
PlayStation 4 & AMD Radeon R9 290X GPU share the same 8 ACE ( Asynchronous Compute Engines )

Newly leaked slides from AMD's new Radeon R9 290X Hawaii GPU reveals that the Volcanic Islands GPU will also feature 8 Asynchronous Compute Engines much like the Liverpool GPU inside of Sony's new PS4.

Each of the 8 ACE's can manage up to 8 compute queues for a total of 64 compute commands, in comparison the HD 7970 only has 2 ACE's that could only queue 2 compute commands for a total of 4 & the Xbox One only has 2 ACE's but they also manage up to 8 compute queues for a total of 16 compute queues.

Could this mean that the PS4's GPU is also apart of AMD's Volcanic Islands family?

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M-M3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

"Could this mean that the PS4's GPU is also apart of AMD's Volcanic Islands family?"

Of course, Sony is part of the HSA Foundation.

thereapersson3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

When Sony said custom architecture, they weren't kidding.

"Can saturate PCIe 3.0 x16 bus bandwidth"

mewhy323878d ago

Wow. It's already common knowledge that the PS4 is the most powerful console ever conceived. The GPU in the PS4 is leaps and bounds above any other console on the market or coming to the market.

DomceM3878d ago

not as good as highest end steambox. sorry.

XB1_PS43878d ago

@DomceM "good" is not the right word. Ps4 will not be as "powerful", but it will most likely be better.

Benjammin253878d ago

@DomceM Doesn't cost over a grand like a high end steam box.

nunley333878d ago

@DomceM The steam box also isn't a console either, its still a small form pc that hooks up to your tv.

Eonjay3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

This was actually old news. It basically means that in addition to having more raw power in Flops, it can also do more compute calculation per cycle (physics,ect) by a factor of 4 than the Xbox One. When we say the PS4 is more powerful, its not a fanboy thing... its a physics thing. I am not paying 20% more to get 1/4 the compute ability of a cheaper machine...

GraveLord3878d ago Show
gaffyh3878d ago

Saw this on Neogaf which I found interesting, this is just about the GPU though:

1.18 TF GPU (12 CUs) for games
768 Shaders
48 Texture units
2 ACE/ 16 queues

1.84TF GPU (18 CUs) for games + 56%
1152 Shaders +50%
72 Texture units +50%
32 ROPS + 100%
8 ACE/64 queues +300%

This was posted a while ago, so it looks like the rumoured specs are accurate.

darthv723878d ago

@gravelord...nobody ever thought that. in fact, fans on both sides knew neither system was using-off-the-shelf parts.

P0werVR3878d ago

...This is an astute observation, but come on fellas. Please don't run with this, you'll just look embarrassed at the end. Just like Xbox fanboy with his "insider" conversations.

Just wait until it comes DIRECTLY from Sony. So volcanic family?! NO! Asychronous Compute Engines?! YES!

osprey193878d ago

@mewhy32. Did u not read the article? The article says it has the same specs (at least in this regard) as the xbox one.

DigitallyAfflicted3878d ago

Yeah baby bring it on sumo power :)

dantesparda3878d ago

Question, how do we know that the PS4 has 8 ACE's with 8 compute queues? Sony isnt talking (which is really annoying me), heck we dont even know what the CPU speed is (everyone just assumes 1.6ghz becuase of the VGleaks)

saber000053878d ago

Did DomceM just created the Steam Fanboy club? Ohh... My...

Eonjay3878d ago

@dantesparda This isn't really new. Its been talked about for months. Remember all Mark Cerny's interviews where he says that the power Compute will be unlocked in about 2 years? Yeah it was stated back then that the GPU contains 8 ACE's. Thats where you get the GPGPU stuff from. The X1 also has ACEs that will be used for physics and what not, the PS4 just has 400% more.

The Killer3878d ago

PS4 is the most powerful console but not PC.

yes in the future or even maybe current times, there exist better GPUs than ps4, BUT at what cost?

how much will it cost us to have a new PC which has the same GPU and CPU throughput power? i doubt it will be anything less than a $1000 USD.

