
Sony's Vita TV does what Apple TV has so far failed to

Sony's Vita TV adapter will allow gamers to play PS Vita and stream PS4 games to any television in their home.
In effect, Sony has beaten Apple to a critical phase in the development of tiny media boxes.
For some time now, Apple fans have expected Cupertino to announce the arrival of apps – and even some form of controller – to allow Apple TV to become a pseudo-gaming console.

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Qrphe3922d ago

Ironically, I'd only play any PS game but PS Vita games on this device, touch controls on this thing seem unbearable to pull off.

US8F3921d ago

Mapping L3 and R3 for the front and back touch control could work. I rather they implement that on the dualshock controller than abandon the psVita games all together. To each his own I guess

ginsunuva3921d ago

But now maybe devs who make vita games will use touch less. And ignore rear-touch altogether.

PopRocks3593921d ago

Am I the only one who thinks mapping touch controls to L3/R3 is extremely impractical? What about the rear touch panel controls for games like Tearaway?

mattkelly19913921d ago

What about the ds4 touch pad for the ps vita touch pad?

Eonjay3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Another brilliant move on the part of Sony. A $500 fantasy football box is not casual. A $99 dedicated game machine with built in Netflix, Hulu and the like not only appeals to the wider market, but also the the PlayStation fanbase looking to extend their PS4 into other rooms.
This is just another win for Sony and the consumer.

nix3921d ago

okay... how i think they might handle the touch control until DS4 gets updated. DS3 still comes with extra tow shoulder buttons. so you press L2 and move the left stick around for front touch and R2 and right stick to simulate rear touch.

or simply R3 and L3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3921d ago
Kydawg3921d ago

They will figure that out, like they figured out everything else.

Qrphe3921d ago

They surely didn't figure out PS3/Vita remote play, and it was more or less one line of code away. Don't expect most Vita devs to go back and rework their code to make this functionality work.

Kydawg3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Are you ok man? What's with people today? It seems like the dumb beetle has infected everyone. 1st- PS3/Vita remote play will be done through the PS4/Gaikai/VitaTV, along with PS1, PS2 and PS4 games. 2nd- Who cares they didn't think of this with the PS3, they thought of it now. 3rd- I expect every dev to make PS3 functionality work with Vita/Gaikai/Vita TV because it will make them a ton of cash. Don't know what your "one line of code" rambling nonsense is and I don't think you know either. It's called brains, grow some.

Qrphe3921d ago

>Don't know what your "one line of code"...

Of course you wouldn't, you need to do your homework.


Soldierone3921d ago

Not really, vita's touch controls are normally just the touchscreens making up for lack of buttons. Rear screen is often times the shoulder buttons, and thefront screen is the analog.

Other features for the touch screen are just "bonus" things that can be turned off in settings of the games.

Very few games like Little Deviants actually require full fledged touch and motion controls.

miyamoto3921d ago

PS vita TV is sold out at Amazon JP!

1GB storage is built-in to the system, and it can output in 480p, 720p and 1080i.

Seals the deal for me.

it is small enough to be portable.

rainslacker3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Even so, less than 10% of Vita games, if that, absolutely require touch controls. They're usually just added on after the fact, such as in Rayman Origins. I'd expect in the future that devs will map controls to make it functional, and that the less than 10% will stay the same. There will be the few oddball titles that won't work, but that doesn't mean the other 90%+ are going to disappear.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3921d ago
demonddel3921d ago

wow everything Sony does is revolutionary but I guess im the minority here but couldn't they have done this on the ps3 or ps4 without having too buy a new device im just saying not hating

Kydawg3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Hello? Anyone home up there? No, how are you going to stream games, ect. to another TV ect. without a device on that TV? Think before you speak.

KwietStorm_BLM3921d ago

Yea, he's wrong. Just try to be a little less condescending next time.

Raccoon3921d ago

This is not a debate as youre correct about needing psvita tv to stream ps4 content to other displays...

smart tv's which are capapable of installing 3rd party apps and services like netflix, hulu, youtube ect. Likely gaikai in the near future... With features like those its safe to say streaming content to my tv or display device free is the imminent future.

