
Titanfall Wasn't Initially Supposed to be Exclusive; Titanfall 2 Possible, No Comment on Exclusivity

Respawn Entertainment Co-Founder Vince Zampella shed more light on Titanfall's exclusivity, on the possibility of a sequel and more

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maniacmayhem3723d ago

So it turns out that they approached MS despite the rumors on N4G that MS made a deal with EA behind their back. I hope this settles this.

But now he's pretty quiet when asked again if Titanfall 2 will be multiplatform. If this game is a success as MS wants it to be you can bet that they'll shell out that "gears" money to keep the game on Xbox.

Or maybe Sony might step in with their checkbooks wide open and have at it. This gen is getting interesting.

Abriael3723d ago

A little bit of a correction there. The rumors is that EA made a deal for permanent exclusivity behind respawn's back. According to what zampella said earlier, it seems exclusivity was temporary for what they were concerned.

maniacmayhem3723d ago

So are you saying that Titanfall is officially a Xbox title?

Where did you hear this?

Abriael3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

@maniacmayhem: The first titanfall is an Xbox exclusive officially, yes. It was in EA's last financial conference call.

Only the first one tho.

nukeitall3723d ago

Well the more successful Titanfall is, the more likely it will motivate MS to keep it exclusive!

In short, MS has been good partners, has the cloud technology to support Titanfall, has the financial resources and the motivation to keep it exclusive.

Temporary or not, I think a port to PS4 would have been far down the line and getting the cloud infrastructure would be very costly and difficult since Sony doesn't have a comparable cloud. We all know how sh1tty EAs server where with BF4!!!

darthv723723d ago

If it is..it is. If it isnt..it isnt. does one game really matter that much when there are so many upcoming titles of equal or greater complexity?

those who want to play it will find the means to do so. Those who have no interest...will play something else.

Eonjay3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )


Its a battle of interests. Of course its within Microsoft interests to keep it exclusive (as long as EA doesn't try to squeeze them dry for cash). Its probably EA's best interest to make it multiplatform. Depending on how successful the game is, EA may feel emboldened to demand more money. Its impossible to predict how this will end.

As far as the cloud, its not a hard as you think. Microsoft has the fastest cloud, but they are far from the only player. Still it would probably cost Sony more out of pocket to lease space. We know they have a deal with Rack Space and they have done business with Amazon before. If they want to make it happen, it will happen.

KingDadXVI3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

There is nothing new in this interview. It was only last fall that TitanFall became lifetime exclusive (just the first game). Respawn said as much. They also approached Sony after MS and Sony did not offer the Cloud support that MS did.

@Eonjay Yes, there are other players in the server market but MS is the only company with a server network that ranks consistently in the top 3 and more often than not is number one and also has a game console and online gaming service. The leveraged resources Sony does not have. Sony could have rented servers from Amazon or RackSpace but they would have had to pay considerably more than MS would using their own servers.

I have said it before and will say it again. Sony is not stupid. I am sure that they would have liked to have had this game but it is unlikely they could justify the massive expense of renting out hundreds of thousands of servers. All on an up until last year unproven new IP.

This came down simply to who had the hardware and the money, nothing more. Whether Sony manages to stop their financial bleeding and come up with the money to get the next installment of this game in 2017 is unknown. I hope it happens for PS4 owners but ultimately it comes down to, "Will TitanFall 2 return enough money to Sony coffers to be worth fighting MS' bank account?". Who knows maybe MS will say screw it, we don't care if we get exclusive rights to the next game. 2017 is a long time away.

Eonjay3723d ago


I completely agree but I will note that EA played their hand very well. They already knew what Sony could do having talked to them but they still got the paid for "exclusive" lifetime console access to the first game. Well played EA. Remember, Respawn had no intention of lifetime exclusivity. EA is a corporation and they seized on Sony's and Microsoft situation. Respawn benefits as well (for God's sake lets hope Respawn at least gets paid as part of the Microsoft deal too.)

PONTIAC08G8GT3723d ago

Why is it such a big deal its not on ps4? Plenty of PS games are exclusive to Sony so why is Titanfall getting special treatment? Is it because its been hyped so much, going to be a big hit, or that EA makes everything multiplatform and went with MS. Seems like a lot more PS fans want Titanfall then Xbox fans do infamous. I guess because Titanfall is a new game. Just saying each system has exclusives, leave it be and move on.

mrpsychoticstalker3723d ago

Agree with @nuketail

First of all a Titanfall 2 is very far away since this is a multiplayer only game. Leaving EA to,release as many DLCs as they want.

