
Sony Reacts to PS4's May NPD Victory: Calls it "Best Place to Play" Innovative IP and Big Releases

May’s NPD numbers are out, and Sony Computer Eentertainment sent in a press release commenting on just another month in which the PS4 left behind its rival Microsoft in unit sales for the United States.
Senior Vice President of PlayStation Brand Marketing Guy Longworth shared the company’s victorious statement.

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XiYakushijuAkeginuXi3609d ago

Looks like it will be Wii U vs Xbone this generation

XiSasukeUchiha3609d ago

PS4 has its own class while Wii U and Xbone duke it out; so confirmed!

xHeavYx3609d ago

It was pretty obvious that Sony would win May, the $400 Xbox One is coming out next month, so it will be interesting to see the numbers. My bet is that the PS4 will still win, but the gap will be closer

thekhurg3609d ago

I wonder what EA's thoughts are on not bringing Titanfall to the PS3/PS4 - especially after this sales domination for next gen.

AGaryColemanClone3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

Microsoft was giving a 60 dollar game away with the Xbox One along with massive retailer incentives before they were forced to officially drop the price down to $399.

Anyone expecting some miracle recovery next month for the Xbox One are just setting themselves up for disappointment.

Ballsack3609d ago

Congratulations Sony..

June should be much better for the xbox one with the cheaper price (though that comes at a cost, no camera) plus sunset overdrive

Wonder if we will see truefan & George in this thread...

Lawboy23609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )


Has anyone read this article...it's not one sided...it tells u that all three systems did well

Edit- sorry I'm not tryna rain on sony parade they indeed won this month...I'm just saying that the xbox one sales aren't as abysmal as so many want to think....the sales for hardware for the month were through the roof....which is good for the gaming industry as a whole

@ John Doe

I probably worded it poorly I was trying to say the story was written a little differently and painted all the systems in a good light...which I'm not saying abriael didn't because he said Microsoft has not released a press release they just gave more information for hardware sales in may

Edit 2- I guess ppl hadn't read it yet seems ppl dislike my comment...sorry

LOL_WUT3609d ago

My bet is on Microsoft getting the upper hand for 2nd place ;)

johndoe112113609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )


Hold on, are you saying that NPD numbers are off or that NPD is lying? Because I'm confused at your comment "Has anyone read this article...it's not one sided". Please explain.

Bathyj3609d ago

Well Lawboy2, all I heard last gen was marketshare.

It didnt matter that PS3 outsold 360 every year it was out, it was all about how much of the market had jumped from PS to XB from the previous gen.

Given that XB dominated the US last gen and that PS is winning now, even slimmly, what does that say about the swing in marketshare and the changing preferences in XB'x only stronghold? The rest of Earth is Planet Playstation, if XB doesnt have the US (and by quite a big margin) they can never hope to compete saleswise.

Lawboy23609d ago

@ bathyj

I understand that and i was not trying to insinuate that sony is not completely dominating Microsoft in the US...sony lead is probably a little over 500k in the us...my comment was to address the misconception that Microsoft did abysmal in may...

Granted sony may have still outsold xbox 2-1 or even 3-1 but it was a great month for gaming in general and hardware sales were way up from last year

ThunderSpark3609d ago

Congrats to Sony for creating the most amazing consoles. Congrats to all the hurt fanboys who stealth disagree every positive comment about Sony, you are the true champions of trolling here on N4G.

morganfell3609d ago


Plenty of people will explain the May NPD by falling back on, "Well the new X1 is coming out so people held off on buying an X1."

I stated last month that those using such a position and believing there would be a massive boost in X1 sales would be in for a rude awakening. The awakening is here.

This has never been about price, but rather value.

The day Titanfall launched on the X1, it could be purchased for $499 with a free copy of Titanfall. Yet at Gamestop, the X1 bundle was being outsold by inFamous (the game) as well as two PS4 bundles. Both bundles were OVER $500. One bundle was $576. And not one day, not one day did the X1 Titanfall bundle, cheaper in price, ever outsell either of those two PS4 bundles whilke Gamestop was supplying them.

Right now at Amazon, how is the X1 doing? Let's look:

The new X1 is currently in 48th place. That is the worst it has ever performed at Amazon. It is being outsld by two PS4s, one of which is the Destiny bundle. It is also being outsold by the PlayStation TV. In addition, the Kinectless SKU is being outsold by the X1 Titanfall bundle which is at 41. And 41 is also worse than it has ever sold. It isn't about price.

At Gamestop, the X1 is being outsold by multiple PS4 and WiiU bundles and it is performing no better than it had when it was bundled with Kinect.

At BestBuy it is in 5th when it was formerly with Kinect in 3rd. Not a good sign.

Price being the deciding factor is a myth. All indicators are that a Kinectless SKU will do little to assist the MS sales issue.

ThanatosDMC3609d ago

I want some zombie numbers soon.

Bigpappy3609d ago Show
Bathyj3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

Pappy, its true USA is not the world, when you have the rest of the world to fall back on and dominate there.

When you only have USA, then yes, it is your whole world.

And how is Sony gloating? By simply commenting? Believe me, MS are saying much more by saying nothing.

Usually they at least tell us how many Zombies have been killed in Dead Rising (edit, damn ThanatosDMC beat me to it) or how many miles of road have been driven on Forza. Theyre the kings of yelling the loudest with the least to say. When theyre dead silent, its just spooky.

SilentNegotiator3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )


The difference being that Ps3 was beating 360 worldwide while not in the US, whereas Ps4 is beating Xbone by a mile everywhere.

Classic attempt at a Sony Too™, warping a situation to look like teh hypocrizyz when it isn't.

And gee, I'd think an Xbox fanatic like yourself would have noticed the same thing happening with Microsoft. Greenberg has pretty selective times in which he reacts to sales numbers. It's almost as if...*GASP!*...a LOT of companies react mainly just to positive numbers! What do they have to lose? Shareholders can be very understanding people, after all. /s

MRMagoo1233609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

Dont worry xbone fans, MS have just released some twitter comments ill quote them so you dont need to look

"100 gajillion bazzillion zombies poked with sticks in DR3 this month"

"7 megamagillion steering wheels have been turned to the left and right on forza"

"400,000,000,000,000 your mom insults have been said on voice chat in COD ghosts and titalfall combined"

Nice work guys MS is doing great, cos of all the big numbers see.

OT Nice work Sony, imo it may be slightly closer next month but Sony will still lead.

