
inFAMOUS: Second Son’s Retail Version Shows Radical Differences Compared to E3 2013 Trailer

Today the first 20 minutes of gameplay from the retail version of inFAMOUS: Second Son were leaked, and interestingly enough they include a scene that was shown during the E3 2013 trailer.

Even more interestingly, the new version of the scene is very different, showcasing completely remade lighting and even some different environments, as you can see from the screenshots below.

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kiz26943730d ago

Only seeing a time difference (sunset not midday), graphically looks very close to there concept. Also the locations have changed but not graphically.

Irishguy953730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Earlier reports were correct, the graphics have taken a massive dive

This was apparent in leaked gameplay vids. However now it's clear as day. Seriously, the X1 and Ps4 were completely miscalculated by MS and Sony....or..well, not really. Like E3 2005 again but just not as bad on sonys part


The difference is immense. I wonder why they changed the lighting from before too? Imo the old one looks better, however Infamous 1 and 2 had their own 'unrealistic' lighting which looked great in the gameplay and set the mood so maybe it's better for the gameplay

Yes it clearly is a massive dive kiz. The texture resolution, jaggies, shading, shadows, all look like **** compared to the E3 version.

In the pic alone above, the hat, the buttons, the jacket, the facial details, everything is very noticeably worse.

kiz26943730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

The difference is the time of day, if the new image has the same lighting with the harsh sunlight, they would be incredibly similar. Detail wise they share the same detail, but its hard to tell because the two images are compressed at different resolutions. Its definitely not the "massive dive" your stating.

@in reply to your edit about the time of day

I would say they changed the time of day because it add to the atmosphere of the scene, if they having an argument it would make more sense to have it dark and gloomy not in the a nice summers day.

@ second edit

I seriously cant see what your seeing, the two set of images have different resolutions and are both compressed. I see little to no "jaggies". Taking to consideration the resolution difference, the textures are the same for sure. the time of day is different and the environments(not the appearance just the objects in view)have changed but i wouldn't say for the worse.

lifeisgamesok3730d ago

"Radical difference"

They should have just said "downgrade"

GarrusVakarian3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )


"The difference is immense"...."massive dive"

C'mon, that is pure hyperbole. Apart from the screenshot you posted being very low quality/compressed, it also doesn't have the same lighting conditions as the E3 build. The E3 build is very saturated and has direct sunlight on the environments.

If you wanna compare, at least use screenshots that aren't taken from low quality footage and with different lighting conditions and make sure they are the same res.

"Yes it clearly is a massive dive kiz. The texture resolution, jaggies, shading, shadows"

"In the pic alone above, the hat, the buttons, the jacket, the facial details, everything is very noticeably worse"

....you are complaining about the texture resolution and jaggies on an uncompressed picture taken from low quality YOUTUBE footage. Look at the edges of that 2nd screenshot....blatant signs of compression, plus the fact the image is only 720p(?). C'mon man.....You are grasping at straws here. At least compare a direct feed 1080p screenshot to another direct feed 1080p screenshot with neither being compressed.

The only difference im seeing in the E3 build and the newer build is lighting conditions/shadows. The area in that cutscene doesn't look like it's in direct sunlight like it did back at E3.


Eonjay3730d ago

Are you saying that the E3 trailer has been downgraded to the best looking console game. Ever.

GarrusVakarian3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Here is a direct feed, 1080p screenshot from a cutscene of the most recent build shown to the public - http://cdn.fansided.com/wp-...

Here is your biased, compressed screenshot from a cutsecne in a youtube video- http://cdn2.dualshockers.co...

Lol. Doesn't look washed out/jaggy/low quality at all in the image i posted. Next time, make fair comparisons.

Although i do agree on the lighting, but im not sure if i would say "downgraded"...just looks like they changed the time of day/direct sunlight/saturation.

Watch this, E3 gameplay-

Then watch this, most recent build gameplay -

Downgrade? Where?

