
Reggie’s Thoughts on Wii U Outselling The PS4 and Xbox One

The Seattle Times was recently able to interview Reggie Fils-Aime and he was asked if the Wii U will ever outsell the Playstation 4 and Xbox One and this is what he had to say

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PurpatraitorMGS3647d ago

No. Nintendo has their audience. I doubt they can keep up in console sales against two systems who have a wider, general audience.

Of course, handhelds are a different story.

uptownsoul3647d ago

My man Reggie killing me. How bout this…I had a foot race with a Ferrari for a quarter mile. I was given a head start. And do you know that there was an exact moment in time when I appeared to be "pretty close" to the Ferrari as it passed me. I guess by Reggie's logic, the race ended in a photo finish.

MNGamer-N3647d ago

What if the Ferrari runs out of gas? Like the turtle and the Hare?

-Foxtrot3647d ago


Pretty sure we saw or heard a different turtle and hare story


ABizzel13647d ago

The sheer stupidity of that comment, blows my mind. You had a 1 year headstart BY YOURSELF and you're already losing to the PS4, and the XBO isn't too far behind you.

This is currently a 1 horse race, with another horse and carriage about to speed past you if you don't get things together over there.

The Wii U is finally getting some good games, and the first party titles it deserves. BUt what they've shown so far at E3 while impressive, isn't enough to put them back in any kind of race with Sony or even MS (who should be getting some kind of a boost thanks to the $399 SKU).

Instead of acting like things are Mushroom Kingdom Peachy, you need to listen to that fan in your Robot Chicken video, and start bringing back old franchises and New IP, because you're getting creamed right now.

You want to compete.

1. Bring Pokemon Z exclusive to Wii U, show that Pokemon 2D/3D Fighting Game, Where is Pokemon Snap, Make a real Pokemon RPG for Wii U featuring Amiibo (not some Rumble garbage), or make a Pokemon MMO.

2. We know you're working on Zelda, Metroid, and Star Fox. Well where's your RPG's, Action games, etc... Mario RPG for Wii U, Kid Icarus, Earthbound, a Bowser game, and more.

3. NEW IP. You're sick of hearing it, we're sick of saying it. The Gamepad is perfect for new experiences. Make an LA Noire type crime game, a Portal style game, and maybe a real Open world exploratory game. We're not saying make 100, but at least 3 worthy additions to the library per generation.

4. 3rd party support. You have none from the west as E3 showed, as far as the biggest games go. EA nothing, Activision nothing, Ubisoft was your main supporter and even they dropped you. This means you're missing Batman, Evolve, Assassing Creed Unity (might get the last gen version), Far Cry 4, The Crew, The Division, Rainbow Six, Destiny, and more.

That's the truth Reggie, not this BS you're spewing.

Nine_Thousaaandd3647d ago

Oh Reggie...your comment was bout as funny as that expression on your face.


It's ok Reggie...I'll be picking up a Wii U soon for Zelda and Bayonetta.

Spooney3233647d ago

Awesome anololgy uptownsoul ! Haha

paulcek3647d ago

What else is he supposed to say though? He can't just say "nope, we're gonna lose."

Madock3647d ago

N64 used cartridges while PS1 was hacked and sold by millions with home-brew games and a music CD player.
NGC had no DVD player while PS2 again was sold as a cheap DVD player.
I know the above cause that's why me, my family and 10s of friends bought the PS1 and the PS2
Wii came and despite awful graphics sold more than competition
Wii U came with slow software, bad name and with Sony and Microsoft spending billions on bashing the Wii u, promoting "true next gen"myth and buying third party titles off Nintendo
Don't believe that there is not enough install base BS cause Xone got and will continue to have less install base and they r still releasing games for it (although those who r not bought r slowly abandoning it)
Mario kart caused a 600% bump in sales for the WiiU, say that's like extra 2 mil (long term)
Smash will cause a similar bump, say 2 mil
Zelda will cause a similar bump, say 2-3 mil
starfox, bayonetta and X got ppl waiting for them, each like 1/2 a mil bump
plus the normal steady sale of around 200k a month
we r already looking at more than 20 mil by early 2016 (def b4 next console) and we all know sales will continue even after they release a new one
Nintendo been in this business for too long and know exactly what to do, they starve then release at controlled intervals to maximise hype and sales
They'll b making profit as well, ton of it, they spent half a billion on restructure and new buildings that could have made them see profit this year and prob last year too