RAWSTA3608d ago Show
NewMonday3608d ago

Microsoft did not yet post any comment on the official Xbox Wire site. This is the first time in which the house of Xbox does not post its own monthly take on NPD’s numbers immediately after the lifting of the embargo

Bigpappy3608d ago

Okay Bath and silent, you are read a bit too much into my comment. It is more of an observation than a criticism. Its like a roll reversal with a touch of relief, that M$ is not breathing down their neck.

Having a strong lead in NA does put Sony in a very influential position. It is possible they may hold it for the entire generation or may be not. My focus is getting some cool games to satisfy my leisure time on the console I fell comfortable with. I would prefer M$ have hat lead in NA so I get more Skyrim, less Demon Souls. Not that there is anything wrong with that type of game, but I prefer Skyrim by several miles. This is not a west vs east hinge either. I like DOA series and Soul Caliber type game too.

Any way congrats to Sony any their fans for getting their way. I will do the same at next month's bloating session.

morganfell3608d ago

"I remember when Sony used to be dead silent when NPD came around. PS fans cornered the statement "NPD is not the world". Now Sony is gloating all over the places and its minions follow suit, signing high praises of victory."

You mean Sony fans are not allowed to do what you always did when the 360 won NPD?

I will say now what I said then. NPD does not equal the world althought it must also be noted that as with the PS3, Sony is leading there as well.

NewMonday3608d ago

"Any way congrats to Sony any their fans for getting their way. I will do the same at next month's bloating session"

Sorry but you won't get the chance, it will be like this for a while, get used to it.

NewMonday3608d ago

Sources @GAF say..

PS4 sold over 200k
XBone under 100k

Margin bigger than 2-1 in favor of PS4

GrandpaSnake3608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

@bigpappy k.Sony leading in consoles will not make games like skyrim go away. In fact , i was one of those guys that bought skyrim for ps3 and the way bethesda treated playstation fans was so bad i mean i think i swore never to buy a bethesda game. after they patched it yeah it was good but i hate how you believe somehow american developers will vanish from making games if a leading console is from japan. we live in a crazy time were games are being made by everyone this generation further proves that. if i had to chose a console to buy skyrim it really wouldnt matter because i love the game but if i had to choose i would choose the ps4 because if you have done your homework it should be obvious what console is obviously more adequate as apposed to last generation, when the developers were to lazy to properly port a game made for 360 to ps3

SilentNegotiator3608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

"It is more of an observation than a criticism"
No-bubbles Xbone-troll, please. Who do you even think you're fooling? "minions follow suit, signing high praises of victory"? Yeah, just an itsy bitsy observation. The bitterness emitting from your comment left a burn mark on my monitor.

"I would prefer M$ have hat lead in NA so I get more Skyrim, less Demon Souls"
Even had to downplay Souls entirely off topic, too, now that the (spiritual) series has an exclusive on PS again. Bravo, you're so subtle.

"Any way congrats to Sony any their fans for getting their way. I will do the same at next month's bloating session"
Why would you do that? They couldn't outdo Ps4's sales when retailers shoved 1-3 games in with Kinect and unofficially dropped the price to $450. You really think a new bundle with even less value is going to put Xbone over the top?
...oh wait, did you mean gloat or point out pseudo hypocrisies? I guess the latter wouldn't be a surprise.

DonMingos3608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

Numbers via GAF

PS4- 197k
3DS- 97k
Xbox One- 77k
Wii U- 61k
360- 57k
PSV- 56k
PS3- 36k
Wii- 11k


ZodTheRipper3608d ago

Am I the only one who laughed when Phil Spencer called the X1 the "Best Place to Play" at the press conference? Not only playing catch up with sales but marketing slogans as well...

alexkoepp3608d ago

"Greatness Awaits" has been a great slogan for Sony so far, as nothing yet released and no games announced for the future are worth playing. Announce something good already Sony!

solidjun53605d ago

"""Greatness Awaits" has been a great slogan for Sony so far, as nothing yet released and no games announced for the future are worth playing. Announce something good already Sony!"

You must live a boring trolling life.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3605d ago
ATi_Elite3609d ago

I think Phil Spencer is gonna turn the XB1 around and it will be highly competitive this Christmas.

So far his short term moves have been on point.

Waiting for The CloudZ, DirectX-12, and Azure.

actually I heard Dedicated Servers So many times during MS expo at E3 that I see Azure being used already.

Pixel_Enemy3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

While I agree that it is way too early and extremely arrogant to completely discount MS from this race, I think Sony will own this generation. MS has a die hard fanbase that will support them and eat up their exclusives but Sony is on a winning streak with unveiling their hardware, having more powerful hardware (that is cheaper none the less) and their lineup of exclusives and better looking/running multiplats. This entire generation MS will be playing catch-up and it will be a real struggle if they ever hit the #1 spot. I find it hard to believe they will being that Sony ended up outselling them last gen with all the hurdles they had to jump to get there. Like the year head start in sales that MS had, the infamous $600 launch price tag, weaker multiplats and the exclusives taking years to shine to their full potential.

Bathyj3609d ago

Its was nice not to hear Cloud Cloud CLoud at MS's show. But we did hear dedicated servers an awful lot.

I think their market research told them people are skeptical of "the power of the cloud" and frankly sick of hearing about it without tangible, practical applications to prove it, so they are not calling a spade a spade anymore in order to sidestep that issue while still letting them talk about it.

Clarence3609d ago

None of things you mention will help. The only reason the xbone might be competitive this holiday is because M$ dropped the price. There is no other reason but that.

The cloud, direct x, and azure have nothing to do with it.

Kayant3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

"Waiting for The CloudZ, DirectX-12, and Azure.

actually I heard Dedicated Servers So many times during MS expo at E3 that I see Azure being used already."

Ok let's break this down. The cloud is the right terminology MS has been using because that's what azure is more here - http://www.rackspace.co.uk/...

The problem is in terms of functionality and what has been shown it is nothing more then dedicated servers to us gamers so the term cloud is just redundant at this point and the fact they are scalable doesn't mean much to us. What we care are is that they are servers. This is especially true given how much it has talked about yet the best examples of real applications are (Forza 5 and TF) which have functional that we have seen used before in other games not what MS have talked about being possible so I can see why MS are changing their wording now even if it's wrong. The closest thing we have seen to a real world application is a tech/concept demo for crackdown. With another one coming at some point again and we wouldn't see it's real world usage until 2016 when crackdown launches (maybe earlier).

The there's DX12 which again isn't going to do the same thing people are thinking it will do to PC or mobile because unlike those platforms which DX12 is like a evolution update to XB1 it's more of an efficiency/incremental update because a lot of the features of DX12 are already in XB1's API and it already enjoys having "Console efficiency".


