
Japanese girl group gets their clothes ripped off in a Senran Kagura event

In an event held by Marvelous AQL, three new Senran Kagura games were announced. The Senran Kagura series is an action game about female ninjas or kunoichi and it involves plenty of fan service and clothing damage, so much so that when the three games were announced, Japanese idol group KNU experienced the game first hand by getting their own clothes ripped off.

The event was to promote three upcoming Senran Kagura games namely Deka Mori Senran Kagura for the PS Vita, Senran Kagura 2 Shinku and Senran Kagura Estival Versus. The gameplay for Deka Mori Senran Kagura and Senran Kagura 2 Shinku and as expected, it was filled with lots of fan service.

rambi803756d ago

I was born in the wrong hemisphere...and my morals remain region-locked

Run_bare3756d ago

I'm with you, that's the funniest comment I read in awhile.

Anthotis3755d ago

I bet all the nancyboys and their feminist overlords are gonna crash tumblr because of this.

Baylex3755d ago

Watching the anime right now! I'ts just wonderful :D

MRMagoo1233756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

who lets a stupid moral get in the way of fun ? and who lets a silly hemisphere get in the way too?

Also i cant really say its morally wrong, I think we should be allowed to appreciate the amazing art work that is female bodies.

frostypants3755d ago

Would you be saying the same if it was a bunch of dudes getting stripped to promote Gears of War? I'm not saying this stuff is perverted...but it is stupid and aimed at guys who probably don't get much action.

Fishermenofwar3755d ago

**Corrected** female boobies

wolokowoh3755d ago

@frostpants Fair point but bad example. They are stripped down in real life because the women are sexualized in the game. Gears is being sold to heterosexual men. The games are like a bad Hemingway novel. The characters are testosterone filled men's men. As it turns out women aren't necessarily attracted to this. If was let's say God of War then the guy playing the part of Kratos should have no shirt on and look somewhat like Kratos. Not because of sexualization but for the context.

cleft53756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

Jesus and the bible says not to judge other people, that judgement belongs to god. It is the self righteous morons of this world that run around thinking they have the right to condemn other adults for engaging in legal, consenting activities. So please, lets not put this on Jesus.

KevinCubes3755d ago

Stop trolling for publicity

SilentNegotiator3755d ago


Raresteak's sarcasm just SOARED over your head, didn't it?

Irishguy953755d ago (Edited 3755d ago )

Jesus christ! Raresteak was being sarcastic. Who believes in that **** anyway?


That's right, if their tits aren't hanging below the knees they're 'flat' right? kids these days...sigh

JodyCones3755d ago

@cleft5 yes I agree with you. But Jesus actually stated "judge not less you be judged.. take the spec out of your own eye before taking the log out of your brothers." Meaning, not too judge hypocritically. So the claim, "you 'ought not judge" from someone is ultimately self-defeating; it contradicts itself. Because some one could say- "Why are you judging me, for judging?" Haha yes I know.. But Jesus actually gave commands on "how" to judge and to not do it hypocritically- not holding your head high above others boasting in your pride, but to help others humbly. It's impossible to not make judgments, we make them everyday. But I understood your statement, and agreed. I've just studied this so I thought I'd bring it up hahaha. Sorry.

GrandTheftZamboni3755d ago

Jesus didn't have problems with easy women. He had problems with clergy.

Conzul3755d ago

Not to be "that guy" @jodycones, but you got the log and spec thing backwards. Correct otherwise.

Also Jesus never said anything about nudity. Closest thing was that if someone starts looking at someone else and fantasizing that they were acting adulterously together, then that's just as bad as if it really happened.

There are people who believe that human attraction and the human form are sinful. We call these people Puritans, and they are EVERYWHERE.

JodyCones3755d ago

@Conzul No actually I stated that perfectly. You should re-read the text again in the Bible. That's exactly how it's paraphrased. But you're right, I'm not justifying nudity. But it's only wrong if there is lust in the heart, which Jesus states is the same as committing adultery physically. Not attration/beauty. The Bible states the woman you love, you need attraction to her breast in order for you to stay loyal. Lust is totally different which takes your heart away from God and to flesh only which is not of God. I could go on hours about this. But good point.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3755d ago
cyguration3756d ago

It's a good thing that for some of us, the only thing between our morals and the right hemisphere... is a zipper.

MeknSence3756d ago

^^^^Now that's funny right ther!!

Akuma2K3755d ago

Lmaooooo....i'm rolling over here from these comments.

WickedLester3755d ago

Mind = BLOWN!

LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Bubbles for you!