NewMonday3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

you should get your own source where you can confirm the quality of the material you have, you jumped the gun on this one.

sloppy reporting Abriael, you can do better.
----------------------------- -

the difference here is the lighting, first obvious thing is that it's a different time of day

and the lighting is more subtle in the new shots, where in the old shots they are to strong, making object in the shadow hard to make out.

also notice the character textures in the new shots are actually better, and no change is apparent to the rest of the game world textures.

arika3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Watchdogs maybe downgraded because its multiplatform, but expect Infamous Second Son to be the standard for next gen graphics since its ps4 only exclusive not in pc or xbone, so believe me this game is going to something special and amazing.

FlunkinMonkey3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

You must really be dim brother.. It's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TIME OF DAY!

I know how you guys just LOVE images using too much contrast and sharpness, but the new build is clearly better.

You also provide an inadequate comparison, with some images being compressed to fack.

This is a complete fail, revealing your true colours partner.

For the same morons who moan about PS4 owners spouting BS in MS articles, you, lifeisgameok, ArbitorChief are doing a fine job.

Hypocrites. Try harder, this looks miles ahead of anything on the XBone.

abzdine3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

haha you fail!
the "new" Delsin clearly has a better defined face and your 2 pictures show that.
does it hurt your **** that this "downgraded" game looks better than anything out there? keep trolling but you will FAIL everytime :)

While some are feeding us garbage and CG graphics about their games and clearly downgrade it the day it releases, others like Sucker Punch step their game up and deliver.

Ezz20133730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

oh dear ...oh dear,
the time of day is different ..so let's call it "Downgrade"

didn't expect this from you @Abriael
always liked your articles but not this time

Abriael3730d ago

@NewMonday: you say that I should get better sources , and then you proceed to say exactly the same thing I wrote? Double personality?

I wrote that there's a large difference, not that there's a large downgrade (or upgrade). And there is. The quality of the videos has nothing to do with it, as it doesn't change the lighting, doesn't add or remove elements of the environment, which are the differences here.

Only fanboys (either looking to flamebait or to be overly defensive) would read "difference" as "downgrade," because there surely isn't a single mention of a change in QUALITY in the whole article.

@Ezz2013: you didn't expect what? Me to show the evolution of a game in nine months of development? Weird, because it's not the first time I do it, and not the first time people completely misrepresent it in order to flame over it.

arika3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Next time don't put flamebait titles, so it won't be misinterpreted as such. Instead of radical differences put big lighting changes or infamous ss added some night and day details on previous footages, etc. You kind a get my drift, because this game is touted to be a system seller(I for one believe it is), so you cant blame gamers to be a little touchy on the subject matter.

LightofDarkness3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Well, I played it last night. The cutscenes look outstanding, but the actual gameplay has suffered a bit. Characters don't really cast shadows any more, and the lighting appears quite flat (probably due to absence of self-shadowing or ambient occlusion). It still looks great, and even reaches ~60FPS at times, but to say that it hasn't been downgraded in any way is definitely a tad dishonest. The devs themselves even said they had to make some sacrifices, particularly with shadowing, so I don't know why everyone is getting so defensive. They figured the particle effects were more important to the game's aesthetic than most other elements. It still looks beautiful, just not AS beautiful as it might have with more time or slightly stronger hardware.

4Sh0w3730d ago

pffft "time of day is different" and dualshockers were being polite with "differences"= excuses for downgrade. Seriously Im sure infamous SS is still going to be a great game but looking at those pics compared to E3 it's an OBVIOUS downgrade in graphics. It is what it is and infamous SS still looks great, heck of alot better than DR3 which is my favorite next gen game but it has been downgraded without a doubt, ironicly some supposedly can see the minor differences in games like BF4 on X1 and ps4 but they can't see a obvious downgrade here, not to worry though infamous is still a beautiful open world game I just think it's BS that Watch Dogs was heavily criticized but this game get a pass.

