
Call Of Duty: Ghosts Campaign Is Only 4 Hours Long

Gaming Blend "Battlefield 4 has already set the bar pretty low with a campaign mode that clocks in at around four hours, according to most reviews. Well, prepare to have your socks blown off with Call of Duty: Ghosts' campaign mode, because it clocks in at around four and a half hours on the regular difficulty setting."

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LOGICWINS3865d ago

I'm calling it, the next COD won't come with a single player campaign. It'll still cost $60 though. Ull have the option to buy the campaign in pieces (episodes) as DLC.

s8anicslayer3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

Have you heard of Titanfall? Heavy multiplayer games will all soon come less the campaign, mark my words!

rambi803865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

Maybe the dog ate the rest of the campaign.

patsrule3163865d ago

Titanfall has a campaign. You just happen to be playing multiplayer throughout the campaign.

cleft53865d ago

Better a 4 hour campaign than none at all. Either way, this just means a fun roller coaster ride and then on to playing around in the mp. I am really intrigued by the Extinction mode.

Eonjay3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

So does Killzone win by default by actually having single player that can't be beat in one normal sitting?

PeaSFor3865d ago

like battlefield, its all about the multiplayer, the single player is simply a small bonus.

sobekflakmonkey3865d ago

I agree with people who say CoD and BF are all about the multiplayer, cause it's true, but games like Killzone and Halo I think need a single player, their multiplayer is awesome of course, but the sci fi story is to hard to resist.

duplissi3865d ago

Well that's how they used to come.

SaturdayNightBeaver3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

Why even bother with SP i wonder... BF4 and now COD , no one even buys those games to play SP... So sad everyone is going in for the money these days. Good SP games seem like slowly die. Just my opionion ofc...

But then i somehow agree for these games, COD and BF to have smaller campaigns. They became such pointless run and gun crap not too many people seem to care... or should waste their time on.

weekev153865d ago

They should do what Valve do with Half Life and Counterstrike and just make 2 seperate games, 1 with an awesome campaign and 1 with awesome multiplayer...However not sure that would work with the copy and paste job they have been doing because it would mean changing things up.

Ps4Console3865d ago

Well if that happens count me out because some of us like SP games .

minimur123865d ago

I thought the single player is being directed by some famous guy? Yet he could only make it 4 hours long?

Boody-Bandit3865d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

I hope a day doesn't come where they are online only. I don't see myself paying full freight for a game without an SP. I always complete the SP. Usually more than once.

Army_of_Darkness3864d ago

Another 4hrs. Game?? Next Gen is getting worrisome. ..

warczar3864d ago

Has anyone actually played the SP for COD in the last 3-4 years? I'm gonna tell you that the SP campaign for COD has sucked since the real infinity ward crew decided it was better to be screwed by EA then f**ked by Activision.

SolidStoner3864d ago

now after that news that COD Ghosts is hacked.. and with 4 hour single player.. it is totally pointless to buy it.. for real!

UltimateMaster3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

4 hours campaign where the Super COD Dog will destroy walls, catch bad guys in helicopters and show off that a BF4 tank isn't the baddest thing out there.

HammadTheBeast3864d ago

MP Only works well when a greedy-ass company isn't behind it.

Warhawk was an amazing MP only game, $40 for the game WITH a mic included.


mewhy323864d ago

This isn't a surprise. it follows the pattern of most of the other cod games. But lets be honest here. The primary reason to purchase 1080p 60fps PS4 game is for the multiplayer.

VENOMACR12273864d ago

COD has a single player? LOL

Everyone plays that game online. Why do you think the campaign is 4 hours long in COD and BF4? Cause multiplayer is where the meat of the game is. That's why I'm glad Titanfall is MP only because single player games lose playability once you beat them. Sure you can spend 10 hours trying to find a hidden treasure chest, but is it really fun running through the same enemies and levels 2 or 3 times? Playing online is new each time (competition wise) not to mention the hundreds of unlockable items, prestiges, DLC content is always MP related and more.

Maybe it's just me but I could careless about a COD or BF single player campaign.

antz11043864d ago

People buy CoD for the campaign?

spicelicka3864d ago

Well that's a loss of identity then. Both battlefield and Cod have had campaigns worth playing in the past. For COD it ended with COD 4 (maybe WaW) and for battlefield it ended with bad company 2.

