
Titanfall, Half a game, Same full price

Garreth said "Don’t get the wrong idea, I play Titanfall online and enjoy it’s limited modes for the most part, but where the hell is the other half of my game?! If gamers wanted to play nine maps back to back in different modes, we could just select the Variety Pack from the menu, and even then get more variety than the campaign gives us. In the past Microsoft managed to give us brilliant exclusives on the Xbox platform, such as Gears Of War, that again not only had a host of multiplayer modes, but a very engaging campaign throughout the entire series......."

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Sammy7773836d ago

no one is forcing you to buy Titanfall. If you like the style of the game , buy it. If not, don't bother

dedicatedtogamers3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

I do find it odd how MGS Ground Zeroes got a ton of flak for being "beatable in 2 hours" and even when they revealed the price would be $40/$30, many people said that's way too short.

And yet the so-called "online campaign" in Titanfall (which is terribly dull, btw) takes only two hours and no reviewer mentions it. The limited game modes and limited selection of weapons (not to mention glaring technical problems on PC and X1) get no mention at all. Moneyhats, anyone?

ShowGun9013836d ago

agreed... if cod dropped its SP campaign, can you imagine the uproar on here if the price stayed at $60? there'd be hell to pay on the forums! but its ok as long as its their first game of the series? hypocrite much?

No_Limit3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

I can play Titanfall for hours and against other competitor online so the argument that it is 1/2 a game is garbage because you can say the same thing for Warhawk, Socom, an MAG as well, if that is the case. Single player games needs to provide length for full value because once you beat it, there is very little replay value to it. End Rant.

AliTheSnake13836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

@No_Limit It's about experience, not just how long you play. New blurays are around 40 bucks, for example. Campaigns offer epic experiences, and they are usually highly produced, with great story,epic score,script and voice acting. I usually get Call of duty, mainly to play the campaign. Looks like Titanfall is about to ruin it for everyone by starting this trend of no campaigns for full price.

maniacmayhem3836d ago


Because the main draw and focus is on the multiplayer aspect of the game. It was built with that in mind and with it comes more than 2 hours of campaign enjoyment. Even the campaign changes depending on what other players are in the game with you.

Unlike MGS Ground Zero which has no replay value at all once you beat it in two hours.

There are no moneyhats as you and others like to keep mentioning in every review of Titanfall. That supposed moneyhatting must have extended to the patrons on the games floor during events, the many awards it received, almost all reviews pre Titanfall's release and over half of the reviews now right?

It's amazing that MS or EA are still in business with all that money they had to shell out to get the good reviews.

Lets not give any credit to Respawn actually making a tight, very fun game despite the "obvious" technical problems you seem to be getting when you yourself personally play the game.

pompombrum3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Did you seriously just compare Titanfall to MGS Ground Zero?

Dannyh3836d ago

So does that make infamous second son a half game because it has no online

vickers5003836d ago

"I usually get Call of duty, mainly to play the campaign."

"Campaigns offer epic experiences, and they are usually highly produced, with great story"

"Call of Duty"
"great story"


antz11043836d ago

No, metal gear is taking flak for being 2 hours.....and that's it. The Titanfall campaign is short but the bulk of the game is online play which ppl are dumping days into.

Value of a game is subjective to whoever plays it.

PONTIAC08G8GT3836d ago

How do people justify $60 COD then? Isn't COD basically the same game mechanics, just with new maps, some new guns, and a couple perks? I don't hear anyone crying paying $60 for a a new COD every year. Should Madden be cheaper because it's just roster updates and a new "tackling" engine?

The argument is, it's a MP only game. OK, Skryim is a single player only game yet that was $60. You can spend 100 hours in Skryim, but you could do the same for Titanfall.

The whole price thing, stop complaining. Those that own it know it's worth $60.

Boody-Bandit3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

"Because the main draw and focus is on the multiplayer aspect of the game. It was built with that in mind"

The main draw and focus of COD and BF are their online component as well.