I love gaming on the big screen to the psvita tv will replace my ps vita as my ps4 outdoor streamer....

Mystogan3921d ago

I'm not sure how this is revolutionary.

This is what every android console is trying to do. Only this one has Playstation games instead of Android games.

rainslacker3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

"Only this one has Playstation games instead of Android games."

and that makes it infinitely more desirable.

Now imagine if Sony happens to start implementing that patent to add trophy support into older games without having to modify the original code.

UltimateMaster3921d ago

Is the PS3 really as slim as that Vita TV?

It's meant for easy travel to a friend.

tiffac0083921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Not that slim. The PS3 still has the optical drive and built in storage(or space for it) after all but if you mean to travel with the newer slim models, then you shouldn't have any problems.

KwietStorm_BLM3921d ago

There's no Vita game port on PS3, it can't stream PS4 content, and as many people keep overlooking, even with it in the headline of this very article itself, the device is easily marketable in the same marketplace with Apple TV. People who don't even own a PS3 can buy this cheap media device and stream actual PlayStation content, not smartphone games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3921d ago
jgrigs093921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Apple hasn't ever considered adding gaming to their company. They could back in 2010, when they were about to buy out Sony. Now I applaud Sony for making this Vita TV, I just think it will have major issues like the Kinect did. If Apple does ever consider adding gaming apps to the Apple TV, it will probably be until they release a new one. They did announce, their won't be anything about the Apple TV at their conference tomorrow. So maybe next Apple TV they'll have some Apps. Other then that, I could careless.

TheLyonKing3921d ago

Finally no more hauling consoles around the house.
Been waiting for this ever since ps1 which is currently in the spare room, my ps2 downstairs and the ps3 in me and my girlfriends room!

Hope uk gets a release date soon! Would be great to have the ps4 as the living room entertainment box and then play the games anywhere. Great move by Sony!

Evil_Ryu3921d ago

sounds like a device for a very niche market...perhaps if the psp grows in numbers i can see it being more populer until then this is a gamble.


Meta Is Doing With VR What Apple And Sony Have Struggled To Do

Shaz from GL: "Where Sony is ramping down support for PSVR2, and Apple are reconsidering their future with the Vision Pro, Meta and the Quest 3 continue to shine."

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ApocalypseShadow19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

I'll admit that Facebook is doing more for VR than others. But they also have blown over 50 billion dollars so far and growing in R&D, building the meta verse, buying up exclusives and underpricing their products below build price, to kill competition in the stand alone space. Sony and Valve aren't willing to go into the red at an unheard level to capture the market. We know Sony could build a stand alone device that beats Quest just by the features in PS VR 2 and the new stand alone headset they built. But the new Sony would rather build a device they can profit from day one.

But, Sony so far has profited on hardware and on software. They just don't seem willing to spend the money on marketing, selling under build price or spending millions on making in-house VR exclusives for PS VR 2. Which sucks big time. They're just letting 3rd parties and indies run the show.

Article also doesn't mention that Apple's headset is more a developers product than a mass market item. To say they are looking into making a cheaper one for the next iteration is speaking the obvious. Duh. That was always the case. Build something the public sees as quality not can't afford, then make another that the masses can afford. TVs, cars, cellphones etc all were once expensive. Now, they're cheap to buy with many options to choose from. And Apple isn't even selling VP as a VR headset. I'm well aware that Apple's true intentions is to build a device that pushes AR with VR as an option. Not build a VR device. Because they know eventually that they want to replace the cellphone with AR glasses or an AR headset. If they cared about games, they would have launched as a gaming device.