Abriael3730d ago

@arika: "difference" is a completely neutral term. It's not positive or negative. "radical" is also completely neutral.

I'm not exactly sure where you see the "flamebait."

The only correct thing you've said is that people are way too touchy.

Ezz20133730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )


here's the thing
any one would see your article and the first thing that come to their mind that this is either downgrade or upgrade article
and as you can see xbox fanboys wasted no time declare that the game is downgraded even though any one with a working brain would know it just a different time in the day
also those pics look really bad quality wise
are they taken from youtube video ?!

you should have picked a better headline than this

arika3730d ago

After the watchdogs fiasco about downgrade in graphics and after seeing your headline of your article what do you think people will say? See. And radical is kind of a strong word to use. Just say added night and day cycle or something.

Kayant3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )


Yh so obvious because it is indeed a different time of day with sun clearly not as visible due to the clouds.



In the new video it is clear like they said with more direct lighting you will get your dynamic shadows which you can see from around 7:60. Look at the rocks shadows are present just like they were in E3.

So please show where this *MASSIVE DOWNGRADE* comes from when the only real differences is the shadows around their faces .

Abriael3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

@Ezz2013: the quality of the picture doesn't change the lighting, which is the point of the comparison.

If people are looking with a lens for any chance to flamebait, warping a completely neutral article and headline into a negative one, joke's on them. Time to be less touchy, because it's getting ridiculous.

@arika: radical is a strong word, but it's not strongly negative or strongly positive. The change is radical, because the original lighting *was* radical. The new one isn't, which is probably on purpose because the original lighting effectively hid expressions, as the pictures clearly show.

As a matter of fact, I believe it's an artistic choice, and while it's aesthetics are subjective, I completely agree with it from a storytelling point of view.

If people can't understand that, I can't help them.

@Newmonday: so I should skip reporting on the facts because Trolls don't care about them?

@Arika Below: you know better than me that people that want to troll would have found the chance to whatever the headline was.

The matter isn't that the headline is a problem. The matter is that people are way too eager to jump on everything because nowadays they NEED a smoking gun against the other console, whatever that console is, and that's stifling.

No_Limit3730d ago

Whoa, that is some major changes from last year to the final game. What is going on here?

Ezz20133730d ago


i'm not talking about the lighting that's normal because it show different time in the day

i'm talking about the pics it self
is it coming from youtube video because it look really bad

arika3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

But you see because of your headline some trolling people are making it a negative issue. My point exactly. Just choose a better headline next time ok. Im sure downplaying or downgrading infamous ss wasnt your intention, but this is n4g and you know there is a lot of spinning happening here from both side of the camp. Ok.

NewMonday3730d ago


I know the screenshots are from bad compressed sources so I knew to ignore the blur and bad resolution quality and talked about the constant which is lighting.

but the trolls don't care about facts, you see from some comments here they wasted no time.

TheGreatAndPowerful3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Shadows took a bit of a hit but that's about it the rest looks about the same. And I didn't see any jaggies at all from last nights footage so...

for those that didn't get a chance to download the vid last night. enjoy. :)

nveenio3730d ago

It almost looks like a time of day + filter is all that's changed. Shadows aren't as harsh (ToD), and there's a bit of an orange overlay (could be a filter or the light of the early morning sun). Doesn't look worse, that's for sure. This isn't another Watch Dogs fiasco, thank the Punch.

Clarence3730d ago

The difference is the time of day. Stop it your reaching.

Baccra173730d ago

And once again, as usual, the PS4 is being treated like the red headed step child of the game industry. So eager to paint greatness with the same brush as the Bone and Wii U that we have to make these stupid articles, constantly, every f-ing time so that certain gamers can feel good about their purchase of inferior hardware at ridiculous prices. ENOUGH!

