
Bungie on what Destiny does better than Borderlands

Edge:Bungie hopes to take Borderlands’ brand of openworld shooting one step further through connected play.

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mewhy323941d ago

I can't wait!! This game has had me since E3. Look amazing, with drop in and out multiplayer, public events, awesome graphics and, what sounds like, a great story. I'm really excited for this one.

Timesplitter143941d ago (Edited 3941d ago )

"You see other people on the horizon, hear gunfire over a hill and see space magic flying behind some trees, and you know… there are other people out here, that [changes everything]. Borderlands right now is: ‘I’m going to walk into that space and we’re going to clear them out and keep going"

This is very very true. This is part of what makes DayZ so great. Adding human players to an open-world game makes everything more unpredictable and exciting. It also allows for plenty of anecdotal situations to happen

3-4-53941d ago

I'm not really into Halo like I was before, but this game has me very interested. It's something that seems just fresh enough to make it worth while.

Garbanjo0013941d ago

That's my argument, I haven't even played Halo 4 yet, and from what I saw my buddies playing I was just kind of like "meh, it's another Halo game." Destiny looks fresh and awesome in all it's entirety, I can't wait to get into that game, create my character and job class, and start blasting shit. Going to be stellar.

Tatsuya 3941d ago

Destiny is one of the reasons why I am buying a PS4.

thrust3941d ago

I know what you mean, it's one of the games am looking forward to most on the Xbox one after watching the vids on the site.

XB1_PS43941d ago

I'm getting it for Xbox One, mostly because of the dedicated servers Microsoft invested in.

I imagine the graphics will be slightly better for Ps4, but online gameplay is what I'm concerned most about.

thrust3941d ago

The gfx will be the same.

FlameHawk3941d ago

@ sofresh412 , LMAO, again people with the dedicated servers, tell me, don't you think they will already have dedicated servers for the game?

mxrider21993941d ago (Edited 3941d ago )

@sofresh its an mmo it will be a dedicated server lmao
and most of ps fp titles have had dedicated servers for years kz has had it mag had it idk if socom did or not never played it im pretty sure uncharted did as well even driveclub is having dedicated servers

C-Thunder3940d ago

I'm almost certain Bungie already confirmed they are using their own servers.

DeadlyFire3940d ago

All MMOs utilize their own server setups regardless of platform. Its easier than navigating through other's servers to make the game changes you want.

Microsoft's servers are mostly for cloud features. Dedicated servers maybe in the future, but I am doubtful they have full scale dedicated servers for all their games on their platform.

Benchm4rk3940d ago

"Destiny is one of the reasons why I am buying a PS4"
At time of writing Agrees (23) Disagrees (5)

" Its one of the games I am looking forward to most on the Xbox One"
At time of writing Agrees (9) Disagrees (20)

Virtually the same comment with the exception of console preference and look at the difference. Definitely know we are on n4g. Why can't people just accept ones choice in console. The whole agree/disagree system needs to be replaced with a similar one like GameSpot have and just have a like button. If you "Agree" with them or Like what they say the click like if you don't and you disagree then take the time to comment and voice why you disagree

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3940d ago
ps3_pwns3940d ago

100 times better then any halo will ever be. destiny is all you need its the new next gen call of duty but 10 times better. it also makes titanfall irrelevant. also there will be 10 times more people playing this on the ps4 with mics then on the xbox one. ps4 nation baby!

also this game does everything better then borderlands. the realistic graphics alone and shows you that and look at those boss battle enemies.

ps4+destiny= the best of next gen

The_Sneauxman3940d ago

For me the big sell point is that you can seamlessly play with others in the game and see them far away and you get the choice to help or leave them be

Benchm4rk3940d ago

There will be plenty of players on both systems for one to enjoy the game online. COD sells way more on 360 but I have never heard of people complaining on PSN that there is no one online to play with.

showtimefolks3940d ago

Make the world more interesting

Please please please reward your players better, borderlands 2 has one of the worst rare system. To get a good gun you have to beat one boss 20 times and even than its a risk. I love the first borderlands and in anticipation I pre ordered borderlands 2 and season pass and was very disappointed

Reward got everyone, in borderlands 2 who gets to the loot first picks up everything so it would be nice if each player gets his or her own loot after a encounter

More diverse open world with more interesting characters with a back story

Also if there is driving please make he driving a fun thing not just get from poit. A to point b

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3940d ago
golding893941d ago (Edited 3941d ago )

No doubt for sure i am excited for this but part of me is even more excited for the division.. The division will set the bar high for online multiplayer this next gen i believe.

Thehyph3941d ago

I'm getting both, that's for sure.
I'm a little more excited for the division though I think.

3940d ago
shibster883941d ago

bf4 will defo set the par for the upcoming gen

Paytaa3941d ago

Sshh I think it's trying to communicate.

The_Sneauxman3940d ago

woahhhh buddy, I think you had one too many.

elhebbo163940d ago

I dont think BF4 and Destiny are in the same field to be compared. yes they're both FPS but both play differently

Knuckle Duster3941d ago

Destiny & The Diivision in 2014..........gaming is going to be so "GOLDEN" next year!

sAVAge_bEaST3941d ago

This whole next-gen is going to be "GOLDEN" ,,. I have a feeling we will see more games, than on the Ps2,. every genre will finally be covered again -through ease of development.