"Forza Motorsport 5 is an example of a game that pushes the Xbox One to the limit with its fast-paced photorealistic racing experience. Under the hood, Forza achieves this by using the efficient low-level APIs already available on Xbox One today. Traditionally this level of efficiency was only available on console – now, Direct3D 12, even in an alpha state, brings this efficiency to PC and Phone as well. By porting their Xbox One Direct3D 11.X core rendering engine to use Direct3D 12 on PC, Turn 10 was able to bring that console-level efficiency to their PC tech demo."

But people can choose to believe in the clouds and have higher expectations than they should if they want to I guess :p.

Pogmathoin3609d ago

Mods, I was warned about SDF, but this is always acceptable?

Clarence, using M$, necessary?

None of things you mention will help. The only reason the xbone might be competitive this holiday is because M$ dropped the price. There is no other reason but that.


So you're another Spencer Freak huh? Well the guy is a puppet he spouts what they tell him to say. And if you actually believe he's responsible for all these changes you're bring willfully ignorant. These changes were put in motion weeks and months before. Those aren't the kind of changes you make overnight but I guess you believe in Santa Claus too.

kenshiro1003608d ago

I don't care what Microsoft does. They started out wrong, they'll end up wrong. DRM is what killed their lead in the first place. It's too early to count them out but they screwed up BIG TIME.

soandsoz3608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

I think November & December will be Microsoft's strongest months too.

Side note, May NDP numbers are quite staggering.

PS4 managed to outsell with every single multiplat game!

Why o why3608d ago


From delaystation last gen to waitbox 1 this gen.....swings and roundabouts huh

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3608d ago
Conzul3609d ago

More like Sony is having a PS2-like-renaissance. Meaning we're screwed with PS5 :p

Nah, IDK. Just gimme more awesome games and bring more media functionality and they'll continue to succeed.

AGaryColemanClone3609d ago

Sony has been the top selling console maker in the world for the past three years since the Wii fad died off and the PS3 took over the top spot in weekly/monthly worldwide sales.

Sony isn't having any renaissance - they simply continue to dominate.

SilentNegotiator3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

Ps3 was the only Sony console to not be in first place (by a LOT of systems) and that landed in 2nd. Maybe every third system will be Sony's cursed systems and they'll be okay til Ps6, lol.

truefan13609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

MSFT should have made a statement, regardless how bad of a month it was. Even if it was a generic, we are committed to improving the XB1 statement. I think June will be the start of a 6 out of 7 month run for the XB1, only potentially losing September because of the Destiny bundle.

Sony isn't going to keep being able to tout multiplats this fall.

@LeCreuset so with an even price do you really see XB1 getting beat more than two months with Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, and Halo MCC coming out September, October, and November. Not to mention exclusive content for AC Unity, Call of Duty, Evolve, and Dragon Age Inquisition. Remember this is USA only, there are still a lot of 360 owners waiting to upgrade, this fall that number will shrink.

LeCreuset3609d ago

"I think June will be the start of a 6 out of 7 month run for the XB1, only potentially losing September because of the Destiny bundle."

With you making the most of that bubble, why do they even need to make a statement?

Ballsack3609d ago

So you did show.... Only to chat utter tripe..

Because you said this about titanfall, predicted a few months of xbox dominance due to that game and we all know how that turned out.. Its like you have a new reason every month for xbox domination

Get a grip

Flutterby3609d ago

MS is out of the race for first that's all there is to it. DX12 won't save it halo won't save it and the cloud won't save it , Sony are just doing what they alwa ts do to MS and that is dominate them.

Clarence3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

"Sony isn't going to keep being able to tout multiplats this fall. "

Funny that you say that, because last gen that's all M$ kept touting. Multiplates look and play better on the 360. That's all M$ did last gen.

All that exclusive content and DLC did nothing for the 360. Last gen it was the cheaper console, and it still ended up in last place. Face it. This gen belongs to the PS4.

M$ no longer has NA numbers to help them. They will have to battle it out for NA now. Even if they could get NA back it won't be like it was last gen. M$ can only hope to come out of this in 2nd place.

Sony hasn't even had a price drop yet. You do remember when they dropped that cheaper slim PS3. Imagine what will happen when Sony decides to drop the price on the PS4.

LeCreuset3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

@truefan1's edit.

I'll tell you what, man. Since the mods won't do anything about your daily shilling and trolling and you seem so confident that XB1 won't get beat more than two months for the rest of the year (7 months. June to December), I challenge you to put up or shut up on your claim. No more pulling claims out of your butt and not owning up to them.

If Xbox One is outsold by PlayStation 4 for less than three months from June to December of this year I will make one last post humbling myself, delete my account and quit posting on N4G, but only if you publicly agree to likewise make one last post humbling yourself, delete your account and quit posting on N4G should the Xbox One be outsold by PlayStation 4 for more than two months from June to December of this year.

You can accept this challenge by commenting and acknowledging your acceptance, under your truefan1 handle, at anytime in the comment section of an N4G piece posted between now and the deadline of this Sunday at 12:00 am PDT. Shoot me a PM letting me know that you accepted, with a link to your comment as evidence.

Update: Just so there is no ambiguity, this deal pertains to sales figures as reported monthly by NPD. I would extend it to worldwide, but that's just unfair to you (not that just NPD isn't), and there aren't respected monthly reports of worldwide sales.

pyramidshead3609d ago

Who cares about exclusive content when the game itself runs better on PS4? For the multiplats anyway.

Delusional as always Truefan1, but I guess you had to damage control in some way over this crushing Xbone defeat.

OrangePowerz3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

Why won't they be able to tout about multiplatforms? In most cases if games run in 1080p they will still have thr higher framerate or better looking version in general.

During the launch month of Titanfall the X1 sold for 450 with Titanfall. So people got the console, Kinect and a game for 450. Buying only the console for 400 without a game and without Kinect isn't a vetter deal. The Kinectless SKU will give the sales a boost, but I don't see MS overtaking Sony.

Many Halo fans will already have am X1 and while the franchise is huge, it's a remaster of old games and not a new game. So I wouldn't expect too much, same goes for TLoU remaster great game but it's not going to make a lot of people buy a new console if they already played the original.

Sunset Overdrive will be a niche title coming from a company that isn't very well onown outside of the PS community with sales most likely similar to Dead Rising.

Forza Horizon 2 is the only one of the 3 that I can see as a proper system seller, but then again many Forza fans will already have an X1 since launch.

As for exclusive DLC, do you really believe that 1 extra hour of AC4 DLC made people by a PS4 over the X1 last year? Those things are a nice thing to have but not system sellers especially since in 99% of the cases it's timed exclusive DLC.