They just turned them into michael bay action movies so that idiots can skim through them quickly and just start the multiplayer.

Campaigns are important for a game's identity sometimes. Halo is probably the best example if that, it has so much soul in the story and still one of the greatest multiplayer modes around. Just unfortunate it's not as popular with the cod generation anymore.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3864d ago
Angels37853865d ago

4 hours...just like battlefield 4

Campy da Camper3865d ago

Or the same amount of time it took me to get through the last stage of "all guillied up" on veteran.

Angels37853865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

Why disagrees? the campaigns are the same length! both are around 4 hours!

BF4 Campaign length: http://n4g.com/news/1382509...

Cod is above....disagree with facts?

nasnas763865d ago

People disagree on the most ridiculous things. If you comment "there are 7 days a week" there will be at least some that will click the disagree button.

denero13865d ago

this is n4g you thought facts would keep you safe bah i laugh at you sir lol

Magicite3865d ago

cod is not confirmed yet

-wub-3865d ago

There are 7 days a week.

esemce3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Ghosts is not 4 hours long (I've finished it) more like 6-7 and I doubt BF4 is too if you play it properly and not just run through it to get to the checkpoints.

Ghost SP is not as good as Blackops2, it's a little cheesey and takes itself way to seriously.

It has decent variety in locations though (the deep/tarzan/moonraker) and Riley the dog IS the best thing about SP.

There is also a Horde mode that is not extinction, It has a lot of MP stuff if that's what you like.

But essentially it's the same ol cod, business as usual.

Gardenia3864d ago

7 days a week has not been confirmed yet

sidekick19713864d ago

Is COD really 4 hours or is just what whoever said? I know MP is what attracts people to buy COD but 4 hrs is way to short.

trancefreak3864d ago

Im not dropping full price on a game when its primary focus is MP.

The MP should be just sold separately at a separate cost, but these greedy corporations we are talking about. They give 2 sh1ts less with us gamers dropping $60 USD on this madness.

Go all out and make a full campaign with a multiplayer experience I will spend the Money.

Cheap out on a solid campaign that is 4 hours with a good multiplayer package doesn't deserve my money.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3864d ago
UncleGermrod3865d ago

I'll gladly take the campaign, it's always a fun distraction when the game first comes out. But I could see them dropping it to save resources. although they have more resources than respawn w/ titanfall, i think it's still obvious they do not put too much focus on the campaign.

NarooN3865d ago

I remember even the first Killzone had a lengthy campaign, complete with 4 playable characters for added variety and different missions. I've always praised KZ's campaigns.

dasbeer883865d ago

It wouldn't be a CoD game if the campaign didn't last 4-6 hours long.

SaturdayNightBeaver3865d ago

Last decent one IMO was black ops, mw3 and bo2 were crap. No doubts ghosts will follow :D

Salooh3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

My favourite campaign is world at war>Mw1>Mw2. As for multiplayer i prefer Cod4 > Mw2 > then WaW comes. The rest are awful in both ...

Yui_Suzumiya3865d ago

Black Ops had the best campaign next to the original MW. Also the lengthiest since 3. Took me about 8 hours and had a really good and unexpected story. Also enjoyed the Russian in it from WaW. I always prefer Treyarch to Infinity Ward. Although I haven't played BO2 yet.

UnholyLight3864d ago


Best CoD gams ever:

CoD 2, Modern Warfare, WaW, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2

BUT the Modern day settings on shooters has run it's course ESPECIALLY on CoD. I feel like CoD should go back to WWII with the power of next gen.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3864d ago
Rageanitus3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

Sorry to say this but there are many games that put Single player as an after thought. Same goes the other way there are many games that put multiplayer as an after though. In fact many games that focus on multiplayer give longer hours of enjoyment.

I remember back in the days of Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament, tribes, Counter Strike. Crap singleplayer but amazing Multiplayer. It was well worth the 60>70 dollars back then.

Just look at COD, battlefield, all those MMORPGS of today. They are popular because their focus is MULTIPLAYEr. There is a reason why there is no real store for COD or BF, because they focus is on multiplayer.

mediate-this3865d ago

I totally agree with you, i always thought to my self, the nect will be called C.O.D online and just make a crazy amount of dlc packs.