1 powerful do it all console for all ages and Nntendo will sweep again, even with 1st party titles only to start

Concertoine3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )


A bowser game? What?! They have plenty of action: Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Devil's Third and RPG's: Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, Monster hunter, and Xenoblade X... that's just what's announced. Also i think we will see new ip's soon... splatoon is a fun start and them testing the waters.


Good grief man, that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever read. I certainly think Nintendo could strike gold again but i guess no one experiences success but nintendo in your eyes.

choujij3647d ago

Is it any different when people compare Xbox 360 to Wii and PS3, tho it had a year head start?

ABizzel13647d ago


Cherry picking doesn't help prove your point, especially when there were 4 other strong and valid problems with the Wii U. Nintendo's problem is they're moving at too slow of a pace releasing games when they have absolutely no 3rd party support to cushion their releases.

The main reasons they don't have 3rd party support is because, none Nintendo 1st party games perform poorly on Nintendo consoles, because fans only want Mario, Zelda, Smash, Pokemon, and Metroid. Which is fine, but that's exactly why developers take their time and money elsewhere. Also not having powerful enough hardware where they can easily port their games to Wii U makes developers skip it all together when they know they're not going to make their money back.

Nintendo doesn't have the benefit of EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Warner, Epic, Bethesda, 2k, and more making games for them so they have to do it themselves and fast or pay for 3rd party exclusives.

Until they get these issues solved, Nintendo's home console will always be just a Nintendo platform, and will be in the same position of selling to an audience of about 30 million core gamers, and hope they get lucky and net casuals.

I'm not here to bash Nintendo, but they need a reality knock because they have comments like this going around which makes them seem aloof and clueless.

If I had to describe Nintendo's mindset most of the time, it would be this.... http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/...

Seriously, it's like a bunch of little kids are running the company. They need someone to come in there and get their act together. I've proven once before I own a Wii U, but Nintendo has a lot of work ahead of them, and for Reggie to act like they're neck and neck, when they're getting their @$$ served to them just goes to show how backwards and aloof they really are.

fenome3646d ago


On the real, I'd buy a wii-u right now if they made another TRUE Mario RPG, and I'm not talking about Paper Mario. I'm talkin' about SNES Legend of the Seven Stars, one of my favorite games of all time.

They'd have to keep it true though, Nintendo has a habbit of trying to flip everything on its head for 'innovation'. That's where they lost me, they kept the names but lost their roots..

If you keep trying to reinvent the wheel it's just gonna end up spinning sideways.

I still own all their consoles and my favorite games up till the N64, but that's where I stop with them for the moment.

ShoryuSwordsman3646d ago


Your logic is a bit flawed. You're assuming that every new game made will be a system seller, as if everyone who wants each of these games wouldn't have a wii u by the next one. Mk8 may have had a spike, and smash brothers will likely have one as well, but after that don't be surprised if sales slow to a crawl. With maybe 50-100k spikes with their bread n butter ips.

DragonKnight3646d ago

Nintendo are, at times, their own worst enemy. They have some great IPs but they are slow as molasses to do anything and they are still marred in old school business ideas and models. I in fact heard that that's actually a term in Japan called "Kyoto Business" or something where all of the oldest companies reside in Kyoto and still do business in the old ways.

Nintendo is like an aged turtle (and I just now realized the irony in saying that). Been around a long, long time, moves slow, and doesn't do much of anything new.

You could say they created the Evergreen model and it's biting them in the behind with the Wii U.

That said, people need to ditch the instant gratification attitude as well. All things take time.

andibandit3646d ago

Youre all fools, he has to say this, its corporate communication

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3646d ago
Eonjay3647d ago

Except, technically he is not wrong. The Wii U is in 2nd place.