June will be interesting, but I wouldn't bet money on the X1 outselling the PS4. If you look at the Amazon charts the X1 kinectless SKU doesn't exactly rank super high and that's from the biggest retailer in the US.

sic_chops3609d ago

Haha @trufan. I knew you'd show up, girl.

palaeomerus3609d ago

"Funny that you say that, because last gen that's all M$ kept touting. "

Sure, but that was late in the gen when people were satisfied by the rich choice in each library and had all their friends on one of the online services. Those are the conditions when one can coast on multiplats. This is early in the gen when libraries are anemic and barren. This is also when the multiplats are typically transitional from the previous hardware gen and so look pretty meh all around. Multiplats are a lot less exciting right now and not likely to change someone's mind about buying a console right now.


Another Forza another Fable a scraped together Halo collection which perfectly illustrated MS lack of games perfectly. They were so desperate they showed CGI trailers for games you won't see until 2016. Every 3rd party game they showed will be better on the PS4. You are delusional plain and simple or you're a shill either way you're wrong MS has bigger problems than price and they keep ignoring it like you are.

T23608d ago

There's a reason why ms was silent today. You should have paid attention

Knushwood Butt3608d ago

Ah, come on, this site wouldn't be as funny without truefan.

You should change the terms: get truefan to change his avatar to that of Kaz, indefinitely, or something.

Mr-Dude3608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

Well, TrueFan1

When I watched the MS conference, I watched it with the idea of MAYBE buying a X1, because I also have A WiiU next to my PS4, and the idea of having them all (yes, I also have 3DS and Vita, but the 3DS is more played by my girlfriend then me..)

But nothing I saw on the conference, convinced me of pre-ordering one (I live in Holland, release is september here). Forza is beautiful, but then Gran Turismo and Driveclub are also. Fable never bothered me, Crackdown maybe, HALO MCC for me isn't a systemseller. HALO 5 isn't coming till 2015, and sunset overdrive looks awesome but, it's not my type of game, I would be bored very quick. Scalebound was a CGI, so I can't comment on that on this time.

The only game what peaked my interest was Ori and the Blind Forest. But still, no systemseller. Inside also looked great, but like Limbo it will come to PS4 also.

And for the multiplats, I stick with the PS4. Exclusive DLC, like 1 hour missions or weapons and armor etc, aren't systemsellers or gameseller for me. What the X1 lacks, is a great adventure game like Uncharted, which combines great graphics, humor and action.
And they lack serious FIRST PARTY STUDIOS

So why should I buy a X1?

LeCreuset3608d ago

@knushwood I wish you could do sig bets on this site, but they don't have sigs.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3608d ago
showtimefolks3609d ago

xbox has to do well in the US market because sony pretty much had Europe in its back pocket. That is why sony has pushed hard at gamescom like its E3

i wouldn't be surprised if Drive Club a lot of airtime during gamescom

it will be very very interesting to see how xbox one does without kinect at same price point as ps4

Mr-Dude3608d ago

I wouldn't be surpised if Sony announced a couple of new IP's or sequels, games at GamesCom either... They did it for three years now.

Guerilla Games is located in Amsterdam, which is like 3-hours drive from GamesCom. So maybe their new IP will be there?

ITPython3609d ago

The XB1 price-cut would only really affect console sales, not software sales (which if you read the article, is mainly what Sony is claiming victory on).

But I bet the XB1 console sales during May were unbelievably abysmal due to those holding out for a cheaper version (which also says a lot about the general public's thoughts on the Kinect, and how it was undoubtedly a massive mistake for MS to force the higher price tag + Kinect on people from the beginning).

Will be very interesting to see the XB1 console sales during June. If it doesn't at least match the PS4 sales for this month, then that pretty much confirms the death of the XB1. Because this cheaper SKU is essentially like a re-release of the XB1, which means the sales during this month will be the highest the console will ever see again (launches always have the highest sales numbers).

hello123609d ago

No it doesn't, the next six months will be more telling. You expect everyone to just go a buy an xb1 in June?

Sunset Overdrive and Halo collection aren't out till later this year.

LeCreuset3609d ago

"You expect everyone to just go a buy an xb1 in June?"

I would expect a sales surge from people that supposedly held off buying a system in May, so it would be saying a lot if XB1 didn't at least match PS4 for June, especially in North America.

lelo3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

If Microsoft offers inferior or similar things to what the PS4 is offering, they are fu**ed. People this generation will go with Sony unless Microsoft does something drastic. Microsoft to salvage the X1, they have to offer more. If Sony offers 2 games, Microsoft has to offer 3-4 games with their paid online service. If Sony offers indies with PS+, Microsoft has to offer AAA games with Gold. If Sony has 4-5 AAA exclusives, Microsoft needs 6-7 AAA exclusives. They need real AAA exclusives, that you can't find anywhere else. They need interesting services and experiences you can't find with their main competitor. One other thing, Microsoft has completely forgotten Europe (beside UK). Gamescom is around the corner, they need a strong show over there.

Microsoft is going to have a though job to surpass PS4 sales... I don't believe they can or they will. They need more, and I don't think they are willing to offer more to what Sony offers.

Legacy2123609d ago

I love how everyone has stocks in sony on n4g and cares about these sales. Do you play games or do count sales all day. Cmon step your game up where were you guys when wii destroyed everyone last gen? By n4g logic everyone should buy a wii
This sony jerk circle is just sad. Play gsmes not resolution, sales, reviews etc

Why o why3609d ago

In lelo's defence (not like he needs it) but he definitely isn't a sony champion or sales player. I concur that about 99 percent of n4g members receive zilch in a monetary sense from any of the 3 players sales. What some will get is prolonged support from 1st to 3rd party developers and the one at the top, probably the lead console for development of 3rd party titles

LamerTamer3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )


Play games not resolution? Well I play games and they run at different resolutions and effects how they all look. If there are two versions of the same game why would I want to play the inferior version? I would want to play the one that looks better and that would be the PS4 version (not counting PC but that is a different story). Often it is not just resolution but is lighting, shadows AO etc.

AD7053608d ago

yeah go tell that to all the xbox fanboys who use to constantly brag about having the better multiplats and the 360 having more sales than the ps3 and how often the ps3 got outsold by the 360 monthly for years on end in the console wars. If anything xbots are getting a kick in the ass by karma for all the shit they use to say to the sony fanboys. Now that the tables have turned xbots all of a sudden don't care for sales and having better multiplats.

Mr-Dude3608d ago

MS hasn't shown up at GamesCom for years now...
Sony is there every year with a conference...