BoriboyShoGUN3865d ago

Im sorry but this shit is ridiculous! I understand most people play for the multiplayer but the old COD's always had good campaigns as well. Its a blue ray disk and you cant fit a decent single player campaign??? And while I personally am all about the multiplayer in BF4 and Killzone. Believe it or not there is still people out there that enjoy the campaigns more and rarely go online.

thekhurg3865d ago

That's what Gamefly is for. Quick 1-2 day rental and send it back (if you're not interested in multiplayer).

csreynolds3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Agreed. Sure, it's common knowledge that multiplayer is where the meat of most games lies now, but single-player campaigns are still important to many, and are often a deciding factor for purchasing a title.

I for one enjoy playing SP before hitting MP, as it creates context and teaches you the game's basic mechanics. Also, let's not forget that some gamers aren't as obsessed with online as the media suggests. There are still plenty of people out there who enjoy playing offline as much as online...

I think developers should take SP more seriously. In my eyes, companies like Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games have the balance right, and they're the benchmark others should aspire to.

Magicite3865d ago

isw this the next-gen? FPS games with almost zero to none single player?

Ol_G3865d ago

IW is incapable of producing a decent single player experience
Funny thing my gf doesn't want it anymore as i told here campaign is only 4 hours

Athonline3864d ago

Campaign length =/= experience... Look at MGS4 and Heavy Sword. Two of the best games of last gen, but both got a really short campaign.

Now whenever this will be decent, it depends... I haven't enjoy SP in CoDs since the original MW...

xHoii3865d ago

Actually it's longer than 4 hours.. I consider my self better than the average gamer and it's taking me 6 hours and I havrnt completed the game yet...

ritsuka6663865d ago

Call Of Duty: Ghosts=Only 4 Hours Long

Battlefield 4=Only 4 Hours Long

And this is why gaming in this day sucks.Vote with your wallet! Do not buy THIS GAME! THIS MUST STOP!

Keenoh3865d ago

And yet people like myself will happily/easily put in 6x more hours (maybe even more) into the multiplayer over the first month. Not say your point is wrong regarding single player but at the end of the day if you're buying cod you're most likely buying for multiplayer.

mcstorm3865d ago

This is part of the reason im going off FPS games and not getting any this year. for me its about platform and Driving games the back end of this year. I think my next FPS game will be Halo 5.

Bathyj3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

Preorder cancelled.
And this time I'm not saying it ironically.

I Liked call of duty so much better when it was a single player game with a MP element. Cod 1&2 were the best ones.

BoriboyShoGUN3865d ago

yeah the campaigns were great back in the day! This shits just sad now, they see where all the moneys coming from and thats the multiplayer and the DLC. Thats why I havent purchased a COD map pack in years!! To think of all the space available on blue ray and your gimping the campaign instead of lengthening it! So glad all the Killzone maps are free!!!!!!!!

DigitalAnalog3865d ago

That's ok, it's a few more hours longer than what you would do when you play with fish or dogs.

finbars753864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

LOL and people where shitting on BF4s SP for being short.Well there goes my preoder because from I have been watching on twitch tv today with COD ghost MP is that the only change I noticed was the maps where way to big for 6v6,other then that it looks the same and plays the same.$60 for another rehashed COD what a joke.Have fun playing another half ass game.

Tzuno3864d ago

Battlefield 4 has the same length on Sp, i just finished the game. These days is all about MP. Sad but true.

FunkMacNasty3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

When CoD first became really popular, those early games in the series still had compelling stories with intersting characters and a campaign of substantial length. Same thing when Battlefield bad company came to consoles.. cool story, unique characters, fun campaign that wasn't too short or too long

But by this point in military FPS games, I think all we need is the multiplayer. I don't need to have anymore knife fights with bad guys as we fall from a burning cargo jet 80,000 feet in the air, or shoot enemies as i slide down the floors of a collapsing skyscraper. And I DEFINITELY don't want to have to sit through another rail-shooting level, as I man a .50 cal mounted gun on a jeep/boat whilst shooting down chopper after chopper as we race to the end of the mission..

I mean, either do it well, or just don't do it right? I can remember re-playing the campaign of CoD4, MW2, and Battlefield Bad Company 2 a few times over again, alongside getting sucked into the multiplayer.