Plus, the console graphics can be fully optimized with time! so it gets only better within the first 3-4 years into the console life cycle.

if anyone can tell me if there is a PC right now that costs $400 USD and has the same power as ps4 then please let me know.

dantesparda3878d ago


Thanks, i hope you're right

thereapersson3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

@gravelord...nobody ever thought that. in fact, fans on both sides knew neither system was using-off-the-shelf parts.


Actually that is a common point used by most PC fans and some Xbox fans. Pay more attention and you'll see it on comment forums all over the net.

juggulator3877d ago


Mark Cerny confirmed it. He helped design the PS4's architecture.

Linwelin3877d ago

@nunley33 isn't that what the PS4 and XBone do ? running on similar hardware too, i fail to see the difference here, and steam has its own OS just like the other consoles.

MarkusMcNugen3877d ago

@Benjammin25 and @nunley33

A stand-alone computer running a specialized OS specifically designed for entertainment and video games... what would you call that? Perhaps, a console. If you want to call the steambox a PC then so is the PS4 and the Xbox One, especially now that they share the same x86 architecture with PCs. And price doesnt matter, Sonys claim was that the PS4 was the most powerful console, unfortunately Valve's Steambox has now taken that claim away from Sony.

Eonjay3877d ago

@MarkusMcNugen its a PC. The parts are interchangeable with off the shelf parts. The term console indicate a closed systems. Like a PC or laptop, you can upgrade the Ram, and GPU of any SteamBox. It is essentially a PC. The Piston can however be considered a console because it is non-upgradeable.

AndrewLB3877d ago

The weakest steambox is more powerful than PS4. Get your facts straight

Mombasa693877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Not even 2 Titans can saturate PCIe 3.0x16 Bandwidth, what a load of old bollox.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3877d ago
pyramidshead3878d ago

This is brilliant news if true :).

LostDjinn3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

Agreed. At the very least it means that "gamble" with the ACEs wasn't a gamble at all. They'll be used for games on both PS4 and PC in future.

Edit: Because nobody's building a "gable" in the comments. :S

G20WLY3878d ago

Yes, but what do NVIDIA say about this? Only then will we know for sure how good this is /S

...don't worry, they'll be along soon to say why it's not as good as their latest effort. lol *rolls eyes*

Benjammin253878d ago

You're brilliant news if true.

HighResHero3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

There were articles months ago talking about how PS4 would be using proprietary technology, similar to that used in AMD's upcoming GPUs and I think I remember APU technology.
If anyone has an article about the APU aspect, or any new info about it's unique architecture, please post it.
Now that that's covered, my Vita is out for delivery and the mailman should be here any minute. :]

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3878d ago
Lior3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

The steambox can be classed as a console. It has a GTX titan, 780,770,760 which are all more powerful GPUs, EDIT you are contradicting yourself by saying steamboxes arent consoles persay and ps4 with its x86 chip and custom 7870 GPU isnt a pc, steambox has its own OS as well as the ps4 so what is the difference please tell me

TIER1xWOLFPACKx3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

Yes and no it's still a pc and not every steambox will have those parts as they are customisable some steam boxes will be weaker some more powerful. It's not even confirmed yet that valves own steambox will have gtx780,titan etc that was the prototype units. Also the psu for a steambox/machine is 450watt according to most websites and having a titan and an I4770k on that amount of power is just going to cause problems

GamerXD3878d ago

Steam machines, should you say. Steam machines ain't consoles, but PCs. Yes they're almost consoles, but still different.

Rubberlegs3878d ago


That's not going cause any problems. That enough wattage for not overclocking and they probably aren't some cheap low brand psu. These will be packed in small cases too so your not going to have much in them besides the main components and a couple fans.

Rhaigun3878d ago

The fact you can install your own OS and switch out GPUs means it's not a console. Part of being a console is having closed architecture and a firm OS.

ShinMaster3878d ago

Steam Machines have their own OS but it's not a closed OS like the the PS4 or XBO. It can also run Windows OS. It functions like a PC.

It's not a console. It competes with Windows PCs.

MarkusMcNugen3877d ago

You are correct. People on here are just trying to find a way to separate the two, but they are both essentially the same thing now. A lot of people are unhappy about the Steambox being able to claim the most powerful console title now.