Second of all with all the millions Microsoft is throwing at marketing campaigns I doubt this game will ever be released on PS4.

Third, this is not a problem since many people also game on PC.

maniacmayhem3723d ago

"The rumors is that EA made a deal for permanent exclusivity behind respawn's back."

Sorry, I totally read that statement wrong. I thought you meant that the Titanfall franchise was "now" exclusive to MS.

UncleGermrod3723d ago

Yes, some are confused. They did originally state that they wanted to focus in on one console due to limited resources, and that MS seemed like the best bet due to cheap servers etc. They also had a great history with them and xbox live is/was arguably the stronger online community in terms of MP shooters. Seems like a no brainer right? Problem is, I Respawn never wanted it to remain exclusive forever. That is where they kind of got screwed. Future deals will really depend more on EA and the type of relationship they want with Respawn when the contract is up...and of course money (will MS be willing to shell out that kind of cash)? Depends on how important this game proves to be for their platform.

All I know is, bring on March 11th!

JokesOnYou3723d ago

I really didn't learn anything new from this news.

Basicly its officially Microsoft exclusive for Titanfall= known for awhile now.

Titanfall will be a franchise= no sh*t.

Titanfall 2 exclusive, no comment.

No story, but I clicked.

Abriael3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

@JokesOnYou: "no shit," what you think has a bit of a different weight compared to what Vince Zampella actually says.

Highlife3723d ago

Let's just say there is 20+ million ps4's out there by time titanfall 2 rolls around. Let's say half of the 20 mil would buy it. 10 mil * $60= $600,000,000. That's allot of cash from customers not including all the possible dlc cash. I think EA should kick themselves for that one.

ShinMaster3723d ago

We've already known that the potential sequels may not be exclusive.

abzdine3723d ago

people keep talking about exclusivity but isn't the game only slipping PS4 and PS3? it's coming to 360 PC X1

Kingthrash3603723d ago


i scratched my head at the title and some of these comments...its like people really believe its an exclusive game when it never was and most likely never will be.
exclusive mean on one thing console exclusive means it may be on pc but only on one console..multiplatform is what titan fall is, its on 2 consoles 360 and x1 and on pc...good game? yes. exclusive? no.

VENOMACR12273723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )


If this was coming to PS3/4 and PC, every Sony fan would be saying it's an exclusive. Since when did we start adding PC into the mix? Game consoles, Xbox, PS, and Nintendo. This game is a console exclusive because if it wasn't you'd be able to get it for your PS3/4 or Nintendo. Stop trying to downplay it. The same company isn't even making it for the 360, someone else is and doesnt even launch at the same time. Someone says a game is multiplatform, they mean you can buy it on PS, Xbox, and/or Wii. Now people are getting desperate and reading between the lines.

Utalkin2me3723d ago

Wow @ the comments about the cloud. Man you got to love this site.

PONTIAC08G8GT3723d ago


All the matters is you can play it on your Xbox One, 360, or PC, and it's not on the PS3 or PS4. There are a lot of upset Sony fans who will say/do whatever it takes to knock Titanfall or MS down. They love negative MS news but when it's negative towards Sony they have an answer/reasoning behind it. Sony could have opened the check book and gotten this game. Money talks, BS walks. Instead of being bitter, they should be bitter towards Sony for blowing it with this game, but Sony can do no wrong.

DragonKnight3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

@Abriael: Dude, you really need to calm down. You have this massive problem with people making even the slightest criticisms against articles you posted, and what Jokes said was hardly even that. He literally said "this is stuff I already knew" because you don't magically have information that no one else does. Hell, your own article borrows the information from someone else's video, so don't act like you're sharing completely new information that no one else could have seen. To attack someone saying what they "think" is different from what someone else "knows" is pretty sad considering how you came to "know" what that developer knows.

@nukeitall: "has the cloud technology to support Titanfall."

Still being suckered by marketing are you? Cloud technology isn't needed for Titanfall. They may be using it, but it's DEFINITELY not needed. Titanfall isn't using technology that can't be done anywhere else, so the idea that it couldn't be on any other system is laughable. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

**EDIT** How many people here are naive enough to think that Zampella would come onto a video and say "yeah, EA screwed us over and we didn't want Titanfall to be exclusive to the Xbox" and get away with it? Looks to be a lot.

scott1823722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

Titanfall 2 would look great on the PS4.

And Sony could put their Rackspace servers and cloud structure to good use. If Titanfall 1 is good I'm sure EA wont pass up on the PS4 train.

Rackspace servers and great hardware will make the game top notch.