As far as money changing hands for positive feedback. Was it not MS just caught doing this with youtube reviewers, Machinima and other outlets? You guys do realize how websites work, don't you? They primarily survive through advertising dollars. Who advertises more than MS, EA and Activison in the gaming industry.

You don't think that makes it harder for media outlets to be more critical of them? Try telling that to anyone in business with their big clients regardless of what they personally think of them or their products. Try telling your boss you're going to put a big money client in his place and see how long it takes him to tell you to clean out your desk and be gone.

Sorry but in business money talks and definitely gets you favoritism and privileges most others don't.

Just look at how BF4 was rated and then it hits retail and is a broken mess for the 1st several weeks to couple months. Money talks.

Yeah it's amazing how times have changed. Warhawk was criticized for being online only and still till this day it was one of the smoothest online experiences, as far as low level latency to none at all, I've ever played on a console. I mean that game ran like silk online.

It's a shame it didn't take off and build a substantial audience. When I first saw TitanFall it reminded me of Warhawk. In that it's main draw was a vehicle. Now let's get one of these devs to make a crossover verion. Warhawks X Titans.

4Sh0w3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

MGSV Ground Zero= 2 hr demo.

Titanfall= online multiplayer focused game.

Big difference, if not then I see no reason why inFamous SS should not take a huge hit for lack of multiplayer like GTA5 has.

Also Warhawk had no mass criticism for online only, and the soap box ranters can't post a quote for past criticism when games like MAG were being hyped, its convenient NOW to suggest every game must have a SP campaign, while also ignoring games with no multi or giving poor excuses why one is OK and one is not when the bottom line is the avg user spends more time PLAYING multiplayer games.

AliTheSnake13836d ago

@vickers500 You ever played a call of duty campaign? Obviously not

3836d ago
vickers5003836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )


Yeah, I have. I've played and beat CoD2, CoD4, MW2 (all three on veteran), World at War, I played through 75% of Black Ops 1s campaign, and 50% of Black Ops 2s campaign (and about 20 minutes of MW3, though I couldn't stand 20 minutes of that trash).

CoD2/CoD4/MW1/World at War and parts of MW2 had sorta fun campaigns, but the story is no where near "great" in any of them, especially MW2 and everything afterwards.

I honestly wouldn't care the slightest bit if post-MW2 CoD games didn't have any single player at all, the stories are terrible, the gameplay is generic and mostly linear, the set pieces aren't very impressive anymore and it's just an overall crappy and worthlessly unnecessary experience, and I'd be willing to bet 90% of the people who still play and buy CoD would agree with me.

DOMination-3835d ago

Infamous has no multiplayer. Half a game...

AliTheSnake13835d ago (Edited 3835d ago )

@vickers500 Thanks for emphasizing, you have weird taste in campaigns. I find the older campaigns of cod 2 and 3 really boring, all you do is walk through the same environment and shoot. COD4 was fun but MW2 topped it big time. And BO1 and BO2 topped them, easily comparable, huge leap in every aspect; story, map design, Voice acting, score,dialogue, over the top action scenes, great setpieaces and twists.It's like playing a long summer blockbuster movie. I just don't understand how you think Cod 2,3 and 4 are superior to MW2,BO1 and BO2.All the people I know who play COD, love the campaign and think it's epic

@DigitalxAlchemist @DOMination- @edonus @4Sh0w
You fail miserably at comparing the two. The money spent on producing multilayer is nothing, compared to the money spent on producing a campaign. All you need is to create the maps, weapons,modes, and program and test from there.A campaign needs a story,score,voice acting, characters and character development, Environment designs, more work on AI.All of this cost a lot of money to produce. It's not all about how long you play, I'm sorry but that's a stupid way of thinking.It's like buying a set of cards for 60 bucks.

It's also about the QUALITY OF THE EXPERIENCE; think of watching 3 movies in dvd low quality at your house, vs watching a movie, possibly in 3d, on the big screen. Quantity <<< Quality.

vickers5003833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )


If you like them, then more power to you, but I can't stand them, and disagree with pretty much everything you said.

As for why I like previous campaigns, they were just more memorable than newer titles.