Cuzzo633730d ago

you chance to shine with one bubble and you jus made yourself look silly lmao. Sorry try again next time

razrye3730d ago

Bad attempt at trolling irish. Try harder next time.

abzdine3730d ago

i dont see the problem with the title, cause apart from the time of the day i can see a "radical" change in environment and background.
the title fits well in this case, doesn't always have to be about graphics.
Remember Cole from Infamous 2 and the design change after? that's a radical change regardless of graphical quality.

NewMonday3730d ago

"so I should skip reporting on the facts because Trolls don't care about them?"

you should make the FULL facts clear from the beginning, like how the bad video quality adds blur and makes the textures seem worse.

you usually do good work, don't take this as hate, it's constructive criticism.

just let it go this time, do a few other good articles and people will forget about this.

4Sh0w3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )


bro I'm not referring to lighting as Abriael said below:
"Abriael  +&am p;#1 60;  3h ago

Too bad all the pictures in the comparison come from Youtube. From the first to the last." 

The source of both the E3 2013 pics AND the recent build are BOTH Youtube. Look at the pics:


There is is an obvious downgrade in the textures in his jacket and the overall quality of the environments. You know it's a downgrade when half the comments here are trying to blame it on YouTube compression, which is basicly an admission that it doesn't look as good as E3 and the other half are saying it's because of "time of day lighting", but how does any of that change texture detail, which is outstanding for a open world game in the E3 pics????

You know what I don't care the over analyzing games has become ridiculous, INFAMOUS SS STILL LOOKS LIKE AN AWESOME GAME and if the devs had to scale back a bit to make sure it PLAYS WELL then that's what's important, THE ONLY POINT I have is I think it's BS that just last week Watch Dogs got ripped apart for the exact same thing, now it's OK as long as you throw in a poor excuse.

dantesparda3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )


A massive dive guy? really? Talk about exaggerating. Also, thee 1st shot is 1080p vs 720p on the 2nd shot from a compressed video. The biggest difference is the time of day lighting and some minor differences. You wanna talk about a massive difference, lets talk about how all the X1 games looked at E3 when they were all running at 1080p and the final products most of which are 720p. And now suddenly graphics matter again to the MS fanboys. Why?

"Radical difference"
They should have just said "downgrade"

You mean like with every X1 game thus far, but you dont have a problem with that, that you actually defend. Typical fanboy.

"it's an OBVIOUS downgrade in graphics"
No its not, its an obvious time of day lighting change. I'll admit that i like the old lighting better but I love how hard you fanboys are trying to put this down, shall i use some of the MS fanboys logic here, youse must be jealous, lol.

esemce3730d ago

You are 100% correct Irishguy95, you have made the kids that worship at the alter of the single console cry. They really do not want to accept that we have all been sold a lie and that these consoles are underpower to say they need to last 5+ years.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Will watchdogs and Second son be good games, yes have they been downgraded absolutely.

chickenface3730d ago

o look, arguably the biggest xbot troll boy smashing a playstation exclusive to shreds. wow, i'm so so so so sooooooooooooo suprised. Listen here, no matter how much you rant, rave and bring this game down it's still going to be fantastic and the graphics will be stunning. You aren't even going to purchase this game, you don't have an interest in it AND you haven't played it

keep your troll comments to yourself

Ma1nframe3730d ago

WOW what a downgrade. WTF is going on with this 'next gen'eration. I'm not liking this trend one bit.

Visiblemarc3730d ago

At this rate, devs are going to get terrified to show us in-progress builds.

Yes, it does seem that some aspects are less detailed. However, what jumps out most is the lighting seems to be much less contrast-y.

At the end of the day, this is an extremely good looking early-in-the-gen game. What else matters? Should they have stood at the podium at E3 and explained that "these are target renders...depending how things go some details may or may not make it into the final build." What a showstopper!

kenshiro1003730d ago

Oh look its Irishguy spreading misinformation again. You just couldn't wait huh?