So, if I was MS, I would be there this year

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3608d ago
Magicite3608d ago

That killstreak, 5th month in a row.
PS4 goes like a boss!
I think its safe to say all multiplats will sell better on PS4 this gen (with few exceptions maybe).
Destiny in September might let it climb to those 10m and further.

imt5583608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

Watch Dogs market share in US :

PS4 ~ 46% ( +575k )
Xbone ~ 29% ( +360k )
X360 ~ 14%
PS3 ~ 11%

Total >1.25 mil. in US.

PSVita get bump around 1600% ( last month sold 3k ).

Wolfenstein :

PS4: 41%, Xbone: 38%, X360: 13%, PS3: 8%

GordonKnight3608d ago


Nope, it's still X1 vs PS4. Fighting for all the gaming sheep. The Wii U targets a completely different audience.

xer03608d ago

Playstation is just sexy.
I've bought 2 so far!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3605d ago
Kayant3609d ago

Ha I asked that question on gaf was wondering the same thing. So this really is the first time they haven't given PR early since the launch of XB1. Damn must not have enough stats for PR spinning :p. The way PS4 dominated this month in multiplats and X360 outselling the XB1 TF SKU and PS4 being second best selling SKU for Ghosts really paints the picture as to how bad it was for XB1 this month. Will be interesting to see how the kinectless SKU helps next month.

MightyNoX3609d ago

If it was in 2nd place, Larry might have been able to salvage something but then it got trounced by the 3DS (and it's still dubious whether or not the Wii U is in 3rd or 4th place) there's no sugar coating that kind of news.

Dolf0453609d ago

Yeah I'd imagine that a lot that were going to purchase may have held off to wait for the new X1 SKU, so they probably had a pretty bad run recently sales wise. It will be interesting to see if the system gets a sales boost with the kinectless option in the wild now. Still think its going to take a long while for MS to close that sales gap regardless

Flutterby3609d ago

The price drop won't do much , the console was already as cheap as the ps4 with all the deals shops like eb games , game spot and all the other places did, if people didn't buy it then I can't imagine this will help.

soandsoz3608d ago

"Yeah I'd imagine that a lot that were going to purchase may have held off to wait for the new X1 SKU"

That is a reasonable assumption. Makes perfect sense to me that individuals wanting to purchase an XboxOne would do exactly that.

However, if a 'significant' sales bump fails to materialize for June then I believe Microsoft really will start to panic. In the business media, since release of the XboxOne it's always been stated by the 'Experts' and Analysts that price is the biggest factor in the sales gap between the two consoles. June and July will force that type of dialogue to be revised should positive results not surface. That really would spell perceived disaster which in turn would necessitate far more aggressive sales incentives from Microsoft.

I'm intrigued to watch this all unfold

jessupj3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )


If there isn't even enough to work with to at least spin something into a positive then MS must have had a very bad month indeed.

Next month will be extremely telling. If the xbone doesn't outsell the PS4 it will basically be all but confirmed that MS will come second or even third this generation.

And if that happens, the question must be asked... Will the shareholders allow MS to pour millions into another console? The xbone can still of course be profitable even if it comes second place in sales, but will those profits be enough to please the investors?

Considering the Titanfall bundle at $450 still couldn't beat the PS4 for a single week in the US I highly doubt this new kinectless bundle will push sales enough to pass the PS4, least alone match it. Time will tell.

rainslacker3608d ago

Their PR staff is qualified enough to turn even the most abysmal numbers into something positive(not that the X1 numbers were abysmal). Look at when Windows Vista came out, they said a lot of great stuff about the sales, even though the consumer base wasn't on board.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3608d ago
oODEADPOOLOo3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

"On the other hand, Microsoft did not post any comment on the official Xbox Wire site for the first time since the release of the Xbox One."


Also, where are the official numbers, all I saw was a generalized statement, would be interesting to see actual numbers.

MightyNoX3609d ago

First month without 'Xbox Family' nonsense from Larry.

I like it. It's peaceful.

pwnsause_returns3608d ago

no aaron greenburg either....he hasnt come out of his troll bridge for months...

barb_wire3609d ago

NeoGAF are posting that PS4 beat the Wii U, XBOne and 360 COMBINED.

AutoCad3609d ago

price cut being announced hurt ms this month..
June should be MS best month

zeuanimals3609d ago

I don't see why you're getting disagrees. It's not entirely true since last November was MS's best month (because of launch), but June should see an uptick and be the best month for them this year since a lot of people were holding off after the announcement for the Kinectless SKU. I don't think it'll overtake the PS4 for June though.

They're not gonna be able to spin this though, and it seems like they're not. If they do try to spin it, I can only see them trying to pin it on people waiting for the Kinectless SKU, then they're gonna be admitting that people don't want the Kinect. Saying that would be against their interests since they're also saying that they're not "giving up on Kinect".

There's also Medhi with his "people are satisfied with their 360s and not their PS3s" BS... If Spencer knows what's good for him and the Xbox division, he should duct tape Medhi's mouth.

AutoCad3609d ago

Im sure you know why im getting disagrees lol.

Spotie3609d ago

He's getting disagrees because everybody knows the truth: that May sales were gonna be bad, anyway. It was late in the month that the announcement came; it wouldn't have had time for THAT much of an impact.

I mean, come on. Look at these last few months. What would have turned those slumping sales around for May?

That aside, a quick look at Auto Cad's comment history tells you why some would disagree without reading. He's definitely earned his disagrees.

soandsoz3608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

"price cut being announced hurt ms this month..
June should be MS best month "

Fair assumption with respect to line 1.
In theory, it really should be a solid month. Near a month and change of interested buyers that (assuming they knew about the price drop) likely would have delayed purchase until the price drop began.

It will be 'telling' one way or the other. It shouldn't be underestimated how much those particular results will have on the media talking points moving forward. It's borderline critical for Microsoft to have some solid numbers. If anything, from a media analyst type position. Otherwise, it's trickier to keep optimistic business buzz/articles circulating to investors types etc..

T23608d ago

You are getting disagrees because June is not a sure thing either way for ms. They couldn't sell titanfall plus Kinect for 449, why would people line up for 399 with nothing? Small uptick I predict, no games either. I don't see ms turning this around for a while. New halo, gears maybe but when?

its_JEFF3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

As expected, due to the early announcement of the new SKU.

Edit: According to the disagrees, I guess not?

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SVP PlayStation Marketing Guy Longworth is leaving Playstation

Guy Longworth, SVP PlayStation Marketing, is leaving Playstation after four years.