Evilsnuggle3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

I think it could be close between wiiU and xbone Juan sells . If Nintendo play their hand right . If Nintendo drop the wiiU price to 200 or 250 bundle with super smash bros . They could grow their lead on xbone . Now against sony Nintendo nor Microsoft stands a chance in win the sales war against sony . PS4 will almost double the sales lifetime sales of both wiiU and xbone worldwide .

/necro_559 and dark king

We're are you getting your numbers Microsoft has not sold 5.5 million xbone Juan's more like 4.5 maybe . Microsoft has not announced there sales numbers that was shipped not sold sorry.

3647d ago
G20WLY3646d ago (Edited 3646d ago )

^Their they're, calm down.

Magicite3647d ago

Now WiiU can try to compete with X1 and with upcoming exclusives it has a chance.
Not a chance against PS4 of course.

3647d ago
greenlantern28143647d ago

Well he can't say, no we are gonna get destroyed. Nintendo has to at least appear confident. Besides right now they are riding a positive wave, sales are way up, MK8 getting great reviews all around, most people liked their E3 showing. So why not say your in the race as long as you can say it.

Shnazzyone3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

I expected this and I was curious how N4g would react when wii U becomes number 1 after mario kart 8's release. It feels nice to be right and it seems I got my answer. Seems primarily denialism and dismissing this as being any form of win.

Dunno if it will maintain but suddenly I know lots of other people with a wii U. Anything to increase that installbase and get more for my wii U... I'm okay with.

Kalebninja3647d ago

oh I'm sorry what was the wii then?

D-riders3646d ago

Wider general audience than nintendo?

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Thatguy-3103647d ago

Reality will hit him hard lol he does realize that the consoles launched 7 months ago right? Where as the Wii U has more than a year on the market and has struggled.

LOL_WUT3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

You know its doing bad when Nintendo and Co. celebrate a one week event... Guess you got to celebrate any win you can get.

Ps4 7.7 Million sold in 8 months
WiiU 6.2 Million sold in over a year and a half

And Reggie thinks it's still a three-horse race? The Mr. Fantastic reach is strong with this one ;)

nucky643647d ago

how does anyone disagree with you....what you posted is the truth.

Army_of_Darkness3647d ago

Because Nintendo fanboys are delusional like Reggie lol!

randomass1713647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

@Army_of_Darkness Actually it's because this is one of the few times LOL_WUT is not complaining about something dumb and actually said something somewhat accurate backed up by evidence.

AngelicIceDiamond3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

@dboyce Yeah that's unfortunate but Nintendo released a plethora of games at E3. That managed to Hugely outnumber Sony's offering's and even managed to out number X1's great quantity of games.

Super Smash Bro's Wii U, Bayonetta 2, Yoshi's Wooly World, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Hyrule Warriors, Kirby: And The Rainbow Curse, Xeno Blade Chronicles, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Mario Party 10, Sonic Boom, Devil's Third. A

And the much anticipated Star Fox and Zelda U. That's a massive 14 exclusive.

Compared to Sony's 6 exclusives.

The Order: 1886, Uncharted 4 A Thief's End, Bloodborne, Drive Club, Little Big planet 3 And The F2P title Let It Die.

Compared to MS 11 games.

Halo MCC, Sunset Overdrive, FH2, Fable Legends, Quantum Break, Crack Down 3, Phantom Dust, Halo 5 Guardians, Scale Bound, Ori And The Blind Forest and inside.

Nintendo's beats out both Sony and MS. It may have taken Nintendo a little time but my god they're back.

EDIT: @dboyce "True but the majority of them just cater to the Nintendo fan base. That's the problem with Nintendo."

Yeah and those Nintendo fans bought the crap out of Mario Kart.


Over 1.2mill just think once Zelda U and Star Fox release? I can't imagine the numbers Nintendo fans are super dedicated fan base.

Thatguy-3103647d ago

True but the majority of them just cater to the Nintendo fan base. That's the problem with Nintendo. In order for them to compete they need to reach out of their demographic. The fanbase can only get you so far.

weekev153647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

Nvr mind

LAWSON723647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

Still they do not have 3rd party.