CoD4 had the opening execution scene, the nuke scene where you crawl around looking for survivors until your death (my favorite part of the game), the all ghilled up section and I can't recall if this was mw2 or mw1, but I think the scene at the end where you either throw a knife at the last boss or shoot someone in slow mo.

MW2 I should clarify, I did like a little bit (as in I think it was worth being there), the jet ski scene and that ending scene (which I can't seem to remember which particular one it was, knife or pistol, probably knife now that I think about it) were both memorable moments that I enjoyed.

The only thing about Black Ops 1 that I remember is getting pissed off at a certain section on veteran difficulty and putting it down forever (and some very ugly graphics).

Black Ops 2 I just found boring.

Newer Call of Duty games are just a series of unimpressive set pieces to me. When you see something explode 100 times, it eventually starts to lose its appeal and wow factor.

Call of Duty 2 and World At War I liked because it gave you a real sense of being in an actual war, nothing to grandiose and over the top unrealistic like most newer cod games.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3833d ago
3836d ago Replies(2)
LordDhampire3836d ago

yeah but most these reviews overscored the game, I bought it because all the high scores and while its a fun game, it is lacking content basic things like characters cutomization or emblems on mech, just small stuff what adds up. Its a good game but its not great because its lacking small things the competition has, and it doesn't feel like it will last the long haul.

A solid 8-8.5 not a 9

Ra30303836d ago

But Microsoft told us to buy it. They told us Titanfall is the greatest, bestest FPS game ever. They called it the Call of Duty killer, game changer they said. So now when the game doesn't meet the hype the advice changes to "if you like the style of game, buy it. If not, don't". To bad for those that took Microsofts word on what they were saying about Titanfall. The good thing is that based on sales not many were suckered. Based on sales Titanfall is no Call of Duty killer and no game changer. It's a FPS tranning game for those that suck at FPS type games. Titanfall is not even a console seller. How could Microsoft been so wrong on so many things on one game, how is that even possible. And before anyone comments on how Titanfall is only selling on PC and X1 so it can't be a Call of Duty killer. It's to late to change the story now plus there are what 40 maybe 50 million PC gamers that would be more than enough to make Titanfall a Call of Duty killer......if only it was a good enough game.

FantasticBoss3836d ago

If you think that PC gamer numbers alone can kill COD then you are completely blind to the numbers behind why that game has been so massively popular and able to sell as many copies as it does. You think that magically the PC gaming crowd could EVER rally behind a game so hard as to outsell COD without a significant portion of the console market which is what drives it's sales in the first place? Come on man, that's just silly.

Honestly, TitanFall is a blast. Does it change everything? Not necessarily, but so what? I'm having a blast playing it. Yeah, the campaign is weak, but I payed 60 bucks for BF3 and 4 and have barely even touched their campaigns because I honestly don't care about them. At least Respawn didn't dump millions and millions into a mode I'll never play that ends up being super luke warm anyways, allowing them to put more time and money into making the best MP experience they can. They made a solid and tight playing online game with an exhilarating fast pace and a unique multi layered combat mechanic with the titans. It's fun! Do I think it can topple COD? As a franchise, very possibly, with time. However, anyone who expected this thing to immediately outsell the biggest sales juggernaut in gaming is a fool.

Also, not a console seller? X1 sales about doubled at the release of the game.

Finally, a training shooter? Really? Why, because it's soooo easy? Look, in any competitive game someone has to win and someone has to lose. The one who wins is the one who plays the game better. It is purely down to how good you are at the game. Sur, some are harder to get the hang of then others, but at the end of the day the difficulty of a match is set by the players not the game.

During the beta I had one of my gaming buddies with a big stick up his ass about COD saying how he didn't like the game because it was "too easy, blah blah blah." Not enough recoil, I'm to good at shooters for this crap yadda yadda. The guy has played on professional teams and such for various games, so he's certainly no slouch. However, when we got him playing he got his ass handed to him over and over again and then said the game is crap.

You obviously have an agenda and you are going to stop it nothing to shit all over everyone else parade. Get over it, it's a fun game and if you legitimately don't like the game, that's fine.