So a upgradable PS4 or Xbox One wouldnt be a console? Simply because it can be upgraded? Thats a ridiculous statement. If Microsoft or Sony announced tomorrow that a GPU could easily we swapped out for a new one it would cease to be a console? I think not. Power also wont be an issue as Im sure people will not be allowed to overclock the hardware. Im sure it will be in the ToS somewhere. Otherwise a warranty will be voided.

So by your account a PS3 was only half a console until they eliminated OtherOS? Because you could install your own OS on a PS3 and it functioned just like a PC. If they would have just released upgradeable GPUs, then it wouldnt have been a console anymore... No, I think not.

A console doesnt require a closed OS to be a console. And as I mentioned above to Rhaigun being able to install a third party OS doesnt make it a PC either. Or the PS3 would have been considered a PC. Its a new market. Its a PC designated for entertanment and video games. Its a PC that doubles as a console and competes against the PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, and PCs. It will be very entertaining to see how well it sells and what future holds for Valves hardware.

Frankly, I think everyone is trying to find a classification system that works for their opinions. We all know that a console has always been a specialized PC, and now we are seeing a specialized PC that can double as a regular PC as well. Its a console and a PC rolled into one box.

I guess the old adage was "Consoles are equal to PCs, but PCs are not equal to consoles" but that no longer applies in this case. Seems to me like we either need a new classification system, or we just start calling them all PCs with the difference being a closed ecosystem or open ecosystem.

Rhaigun3877d ago

Installing your own OS on the PS3 really served no purpose other than gaining easier access to internal files. Made it easier to hack. Hence the reason Sony discontinued the option. You couldn't run, say MS Office, or anything. Something you can do on a Steambox.

Look, I'm a fan of the Steambox. I wish I could afford to build one. But, I have no grand illusions about what it is. An SFF PC. Is it more similar to consoles than ever before? Yes. But, you're better off calling it a gaming system than a console.

AndrewLB3877d ago

According to the flops it's capable of, the PS4's gpu is much closer to the 7850 performance wise. The hd 7870 puts out 2560 gflops which we all know is a lot more than PS4.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3877d ago
Magicite3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

I sense PlayStation Domination in soon future.

otherZinc3878d ago

Does this mean:
The Drive Club is going to be both 1080p "native" @ 60fps?
Like Forza 5.

Are any PS4 games going to be 1080p "native" @ 60fps.
If so what are the games. Also, could I have a link stating as such?

cbuc11253878d ago

Killzone Multiplayer=1080p/60
Deep Down=1080p/60

A game is 1080p/60 when the developers decide that it fits their design. Anymore questions?

Ezz20133878d ago

Driveclub,Deep down,KillzoneSF,Infamous SS,Resogun etc of ps4 games are NATIVE 1080p

welcome to next gen
hope to see Xbox1 join the next gen club when they start show 1080p games outside of racing game that lack tons of things that last gen game like GT6 have and another 1080p game (driveclub) have as well
so far Forza5 have less cars,no weather effects,no night/day shift

kingduqc3878d ago

1080p was a standart on pc since like 2007 so yeah who cares really

DigitalRaptor3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Keep spouting your unsubstantiated nonsense about games not being native 1080p. Repeating it is not going to somehow make it true, it only encourages your delusions. You're just gonna keep getting owned, and it looks like you have already had your ass handed to you so far.

Deep Down is 1080/60.
Resogun is 1080/60.
Killzone is 1080/60 in its multiplayer.
inFamous: Second Son is reported to be pretty much 1080/60 (and that's open-world with immaculate detail and fast paced gameplay).

solidboss073877d ago

You moronic buffoon. Wait till we are past the launch window.

nosferatuzodd3877d ago

dude the only game on xbone that is 1080p is forza stop spewing rubish have you look at deep down or killzone or infamous or resogun they're all 1080p

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3877d ago
otherZinc3877d ago

@Digital Raptor,

No one has owned me, where's the link with SONY or said Dev statingthe PS4 games that do "BOTH" 1080p "native" @ 60fps!

When the smoke clears, Forza 5 will be standing by itself in novemNovember at 1080p "native" @ 60fps.

koolaid2513878d ago

Flops mean nothing,the new Gpu are at like 4 teraflops now.They're way better that Ps4 and xbox 1 combined so what does that say about teraflops?