I am not saying 3rd would be a huge plus for Wii U, but PS4 and Xbone have a plethora of big multiplats coming out cannot be ignored

rdgneoz33647d ago

Nintendo always has a good line up of first party games (though many tend to be for younger gamers), what they tend to lack is multiplats.

No GTA, Destiny, AC: Unity, Shadow's of Mordor, Watch Dogs was pushed way back, Far Cry 4, Dying Light, Evil Within, Witcher 3, Dark Knight, Dragon Age, Evolve, The Crew, ...

InTheLab3647d ago

And what of the games the WiiU won't be getting? I'm sure every one of you would trade another Yarn title for Arkham Knight.

You also missed a few PS4 titles.

Mr_Writer853647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

"Yeah and those Nintendo fans bought the crap out of Mario Kart. "

Well of course they would when its the only game they are going to get for god knows how long...

"Over 1.2mill just think once Zelda U and Star Fox release? I can't imagine the numbers Nintendo fans are super dedicated fan base."

So dedicated they waited over a year to buy a WiiU...

DivineHand1253647d ago

When comparing Nintendo's console to it's competitors, you cannot only list exclusives. You have to include the 3rd party games that are not coming to the wiiU. Once you do that, you will realize how meagre Nintendo's offerings really are.
The position Nintendo is in right now is that they cannot prove to the core gamer that the wiiU can satisfy their gaming needs and no gamer deserves to miss out on the big upcoming third party games.

InTheLab3647d ago


Exactly. So when you look at the list of exclusives on the WiiU versus PS4 or X1, you have to account for the true next gen titles coming that won't be on ps3/360wiiu. With that in mind, another Mario title won't convince anyone to buy a WiiU unless you're the die hards that thought the wii was a good console.

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elhebbo163647d ago

I'm pretty sure he is hit with these numbers on the daily bases. all he is doing here is PR talk, 'reality' wont hit him because he already knows whats going on.

paulcek3647d ago

Dude, Reggie isn't that stupid, HE KNOWS that the Wii U is selling poorly, but what is he supposed to say? He probably thinks the Wii U will come in third but has to act like it still has a chance cuz THAT'S HIS JOB.

DivineHand1253647d ago

Unfortunately I don't think coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd is as important to Nintendo as it is to Microsoft and Sony since they have yet to make the needed change to push them further. Just look at Microsoft for example. They did a complete 180 in the 8 months the xbox one was out.
All Nintendo cares about is making as much money as possible no matter their current situation while maintaining their old ideologies.

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-Foxtrot3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

Some of the stuff he's said lately doesn't seem very "Reggie" like.

It's like Nintendo in general, he's adopted their approach


ChickeyCantor3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

"doesn't seem very "Reggie" like. "

I really am under the impression people like you have imprinted an idea onto yourself that you fully understand what they are doing.

What do you want Reggie to say? "Yeah we are a bit late with our time frame, Nintendo sure sucks".

I bet the answer is "yes". Because that's what you people expect a PR to tell the audience.

They are doing well now. And it looks like they did pretty well with E3 convincing a lot of people. So F Reggie for having a positive spin at it. F him for being the PR of Nintendo. If only he wasn't doing his job, right?

"It's like Nintendo in general, he's adopted their approach "

He speaks for Nintendo. FFS dude.

FinalomegaS3647d ago

jeez, someone on this site that actually thinks.

whats more funny, is that you got a disagree lol. It's been a long time and I am 99% sure the posters on here live in the basement and know nothing of the outside world.

I am part of that evil machine, and what you said is 101% true... When my executive team go on the show floor for an event and the press have them, they represent the company and must do and say everything for the good of "the company".

-Foxtrot3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

Just because he speaks for Nintendo doesn't mean he has to speak total BS and make it look like he's totally deluded. Look at the Twitch comment because apparently it's "no fun". Your saying that people have an imprinted idea that we understand what they are doing....we know Nintendo more then them. They speak like they know what's best for us instead of listening to what we actually want.