MorePowerOfGreen3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

I normally could care less about PS4 news but I had to say that I can't believe folks think it's only the lighting. Looks like PS3 vs PS4. Textures, lighting, texture resolution, poly count, shadowing are surprisingly worse. Not surprised with Sony having a history of tricking gamers over the capability of their consoles. Being on youtube isn't hiding the current I.S.S true visuals, it's hiding how deep the difference really is between the E3 and current build.

Jack_Reacher3730d ago

What a waste of air you are.

I bet you thought after reading the addendum at the bottom, thats the bit in pink, you thought I know I will still act like a little boy and put something really baby like.

Wow I bet you even p*ssed yourself a little as you typed away that trash.

what a waste

RedDevils3730d ago

Nice try kiddo with 2 set of resolution image and called it a massive dive in graphics, who's you trying to fool here lol

NukaCola3727d ago

Have you seen the game now? It's streaming online and does not look downgraded at all.

Bigpappy3726d ago

He does look better with the lower quality. he doesn't body as mean.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3725d ago



This site is PRO SONY


+ Show (42) more repliesLast reply 3725d ago
mcarsehat3730d ago

They are worse, but only by a little bit. still look nice. I'll give the same reaction i gave for watch_dogs: I CAN'T WAIT!!

us_army3730d ago

From someone who has played the final build, the game has not been downgraded. As stated by the author of this article as well- it is the best looking next-gen game out there. You will see on the 21st.

Cupid_Viper_33730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

I'm sorry to say, but if that was my game being misrepresented like this I Would consider legal actions.

The author is comparing uncompressed footage Vs compressed ones at half the final resolution (1080p Vs Compressed 720p). But to make matters worse, the article completely fails to mention any of that, resulting in serious and potentially damaging conclusion of the game whilst profiting from said outcome by getting g traffic to his website.

If the game was truly downgraded, then all of this would have been well deserved. But when a developer works so hard against industry trends (bullshots and misrepresentations) and maintains the visual fidelity of his game, said developer should be rewarded for it. Not have some sloppy/hasty "writer" discredit all of his hard work for clicks' sake.

People are complaining about the headline, I don't even care much about the headline to be honest. But the f**king pictures being compared have to be consistent. If a game is 1080p, why the fack would you choose it's compressed 720p version as a measuring stick of any sorts?

What the author did is similar to taking a picture of real money then walk into a store and try to use that picture as currency.

Soo stupid if you ask me.

thisismyaccount3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Abriael said :

"difference" does not mean downgrade. It doesn't mean upgrade. It means "difference." It's different. Not necessarily worse or better. Just different.

yep and <radical> means <radical: ENORMOUS, EXTREME, FUNDAMENTALLY!!! UNBELIVEABLE! WTF!!!!>. Next time come up with a better title then, ....


i see : copy&pasta Title from the orginal source/article, still ... could have changed it a little.

solar3730d ago

I clearly see a difference especially in the textures

GarrusVakarian3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

"I clearly see a difference especially in the textures"

In that comparison you do, but this is a much fairer comparison -

E3 screenshot -

Newest build screenshot -

Clearly you can see that his jacket and beanie are the same in detail and texture. Delsins face also looks more detailed and has better skin tone in the newer build.

Compare E3 build to low quality YouTube stills then, obviously, you will see a difference.

solar3730d ago

looks damn good, but the texture for the beanie looks far better in the first pic. 2nd pic it looks too flat.

assdan3730d ago

I acknowledge that the graphics aren't quite as good, but theres a major problem with these screen shots. Mainly the fact that they are at different times of day. This makes it harder to tell how much worse shadows are changed.

TheRedButterfly3730d ago

The environments still look great, but… but there's no denying the more-than-apparent drop in shading on the character models. They took a big hit.

GarrusVakarian3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Character models did NOT take a hit......I can't believe people are actually using these low quality youtube stills as representation of the final game.