BallsEye3878d ago

Stop dreaming guys. It was confirmed sony uses sea islands, just like ms with XO...this card is a beast and if it would be in ps4 you would see all of the games run 60 fps 4k res >.>

DonFreezer3878d ago

If I could I would report this to FBI because the double standard is almost killing it. When someone like misterxmedia talks something like that for the Xbox One you all bush him and laugh. And this all seems legit and wonderful for your precious PS4 using as a source a blog post? Are you that delusional? Are you that stupid? Who in the world will the PS4 cost 399 and feature tech from a 499 GPU is a serious question to all of sony sheep.

BlackTar1873878d ago

except MisterX is wrong about everything and changes his facts to fit his story not the story to fit the facts.

Persistantthug3877d ago

Didn't that guy say/imply that the XBONE would have like 2 or 3 Gpus?

Yeah......I'm still laughing at that nonsense.

Brix903877d ago

And that sir is why you have one bubble

assdan3878d ago

I think this means that they secretly put a 290x in! Wow and at the bargain of $400. THAT $300 LESS THAN THE ACTUAL CARD ITSELF!!!!!! (This was sarcasm by the way)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3877d ago
JimmyLmao3878d ago

no one can find the Xbox One's secret dGPU because Microsoft hid it in the PS4!

windblowsagain3878d ago

That was Harrison double agent agenda. To hide the extra gpu inside PS4.

Ezz20133878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

Harrison: let's put secret dGPU in Xbox1

Greenberg: tha...that's great idea, i will definitely tell them to start working on it now

Harrison: ok
*go to his office and lock the door*

Greenberg: yeah, i definitely will NOT do that

*then "Kaz" take his mask off and leave with trolling laugh*

pyramidshead3878d ago

PS4 IS the XB1's second dGPU! The master plan on building a united console must have fallen through!

MasterCornholio3878d ago

But how would that work?

Letme guess, you just plug the PS4 into the Xbox One via the HDMI in port and you got your second (more powerful GPU)

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy a PS4?


I'm just kidding.

Nexus 7 2013

Ezz20133878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

lol hehe

3878d ago Replies(4)
forcefullpower3878d ago

8 ACE's Must be really shit if it has that many. I'v been told by Microsoft that they are crap after two. /s

OlgerO3878d ago

Then it could be true since microsoft speaks the truth 8 % of the time

cell9893878d ago

hahahahaha!!!! nice try troll

cell9893878d ago

@KweitStorm yes Im positive Forcefullpower was trolling with such a statement with no documentation to back it

Petro3877d ago

Let me guess, you have no idea what /s represents?

iiwii3876d ago


I'm pretty sure it was meant as sarcasm (/s = end of sarcasm)

Ohlmay3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

Most likely based off the Volcanic GPU's from AMD.

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New PlayStation Handheld Reported Again, Supposedly Runs PS4 Games

Another leaker has claimed that a PSP/PS Vita style PlayStation handheld is in the works, and it'll supposedly support PS4 games.

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anast6d ago

If this is true, it will crush everything for the price.

VenomUK6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Needs to be a PS5 portable.

Cacabunga6d ago

PS4 native with PS5 remote play capabilities. Would be sweet.

And let PS Portal support cloud streaming for all PS+ games.

anast6d ago

Going off all the pricing behavior of Sony to this point. I'm willing to bet it will be cheaper than the Steam Deck. And when the price is revealed and I am right, send me a message.

Cacabunga6d ago

Could be an attempt to counter switch 2 which will have PS4 power.
Imagine all the PS4 third party re releases switch 2 is going to get.. “PS4 portable” could get the exact same games once again and publishers can resell software ..

If this portable has provides PS5 remote play on top then it will have a nice argument and exclusive feature.

DarXyde5d ago (Edited 5d ago )


Possibly, though I think any attempt to win against Nintendo in the handheld space is hopeless.

I loved the PSP and I still enjoy my Vita, but there's something about a full scale Mario and Zelda in your hands that makes it clear Sony should share the space, but never dream of taking it.