Lastly, Facebook launched Quest 3 last year. But has not mentioned how many they sold up to this point. Why is that? Besides Quest 2 selling more by being cheap, the market can't move forward until they start selling more Quest 3 headsets than 2. Maybe the new exclusive Batman and Hitman games will help. But we'll see.

helicoptergirl14h ago

Meta is also Billions and billions in the hole in regards to VR. If Sony were to do what Meta has done, they'd be bankrupt


Sony shares big new PS Plus stat, but not the one we want to see

PlayStation Plus has improved the split of PS4 and PS5 players on its priciest tiers, but Sony continues to hide total subscriber numbers.

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mandf5d ago

lol acting like it’s equivalent to ms numbers

Mr Logic5d ago

Uh...They're definitely not equivalent.

"Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service now has 34 million subscribers."

"the total number of PS Plus subscribers across all tiers was 47.4 million"

darthv725d ago (Edited 5d ago )

That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN.

bloop5d ago

That's not the "gotcha" you think it is Darth.

darthv724d ago

^^it's not supposed to be bloop.... it's just an interesting observation.

Einhander19724d ago


"That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN."

Have you ever heard of a PC before? I hear they are pretty popular.

fr0sty4d ago

MS started lumping gold subscribers in with those GP numbers... keep in mind.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
shinoff21835d ago (Edited 5d ago )

What. Definitely more os plus subscribers but that makes sense due to actual console sales

Darth the difference between the bases are huge your right but you gotta think. Ps players buy more games, where as the Xbox base relies on gamepass for their gaming. So it makes perfect sense

darthv725d ago (Edited 5d ago )

What makes perfect sense though? You say PS players buy more games... so then logically there should be more PS+ subscribers given the increased number of online multiplayer games in the PS4 generation alone. The PS4 was the first time that + was required for online play much like Gold was for 360 users.

Keep in mind we are talking subscribers, not simply XB/PS users. I assume you meant to say offline single player games, which is most likely true as well. That gen also saw a significant increase in games with an online component comparted to the previous gen.

victorMaje5d ago

I for one will be going back to essential at the next renewal. When I feel a game is good & right up my alley, I’ll check trusted reviews & just buy it.

jznrpg5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I have the top tier until 2028 as they gave me a massive discount for all the years I had left but I’ll most likely go to essential as well. I buy my games but my kids do use the service occasionally. They do prefer to own their games as well since any game can leave the rental service at some point and they don’t like that idea. They mostly use it to demo games then ask me to buy games if they really like it.

RedDevils4d ago

For me, I will cancel it all together but unfortunately I still have it till 2030 lol

meganick5d ago

I would like to see Sony add a fourth tier of PS Plus for people who just want to be able to play games online without any of the perks like monthly games, store discounts, or anything like that, and it should cost $20 annually, $30 maximum. There’s no way I’m paying $80 just to play games online. Even the original $60 fee was too much, and I would often wait for sales to re-up my subscription.

P_Bomb4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Essential is too expensive, I agree. We’ve got one Essential and one Premium sub. Dropping the Premium when it expires.

gamerz4d ago

Just let my subscription lapse for the first time since 2010. Will sub again every now and then for a month or so to access my old ps+ games but for me it's the end of an era.

DivineHand1254d ago

Let those numbers continue to drop because it is now too expensive. $80 per year just to play online. I noticed they didn't offer any discounts on the subscription or controllers during this year's days of play for the first time in many years and they will feel it when people choose not to renew.

My subscription will lapse next month and it will stay that way until further notice.

KevtheDuff4d ago

There were savings on subs and controllers here in the UK? I bought a controller yesterday in the sale..
It would be weird if those deals were not in other territories too?


Sony Says The PS5 Is Its “Most Profitable Generation To-Date"

During Sony’s recent business segment meeting and investor presentation regarding its game and network services, the PlayStation company revealed that PlayStation 5 is the company’s “most profitable generation to-date.”

It’s the top slide of the presentation, showing that in its first four years, the PS5 generation has already hit $106 billion in sales, having almost caught up to the PS4’s total $107 billion generated.

Operating income for the PS5 generation has also already surpassed that of the PS4, having now reached $10 billion.