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TwoForce3108d ago

Well, Microsoft executives and Sony executives do have reason to leave for better future. It just the way of life.

_-EDMIX-_3108d ago

I wonder what this spells for Sony. Wonder who will replace him and why he left?

TwoForce3108d ago

I don't know. But just like Jack Tretton left Sony, Shaun take his role. Same goes with other people, i won't give you the name. You will understand eventually.

Ron_Danger3108d ago


@edmix: "I wonder what this spells for Sony. "

Ummmm.... Nothing??
It's a marketing position. Those positions come and go all the time. There are companies that hire entire marketing teams for product campaigns and once the initial push for the product is over, they dissolve the team and go on to the next project.

Not everything is doom and gloom like you're implying with that "I wonder what this spells for Sony" nonsense.

Me-Time3108d ago (Edited 3108d ago )

Let's see. For the most part, 95.498% of PS's best advertising / marketing in the past eight years came as soon as, and around the time of, the PS4 release. Before then, marketing for The Last Of Us was pretty good, especially when they made the obvious move of launching the first legitimate? trailer for TLOU during a "The Walking Dead" commercial break. I can't remember if "The Talking Dead" hyped it, but most likely they did. I remember Chandler Riggs tweeting he was excited to finally play it when it was about to release too.

Even though Left 4 Dead was more of a OMG ZOMBIES! game, same thing for Dead Rising and all those other over-hyped games were more suited for teenagers and people under 30, I was happy to see TWD be apart of TLOU marketing. I remember that first trailer being shown during a commercial break at the time of a TWD episode. It only got better with how awesome PS4 commercials became, but I am 100% sure that this guy "Longworth" wasn't the genius behind the genius ideas of those SIMPLY EFFING AMAZING PS4 commercials. Maybe he gave the green light for such ideas. But after all of the thinking about, where's the advertising for anything hardcore PS gamer, and then seeing what they did with TLOU followed by PS4 marketing. There's no damn excuse PS couldn't have been as good at marketing as Xbox was during their first and final years as the reigning "place to play" years.

Let's just hope this keeps PS keeping up with the likes of commercials that Bloodborne, Infamous, The Order, always sorta Uncharted since #2. But, the point is, let's hope PS's marketing team has learned to advertise instead of only letting word of mouth do the job for them. It was disappointing in the early years of the PS3 unlike PS1 or PS2's advertising years.

Edit -


SynestheticRoar3108d ago

Guy Longworth has a exciting new job, in the HR department at cable world.

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Introducing the Limited Edition Gold PlayStation 4 Bundle

Posted by Guy Longworth on Sep 17, 2015 // Senior Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SCEA:

Hello, PlayStation Nation! I’ve got some big news — together with our friends at Taco Bell we’ve put together something special for gamers in the United States. Only at Taco Bell and only during the promotional period, fans will have the chance to win a Limited Edition Gold PlayStation 4 Bundle every 10 minutes! This promotion begins on September 24th and ends on November 4th. If you do the math, this comes out to approximately 6,000 Limited Edition Gold PS4 Bundles.

Read Full Story >>
Geobros3151d ago

This is really impressive! :o

xHeavYx3151d ago

Not sure what's worse. The food or the gold PS4, lol.

Abash3151d ago

Whether you like the look or not, gold is quite the fitting color for what the PS4 has done for Sony in less than two years

xHeavYx3151d ago

In that case, the console should be green, not gold.

donthate3150d ago

Now why can't Sony sell a sexy console like that?

Instead we get a cheap looking Darth Vader stickered PS4.

gangsta_red3150d ago

I threw in a hard personal disagree! Taco Bell is awesome!

itBourne3150d ago

If you only knew how lucky you are lol.. closest fast food to me is 63 miles away = (
First thing I do when I hit town is hit up the Bell or Filibertos, that said the gold ps4 does not look that great. The ones they showed at TGS look better.

bouzebbal3150d ago (Edited 3150d ago )

those burritos caught my eye much more than the PS4.

pinkcrocodile753150d ago (Edited 3150d ago )

The food definitely!, I tried taco bell in the US the last time I was working there. It felt like I was eating stationary!!

Gold PS4, while a little blingy for my tastes, would definitely stick out like a turd in a punch bowl when you slipped it into your entertainment centre. Black is classic, always looks in place, unless its in a affluent area at night in the US... different story then!

81BX3150d ago

@itBourne 63 miles away? That can be a good thing depending how u look at it.

u4one3150d ago

haha nothing says classy like faux gold paint and fast food... especially when the idea is to cram that food down your throat as fast as possible to win said fake gold item. this has america written all over it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3150d ago
frostypants3150d ago (Edited 3150d ago )

If I won it I wouldn't even open it. I'd sell it for big money many years from now.

RAM0N 3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

Time to eat some tacos lol

PizzaSteve3150d ago

I spent over $100 on Taco Bell trying to win a PS4. I'm not going through that again lol. Learnt my lesson. I end up buying a PS4 anyway.

donthate3150d ago


You should have known better. The chances of you winning is pretty slim. Taco Bell/Sony gotta make money somehow.

PizzaSteve3150d ago

You right I was a fool. You live and learn.

The_Devil_Hunter3150d ago

I worked at an Asian restaurant that was next to Taco Bell, I made good friends with the people there and when sony did something similar for the white destiny bundle the guys at Taco bell would steal the codes that came in the boxes and use them. And I know for sure that one of the "cooks" there won a White PS4. Don't do it guys, I know this looks amazing but it's better than wasting your money on false hopes. The workers are just going to steal them most likely.

RAM0N 3150d ago

Lol im only buying 5 boxes if i dont win then oh well

Solid_Penguin-643150d ago

Should've just had a pizza, PizzaSteve!


3150d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3150d ago
S2Killinit3150d ago

I had some last night. I think the ad got me.

JMaine5183151d ago

Black and Gold go so well together. Give me that big box!

SaveFerris3151d ago

I wouldn't say no to the PS4, but I'm not really a fan of the food. Good luck to the entrants.

PizzaSteve3150d ago

You don't have to buy anything from Taco Bell. You can just send in postcards for codes.

Bobertt3150d ago

Or buy the food and give it to someone else.

uth113151d ago

It should be a guacamole green/puke green console (color name depending on how you feel about Taco Bell ;) )

G20WLY3150d ago

I think someone already has that colour on lockdown. I quite like the gold one though...but I don't eat there, so ebay is my friend! ;^)

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Sony Boasts PS4 Victory for June, Also top Seller for Next Gen Games

Sony Computer Entertainment just sent its own comment on the latest North American NPD figures that saw the PS4 beat its rival, the Xbox One, for a margin that was probably narrower than its previous months due to a strong June for Microsoft’s console.