It's a very safe bet from Sony to have it run PS4 games too because then neither you nor developers are on the hook to make dedicated games for it.

Time will tell. I hope it's real. I'm willing to bet that it is—this is an inevitable strategy for Nintendo and the Surface team is allegedly handling Microsoft's next hardware stint. Sony wouldn't be the only one without portable hardware.

JL29304d ago

$199 for a dedicated handheld when they are trying to sell that piece of shit streaming screen for the same price. Hilarious.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
crazyCoconuts6d ago

It would be a niche product like Portal. Not bad, but not mainstream. It's legacy PS4 right?

Kneetos6d ago

The switch 2 and next steam deck will be out by then and will likely be way more popular

anast6d ago

The switch 2 will be a handheld Series S for kids and the next steam deck will be ridiculously over priced for a bunch of aging CRPGS and F2P mobile style games.

Kneetos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

@Anast the switch 2 will Fortnite dance on the new Sony handhelds grave
Playstation can't compete with Nintendo there

With playstation porting all it's games to pc and by extension steam deck it pretty much makes the new pshandheld system irrelevant

Especially since all I ever hear from the Sony crowd is "I NEED graphics or I can't enjoy the game" a handheld PS4 is going the same way as Sony's handheld ps3

Hypertension1405d ago (Edited 5d ago )

If the switch 2 isn't backwards compatible, it will fail.

If this is true, then it will already have a large of games to play from the start, add ps1,ps2,psp,vita games to the mix, and it can be massively popular.

anast5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

The switch is a Mario machine and for kids, they have their own space. Tell me where I am wrong here.

The problem is that Sony isn't porting all of the games to the Steam Deck specifically. The Steam Deck can't play every game. It even has a verified category with games that run the best and a "playable" category that can barely run games. So, the best option to play would obviously be a Sony product.

The last point is inane. I can't respond to comments that use caps. the point should be able to stand on it's own

NotoriousWhiz5d ago

It doesn't matter hiw popular the Playstation handheld is if it shares the same library as the PS5. It just brings more people into the ecosystem and provides them with more ways to play their games.

Kneetos5d ago

@anast Nintendo is competing with Sony and no amount of backpedaling will change that
They were competing during the GameCube era and the Wii u era, coincidentally the 2 gens they lost to Sony, but we're suddenly not competing during the ds, Wii and 3ds era because they beat playstation, but of course we can't have that can we so "Nintendo isn't competition Sony auto wins"

The switch is more then a mario and even a first party machine these days as there are plenty of games, specifically Japanese and indi games that are doing better on switch then their ps counterpart
It's irrelevant that Sony isn't specifically porting to steam deck, the games will end up on there and people will wait for a pc port just like how playstation fans wait for a playstation port of games, you aren't unique

Playstation fans constantly brag on graphics, so a handheld that only plays PS4 games isn't going to entice a lot of them, like the vita before it, and Sony has a history of just dropping unsuccessful projects, the vita psvr and it looks like the portal isn't doing too hot either

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
Vits6d ago

They literally charged people $199 for a bottom-of-the-barrel tablet with a DualSense controller bolted on. So I really can't see them releasing a powerful yet affordable native handheld.

Ps5conehead5d ago

I love my portal I’m handicapped and the portal lets me play on days I’m not at my best. It’s great .and the screen is admazing even though it’s not oled

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
-Foxtrot6d ago

If you had every PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PSV game then sure but I mean if it's just the PS4 why not just get a Steam Deck?

anast6d ago

You might be correct, but it depends on the price point. Also, most PC gamers wait years for Sony releases, so it might be better just to get the PS4 handheld.

crazyCoconuts6d ago

I'd be surprised if Sony reversed course and continued to put new releases on PS4. It would cannibalize their PS5 sales

MrBaskerville6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

If it supports your library, some people own more ps4 games than steam games. I know I do.

crazyCoconuts6d ago

I might buy something like this to play my old library but man those old games are cheap on steam. This console would have to be cheap to make sense. I don't see it happening

MrBaskerville6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I also think it sounds a little off. I would probably buy if it could run Ps5 games, but that sounds expensive. Being ps4 only is a little limiting I think.