What's killing CoD/BF single player campaigns now is the homogenization of the single player military shooter campaign. It all follows a formula now, as devs are running out of fresh ideas.

nypifisel3864d ago

I'm not really sure these games need a campaign. Look at the first 4 battlefields (1942, Vietnam, 2 and 2142). They were all great games and lacked any kind of single player campaign, it supported offline play with bots - just as great anyway. I honestly hope for more multiplayer only games and less multiplayer in actual single player focused games - except for RPGs, MORE COOP PLEASE, LOOKING AT YOU BETHESDA!

Back-to-Back3864d ago

Well seeing as the cod campaign always suck this isnt a loss at all. If you are buying cod to play single player you are doing it wrong.

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caperjim3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

I really hope 4 hour campaigns don't become the norm for next generation.

LOGICWINS3865d ago

Expect NO campaign for games with a heavy emphasis on online gameplay. Titanfall will lead the charge in this respect.

_LarZen_3865d ago

Titanfall has a campaign. But it's merged with the multiplayer, so there is a story and a campaign while playing Titanfall.

I see allot of people have missed this, google it and you will see.

nypifisel3864d ago

Ha what? Multiplayer only games have been around for ages, BF2 being one of the best out there.

Tctczach3865d ago

Sadly, I kind of hope Cod and BF4 kill the campaign. They are too short to get invested into. Plus the AI isn't worth it half of the time. More focus on better multiplayer.....hopefully

black0o3865d ago

and what about that 60$?

since the season pass for another 12 maps will cost another 60$ meaning that we hve to pay 120$ for MP maps ... F%#$ NO

Tctczach3865d ago

Ok, so you are justifying that the campaign is worth the $60? No. Campaign doesn't keep people coming back. Especially Cod or BF4.

MysticStrummer3865d ago

A game doesn't have to keep you coming back to be worth $60, and a good campaign requires more work than simply providing areas where players can kill each other.

Tctczach3865d ago

But that is what their campaigns are. Just places to kill people. So why not just cut it out and make the multiplayer better. If they are cutting then down to 4 hours then they clearly don't think they are too important. That's all I'm saying. The draw for these game are what? THE MULTIPLAYER! That's all I'm saying. I just played the battlefield campaign and it was 4 hours of awful AI. I did get the spetsnaz machete though...

denero13865d ago

I actually agree with you on this it's obvious their bread and butter is mp so why waste time creating a sp invest more into mp so it can be all that it can be

BlackCarrot3864d ago

The likes of Uncharted don't get any more than 10-15 hours and are still 60 bucks. You can get at least twice that on the likes of Battlefield.

Looking at it from a cost-gametime basis, you get more for your money for predominantly multiplayer games. I only ever buy single player games when they're cheap.

Tctczach3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

I'm not against paying $60 for a game that is mainly single player as long as the gameplay is fluid and the story is good. I'm just talking about games that heavily rely on multiplayer. Exceptions to this would be Halo and Gears, but those haven't been as good as they were in the past.

Back-to-Back3864d ago

I agree with you. Kill off the campaign and invest that money into making a more polished and balanced multiplayer. With these games it usually takes them 2-3 months to get the game patched to a get the best gameplay. Blops 2 at launch was god awful.

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Sarcasm3865d ago

It's been the norm since last generation, no surprises here.

JuniorCE3865d ago

Killzone Shadow campaign is around 10 hours

mayberry3865d ago

Kz:SF 10hr campaign plus kickass MP, plus all dlc maps free, plus best graphics and A.I., I know where MY money is going.....

Ashunderfire863865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

Have you took notice that Killzone Shadowfall is 10 hours long for an FPS? Of course it wouldn't be the norm. Its just Battlefield and Call of Duty that are that short. Games like Destiny, Titanfall, and The Division will be a hell of a lot longer for the Shooter genre. Call of Duty will die horribly if its the same type of game next year. Just look at the competition I already mention.




And so many unknowns heading soon to a PS4 and X1 near you. How can Call of Duty compete if its the same shit every year?


MysticStrummer3865d ago

"How can Call of Duty compete if its the same shit every year?"

I've been asking that question for a long time, but it keeps competing anyway.

Enemy3865d ago

Lol TitanFall will be longer? It's multiplayer only. There is no single player campaign.

Ashunderfire863865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )


Uhh Enemy, in case you forgot its a Story Multiplayer game, its not just competitive. Its Similar to Destiny which also have competitive multiplayer as well with its campaign. What the lol about when Titanfall is just that? A Story based Multiplayer game.