Reggie in the past has always spoke realistically about current situations and has always tried to play the field so he doesn't sound like he's doing a typical PR talk.

One example out of many, a Metroid game, that should be in development now, hell we should of saw a teaser at E3 but nothing how long have we been asking for that one. If you need another take a Majoras Mask remake, how long have we been asking for that one and just now we are getting "We are listening". We've finally just got a Starfox game yet it's miles off.

There's speaking realistically for a company your promoting and speaking like you and the company are totally in denial about your surroundings, so obviously that we can easily pick it up.

"What do you want Reggie to say? "Yeah we are a bit late with our time frame, Nintendo sure sucks"

Or how about

"Yeah we are a bit late with our time frame, but Nintendo are doing the best we can at the minute to turn that bad start into a fantastic finish"

Not that hard really is it.

People like you need to chill the hell out

Baka-akaB3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

Well it's his job actually to speak total BS . If things were more positive , you'd hear more things , but when that "all" you can latch upon of course you'll spin the heck of it and be glib .

It doesnt work on us , but it probably does on someone . Hell i rolled my eyes at his vga presence , where he was like we are showing you "donkey kong and luigi , what more do you want ?" . But the common guy was maybe in awe

"Reggie in the past has always spoke realistically about current situations and has always tried to play the field so he doesn't sound like he's doing a typical PR talk. "

I dont believe that for a second . At least that's not how i remember it . The situation was just very difference with a wii leading the market for a while despite the flaws . But he and others always brushed aside their issues , especially with 3rd parties

maniacmayhem3647d ago

A thing you have to understand about Foxtrot is that everyone in his mind speaks PR talk.

You'll find him saying this in every MS or Nintendo article when an interview of one of their execs are talking.
I'll tell you where you won't find him saying this, in a Sony article.

I mean we just had a total PR/BS article about Shu apologizing for game delays. Of course according to him Shu is down to Earth, but Reggie, all PR talk.

ChickeyCantor3647d ago

"Your saying that people have an imprinted idea that we understand what they are doing....we know Nintendo more then them."

There you go. Case in point. BRAVO.

"Yeah we are a bit late with our time frame, but Nintendo are doing the best we can at the minute to turn that bad start into a fantastic finish" "

What difference does it make? How is this concerning to you? You're reaching for straws. Just stop man. STOP.

-Foxtrot3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

"What difference does it make? How is this concerning to you? You're reaching for straws. Just stop man. STOP."

Urm...a lot, that's what. I think this...

"but Nintendo are doing the best we can at the minute to turn that bad start into a fantastic finish"

Is alot better then what YOU suggested he say

"Nintendo sure sucks"

How is it concerning me? I don't know you tell me since your the one who brought it up in the first place. I'm just replying to you

Your telling me to stop but your the one looking silly here as your the one who replied to me, saying these things which don't hold much relevance to the convo.

So no...YOU stop and YOU stop reaching for straws.

Honestly man people like you are why Nintendo doesn't feel the need to step forward and get with the times. It's different if comments were like "Nintendo sucks" but when people make critical comments which are thoughts on their current situation people like you swoop in thinking they are attacking them full force for whatever reason and feel the need to defend them.

I really think nostalgia plays a huge part in this....you've got to stop looking at Nintendo as the company from the past and look at what they are in the present, there's a huge difference now.

ChickeyCantor3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

"Urm...a lot, thats what. I think "
You keep saying that, but no substance. Where is your in depth explanation?

"How is it concerning me...I don't know you tell me since your the one who brought it up in the first place. I'm just replying to you

Your telling me to stop but your the one looking silly here as your the one who replied to me, saying these things which don't hold much relevance to the convo.

So you can't even explain why you are so against the thing Reggie said. Then you go on telling me I'm adding nothing to the convo. Brilliant. You really don't see the irony of that, do you?

"Honestly man people like you are why Nintendo doesn't feel the need to step forward and get with the times."

First of all Reggies talks are mostly directed to stockholders. Not to us gamers directly. Nintendo is picking up steam, that's good for gamers. That's all we need to know. Whether they outsell Sony is not a concern of mine. All I need to know is that Nintendo is doing alright. By that alone I know the WiiU will have decent, if not, great support.