But if it ran all ps4 titles and new stuff created for the handheld. then it could be interesting. Basically a Vita that just happened to come with a huge ass backlog of existing games.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

My libraries are roughly equal in size for both, maybe if I could play more classics games on the Playstation one I could consider it. But it's a tough selling point for people who aren't already heavily invested in the Playstation ecosystem.

SegaSaturn6696d ago

Deck is very viable option given how good PS3 and switch emulation have become. Even new releases are chugging along at 30fps.

Lexreborn26d ago

To be fair, I have a lot of ps4 games I don’t have on steam that is can play on my ps5 but I choose to play ps5 games on my ps5.

I also haven’t rebought any of my PlayStation exclusives on PC because I own them on my ps4/5 and even the upgraded ways that rival the pc version. So, if I wanted to play them on my steam deck I would still have to buy them again which if I bought the 6 top games Spider-Man 1,2, mm, horizon, fw , GoW and ragnarok and GoT with LoU1,2. It would more then. Likely be the cost of this device.

So, instead of double dipping I would buy the handheld and if it has a playable sf6 that actually works online (steam deck is not functional) I think I would want it for myself

Vits6d ago

If you have them in digital form, for sure. Because I don't see Sony giving you a digital copy of your old physical PS4 games. That doesn't sound like them at all.

And also, Steam doesn't depend on PS4 games. PC got more games that generation than all the consoles combined. The ports of PlayStation games are just one of the cherries on top of the cake.

Lexreborn25d ago

@vits I do have them in digital form which is why I said from my perspective. I also have a steam deck but that doesn’t mean everything runs on it which not everything is playable. And as I am also stating the perks of why people WOULD want them even while having a steam deck it’s weird to see people disagreeing purely because I wouldn’t want to double dip financially.

But even in the event you have physical copies of games, if you have ps plus most if not all of the ps4 games are there. So, it’s not like the options are non existent and people can’t find VIABLE reasons to purchase the device.

If people are justifying the portal, they can justify a dedicated portable. The desire to make it seem like people can only own one thing these days is an odd occurrence.

Vits5d ago

Then for sure, if you already have your library in digital form, something that can tap into it is definitely a good deal. That's basically the same reason why the Steam Deck is popular with PC and Steam users in general, because their library is available on it.

PS Plus is an extra cost though, and those games aren't yours. So I get where you are coming from, but that is a different discussion. As for the Portal, I don't get how people justify that piece of crap either, but they sure did so I can see a PS Vita 2 being sucessful. I don't see it being cheap or better value than the Steam Deck or any Windows Handheld, unless Sony really makes some radical changes.

As for why people want one device to rule them all instead of a bunch of them, it's likely because most people here are adults. If I recall correctly, the N4G user base is around their mid-30s. At this point in life, the issue is not usually owning things but actually having time to use them.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

I don't think a new PS handheld would be worth it for me after owning the Steamdeck, assuming there will probably be a lot of overlap of both libraries in my case, so just having the one device is fine for me (I don't need the clutter or devices with too much overlap). I'll probably just stream the PS4 games I don't have on Steam to the Steam Deck via Chiaki, I would probably need the PS handheld to have its own exclusives to entice me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5d ago
Profchaos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Because if you already have a large digital library of PS4 titles and this plays PS4 games you don't need much more than the system. It's also rumoured to play some ps5 games.

If you buy a steam deck you have to re buy your library.

Eonjay5d ago

If you are already in he PS ecosystem you probably have hundreds of digital PS4 games. Especially if you are on PSPlus Extra. These folks, of which there are millions upon millions would probably rater have access to the games they already own vs buying them all again on Steam.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

This is the question, might be nice for the Playstation exclusive games from previous generations, but Sony's Playstation Classics lineup is seriously lacking, especially from their PS1 catalogue, I don't think the PS2/PS3 catalogue are that huge either.

A Steam Deck is already somewhere between a PS4 and a PS4 Pro in terms of power. Without those exclusive games from Sony's previous consoles, I don't see how you could convince anyone a new Playstation handheld to be better value than a Steam Deck. I can also literally put previous Playstation's libraries onto it without too much trouble.

