will include more Kinect features into gaming. I loved it on Mass Effect 3, and a drop in resolution (even optionally) to get new experiences would be awesome.

They way we interact with games need to evolve beyond just a controller!

Don't get me wrong the controller is awesome, but why not move it forward.

Mega243559d ago

Marc Whitten did more then the Mattrick cancer did. Now his gone, to make Sonos a better place.

Kosmacz3559d ago (Edited 3559d ago )

While i agree Phil is better in terms of PR i doubt it would be anything different. Microsoft strategy is not a strategy of one single man. It's a strategy of corporation, and it was agreed by a team at least. It's just stupid to think that Phil would change anything. We don't even know what was he really thinking these times.
He in fact was saying things in line of Mattrick strategy.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3559d ago
ThatOneRiggaNob3560d ago

so true but even a rat could do a better job than mattrick.

gamerfan09093560d ago

Look up what Mattrick did for 360 before and after he became the head executive there instead of going off of 1 bad year.

ThatOneRiggaNob3560d ago

I know what he did for the 360 but we're not talking about the 360 now are we? This is about Xbox One NOT Xbox 360.

fr0sty3560d ago

Mattrick definitely looks like a rat...

Imalwaysright3559d ago (Edited 3559d ago )

"instead of going off of 1 bad year"

Not sure if serious -_- The man almost destroyed the brand itself with the draconian policies he wanted to implement. What he accomplished last gen wouldn't mean nothing if he went ahead with them and all the years and billions that MS invested into to making the Xbox a competitive brand would have gone down the drain. There is a very good and legitimate reason why he was asked to leave the company.

mixolydian_id3559d ago

I do think that Matrick has taken a beating that he probably doesn't deserve.

Im not a fan of getting on the bandwagon, nor a fan of being deliberately opposing.

But surely he's done a fair bit more for the platform then people will know. Industry execs travel the world, away from their family and bare the brunt of overwhelming ridicule/praise. They're an accompanying face to the product, almost a poster boy!

There are a lot of people responsible for the Xbox reveal "mess" (though I preferred the DRM version) but he is simply just a face, a representative of a large group of people that pooled together to create a new vision.

Phil's doing great... but he has simply picked up the pieces and followed the feedback instructions.

If Mattrick had stayed, he'd be doing the exact same... but would be an easy target for haters.

It's better he take his experience elsewhere because his name (and the xbox brand) was sure to receive further bashing. They did the right thing cutting him loose, it had gotten political.

Now the xbox team as a whole, have done a great job and I respect the way Spencer communicates their work to the masses. Biggest and most death defying xbox 180 in history. They certainly did not bounce back from the windows 8 debacle so quickly.

That is all

insomnium23559d ago

My god you think it was up to Mattrick to decide on wether to implement DRM and such? I'm at a loss for words here folks.

Don took the hit for the corporate eff up and now he gets all the BS talk and blame thrown at him too? Come on people you are not that stupid are you?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3559d ago
DeathOfTheFanBoy3560d ago

Agreed, he's a gamer and he's likable, pretty much the opposite of Don, he was a right smarmy git!

Can't wait for GoW news!

MasterCornholio3560d ago

I agree with you especially after Son almost destroyed the Xbox brand with his stupid policies. I think its fantastic that Phil is in charge because he's the only one who can turn the Xbox brand around. Just look at all the improvements that he did already.

dragon823559d ago

You do understand that he probably wasn't the only person behind those policies right? As the figure head he is just the fall guy when things go bad. This applies to anyone in that role. The President takes the heat for the rest of government branches because he is the figure head. Same goes in business. No one person is singlehandedly making all the decisions.

brotherlymoses3560d ago

And including Kinect with every xbox one

-said no one ever!

christocolus3560d ago


I couldn't agree more. The guy is so straightforward.,doesn't shy away from discussing sensitive topics. I'm really happy he is at the helm of the division and also glad to see MS developing and owning more ips. This could also mean more studios will be created& maybe aquired. However they plan on doing it is their business, i'm just glad MS is finally stepping up to creating more ips.

I'm also looking forward to the reveal of gears.