Read Full Story >>
XiSasukeUchiha3578d ago

Sony confirms victory for this month too after Kinectless XB1 came out too damn!

imt5583578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

I bloody knew it. Anyway, rumor said that Wii U sales results are close to Xbone sales results in June. And that's not good!

I told something similar in thread about Xbone double sales jump and i get trolling bubble.


Quote :

Everyone that wasn't Truefan knew it

Truefan put his pride on the line. That's what he said.


Abash3578d ago

PlayStation 4 is seriously unveatable, great for Sony to be dominating this gen

Skips3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

"Wait for the DRM reversals"

"Wait for Titanfall"

"Wait for E3"

"Wait for Kinectless Xbone"

Wonder what's next. lol

Microsoft is in for a serious beat down when the Destiny and The Last Of Us bundle hits.

EDIT: Watch Dogs selling more on the 360 than the Bone??? lol http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloud...

bicfitness3578d ago

Everyone that wasn't Truefan knew it. All the price-cut did was staunch the bleeding. Next month X1 will be dropping its weekly average once more.

MightyNoX3578d ago

"Wait for Sunset Overdrive"
"Wait for Master Cheif collection"
"Wait for Halo 5"

*plays Benny hill music*

Darkstares3578d ago

I figured as much since Microsoft came out early to say sales doubled (for XB1) and didn't mention being number one in the U.S.

3578d ago
bigbic3578d ago

This is huge, just for the fact it is the US, Xbox prime territory last gen.

GribbleGrunger3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Well ... I think we can say with reasonable certainty that the XB1 will never catch the PS4 in the US. Europe/Japan? Let's not even go there. Congratulations Sony on winning another generation.

And then there's this to add insult to injury:


And ... They say games ... why not consoles?


Oh dear.

Kayant3578d ago

Well well what a surprise /s

I told Axios2 there will be a shell shock for some. http://n4g.com/comments/red...
Especially with XB1 only beating X360 with Wolf:TNO in multiplats.

XB1 will have a chance to win around holidays maybe before then not so much.

pyramidshead3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Let this be the shaming of truefan1
Save it and pass it on. This user has officially been owned.

Also keep this picture handy for when the other months come around ;)

ABizzel13578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )


I don't think Wii U is close to XBO in NPD numbers, but I pretty sure it outsold the XBO worldwide for June.

I called this though. The PS4 is just HYPE TRAIN EXTREME. June was it's worse selling month so far, and it comfortably outsold the Wii U and XBO both of which should have had their best selling month in a long time.

My calculations for global numbers are:

PS4: 440k
Wii U: 304k
XBO: 254k

And if true the summer belongs to Sony.

The good news for MS is that they have a strong line-up this holiday as well as their global launch which should get their worldwide numbers averaging around 300k per month once the launch hype settles.

Nintendo obviously just needs to keep dropping at least 1 huge franchise per season. MK8 for the summer, something for the fall, Smash for the holiday, something for Spring 2015, something Summer 2015, something for Fall 2015, and Zelda for holiday 2015.

While the PS4 is dominating the good news is that the Wii U and XBO are still healthy.

MysticStrummer3578d ago

"Truefan put his pride on the line."

The equivalent of playing a penny slot machine once.

Congrats to Sony.

Now if only vgchartz would report XB1 as having won my day would be complete.

choujij3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Here's some of the NPD figures that were posted on NeoGAF:

NPD Sales Results for June 2014


1. Watch Dogs (PS4, 360, Xbox One, PS3, PC)
2. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
3. Minecraft (360, PS3)
4. UFC (PS4, Xbox One)
5. FIFA 14 (PS4, 360, Xbox One, PS3, Vita)
6. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
7. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, PC)
8. Call of Duty: Ghosts (360, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Wii U, PC)
9. Tomodachi Life (3DS)
10. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)


PS4: #1 best selling
3DS: 150K (up 55% over May, was 225K last June)
Wii U: ~140K (up 233% over last June)

Mr Pumblechook3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

PS4 is number 1 selling in USA.

What is shocking is journalists with NPD figures claiming of-the-record that the Wii U OUTSOLD the XBOX ONE IN JUNE.

EDIT: Microsoft's news yesterday that the Xbox One doubled May sales in not based on NPD numbers but on Microsoft's own internal figures. This likely means that ACCORDING TO NPD THE XBOX ONE DID NOT DOUBLE MAY'S SALES.


GTgamer3578d ago

"Wait for Sunset Overdrive"
"Wait for Master Cheif collection"
"Wait for Halo 5"

*plays Benny hill music*

Let's stop Sugar Coating things TitanFall was the most hyped game of this generation and even with that game The Xone couldn't beat The PS4, so unless you guys think that Sunset Overdrive or MCC has the same Hype as Titanfall then I don't think those will help Win a month because what people fail to realize is exclusive games aren't the only thing selling PS4's but multiplatform helps the PS4 allot just look at watch dogs the same will also happen with Destiny but I do think that Halo 5 could stop Sony's winning streak but it all depends what games Sony releases around the time of Halo 5's release.

miyamoto3577d ago

The PlaySaviour 4 is revolutionizing the video game industry!!!!

UltraNova3577d ago


UC4 will give Halo 5 a run for its money, you can bet your arse on that! This is the gen where proverbial Kings will fall, just look at Titan-fall (yes its rhymes).

Muzikguy3577d ago


Forgot about DX12.

I just hope with this lead Sony doesn't get too arrogant. We still need stuff like DLNA and mp3 support. I'm hoping for an awesome gen and a comeback for good games we've been missing. RPGs too! I hope this leads to more of that

ChristianTheAtheist3577d ago

@Skips: wait for secret sauce and the power of the clouds.

DarXyde3577d ago

What is "not good"? Nintendo competing with Microsoft?

I hope Nintendo does well. They have a stellar quality record for exclusives that, while outshined graphically, are known to be great fun.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3577d ago
NextLevel3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

The Return of The King.

This is embarrassing for Microsoft. Like I said many times, the Xbox One is competing with the Wii U, not the PS4. This should be a serious reality check for some people on here.

ThinkThink3578d ago

Why is this embarrassing for Microsoft? It's still selling great.

gaffyh3578d ago

Because they announced the price drop 3 weeks early, and couldn't outsell their competitor with the pent up demand from the previous month. Xbox is in trouble, but I think the Master Chief collection will sell some consoles.

MightyNoX3578d ago

Not even doubling their sales on a 5 week month could beat the PS4.

Sony's got July, August, September and October in the bag.