Second: How is Reggie having positive spin on their CURRENT success, telling us that they are holding back their own business?

Me simply calling out to your BS does NOT mean I'm affecting Nintendo in anyway. My disagreement is with you, those are the limits.

Again you're reaching for straws.

"I really think nostalgia plays a huge part in this....you've got to stop looking at Nintendo as the company from the past and look at what they are in the present, there's a huge difference now."

Seriously dude just stop. You try to come off intelligent and deep and what not but you're just throwing around the same Nintendo hate drivel. A try hard, that's what you are.

I wasn't defending Reggie because it's Nintendo. I was defending Reggie because you were telling him NOT to do his job.

I'm done with this.

moparful993647d ago

Look every one is entitled to their opinions. Just because you think someone is overly concerned with Regie's "rainbows and sunshine" pr speech about their lagging sales doesn's make their opinion irrelevant.

In fact if Nintendo listened to and addressed concerns like this they probably wouldnt be in their current predicament..

He is probably like myself, we grew up with Nintendo and it shaped our affinity for video games. So it is very disconcerting to us that Nintendo under the PR mantle of Reggie is doing so poorly.

If he wants to voice his concern he is more than entitled. Your overly defensive stature is concerning, if you are a fan of Nintendo why are you not more concerned?

ChickeyCantor3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

"if you are a fan of Nintendo why are you not more concerned"

About what? That's the thing I don't get. I should be concerned about what?

Foxtrot simply complaint because he didn't like Reggie doing his job. The illusion he is suddenly talking different. No he isn't. It's just standard PR talk.

You would never hear a Sony PR or a MS PR down talk their own business. It's counter productive. You don't talk in negatives unless there is an apology. And that's exactly what Foxtrot wants. An apology because their plan didn't go as intended. But what will you achieve with that. How will this do good to me as a gamer?

"In fact if Nintendo listened to and addressed concerns like this they probably wouldnt be in their current predicament.. "

Are you serious?
They were getting backlash for a whole year. They did listen and address a lot of the concerns. That's exactly what this E3 was. So even when they do you still insist they aren't addressing anything? And how did you figure that? Because Reggie is positively spinning their current success?

It's never good enough when it comes to Nintendo. So you have people like foxtrot complaining about how Reggie is doing his PR job. Absolutely laughable.

As a matter of fact, his opinion is absolutely irrelevant and simply a whine.

He has every right to cast his opinion, doesn't mean it's a valid one.

with that said :

"Your overly defensive stature is concerning"

No I'm tired of Foxtrot looking for BS reasons to complain. Simple as that.

-Foxtrot3647d ago

Go home ChickeyCanto...your drunk

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3647d ago
Concertoine3647d ago

I can't say i'm seeing much of a difference in the way Reggie talks because they've never really experienced long term failure in the time he worked there until now.

But i find your accusation of them not/barely listening to be a little bit extreme. If they don't have plans to make a remake of Majora's Mask its not them flipping off fans, more likely that dev team working on something else and them not willing to halt progress on that project for a remake. That's assuming it's not already in development with them choosing to reveal it later. And to complain "Star Fox is miles off" is just being stupid... i mean games take time and if they don't have a good concept and don't want to outsource it again (a move which led the series where it is) then let the series rest until that time comes. You should really be glad it's coming, not complain we won't see it until the end of next year.

-Foxtrot3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

How is it extreme...oh yeah because it's Nintendo and we can't go "extreme" for Nintendo can we.

Seriously people like you wouldn't have a problem if I and others on this article were talking about anyone else. Why is it Nintendo seems to get the benefit of the doubt yet people have no problem ripping Microsoft or Sony to shreds if they were being out of touch constantly or making arrogant/deluded statements.

"more likely that dev team working on something else and them not willing to halt progress on that project for a remake"

There is always a team around, there will always be at least one team who is finished or almost finished who can get to work on it. Hell the team who did the Ocarina of Time remake.