Flamingweazel3559d ago

Spencer was behind all the DRM, TV deal, The PR gaff about tomb raider. He was 8 years hea dof MS meagre first party studiios, ruined rare, he was championing all the DRM< SPin and bad PR last year...Xbots have short memories.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3559d ago
Software_Lover3560d ago

If people stop taking EVERYTHING people say out of context and then blasting it all over the internet, they wouldn't have to clarify.

And just to clarify (lol), this happens in everything. Politics, sports, everything. It just depends on the agenda the person doing the reporting is about.

gamerfan09093560d ago

I can't begin to fathom what a next gen Gears of War would even look or play like. I'd probably soil myself with that reveal.

tgunzz3560d ago

Right with ya!! I just hope that they capture the grit, and intensity of gears, and there will be no problem at all. Looking for to the constant introduction of new IPs as well...

OpenGL3559d ago

It is pretty exciting to think about, Gears of War 1 was one of the first games that was truly "next-gen" when it released in 2006, hopefully a new game in the franchise would be equally impressive.

LazyGoron3560d ago (Edited 3560d ago )

"Agree on IP, we need to own more.
-Phil Spencer

Not that it means anything, but I love how he uses "own" in relation to attaining new IP. Funny with all the talk about MS "buying" exclusives throughout the years that he would say "own IP's" as opposed to create them, fund them, help them, nurture them. I don't know what word he could use but using "own" is very ironic.

HappyWithOneBubble3560d ago

They plan on buying more timed exclusives. MS could be talking to a developer right now but whom that may be and what game they trying to get, we don't know right now.

christocolus3560d ago

They plan on buying more timed exclusives? Wth? He said “We need to own more ips” and all you got from that is they are buying more timed exclusives?lmao. You guys are hilarious.

Did you read the article at all?

imt5583559d ago (Edited 3559d ago )


Quote :

They plan on buying more timed exclusives? Wth? He said “We need to own more ips” and all you got from that is they are buying more timed exclusives?lmao. You guys are hilarious.

Did you read the article at all?

Did you read CVG article, the full interview?

Quote :
I don't know if you're going to see a tonne of them from just availability, because a lot of third-party publishers will just go out and do them on their own.

So, MS wanted to buy ( and still want ) 3rd party exclusives, but they said NO!


Quote :

He didn't mess up anything. Sony fans are the ones reacting. Why would an x box fan be upset by this? After gamescom i see lot of people switching sides least people claiming they owned a PS4 and have decided to buy a x box`1 now. They regret their decision of buying a PS4. Dont take my word for it you'll find all this on x box reddit.

Better to gave us link instead spew bull****.

gamerfan09093560d ago

Who cares how the IP ends up on the system. I could care less if they bought some studio out for a couple of thousand and had them make a game or if they bought an exclusive for a couple of million. Makes no difference to me as long as I get good games.

LazyGoron3560d ago

Well yeah I am not saying that having, creating, owning new IP's is bad. IP's are good regardless for consoles regardless of "how" they got there.

I strongly believe there's something to be said for "the way you do your business". I love new IP's for my PS4/Wii U and want X1 to get good exclusives because the more and better X1 exclusives are, the harder the PS4/Wii U devs will try to up their own game.

That said... I personally prefer the way Sony and Nintendo "do their business". That's my opinion so that's how I've spent my money. I don't like the 180's MS has pulled over the last year, I don't like that early adopters of X1 were screwed over for an attempt at quick sales, I don't like that MS thinks it better to trick customers with wording than to be honest with them, I don't like that every other company provides "sold to customer" numbers and MS shows "shipped"

I could go on but if MS was a person, they'd be the shadiest person on the block!

boneso823559d ago

Why not just let 3rd party devs release on all platforms so that all gamers can enjoy that game.

Do you think MS paying for 3rd party exclusives is good for gamers? Do you think that MS think it's good for gamers?

Paying a large sum of money to essentially deny the vast majority of the gaming community from playing a 3rd party game is... is... is... the practice makes me so annoyed i can't repeat the neccessary adjectives on here!