-Foxtrot5d ago

“ Without those exclusive games from Sony's previous consoles, I don't see how you could convince anyone a new Playstation handheld to be better value than a Steam Deck.”

Exactly and this is a prime example of why exclusives matter

Without them Steamdeck just looks like the better choice overall

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
MeteorPanda6d ago

I still play my vita. The oled screen was too good for it's time. I obviously had to home brew it but playing my old snes/ps1 games on it is so good.

Barlos5d ago

So many times I've been tempted to hack my Vita but I just can't bring myself to do it. I kind of want it to be as originalas possible. Also, for emulation I have my steam deck.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

I was tempted to hack my Vita, but I couldn't bear to risk it, something about having the original software/experience on the handheld.

I'll happily emulate on the Steam Deck, especially the games that weren't available on the Aussie store or ones I just missed out on.

Skuletor6d ago

How many people will buy this at launch? As a Vita owner, I'd definitely hold back after how Sony's support for that turned out.
Also, PSP played near PS2 quality games, PS Vita played near PS3 quality games, shouldn't the next Playstation handheld be aiming for near PS5 quality?

MeteorPanda6d ago

the sadest thing on vita support for me was the removal of Close? The app that let you see local players and what they were playing. i made friends back in the day for co op that way lol.

I think it was privacy breaching? such a shame.

Skuletor6d ago

Vita had so much promise, I wonder what it would have taken for Sony to have been more supportive. GTA: San Andreas Stories would have probably brought more sales alone, if they could have gotten that. I was disappointed we never really got anything on the same level as Killzone: Mercenary after that game, which looked amazing running on the Killzone 3 engine. Would have loved to see new entries of PS IP like Infamous, God of War etc, Sony really dropped the ball and using proprietary memory cards that were ridiculously priced didn't help, if they were smart, they'd have sold them cheaper since they were mainly being used to store stuff people were paying for in their store anyway, lol.

anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

The people that remember the vita are in the minority.

Skuletor5d ago

So are the amount of people that bought it

Einhander19726d ago (Edited 6d ago )

The point would be that it plays PS4 games, PS4 is still getting games constantly.

Everyone here including yourself presumably already has a library of games to play on this.

The success of the Portal shows the value of not needing to have a separate game library.

Skuletor5d ago

I don't think it will have native PS4 support

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

Why not? The PS5 plays PS4 games fine (because the tech is similar), one could assume that if Sony is using AMD hardware, then they will probably have native PS4 support.

MeteorPanda5d ago

Honestly the amount of games you could get on these cards was better value than what the switch was offering per cartidge. Cartridges got no slack from these same people.

The games for vita were very cheap, 30 dollars on average in store.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

I'm still salty about the proprietary memory card prices, I don't remember those ever getting cheap.

Eonjay5d ago

I mean how mich more support does the PS4 really need. It's not a new system... just a portable PS4. There are over 10 000 PS4 games available. Sony doesn't need to support it.

There are some crazy rumors out there but we don't have the technology to run a Series S in Portal mode let alone a PS5.

Skuletor5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

How many people that have a physical PS4 library will be willing to buy their games again to download these rumoured PS4 games to this rumoured portable? Until it gets officially revealed, none of us really know how this thing will operate but I will point out, Sony usually sell their consoles at low profit with the intention of making more money later in software sales. People that will be mostly playing games they already own, won't be their largest target market, most likely.

Also, hopefully it would have it's own exclusives to highlight the portables strengths too and not just games from a last gen system

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

Even if we did have the technology, imagine how terrible the battery life would be! You'd have to be more tethered to a power outlet than any of the other PC handhelds.

Barlos5d ago

Yeah same here. The way they handled the Vita has left me burned. I don't trust them to give a handheld the support it needs and so I'll not buy it at launch. I need to see their commitment first.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

No, I don't think the technology would be near enough to give us PS5 quality, not unless you're okay with 20 mins battery life (then there's heat dissipation and weight to think of too). I feel like that's the mistakes PC handhelds like Rog Ally, MSI Claw and Lenovo Legion Go make, they over power the Steam Deck, but you pay for it in battery life, I'd rather have more battery life when I'm using a handheld.