Kingthrash3603722d ago

i gotta pc i'm not mad at all...but still the game isnt exclusive, nor is it good enough for all the hype imo.
xbox fans just need something to beat their chest to...enjoy it.
pro tip: the only people mad about tf not being on ps4/ps3 is respawn and ea...ps4 and ps3 has a larger install base than x1 and 360....they should have went full multiplat...they would have made much more.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3722d ago
lolCHILLbro3723d ago

Yep they approached Microsoft and wanted to work with them, Microsoft has always supported online gaming with Xbox LIVE, Sony? not so much, only makes sense to go with the more established online gaming service known as Xbox LIVE with the 300,000k servers and cloud support!

GG Microsoft

Mr_cheese3723d ago

Please read your comment back

bobtheimpaler3723d ago

not to mention services that you already pay for behind the gold pay wall. Want to use a browser to circumvent that. Tough luck, need gold for that too.

Seriously. They would be crazy not to put it on the PS4. EA sold a crap tonne of their games on the PS4 compared to the bone. They would be stupid not to. I also doubt that MS would want to purchase more exclusivity. They're ruining shareholder value as it is. Not good for a division that shareholders think the company could do well without.

Eonjay3723d ago

Actually it makes more sense to release on both and make it work to get your game to the most gamers possible. Its about us remember?

JohnnyBadfinger3723d ago


So basically what your saying is exclusives are corporate greed?

If the idea to make gamers is to get it to as many people as possible then by that logic Sony are the greediest of all. Denying 2/3 of the gaming population from some of their top franchises.... How dare they!

Fact is exclusives only exist to sell consoles. The only reason ms bought the exclusivity is because they saw great potential for them to sell more consoles with the game being on their machine. Ms and sony get very little from game sales in comparison to console sales. So anything to boost their number of sales the better

insomnium23723d ago

Ummmm... I'm #25 on the list of people who has pushed *ignore* on you.

Trust me folks. This place is much better when you start using that wonderful ignore-button. I wish people didn't take direct quotes though when answering and feeding these trolls.

JeffGUNZ3723d ago

@ Bob

Come on, give it a rest with the whole gold nonsense. "want to use a browser...need gold for that too." That is such a moot point nowadays it's just gasping at straws. You really think their are all these people who have $500 xbox ones but have no computers, cellphones, tablets, smart tv's, and other devices to access an internet browser with? I NEVER use my console to browse the internet, that's why I have my tablet, my cellphone, and my macbook sitting right next to me.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3723d ago
notyobizhwispndmymny3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

Exactly, that crap about EA going behind his back was just to keep potential Sony fanboys buying the next iteration of the game. How can you not know what is happening with your intellectual property? EA never owned Titanfall and still don't, they are just publishers. Truth is this gen, Sony fanboys have set a bad precedent. Developers and Sony will get away with anything as long as they tell Sony fanboys what they want to hear and throw the competition under the bus. Disagree all you want but we will see in a few years when its tallied up. We had a chance to make this gen wonderful by constant interaction with these people and we blew it. Microsoft made mistakes but the constant bias against them and hatred has set them on the right course. Silver linings and all I suppose.

PoSTedUP3723d ago

yes but its a different story this time around. "gears" money was worth it for both Epic and MS conidering the console sales of the ps3 at the time. now MS will have to dish out a Lot more money for it to be worth it for EA considering PS4 sales are taking off like a rocket ship, and ultamately may not be worth it for MS either depending on how well TF does. even if it does "well" im sure even then- the ammount of money to keep it off of PS4 would be crazy and may not be worth it for MS because EA knows money and this gen the ps4 is where the moneys 'at.

3723d ago Replies(5)
come_bom3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

Titanfall is exclusive to Xbox and PC, and according to EA, it will stay exclusive to those platforms.

As for Titanfall 2, it's still way to early to talk about it. It will probably take another 3 years to be released. Respawn Entertainment was founded in 2010, and this is their first game. It took them 3-4 years to make Titanfall.

-Foxtrot3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

Of course they approached MS, the Xbox One was going to have DRM and MS was going to try and standardize that along with horrible anti consumer policies that benefited EA.

It makes sense that they approached MS.

They bet on the wrong horse...and lost

k3rn3ll3723d ago

I wouldn't be suprised if sony wasn't going to standardize as well. The pubs stood the most to make off drm. They most likely pulledthe plug after all the backlash ms recieved the dah before their press conference. Ea and ubi were probably the main pushers.

LexHazard793723d ago

They havent lost yet! The game hasnt even come out yet. Lets see what impact it has before we come to that conclusion. Also that DRM crap is getting old!