MilkMan3940d ago

Now, to find the time to play.

Benchm4rk3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

That's been my dilemma for the past few years. Between being a shift worker and father of 3 I rarely get to play my games like I use to. I have enough backed up to last me well into next gen

CRAIG6673941d ago

The thing about Borderlands that makes it so much fun is the fact it doesn't take itself seriously whatsoever, and if it does it has it's tongue firmly in cheek, Bungie will no doubt have missed that.

mxrider21993941d ago

borderlands is just boring its just grinding on bots

CRAIG6673941d ago

Totally depends how you play it. I can see you are correct at the simplest level, but you could break ANY game down like that and make it sound crude. The true joy of Borderlands is playing online with friends doing missions, but farming awesome guns./shields etc is sooooo good when you finally get what you wanted.

mxrider21993940d ago

exactly farming/grinding for gear that cant even be used in pvp your stock killing meaningless bots in boring missions the most fun i had was driving a car that was only for a limited time i mean i can see y people like it its customizable and doesnt take much skill to be a beast at it i just find it like WoW except WoW is better bc of the pvp aspect it has and the raids are cooler but in borderlands its all about grinding

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview

Bungie - "Join our development team to see the new updates arriving with Destiny 2: The Final Shape. Releasing on June 4, 2024."

InUrFoxHole34d ago

What is this she/her, he/him bs?


Bungie Replaces Marathon Director Amid Leadership Shakeup, Fears of Layoffs

Amid ongoing anxiety within Bungie following layoffs last year, the studio is now preparing for another shakeup, this time on Marathon.

Kaii56d ago

Layoffs should be hitting the incompetent management at this point.

Profchaos56d ago

Talk about mismanaged Bungie is a studio of tremendous potential and have made some of the greatest shooters to date. Sony pushed them to just make another Destiny style game and consult on other studios live service games and are now getting thrown under a bus as the pivot away from predominantly gaas games is unfolding.

I'd love to see a world where Bungie can focus on telling great sci fi stories again away from a live service dungeon but we all know that's a pipe dream

Rynxie56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Are you serious? Do you just talk out of your arse naturally, or did it take years of being a POS?

Profchaos56d ago

You normally get so offended by internet comments or did it take years of being soft

purple10156d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Yes I see your point mate, someone clearly didn’t read the article.

Specifically the bit:

“Notably, multiple sources at the time and since have shared that Sony has largely left the studio to sort out its own troubles and was not responsible for the layoffs, with CEO Pete Parsons taking responsibility.“

He’s just spouting nonsense

Huey_My_D_Long55d ago

lol what so fucking hilarious is that you called him out so bad he projected him being offended onto you.

Its been well documented that Bungie's management has been more responsible for their shortfalls, even mentioned in said article that we are commenting on.

Its ok, just admit you didn't read the article.


Arrowhead Studios will be Sony’s GaaS consult now.

Gameseeker_Frampt56d ago

I like how for some, it is never Bungie's fault. Microsoft, Activision, and now Sony - it is everyone else who is pushing Bungie to make all these bad decisions.

-Foxtrot55d ago

Thrown under the bus?

Are you joking? This is all Bungie, we all thought it was 100% Activision but it's clear the higher ups at Bungie don't have a clue how to run the studio and are more bothered about saving their own skin and the money that they rake in.

Sony gave them an extra $1.2 Billion to make sure that employees didn't leave and they didn't have to cut anyones jobs. Where did that money go because Bungie still cut peoples jobs and I bet you the higher management still kept a hold of their big fact paychecks and bonuses.

Sony invested poorly in this and the best thing they can do now is throw the old Bungie management out and take hold of the studio fully.


Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Somebody at Bungie is the golden goose making great shooting mechanics, and the rest need to justify their paychecks.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 55d ago
Fearmonkey56d ago

This studio has had three owners and its never worked well with any of them....Management has issues

ChasterMies55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Worked very well for Microsoft. Microsoft’s mistake was letting Bungie go.

Fearmonkey54d ago

it worked so well with MS that they so wanted to be away from them they bought the company back. Only to do it again with activision-blizzard, and then sold to Sony...Sony shouldn't have bought them...Bungie hasnt been the same for a long time..


Destiny 2’s new game director worked on every single Bungie Halo game

Destiny 2’s game director Joe Blackburn is stepping down ahead of The Final Shape, leaving Tyson Green to take the reins of the PS5 and Xbox FPS.

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DefenderOfDoom2103d ago

As someone who bought every story DLC for DESTINY 2 but not every season. the first thing I would do as game director is , if anybody pre-orders The ?Final Shape , they will be able to play all older DLC and seasons with purchase of FINAL SHAPE. . I think that would bring back a lot of DESTINY 2 plsyers who have not experienced the seasons a chance to play season activities before Final Shape comes out.

DickyD1226103d ago

I agree but I was just able to get all dlcs for 50 on steam. (Have it on PlayStation but don't always have access to the TV)