I'll keep my educated guess about November for now.

Spid3r63578d ago

You are going to eat those words the gap is closing my friend the gap is closing.

jebabcock3578d ago

Technically the gap is still widening... X1 has to actually outsell the ps4 before any gap can close...

XStation3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Even with Sunset Overdrive coming out in October? Also all the multiplatform games coming out October that the XB1 has exclusive content for?
The PS4 might win, but I wouldn't say they got it "in a bag."

Sunset Overdrive
Assassin’s Creed Unity

MightyNoX3578d ago

@Xstation: Sunset Overdrive is from Insomniac, they never light up the chart and their last game bombed. Assassin's Creed is STILL on the PS4 and Ubisoft EXPLICITLY said their games chart better on the PS4.

November is going to be tricky, what with the Halo 1-4 dropping.

XStation3578d ago

" Sunset Overdrive is from Insomniac, they never light up the chart and their last game bombed."

They may not light up the chart, but it's still a +1 for the Xbox One, since it's a exclusive coming out that month only for that console. Also, i don't think the PS4 has a exclusive game coming out that month, correct me if I'm wrong. In addition, Insomniac may have a bad last game, but does that mean they will continue? This game is way different than the last and it's different types of things that can go wrong. Also, they may advertise Evolve as an Xbox One game like the PS4 does with Destiny. November is going to be a interesting month for sure though.

Mr Pumblechook3578d ago

MightyNoX said "Sony's got July, August, September and October in the bag. I'll keep my educated guess about November for now."

@MightyNoX Please don't keep your educated guess about what you think will be the best selling console in November a secret. Tell us!

jmac533578d ago

I wouldn't count out Little Big Planet 3 to move consoles before Christmas. A family friendly game like that will entice parents during the biggest time when they purchase consoles.

MysticStrummer3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

"i don't think the PS4 has a exclusive game coming out that month, correct me if I'm wrong."


Not sure about any others that month, but LBP3 will move a few systems during the holidays. All those LBP1 and 2 user levels will be playable with updated graphics. That's a lot of content, and a lot of people are really into creating levels so fans of that will want to get going with the new stuff.

I also think Planetside 2 can move some PS4s if it gets the right commercials. I don't know how long the average console FPS fan will stick with that game, but the big battles do look cool and seeing "Free Download" at the end won't hurt.

Hardcore_gamerxbox3577d ago

Seriously people like you'll the time jumping around trying to make ps4 look good and Xbox one look bad I'm happy Sony doing good this generation but I've got a question for you do u get a penny from Sony by Sony selling lots of ps4 no u don't . People like you ruining gaming industry why don't you enjoy a console u own instead of bashing Xbox one all the time

avengers19783577d ago

@spid3r6 technically the gap widened by about 75,000 units in America according to NPD numbers, and widened by around 200,000 world wide... See as long as PS4 out sells XB1 the gap gets bigger.
For example let's say PS4 is at 3 million in America, and XB1 is at 2 million, and July numbers are 100,000 for PS4 and 90,000 for XB1, the gap has grown from 1 million to 1milllion 10,000 units, it didn't not shrink.

You see if XB1 continues to sell less than PS4 than it can never close the gap.

extermin8or3577d ago

See ubisoft are on record saying their games chart better on playstation as are ea yet theyve both alllwed a fair bit of timed exclusive content this year on xb1... thats not the stuff people usually buy consoles over only reason destinynwill sell ps4s is the bundle with white ps4 and advertising..

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3577d ago
Muerte24943578d ago

Look guys i called it. He reported my story because the source was from Neogaf but then his uses neogaf in his article and it apparently has more legitimacy.


Check the time stamps

jackanderson19853578d ago

You can't use forums on N4G, never could... abrieal writes it up on the site he's with and that's acceptable... it's why yours got failed and his passed

BitbyDeath3578d ago

Bit of a stupid rule but that is how it is.

On-topic: Congrats Sony!

Kayant3578d ago

The issue is the link was pointing to a single neogaf thread post not to geoff keighley's tweet. If it linked to the tweet then it will be fine as the rules have changed to allow journalist accounts iirc.

Magicite3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Sony dominates both hardware and software sales (PS4+PS3). Most likely it will continue like this from now on.
Its time for Playstation to reclaim USA and no X-force will stop that.

P.S. Waiting for juicy comments from X1 fans (if they dare to show up here :D)

funkybudda3577d ago

Amen to that.

Looks like PS4 could help Sony get back to the golden age of PS2 days, that's the way it should be.

kenshiro1003578d ago

My God, the PS4 is murdering the XB1. Those price cuts and bundles aren't working.

choujij3577d ago

Two SKUs...

Double Kill!

Hardcore_gamerxbox3577d ago

@skips if watch dog selling better on 360 it's not bad thing people still enjoy playing game on Xbox 360 and soon most of them gonna buy Xbox one

SmielmaN3577d ago

*pats on top of head*
Sure they are. Sure....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3577d ago
Letthewookiewin3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Just no stopping it! Good times! Poor Xbone. They need to drop the price to 299$ and maybe Ill bite.

Letthewookiewin3578d ago

You cant have weaker hardware the same price as stronger hardware. The proof is now here.

04STIBluByU3578d ago

Yeah b!tches we won! We f'ed yall up big! Just wait till June you'll see...We came and we conquered! Kings of the Hill!!! See how it feels XB guys, its plain stupid! This is what XB fans did all last gen! Fist Bump Bro!

ThinkThink3578d ago

Glad to see that we all grew as a community. Two wrongs definitely make a right. High roads be damned.

04STIBluByU3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

But three left do make a right! You want me to feel sorry for people who back MS's anti-gaming shenanigans? This is Punishment!

ThinkThink3578d ago

@04STIBluByU I don't want you to feel sorry for anybody. I just want our community to be looked at as less of a joke.

SmielmaN3577d ago

N4g doesn't make a billion dollar industry that's getting more and more high profile games, and even Hollywood actors/actresses, look like a joke. Vids that have brats being knobs at Gaming competitions make it look like a joke.

But it's definitely true. I've been reading this site since the 360 started up and it was a Sony troll/bash fest for years. It's just Sony's fans turn to enjoy positive news about their console for gaming.

gusgusjr3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Before Sony fans keep celebrating do it what 36 months straight then talk, that being said I love both my one and ps4. I think they will but at the same time I know how deep microsoft's pockets can get.

BTW I love all gaming and gaming systems.

Spotie3578d ago

Sony already did that with the PS2. Xbox is late to the party.

Jrmy843578d ago

Hilarious here's a bubble('! ') ROMFL

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