To be fair though, with the race to beat climate change/reach net-zero, they're developing new battery tech all the time, maybe in a few years we could have a battery that adds a stupid amount of playtime to a powerful handheld.

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Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

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Petebloodyonion10d ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus10d ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning7710d ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.

VersusDMC10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Last year it was a weeks notice.


May 17th announcement for may 24th show.

VersusDMC10d ago

Nintendo always tweets that a direct is happening tomorrow but no one cares.

Sony gives a week or days of notice and we get anti sony type fake outrage like this.

But good luck trying trying to get some Sony hate going...

Petebloodyonion10d ago

You just mention it!
Sony gives a week in advance NOT just a couple of days.
So I fail to see what Sony's hate movement I'm trying to start when it's a basic business strategy to not piss off your partners (ask Sega).
And I doubt it's hate to ask how it would benefit Sony in doing so.

thesoftware73010d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Huh? What?

Bro you really should relax, if what you read was some kinda negative against Sony.... seriously, is that what you got from the comments?

Bro, he was debunking the rumor, and gave perfectly good reasons why it would be unlikely, and your Nintendo Direct comparison is different, as this is supposed to be a BIG Sony showcase, not a surprise 20 min direct, and Sony 's pattern has been one week.

Slow down warmonger.

VersusDMC10d ago (Edited 10d ago )


"1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event."

That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind?

And it's not like they need that many resources to cover the stream. They just need 3 people to react to the stream live and make some easy articles made up mostly of summaries of Sony provided press releases. They would have enough time to "prepare" if it was announced with one days notice.

Petebloodyonion10d ago

" That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind"

No, it simply implies that some media all over the world might (keyword MIGHT) not properly cover the event like having proper articles for each game announced, or having a proper preshow. maybe some popular YouTubers won't have time to prepare or simply your local newspaper doing an article on tech and game.

So why would Sony take a chance?
What benefit would that give them?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10d ago
Petebloodyonion10d ago

Before I get tons of replies for Sony given a week in advance, my initial comments are related to the notion that the Show could happen this week as the title mentions.
Now to be fair the complete article mentions that Jeff said the Show could happen later in May giving time for Sony to give the normal 7-day notice.

Again not trying to start a negative thing here just thinking that it's bogus that Sony will have a show this week

notachance10d ago

Yeah as much as I’d like to hear what sony’s 1st parties have cooked, it’s not their style to shadow drop a showcase.

Still waiting for ghost of tsushima 2, I’m ready whenever man..

KwietStorm_BLM10d ago

You're assuming media outlets don't know about it.

gold_drake10d ago

i can tell you that no one cares if ign is pissed or not.

watching a livestream and writing stuff aint the world. many habe done that before your god ign.

fr0sty10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

As a former gaming journalist that covered Sony & Nintendo's E3 conferences 3 separate times and was flown out to multiple press events for THQ, Square, and EA, let me inform you of this thing called an "embargo" that journalists are put under... it's very possible that details of this event have been given to the gaming press, but they are not yet allowed to discuss it. In fact, that may be where our leaker got their info...

Petebloodyonion10d ago

Tks for sharing this info :) but let's be honest I doubt that Jeff Grubb would left in the dark due to his notoriety while the rest of Gamespot ppl are in the knowing.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 10d ago
10d ago
Hofstaderman10d ago

Going in with no expectations but likely will see something that resonates with me.

FinalFantasyFanatic10d ago

I hope there's something impressive in there.

DeadlyFire10d ago

Nah they will announce it probably, but it won't happen right away soon though yes.

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What Will The PlayStation 6 Look Like?

While we haven't even begun to tap into the full potential of the PS5, fans are already beginning to talk about what Sony's next console, the PlayStation 6, will look like and what features it will have.

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Jin_Sakai16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

“While we haven't even begun to tap into the full potential of the PS5“

We always here this statement yet we have plenty of games that struggle to run at solid frame rates or decent resolutions.

Skuletor14d ago

The developers should know the limits of these consoles, especially this far into the gen. I'd blame them and possibly the publishers, pushing to make games as visually appealing as possible at the cost of resolution and frame rate, which is nothing new in the industry.

franwex13d ago

I may skip next gen altogether probably. We will see.