ApocalypseShadow6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I wouldn't doubt it. They released a high quality system. A lot of high quality games from themselves and their support of 3rd party developers and indies. They released many high quality remakes and remasters. They released a high quality GaaS game going against the naysayers thinking Sony would abandon single player games. And they most likely are profiting a lot more than PS1, PS2 PS4 and the loss leading PS3 that drained all their profits.

Now, I'll wait to see what's cooking tomorrow. But can you use some of those profits to better support your high quality VR headset? Because, by supporting it, you can sell more games and more systems and make more profits?

jznrpg6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I want RPGs for PSVR2! Good ones of course

shinoff21836d ago

If it had some rpgs I would buy right fking now. It looks dope and alot of fun, but it's biggest game resident evil 4(maybe) I've got no interest in. I'm not a fan of racing games, even with that metro game coming i was never much into that series. Rpgs would be fantastic.

MrNinosan6d ago

Lemme know if ya wanna play some Zenith 🙌
Bought it at release, but haven't played it more than 1-2 hours but for sure on my "todo list".

Cacabunga6d ago

Normal when they released mostly cross gen games so far. That’s a lot of money saved..
We haven’t seen what PS5 can do yet. 4years in and PS4 games still look great to me. The gen leap isn’t quite there yet.

--Onilink--6d ago

The interesting metric for me is the $106billion in operating income/profit (not sales as mentioned in the article) reaching the same as the PS4 did with only half the consoles sold.

In particular because they all are supposed to be making the most per hardware sold after a few years when manufacturing costs are down.

So even putting inflation aside(and the higher console price), it is interesting that they could reach PS4 $ with just half the consoles sold.

Maybe there is more to the metric thats whats seen at face value, but they have clearly been making a lot more money than before on the software side (with also less games released I suppose, given its only been half the generation so far)

VersusDMC6d ago

The bulk of the money has to be coming from the 30% cut on all games and microtransactions. Especially on all the free to play juggernauts like genshin, apex, fortnight, etc.

--Onilink--6d ago (Edited 6d ago )


They are definitely making a lot on that for sure (which the $70 price increase factors into as well), but its not like many of those games werent around for the PS4 too.

They might be counting the gen as a whole and not just PS5 itself (so extra profit from PC sales, whatever that may be)

PS+ price increase and different tiers probably amount to part of that too.

But in general, its still quite a surprising metric. Half the time, half the consoles sold, less first party games released so far and still already making more of a profit than last gen is quite something, and as mentioned, there is probably more to it that we dont know, after all, since we are talking about operating income, all the expenses they have also factor into it, so it is also possible that they have found ways to significantly reduce that + all the means of increased revenue that appear to be factoring into the equation

All in all, just an interesting situation from a business perspective

porkChop6d ago

It's for the whole generation, so it would likely be including PC. They also make much more profit on digital sales vs retail, and digital is far more prominent these days. The generation also started at the height of COVID when everyone was home, spending far more money on gaming/hobbies. It makes a lot of sense for this gen to be more profitable.

Abnor_Mal6d ago

This will surely shut up all the new trolling accounts trying to spread lies and non facts in other articles comment sections before this article is posted.

Hofstaderman6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Obscurely, those trolls or troll will not show in these articles as the truth is contradictory to his or their orchard-sized daily dose of copium and hopium.

Tacoboto6d ago

Or... They're intentionally trolling you guys specifically. Because they know it upsets you so easily.

Name-dropping Orchard, after this many months? How long has it been and he's still in your thoughts?

Elda6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I'm quite sure the individual is reading these positive comments downvoting & seething at the same time. Edit: It just downvoted my comment...lol!!

Hofstaderman6d ago

No I'm entertained by this individual. I love unhinged people, they are so interesting lol.

repsahj6d ago

Wow! I am super impressed that in just 4 years, ps5 already caught up to the PS4's. Congratulations.

JackBNimble5d ago

That happens when half of your games are cross platform. I'm still waiting to see what the ps5 is capable of, because they sure haven't pushed any limits.

And where are all these ps5 exclusive games?

sagapo6d ago

Not really surprised as Sony barely has any competition at the moment.

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