
Fighter Within (Xbox One) Review – An Uppercut with a Fistful of Suck | COG

Brawling against your friends and the AI never felt so bad.

"The last time I played a motion based fighter game on the Kinect was a little over a year ago when I flailed away to Ubisoft’s Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth for the Xbox 360 Kinect. At the time, I was disappointed in the game and suggested to people that it was best to simply avoid it all together. Just over a year later Ubisoft has pumped out yet another motion based fighting game just in time for the launch of the Xbox One. Just when I thought it could not get any worse than Marvel Avengers, it has. In fact, it is considerably worse. Fighter Within is not only a game you should avoid this holiday season but it’s a game the Xbox One Kinect naysayers will likely use as a platform to say: “OMG this is why you should have abandoned the Kinect Microsoft!”

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AngelicIceDiamond3843d ago

They need to stop with Kinect games.

MightyNoX3843d ago

*bites lower lip* Dat Kynnect~

kB03843d ago

I dont think they need to stop, I just think they need to invest in more creativeness and dedication. They are playing it safe, and using very little resources on kinect games because they already invested so much in the tech, thinking they could even out.

I could see kinect being fun, look at ghost recon where u could actually modify the guns Iron man 3 style:D

There is potential but not when ur playing it safe:P

chrissx3843d ago

Such horrible scores I never seen a 20/100 b4 only on xbone. this kinect 2.0 is nothing more than a gimmick

LGM3133843d ago

I think diskinect should stay.

Edsword3843d ago

They sacrificed gpu space for esram so that kinect would run faster. Looks like it's paying off.

XboxFun3843d ago

They should have bundled this game in for free with the Xbox One. If anything it should be some kind of party game.

Utalkin2me3843d ago

A party game means fun, this is far from a party game.

XboxFun3843d ago

Lol, it could have been one of those mini games buried between some fun other party games.

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10 Launch Video Games That Were Terrible

Buying a new video game console should be an exciting experience. Relive the launch video games that managed to suck the fun out of those purchases.

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McMahonme72054d ago

Fifa Road To World Cup 2006 might of been crap, but it had some bangin easy achievements

RealOldGamer2053d ago

Night Trap was awesome, cheesy, and terrible all in one. It's a game everyone has to play.

I also loved Street Fighter The Movie, and Street Fighter: The Movie - the game.
Kylie Minogue, Ming-Na Wen and The Muscles From Brussels all in one movie/game? Yeah its already awesome.


Top 10 Worst Kinect Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "A few days ago, Microsoft announced that they were officially discontinuing their Kinect motion-sensing accessory. What was once considered a chief-rival to Nintendo’s Wii revolution and an integral part of the Xbox One’s launch has come to an end, and we here at Link-Cable… couldn’t be happier. The Kinect, while sporting impressive technology never managed to live up to its full potential and most of the games released for the device either had shoe-horned in support or barely functioned as intentioned, in part because of the device’s very specific ideal conditions. So as the Kinect sails off into sunset, we’ve decided to remember the worst of times and look back at the Top 10 Worst Kinect games."

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RyanDJ2394d ago

Kinect, for me, is easily worth owning for two things: Dance Central for me acting like an idiot and having fun, and Kinect Party for my kids when they want to have easy-access stupid fun at like a kid's party. Those were the only games I have enjoyed on it, and they couldn't be done any other way (well, I guess that KP is EyeToy-level work). But my hope is that when motion control falls away, we'll get a proper DDR again.

andrewsquall2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

Yet for 150 quid it is and was most certainly not worth owning for solely those 2 games, that you have to pay money for also.

Now far be it from me to tell you what is worth it or not worth it to you. But if that is what is worth it to you, I don't want to know what ISN'T worth it lol.

RyanDJ2392d ago

It was worth it to buy one used for half price and get one of those two games for free. ;)

datriax2393d ago

All of them are tied for 1st place.

darthv722393d ago

Star wars wouldnt be so bad if it didnt have.... the dancing. Ughhh that dancing.

They should do a list of 10 best kinect games as well. I'm sure fruit ninja and gun stringer would be on there. Those are actually fun to play.


Top 10 Worst Launch Games For Showing Off Your New Console

When buying a new video game console - these were the titles that didn't do them justice.

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