"And to complain "Star Fox is miles off" is just being stupid... i mean games take time and if they don't have a good concept"

How is it being stupid...it is miles off and probably won't be released until 2016 so please don't call someone stupid for being realistic. Starfox and Metroid fan requests since forever should of been announced by now or maybe last year. The Wii U has been out for a year and a half now. They had their Mario games at the start so why didn't we get other, non Mario games now....oh yeah because they are out of touch and are still living in the past. Their comments lately show that they think they know what we want but they have it completely wrong.

I wouldn't mind if during that head start they focused more on tightening their third party support for the Wii U before the PS4/Xbox One came out but they didn't even do that.

Hell look at the next Zelda game...we don't even have a title for it, just a "Look at this, this is what the game will look like...pretty right...ok well that's all see you next year". We'd be lucky if we get a Holiday 2015 release.

Oh and while we are at it...Gamecube games. Where are those? Super Mario Sunshine, Double Dash, Luigis Mansion, Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil Remake, Metroid Prime, Starfox, Paper Mario, Pikman, Animal Crossing, Smash Bros Melee" I could go on

wonderfulmonkeyman3647d ago

Reggie is ignoring the time frame it took to reach its current sales in comparison to the other consoles, but to be fair, if the console's future games increase sales fast enough, that gap could close enough to become inconsequential.

But regardless of whether or not it ever catches up in units sold, its games are still getting better and better as time goes on, so most who get a Wii U are going to be happy with their purchase regardless of its worldwide sales.

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Show organizers ReedPop and Penny Arcade announced that PAX West 2023 will have a keynote speaker famous within the gaming industry.

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anast301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

Reggie is actually a creative marketing manager. He is the real deal. I think the guy might even be above average in the sales department. He got people to accept cheaply made products for extremely high prices and not only accept the situation but to defend him in a way to make sure their favorite sales manager gets rich, and on top of all of this, he kept the pop-culture train rolling. The dude is a true hustler.

Michiel1989301d ago

because the majority of people who buy nintendo products know Reggie....you're one of the most pathetic fanboys I've seen in a good while. Always ready to shit on everything non-Sony and when sony controller ports fuck up at EVO no one is allowed to report on it...just sad.

Ataraxias301d ago

Bruh, all that was a compliment to Reggie.

anast300d ago

I'm all good. It looks like you got somethings to work on.

anast300d ago


It's a compliment. I highlighted all the stuff he excelled at, which is more than most execs in gaming.

Michiel1989300d ago

You know that I wasn't talking about your compliments about Reggie. I don't get how you don't get tired of constantly shitting on other platforms, shills like you is honestly why I don't visit this site anymore.

anast300d ago

"You know that I wasn't talking about your compliments about Reggie. I don't get how you don't get tired of constantly shitting on other platforms, shills like you is honestly why I don't visit this site anymore."

I'll just leave that here. My advice still stands.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 300d ago

Why VR Gaming Shouldn't Be Afraid to be Niche

Recent stats show that VR will be niche for years to come. Here's why VR gaming shouldn't be afraid to be niche.

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jznrpg461d ago

My wife who generally hates games has taken over my PS5 for last couple days to play PSVR2 when she is home . Now I have to go get another PS5 at least .

S2Killinit461d ago (Edited 461d ago )

LOL 😂 you are a good husband.

SurgicalMenace461d ago

Suffice it to say, you've convinced her.

Einhander1971461d ago

Yes totally agree, niche is better sometimes.


‘Don’t hold your breath’ for Mother 3 or more Earthbound, says Reggie Fils-Aimé

From VGC: "Former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé has cautioned fans not to expect further releases in the Earthbound series in the near future.

Mother – or Earthbound, as it’s known in the West – saw its third instalment released on the Game Boy Advance in Japan over 15 years ago, but despite persistent requests from fan groups it has never received an official English release.

The Earthbound series received renewed attention in February after Nintendo announced that both Earthbound and its predecessor Earthbound Beginnings (aka Mother) would be added to Switch Online’s SNES and NES apps."

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BrainSyphoned763d ago

He would happily suggest buying a NFT of Ness though. Thank God he is a semi-retired mouthpiece.