Newest build screenshot, direct feed 1080p (how it will look on your TV) -

Screenshot in the article from low quality, 720p youtube footage-

E3 build screenshot-

The newest build looks better than both.......Cmon people......use a bit of common sense. Screenshots captured from a Youtube video is a stupid way of gauging how the game will actually look in person. There are direct feed screenshots everywhere that do that much more accurately.

TheRedButterfly3730d ago


I didn't say that the models took a hit. I said the shaders on the models took a hit… And even then, they still look great.

Stop getting overly defensive.

Amiroo3730d ago

what time of the day ? the game only has day and night, there is no sunset/midnight/sunrise etc...

imt5583730d ago

It's very bad comparison. Build 2014 pictures are really bad quality. Look at 4th and 5th picture.

4th picture is in good quality, but 5th picture is in so bad quality that you can't see coat on his collar.


ChronoJoe3730d ago

Having played this last week at a store, I can tell you all of these screenshots missrepresent the games visual fidelity. Click the images on the article, you'll see they're all pixelated and ugly, this is NOT how the game looks just these low-quality, compressed screenshots.

Check the video at the bottom of the article for a better representation.

BallsEye3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

I dont really care about graphics much but if you do not see a massive downgrade in lighting you are blind or in denial. You guys gotta stop pretending to be experts and talk bs when things are just so obvious. are almost nonexistent now and blurred. Also at e3 build there was some kind of global illumination, now everything is baked and flat. Don't blame it on time of the day. I work on Maya and 3ds daily,rendering all kinds of scenes using worlds most powerful renderer (vray) and changing time of the day do not make such dramatic differences. The truth is, lighting technique got changed from dynamic shadows and global illumination to baked. Can downvote me all you want but it won't change a thing. Get some knowledge. As for the game itself, probably will finally make me use my ps4 again...

Azzanation3730d ago

The lighting and shadowing and the high res textures are clearly better on the E3 2013 version. Look at the 2013 faces and jeans? The jacket pockets and background seems to have proper shadows. They made it blend in the 2014 and the colour setting looks dull compared to the bright sunset images. The Jeans are the biggest differences I can see. 2014 has no textures on it compared to the 2013 which looks close to photo realistic. Guess they lose these great effects to run the game at 1080p. Pitty I would rather have the Lighting/shadowing and Textures of the 2013 and lose the 1080p.

JsonHenry3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

There is a very noticeable lack of shadow quality in the newest pictures. That stands out more than anything to me from looking at those pictures. The actual characters look the same but the lighting effects are obviously not the same.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3725d ago
CyrusLemont3730d ago

E3 looks better, but the retail version still looks fantastic. However, the E3 version has the advantage of 1080p compressed YouTube screencaps as opposed to 720p compressed retail ones. This makes it a little difficult to see how fine the clothing and environment textures are in comparison to the E3 build.

I wonder if the day one patch will make any alterations to the visuals.

Reverie9903730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

It appears to be more "flat" (for the lack of a better term) but that might just be time difference. I'll wait to see more.

Patrick_pk443730d ago

Delsin's face seems more mouldy and plastered in the current build.

ArbitorChief3730d ago

Sony lied to us about how a game looks, my word, this has never happened before!?
>Killzone 2

Seriously, it's getting to the point where I can't trust anything I see at E3. Only company that seems to tell the truth these days is Nintendo.

Cyb3r3730d ago

True I just hope that in future E3's they will actually show footage running on the consoles hardware instead of a high powered PC

Abriael3730d ago

"lied" is simply flamebaitish nonsense.

In development things change. Effects gets moved, assets get shuffled and remade.

There's no "lie." If you think a final game will look exactly like the trailers from nine months before, you simply know nothing of this industry.

ArbitorChief3730d ago

You'd think that logic would of applied to the XB1 titles, but that certainly didn't happen.

kiz26943730d ago


Are you being serious?

Both Forza 5 and Ryse both got downgraded since they reveal.

OiNioB3730d ago

You missed the point completely

coolbeans3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

"Lied" would seem like the perfect word to use, especially since Guerrilla actually owned up to admitting the trailer was bs around KZ3's release.