DragonKnight3723d ago

@k3rn3llL There is a truckload of information, as well as common sense, that Sony didn't suddenly change their minds about DRM after MS received the backlash they did, and yet still people keep trying to put that out there.

Sony said from February of 2013 that the PS4 would have no DRM. February 2013. The Xbox One reveal was in May. Are Sony psychic? Plus, how the hell do you think the business world works? Sony can't make immediate decisions like that. It's illegal due to shareholder interests. So again, no Sony wasn't going to standardize it.

killzone6193723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

If titanfall is a huge success, MS will most likely secure it.

The FPS genre is huge and MS know it. Just look at how much CoD and Halo has sold compared to every other game on the market.

Akuma073723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

Will Titanfall be successful? Yes.

Will it be as successful as COD? Never EVER. Not until it goes to Playstation.

Same thing with Halo, sure Halo is big, one of the biggest, but it would be a HUGE franchise if it was multiplat. Maybe even as big as COD.

It doesn't make financial sense for EA to make TF a lifetime exclusive franchise. Microsoft would need to pay them more money then what they would get profit from the PS4 sales, which if the sales trend continues will be HUGE amounts of cash.

I can't see Microsofts new management going for that.

There were rumors not long ago that Microsoft is seeking exclusive DLC rights with EA on any future Titanfall games, rather than a complete exclusive. This not only makes financial sense, but would still benefit the Xbox One sales.

ger23963723d ago

Define success, also it will never do cod numbers. Which is what ea would like. The only way it will accomplish that is if it is multi platform. We'll know more in a few months.

Akuma073723d ago

I see this as more PR work by Zampella. EA has probably told them to say this because the original announcement didn't sound too good, made EA look really bad.

k3rn3ll3723d ago

Respawn is a partner of ea not a subsidiary. I don't think zampella gains anything buy doing what they say as deals are already set. They don't own the ip like battlefield or madden

KwietStorm_BLM3723d ago

Getting interesting? Because of this?

AceBlazer133723d ago

So titanfall stays on Xbox then what? Gamers feel remorse or something ?Lived without Halo think i can handle no titanfall.

BingBongGuy3723d ago

Sony will find some cheaper option and hype it. And the sheep will follow it. Too bad because the X1 does alot more than the ps4.

Skankinruby3723d ago

Lol Microsoft learned NOTHING from last gen as they are once again putting all their stock into one game. Titanfall is becoming the most hyped game since the halo nonsense and you wanna call Sony loyalists sheep? Take a seat kid Xbox one doesn't do anything 'more' than ps4. Its overhyped, overpriced, and gets outperformed by its competitors

DragonKnight3723d ago

"Too bad because the X1 does alot more than the ps4."

Besides spying on people and creating a useless way to watch tv, no it doesn't.

dansdooz3723d ago

Sony dont have any check books....

MrZweistein3723d ago

After reading the first comment it is clear that the poster has not read the article itself but the headline. If he would have read the whole article it was clearly stated that Respawn talked to MS first, not the other way around. It's a shame that most of commenters just jump on the train in an uninformed state.

Oh_Yeah3723d ago

Why would sony pay for this...when they could just beef up killzone. Add back in the mechs and jet packs from kz3 with some improvements, add some wall running and kicking. There you go a better version of Titanfall right there.

sYRes3723d ago

Sony doesn't have the money. they Lost 1.08 billion dollars this year and are in crisis mode.

frostypants3723d ago

It'll take a lot more than "Gears" money if the PS4 keeps outselling the One like this.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3723d ago

The Sony boys like to spin stories to sound extreme. MS didn't go behind their backs. But of course it's big bad MS.. they did it! They bad boys!


And another TitanFall story. All other games coming out this month are secondary. No wonder it's called "second son" BOOM!

Oh_Yeah3722d ago

Son...Titanfall is on pc @ 1080p 60fps with no online paywall. Boooooom. Hilarious someone would pay 500 for a console, that has no actual AAA exclusives other than halo Forza gears, and makes you pay to play while offering you no incentives like ps plus.

XboxFun3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )


check out all the official sony front page warriors coming out of hiding from the last two days. I guess now the coast is clear and it's business as usual, time to troll Titanfall and tell everyone its overhyped, MS paid EA for whatever, magical PC's that they all suddenly own, its a CoD with mechs or the new excuse, MS is placing all their eggs with this title.

Thank god N4G buried the other "certain" stories so they could let you guys get back to what you were doing.