Now you feel stupid.

GTgamer3865d ago

look when i Play Singleplayer I'm offline i don't wanna be connected to the internet just to play the story of the game so as far as I'm concerned titanfall is a Multiplayer only game with a little story its probably gonna be like unreal tournament Sp where its just matches with Bots but added cut scene's to add a story:/.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3865d ago
Rageanitus3865d ago

It was the norm for a long time now, even before this generation came out.

Some developers like to focus on multiplayer since alot of ppl are looking for that.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3864d ago
staticdash223865d ago

Bf4: 4 Hours long

COD Ghosts: about 4-5 hours long

Killzone Shadow Fall: well over 10 hours

I know which game I'm investing in

Angels37853865d ago

Good!! don't support stuff like that

black0o3865d ago

BF campaign doesn't matter that much .. i got to lvl 145 in MP before i beat the BF3's campaign

Sarcasm3865d ago


Candy Crush: Infinite Hours

I kid I kid.

I am going to get KZ as well

TheFallenAngel3865d ago

Candy crush level 341. I play that game more than anything out right now. I'm getting Shadow Fall over battlefield and COD.

TheDivine3865d ago

I hope so. KZ3 took me 5-6 hours and KZ mercinary took me 4-5. They were both really damn short.

sorane3865d ago

"Killzone Shadow Fall: well over 10 hours" Yeah if you take a devs word on how long a campaign is then you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. They said kz3 was 10 hours also when it was 6 with the cutscenes....

Ashunderfire863865d ago

Killzone will kill those games and put them back in the same shit zone. KZ4 has is over 10 hours single player and multiplayer with free DLC Maps! Its well worth the 60 bucks spent.

joe903865d ago

Bf4: 200 Hours

COD Ghosts: about 300-400 hours.

Killzone Shadow Fall: 0 hours.

I play BF and CoD for multiplayer and i will get more hours out of them than you will with KillZone.

Rhythmattic3865d ago

Xbox only owner me thinks......

BlackCarrot3864d ago

An extra 5 hours on single player? Surely if you can recoup 10 hours - twice the amount - on multipayer then you've got your money's worth on either game.

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Lboogieskells3865d ago

Funny thing is, the fanboys on IGN were bashing Killzone SF for only being 10hrs long.

MRMagoo1233865d ago

that is netspeak is commonly known as jelly bra

Im my own words they are jealous as heck seeing kill zone on the ps4, it looks amazing and plays amazing, then couple that with the fact they are getting pretty inferior multiplats it compounds and makes em cranky sausages.

TheFallenAngel3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

What's even funnier is that they criticized Shadow Fall for 10 hrs of single player when they are not getting any for titanfall at the same price!

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All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

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UnSelf838d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth838d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo838d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy838d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad837d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX838d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam838d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje838d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad837d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude838d ago (Edited 838d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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Call of Duty Multiplayer This Decade Ranked (2010-2019)

Call of Duty multiplayer ranked from worst to best! 2019 is coming to a close and MP1st ranks the best COD multiplayer games this decade.


Ray Tracing in Monster Hunter World, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Watch_Dogs 2, COD: Ghosts & more

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s members Benchmark PC Tech, Jose cangrejo, WillTalksTech, Zetman and MissinInAction have published some videos, showing Monster Hunter World, Black Mesa Xen, Watch_Dogs 2, Call of Duty Ghosts, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, The Sinking City, Remember Me, Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 with the ray tracing/path tracing effects that Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod introduces."

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Pyroxfaglover1799d ago

Wore implementation I've ever seen,.. guess it just does not work all that great on every engine

MarkyMark891799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

Agree, but this gives me hope that one day Ray Tracing can be a software based feature and not require some type of proprietary hardware to achieve. Software will always outpace Hardware so it could happen, but I feel like its going to take a lot more time to achieve the same level that RTX has already shown glimpses of so far. Really just waiting for Cyberpunk to see if RTX is actually something viable. I think if anybody can truly showcase RTX Features it would be Projekt Red.

zeal0us1799d ago

Too bad it doesn't make Mankind Divided a better game.

starchild1799d ago

It doesn't need to, the game was already fantastic, imo.

zeal0us1799d ago

Human Revolution was a better game and not to mention longer.

isarai1799d ago

Reshade is not raytracing, its a screen space post processing effect. Thats like calling SSAO "global illumination"