Edit: Wasn't that close to KZ3's release. Sorry.

Patrick_pk443730d ago

Are you saying downgrades are acceptable. When I am shown a product, I expect it to be exactly the same.

HeWhoWalks3730d ago

To be perfectly honest, it seems like you knew exactly what you were doing, and the outcome that would accompany, when you wrote that headline. My viewpoint is only solidified in regards to how defensive YOU'VE been in here.

If you want to be treated like a professional author, be professional about it. You went on the attack because the "fanboys" when to town with the headline (and with posters like IrishGuy being someone who generally does just what he did in a Sony topic, it's no surprise you're getting the backlash that you are).

I'd suggest in the future, try conducting yourself with a little more humility.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3730d ago
GarrusVakarian3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

"You'd think that logic would of applied to the XB1 titles, but that certainly didn't happen."

Are you serious? Both Ryse and Forza 5 received graphical and technical downgrades from their E3 builds. Forza 5 being the biggest downgrade of next gen so far.

"My point was, why didn't his logic that's being applied here not be applied for the XB1 titles?"

Because this just looks like they have changed the lighting in the final build and/or changed the time of day/weather in that particular scene. Whereas Forza 5 had pretty much worse everything...because it was shown on PC's at E3, not X1 hardware.

ArbitorChief3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Of course, I'm not disputing that, I'm saying it's pretty clear Infamous SS was downgraded as well, just look at the difference. My point was, why didn't his logic that's being applied here not be applied for the XB1 titles?

Are you kidding, look at the difference between in the last picture. Shadows in his face are gone, textures from his clothes is gone, just look at the beanies, a complete downgrade. This is 100% a downgrade and it's not a suprise.

Mr-Dude3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )


You took the words right out of my mouth

Gazondaily3730d ago

Its too esrly to tell whether its a downgrade. Id exercise caution in taking compressed Youtube images seriously.

Not long till the release. Let's just be patient. I reckon it'll look just as great as the E3 build.

mkis0073730d ago

Well at least it's nice to see people finally noticing the difference between 1080p and 720p... thought "you couldn't tell"

and then there is the fact that it is compressed 720p.

LoveOfTheGame3730d ago

Only idiots and fanboys can't tell the difference beteween 1080 and 720.

What's much more pathetic are the people who think it makes or breaks a game.

husomc3730d ago

the creator of this article is to be blamed for all this confusion. He's just getting a boat load of hits to his article by comparing direct feed high res images to badly compressed youtube feeds. those of you who haven't seen check out the video from which the screenshots were captured. the bloody thing was full of compression artifacts.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3730d ago
SlyFamousthe3rd3730d ago

Youre joking right? you are saying that KZ2 didnt look better than what GG showed at E3 2006? "Lukas_Japonicus" has a nice little example of how Infamous SS looks now. Downgrade? I dont think so.

GarrusVakarian3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

People are seeing low quality, compressed youtube stills taken with different lighting conditions and a different time of day and screaming "DOWNGRADE!"...but if people actually took the time to look around, they would see that's not the case.

Pretty much every gameplay vid that SP has shown in the past month or so looks better than the E3 build. Lighting, textures, voice acting, and gameplay all look better.

Haters gon' hate. This is the best looking open world game so far this gen, will be for some time and it's one of the best looking games overall...some people just can't handle that and will do anything to try and downplay it.

rdgneoz33730d ago

"low quality, compressed youtube stills taken with different lighting conditions and a different time of day"

And in 720p, when the game is coming out in 1080p... Of course 720p compressed youtube looks worse than 1080p uncompressed direct feed...

mkis0073730d ago

Eh the only people who are screaming downgrade (as long as they understand it is 720p compressed vs 1080p direct feed they are seeing) are the ones who don't care about this game or want it to fail.