Xsilver3722d ago

Lmao 6million and counting don't give a crap what you say :)

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3722d ago
Bonkerz3723d ago

Everyone knows, if Titanfall does well (which it will) MS will buy exclusive rights to it. The amount of advertising and money they are just putting into Titanfall do you really think they are gonna let it slide through their fingers?

BitbyDeath3723d ago

Will all depend on Xbone's install base.
If MS doesn't fix the situation they are in now then EA would be unlikely to accept any new deals from MS in future.

notyobizhwispndmymny3723d ago

And your comment shows that you did not read the article. EA did not make any deals behind Zampella's back. He approached MS according to him, his words. Read the article and stop being that bandwagon guy.

Before you say he tweeted like he was shocked when it was announced, ask yourself this question. Would it have been smart for him to confirm to the mob that he collected money from the big bad Empire(Microsoft)? or was it smarter to act surprised and try to win over the mob? The latter would be my choice and the fact that said mob is already waiting for Titanfall 2 proves that fact.

porkChop3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )


Clearly you didn't understand the article at all. He approached Microsoft for the original TIMED-exclusive deal, a fact which was already known. That's the "exclusivity" the article is talking about. The permanent exclusive deal was done by EA behind Respawn's back.

Kayant3723d ago


It would seem people are forgetting this tweet.


"Always MS exclusive at launch, great partner and focus is good for a startup."

"EA made a deal for the rest, we only found out recently =("

This post here explains could have gone down by --> http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

It was always a timed exclusive. There is a reason they picked source engine specifically --> http://www.polygon.com/e3-2...

"The ironic thing is that we wanted an engine that would work on PS3, because that’s the riskiest platform in current gen. When Portal 2 came out and it seemed to be a pretty decent PS3 game, that was the point when we decided to go with Source. And then we stopped supporting PS3."

And they were also paying for azure servers until not too recently -->

"Most importantly to us, Microsoft priced it so that it’s far more affordable than other hosting options – their goal here is to get more awesome games, not to nickel-and-dime developers"

Given the positive hype and praise behind TF MS will obviously try and make the sequel exclusive but will PS4 leading/growing and the install base of PS3 to think about again it won't be as easy for them to get it again IMO expect if they buy respawn.

JeffGUNZ3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )


EA doesn't own Titanfall, they are just publishing the first installment. Respawn can go somewhere else if they want to after this game. EA will listen to respawn and do whatever respawn wants, as long as Titanfall is a blockbuster since they don't want to lose their publishing rights to the series.

Hence, if MS dumps a truck of money for exclusive rights, it's not up to EA, it's up to respawn. EA has no rights to any sequels at this time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3723d ago
Lucreto3723d ago

I have yet to see any Titanfall advertising in the UK. Nothing on TV but in shop windows and very little at that.

I don't see the US advertising campaign.

Fireseed3723d ago

Yeah, you usually don't put this much money into advertising a game that may someday be on your rivals platform...

frostypants3723d ago

Bonkerz, it's all about money. Exclusivity is going to get more and more expensive if the PS4 lead continues to widen. MS investors won't be thrilled with the idea.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3723d ago
Bdub20003723d ago

Titanfall 1 is still not released, so let's speculate on TF2 and exclusive rights...

No_Limit3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

Dang...so all along it was Respawn that went to MS and an exclusive deal was made, so they knew all along. Now, can we stop with the MS and EA got an under the table deal behind Respawn's back?

Just like Gears, if the first one is successful and it looks like it has blockbuster potential, you can bet big M will do anything to secure the sequel(s) just like they sis with Gears.

lonelyplayer3723d ago

you know the Respawn people said it was a deal behind respawn's back.

iceman063723d ago

Respawn reached out to MS for LAUNCH exclusivity! Not lifetime exclusivity. You know...like the now traditional "timed" exclusives that we see. EA DID take it to the next level with the complete exclusivity for at least the first game, which Respawn found out later.

lonelyplayer3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

titanfall won't be exclusive. This is EA we are talking about here (and microsoft for that matter). Remember mass effects, bioshock, ninja gaiden.... ? Hell they had to buy the whole gears of war franchise because they were gonna lose it too.
At this point EA knows they made a big mistake and the money microsoft gave them can't match the possible sells on ps4.

We will see titanfall on ps4 sooner than later.
not that I care though, I don't like FPS that much.

jetlian3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

yea but gears just got baught what happened all last gen? MS blocked gears from ps3. Mass effect, bioshock and ninja gaiden all sold less than or around 2 million which is why MS let them pass!

gears sold 6 million and MS paid to keep it

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub613d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad612d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g612d ago (Edited 612d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp12d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal893d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad893d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal891d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.