TBONEJF3755d ago

I was born in the wrong nationality

Mr Pumblechook3755d ago

I like this Asian style of marketing!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3754d ago
H4all3756d ago

My heart is always japanese :P

chrissx3756d ago ShowReplies(2)
Statix3756d ago

Nothing to see here, folks.

badz1493755d ago

nothing?? nothing at all?? and you call yourself a man? or are you a girl? if yeah, then...Hi! :-)

MuhammadJA3755d ago

Horny weeaboos disagree with you.

ninjahunter3755d ago

One does not simply Weeaboo without horns.

Chrono3756d ago

But unlike the Senran Kagura girls, their chests are almost flat.

mhunterjr3756d ago

Are we looking at the same photographs?

badz1493755d ago


OMG, you still think the earth is flat?

wolokowoh3755d ago

Lol The Senrun Kagura girls have DD's to E's. Backs to reality C's and B's are not almost flat. That'd be the lower A's.

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Top 10 3DS Games You Should Download Before They're Gone Forever From The Nintendo eShop

Daav from NoobFeed writes - Nintendo has announced that both the 3DS and Wii U eShops are on the way out. Though the company preempts the news by saying that downloads will still work "for the foreseeable future," that message also implies that your games will disappear at some point. We've enabled consumption at our fingertips, which companies have gladly used to erode the terms of game ownership. As always, convenience comes at a much higher cost down the road and, well, that time has come

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Senran Kagura Series Sold Over 1.65 Million Copies Worldwide; Peach Beach Splash Keeps Selling Well

The Senran Kagura series is selling very well, and Peach Beach Splash continues to deliver solid performance for Marvelous Entertainment, that released its financial results.

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OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2463d ago

Great franchise.
Was introduced to it in 2011 and watched the anime when it was finished airing shortly after and became one of my favorite new IP in 8th generation. With Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson being my favorite out of Burst, SV and EV.

BlackOni2462d ago

That's good to hear, but I do hope they put more resources in refining and smoothing the combat and animation quality. There are improvements to be maid, but I do like the series.

DivineAssault 2462d ago

Who doesnt like fanservice? I havent bought it yet but i will eventually just to have it..

ErogeMaster2462d ago

Rather like context to fanservice making it by juvenile means makes it a joke just look at the doa series can't take that series seriously.

DivineAssault 2462d ago

Hey, DOA is a great fighting game..

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2462d ago

people who don't like animes, japanese games or watch ecchi anime and hate fanservice in anime

DivineAssault 2462d ago

Its not fanservice if theyre not a fan..

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The Friday Ten: 10 must misunderstood "pervy" anime games

Digitally Downloaded writes: There was one of the semi-frequent Internet blow-ups late last week/ early this week, when a games journalist decided to write a review in which he states that fans of a certain game are perverts and perverse. Naturally that didn't go down so well with aforementioned fans of that game, or games like it, because contrary to popular belief within some circles, liking a game that has bikini girls or even (GASP!) nudity doesn't turn someone into a 'pervert' any more than Call of Duty, or any of the three billion games out there that depict gun death, turn people into mass murderers.

Despite the startling hypocrisy, it does remain a fact that games, particularly those that hail from Japan, are considered to be self-evidently perverse by many journalists, as long as they contain 1) women (or girls) and 2) clothing that doesn't rival the hijab or nun's habit for sheer conservatism. Rarely is context considered, so anything subversive, satirical, or empowering (because in Japanese stories, sexuality is often considered empowering) is still dismissed as exploitative and demeaning.

So, anyway, this week I'm listing ten games that got slammed unfairly for their depiction of sexuality, and I love them all. If you think that makes me a pervert, then take your gun games and GTAs and stay the hell away from me, you mass murdering lunatic.

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Simon_the_sorcerer2492d ago

I just want to enjoy my lewd games :3 (no pun intended).

Chaos_Order2492d ago

Dungeon Travelers 2 is hella pervy, but it's also one of my favourite RPGs ever thanks to its intricate labyrinthine dungeons, excellent battle and levelling systems and thrilling white-knuckle boss battles. The sexy characters and enemies are a bonus. XD

JCW20052492d ago

hooo boy.... here we go... these pervs tryna justify their trash games... ugh

Sonyslave32492d ago

Nothing wrong with pervy game as long as the girls are 18+ and dont look and act as a 3 year old.

JCW20052492d ago (Edited 2492d ago )

most japanese stuff have very underage looking chars even doe they ''18''. some where on that list like hyperdimension, at first glance u think is a kid friendly family game but then u play it and perv scenes show up with very childlike characters in suggestive scenes like wtf. dat supposed to be ok? cmon

TheOttomatic912492d ago (Edited 2492d ago )

They were never misunderstood it's just that the PC culture happened and deemed them to be the devils spawn but thankfully level headed gamers enjoy and play them for what they are just games.

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