People did this to killzone SF and were proven wrong...looks so much better than those prerelease comparisons people were making with bad quality captures.

abzdine3730d ago

retail version of KZ2 trounces the e3 trailer in every way.
now you butthurt fanboys are coming here at every article about a console you dont own just trolling for free. does it hurt you this much? :D

rdgneoz33730d ago

Sad how the game used to say Sony lied in the past is one people unanimously say exceeded it's target render.

ObiWanaTokie3730d ago

And CD projektRed!

If nintendo were pulling stunts like this they would probably become Japanese exclusive as it seems everyone is put off by drastically false info. but its happened for a while now

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3730d ago
GTgamer3730d ago

Back in my day we would not compare HD pics with compressed YouTube Pics (•ิ_•ิ).

Abriael3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Too bad all the pictures in the comparison come from Youtube. From the first to the last.


GTgamer3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Just wait til the game releases or find uncompressed pics from the final build.

Abriael3730d ago

@GTgamer: why should we? Compression doesn't influence lighting, nor changes the environments, and that's where most of the difference is.

I think you're just grasping at straws.

GTgamer3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Who is this We? And yes you Should you show us these washed out uncompressed 720p images from YouTube of all places and say hey guys I got a comparison, look above @lukas_jonicus he already posted a uncompressed pic showing way more detail than your pics :/ but hey what do I know apparently I'm grasping at straws. Dude I'm not attacking you or anything like that I always agree with you on this Site but come on bro me and you both know you could of got better pics for comparison you already got some people screaming downgrade.

pedrof933730d ago

Abriel is right, he meant the lightining and enviroments only.

ddgaming8203730d ago

You obviously don't know how YouTube looks.

Of course the one from Sony looks better, the video file was most like 10GB, it looks better than 50MB being compressed.


Evilsnuggle3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

You Have just drop The ball with your Clearly Flamebait article. Even noobs know that youtube video quality is unreliable. You can watch a video on one YouTube channel . They watch the same video on a different youtube channel and the video can look completely different in quality. I routinely look for the best Quality of resolution of the same video on YouTube Have you not done the same. Your argument that they both come from YouTube is irrelevant and don't hold water. Because video quality varies from channel to channel on YouTube. The video could be duplicated or copy many times Before it was put on YouTube or human era in recording the video can also damage the quality of the video. We all remember Digital foundry fiasco With the youtube video quality of Battlefield 4 . The x1 Battlefield 4 youtube look better than the PS4's Battlefield 4 youtube . Because of human era made by Digital foundry. When the Direct feed video was released by Digital Foundry The PS4 version was far superior to X1. The only way to receive reliable quality video is By downloading of direct feed video. You should know that youtube is compress video an unreliable.


Digital Foundry Admits To Botching Battlefield 4 PS4/XB1 Video ... http://m.neogaf.com/showthr...

Allsystemgamer3730d ago

compression makes everything blurry. therefore the shadows will appear blurry. Downscaling ALSO makes images blurry. Time of Day ALSO needs to be considered. SP has already stated it has a dynamic time of day. Shadows are fewer and less harsh during sunset which is CLEARlY what your shots are.

Why the heck you wouldnt use DIRECT FEED comparisons is absolute flamebait for those who know nothing about how compression and resolutions work.

in short?
YES compression and resolution will effect the differences.Same with TOD

Im in school for film and have done many videos for pay. I work with resolutions and seeing the differences compression has is astonishing. for example...Going from RAW video and converting it to h.264 for transferring causes massive loss in everything

iamnsuperman3730d ago


I am usually a supporter of dualshockers (your not a bad website). But whatever your trying to compare here (which doesn't matter) using youtube shots is a terrible and very amateurish thing to do

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3730d ago
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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts138d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM138d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck137d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati137d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher170d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88169d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183168d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie168d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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15 Single Player Games We Would Like to See on the PS5

GB: "There's just something special about the games that could be, and this feature gushes about 15 games that we would love to see on the PS5."

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