(Just incase your wondering, i own a 360, PS4 and PC, not a fanboy)

incendy353560d ago (Edited 3560d ago )

Fund, Help and Nurture do not pertain to owning something. Create and attain are good words, but only cover distinct aspects of owned IP. Own is the correct word to use in that context and means nothing more than what it says.

rainslacker3559d ago

You may be reading too much into the use of that one word.

I agree with your sentiment, but there are many ways to own an IP, whether it be buying them, or creating them.

Spotie3559d ago

I think it's more about how it looks. Rather than creating and developing IPs, they seem to be prone to buying them, like Gears.

Microsoft is, obviously, under a lot of scrutiny; stuff like this doesn't help them.

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cruzngta3560d ago

Hes 100% right. What good is a high rez count if the frames are dropping. I would rather have a game at 900p and a locked 60 than 1080 and an inconsistent one. In a perfect world 1080/60 is what every game should be but we dont live in a perfect world and that is just the way it is. Even the PS4 has a few games at 900p and a host of them at 30fps including the long delayed Driveclub which looks amazing graphically in 1080p. They still wound up going with 30fps cuz they knew they couldnt push the visuals like that if they didnt. People are way to caught up in all of this shit and need to get a life or get laid.

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All Hopes I Had For A Prey Sequel Have Been Crushed — Well Done, Microsoft

The magnificent Prey was once again abandoned as Microsoft disregarded Arkane Austin's achievements and crucified it just for Redfall.

RaidenBlack1d 1h ago

well, not entirely ... the main Arkane studio i.e Arkane Lyon's still there ...
Its only that, the sequel will take more time now ... after Blade & Dishonored 3

MrBaskerville5h ago

But who knows, Dishonored 3 could have been Austins next project, so might be cancelled.

-Foxtrot1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Not even this Prey

Still longing for a sequel to the original Prey with Tommy

The studio didn't even want to call this Prey, it was just Bethesda being dicks to them for some reason.

RaidenBlack19h ago

MS closed Roundhouse Studios (ex-Human Head Studios) as well

Yui_Suzumiya8h ago

Yeah, that's who was going to do the original sequel.

bunt-custardly12m ago

Don't worry there are some other games in development that might fill that void. Look up Vigilancer.

isarai15h ago

Came here to say this, my hooes for a Prey sequel died when this "Prey" came out

Profchaos6h ago

Prey 2017 still hurts to play because what could have been looked so incredible

Profchaos6h ago

Same Bethesda basically screwed over the original developer team human head back around 2011 so it was really never going to come despite a honestly amazing trailer. I liked prey 2017 but it always held a stink of disappointment due to what we never got

FinalFantasyFanatic1h ago

I really didn't like this game, tried it because of how loved the original Prey was, played the demo of this one and thought it was garbage, it didn't feel nice/fun to play.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 12m ago
LostPotato1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Keep dreaming then as Prey and Dishonored 2 did not sell well enough to get sequels.

Hence we got Deathloop and Redfall instead.

RaidenBlack19h ago

lol, Deathloop came from Prey: Mooncrash idea

Unknown_Gamer57948h ago

To everyone who cheered MS’s acquisitions, we told you so…

Inverno6h ago

Those people will just argue that Arkane Austin and Tango would've been shut down either way.

MrBaskerville5h ago

Zenimax allready put them in a tight spot by demanding them to do a multiplayer title. So it's not unlikely, considering how bad the game performed. They didn't stand a chance. MS had the money to save them and to correct Zenimax' mistakes.

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Persona 5 Royal Review - Gamerhub UK

Atlus wins over gamers yet again.

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Rutaprkl1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Persona 5 Royal is my top 10 game of all time. A true masterpiece.

Barlos15h ago

Same here. Not only is it one of my favourite RPGs, it's also one of my favourite ever games. I keep coming back to it time and time again.

CrimsonWing6911h ago

4.8? This game is literally one of the best modern JRPGs. I’d give it the perfect score.


Top Spin 2K25 Review - TheGamer

TheGamer Writes "The tennis sim is as good as ever, but is lacking basic features that make this worthwhile at this stage."

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smolinsk1d ago

The gameplay is fantastic. Not sure what can be more important then that?

HankHill16h ago

I like how one of the cons is that it's the only tennis game on the market. What does that have to do with the game?