People like you need to stop going out of your way to tell people what they can and cannot be allowed to enjoy just because you feel like you have to save the world with ass hattery.

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Philoctetes3836d ago

I'm on PS4 so I won't be playing this game anyway, but come on. People buy online shooters for the MP, not SP. A multiplayer-only shooter is more like 98% of a game, not half a game.

Palitera3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

PS4 and XBone here, but don't have TF yet.

But yes. It is better not to have a campaign than to waste resources in a CoD-like shallow campaign mode.


I bet all these whiners that ask for any stupid campaign (like in the game mentioned above) are the same ones that say that games shouldn't get tacked-on MP modes.

Well, guess what? Now you're asking for tacked-on SP modes.


This goes both ways. If your MP or SP would be crap, don't waste time and resources on it.

Orange Juice3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

I agree, its not like they were misleading anybody otherwise. It was sold as a pure mp game for multiplayer gamers from day one, and more power to them. I dont want a tacked on sp in my mp games any more than I want mp thrown into my sp games just for the sake of adding "value". I dont play titanfall btw, but I do play warhawk and I totally disagree with this idea that both sp and mp are required to make a good game.

SolidDuck3836d ago

Completely agree. I also wish games like battlefield would do this. Focus on mp, polish it up more, add a few more maps, weapons, ect... Ditch the sp completely. The sp are never very good, they don't hold up to good fps single player campaigns like bioshock or metro, there just a waste. The amount of games that have really good single and competative mp is tiny. Off the top of my head all I can think of is halo, and I actually enjoy both in uncharted. For the most part tho I would way rather games focus on being great in one area then ok in multiples. By the way titanfall is not my thing, not bashing it, I'm just not good at twitch shooters. But the fact that it's mp only is a good thing to me,

_FantasmA_3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Its true that people buy shooters for the online, but even then Titanfail failed because it lacks modes, features, and other basic shooter things (like private matches WTF?) I mean if its going to be online only then it better make up for the lack of campaign with 25-30 maps, just as many modes, lots of characters, weapons, and customizations, things which it lacks. So its missing the campaign AND the features. This game should have been free to play or $25.

Legacy2123836d ago

I stopped reading at "titan fall failed" lol your cutely delusional

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3836d ago
XboxFun3836d ago

Half a game? I guess single player only games are half a game too right?

the same amount of time, perhapse even more went into making this game. And its just as fun as any single player experience.

these biased, game reviewers, right n4g?

Palitera3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Monkeys echoing a trend. Just this.

OutlandGaMIng3836d ago

Single player games were never half before and still are not today but that all depends on which games we are talking about , open worlds are not half a game majority of the time or final fantasy games , but yes if you think about fps games with a single player only it does feel like half a game and theres reasons for that obviously , so when i see titanfall with no single player or even co-op campaign it does feel half assed from what is normally expected cause this is not OK no matter how much you enjoy the mp it is not ok for people to see this as not a problem cause if everyone takes a page from this book its gonna be bad news and @ a comment above "wasting resources ? " that would make sense if the multiplayer offered everything ! but it truly does not , I'm not here to entirely bash on Titanfall cause i enjoy it but not for hours on end and you must have pretty sold out or low expectations set for your gaming if you can really convince yourself your enjoying something new everytime you jump into a match in that game it really does need more and not dlc !!! ALL THE MP CONTENT SHOULDA BEEN INCLUDED FOR 60$

GTgamer3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Games started without online MP so your saying every game we played in the passed was half a game :/ frankly I prefer offline MP classic slipt screen especially in racing games but now i cant even play a game in together in the same room with my brothers thanks to online MP. Oh and FYI TF is half a game not for the SP only but for small number of games modes/features i mean the game doesnt even have private Lobbies or private matches/Limited Customization/ and the thing about online only games is without intertent that game is rendered completely useless now that's why MWN review said the game is the beta With more Maps and your paying a full $60 for it.

Chug3836d ago

If it was $40, I'd probably pick it up on PC.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub742d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad742d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g742d ago (Edited 742d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp142d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal1023d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad1022d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal1021d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.