
Xbox One DDR3 RAM vs PS4 GDDR5 RAM: "Both Are Sufficient for Realistic Lighting"

GB: "We had a chance to speak founder and COO of Geomerics Chris Doran, whose company created Enlighten which is used for creating lighting for games like Battlefield 4 on the subject of - what else? - next generation consoles. Specifically, we compared the Xbox One's 8 GB DDR3 RAM and the PlayStation 4's 8 GB DDR5 RAM, with 5 GB and 7 GB allocated to games respectively, and asked Doran which is a better solution for crafting realistic lighting."

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dedicatedtogamers3984d ago

I'm not interested in what will be sufficient NOW. I want to know what will be sufficient 2 years from now, 4 years from now, and beyond that. PS3 had weaker RAM and a weaker GPU but it ended up pulling ahead in graphics due to Cell.

The PS4 is superior in - literally - every conceivable hardware aspect compared to Xbox One. The bigger pool and unified pool of RAM (which the X1 does not have) is going to play a big role in the future, especially as PCs continue moving in that direction. Twice the output pipelines and 30% more shader cores in the GPU may make a differences, too.

MikeMyers3984d ago

Since when did technology matter so much? Oh yes, ever since the PS3 came out even though the PC showed drastic improvements. Didn't seem to matter during the PS2 era. I guess when you control the market it's ok but when that market becomes much more competitive now it's an issue. Odd.

Even if both systems were 100% equal you would not bother with the Xbox One. So why worry about any advantage the PS4 may have? It's irrelevant to your debate when you picked your side a long time ago, before any specs even got leaked.

3984d ago
NatureOfLogic3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Bottom line and fact, Xbox One is inferior hardware for a higher price.

@ Mike "Since when did technology matter so much?"

Since Xbox fanboys like yourself were claiming that the next Xbox would be more powerful than PS4. I remember reading comments that "Sony can't afford better hardware, they're going bankrupt." I guess a lot of Xbox fanboys are in shock that hardware corporation actually released better hardware. Now oddly enough, only teh cloudz seem to matter.

dedicatedtogamers3984d ago

"Since when did technology matter so much?"

For how long have you been a gamer? Technology has always mattered. You think the 16-bit Genesis compared to the 8-bit NES didn't have any advantages? You think the SNES's hardware didn't have any advantages over the Genesis? You think the PS1's disc drive didn't allow games that were impossibly expensive on the N64?

Technology always matters. Power always matters. While it does not - alone - determine the winner or the best games, it's also not a non-issue.

creatchee3984d ago


"Even if both systems were 100% equal you would not bother with the Xbox One. So why worry about any advantage the PS4 may have? It's irrelevant to your debate when you picked your side a long time ago, before any specs even got leaked."

This encapsulates the fanboy in a nutshell. It is not enough to enjoy the products that they choose to buy - they must seek out a competing product and come up with reasons that their product is better. Finally, they disparage that other product and anybody who decides to buy it.

I will never understand that way of thinking. If I buy a fast car, I simply enjoy the speeds it provides. I don't look at the other brands and say "theirs isn't as fast, so I'm going to belittle anybody who dares buy one of those brands."

Fanboys can't just enjoy the ride - they have to tell you how crappy they think yours is because they think it will make theirs better than it actually is.


Lighting doesn't need so much memory to be good hence why Geomerics Enlighten was used in a wide range of games for this gen. Only static things need so much memory like textures or static polygonal models (like buildings) which need massive chunks of data, soemthing like Lighting and especially next-gen will be fully dynamic in most of the times which requires CPU and GPU power not RAM (well maybe for the colour of the light and some collatreal effects). That is why we may see almost the same Lighting engine for both consoles but on PS4 we cna get better tecxtures (especially when it comes to exclusive titles), also the new revision of Unreal Engine 4 (unlike this gen) may be better on PS4, since it totally dropped SVOGI for some background boken lights (which are like textures) so, we may see more "theoretical" lights with UE4 on PS4.

OrangePowerz3984d ago

Speccs mattered during the PS2 era, but the competition that had stronger hardware didn't have enough games. In general for third party games it won't have a huge impact anyway, you won't see a big difference between the consoles.

MikeMyers3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

"For how long have you been a gamer? Technology has always mattered. You think the 16-bit Genesis compared to the 8-bit NES didn't have any advantages? You think the SNES's hardware didn't have any advantages over the Genesis? You think the PS1's disc drive didn't allow games that were impossibly expensive on the N64?"

But how does any of that apply to the Xbox One and PS4 Ram differences? It doesn't. You are trying (desperately too I might add) to make this into some huge difference. It isn't there, much like it wasn't there with the Xbox 360 and PS3. That didn't stop the fanboys from going on and on for over 7 years now did it? So what you are essentially saying is expect another 7 years or so of this constant barrage of the system I like better is more powerful nana-nana-na-na nonsense. We've come to a point where graphics are going to be beautiful on the Xbox One, PC and PS4. With richer worlds and bigger worlds. With online gaming getting bigger thanks to dedicated servers and the cloud. More advanced as well where that data can be collected to create better matchmaking and do things like learn how you play with games like Forza 5.

This isn't even in the same league as the Wii was to the PS3/Xbox 360. We are already seeing games like Forza 5 run in 1080p at 60fps while Driveclub is trying to reach 60fps. This is the start of the new generation and you're already dismissing the Xbox One as a next gen. console. What a joke. All one needs to do is look deep into your profile and they will see this same attitude carries well before the Xbox One.


"I will never understand that way of thinking. If I buy a fast car, I simply enjoy the speeds it provides. I don't look at the other brands and say "theirs isn't as fast, so I'm going to belittle anybody who dares buy one of those brands."

Fanboys can't just enjoy the ride - they have to tell you how crappy they think yours is because they think it will make theirs better than it actually is."


This is what I will never get, this need to validate ones purchase. I've bought Playstation consoles ever since the first one. I loved the hell out of it with games like Ridge Racer, sports games from EA, fighting games like Tobal and all of that. How come I didn't turn out to be the hater? One who has to attack the competition every day to make me feel better about the upcoming PS4? That's what this guy does and a few others. They go on and on and on. Writing blogs, telling everyone how bad and evil Microsoft is even when they have a choice to buy something else. This guy even went as far as saying the Xbox One wouldn't even allow used games before they dropped the DRM restrictions. It was going to allow used games, just in a more controlled environment but people like him have to always dramatize and sensationalize everything. All for attention. Now they dropped the DRM for disc based games and they still can't stop talking negatively about it.

It's time for these people to move on. They're credibility was gone long ago and the reason they are still relevant here is because this site heavily favors one userbase and nobody can explain why. Nobody can explain why the PC, Wii/WiiU, Xbox, and handheld forums pale in comparison to the activity of the PS3 forums. How is that possible to have one system that sold less than 80 million units be more popular than all of those others combined? Since when has this place been the isolation of Playstation fans or are they like this everywhere? Every competitive market has fanboys but it just seems like Sony fanboys dominate, are the most aggressive, vocal and the least likely to play nice with others.

sAVAge_bEaST3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

A: since home systems were introduced to the market.

webeblazing3984d ago

im confused with the constant flip flopping on this site. one week the tech doesnt matter the next week it does.

im starting to think that people on this site agree on a subject when its to their advantage

MysticStrummer3984d ago

"Since when did technology matter so much? Oh yes, ever since the PS3 came out even though the PC showed drastic improvements. Didn't seem to matter during the PS2 era. I guess when you control the market it's ok but when that market becomes much more competitive now it's an issue. Odd.

Even if both systems were 100% equal you would not bother with the Xbox One. So why worry about any advantage the PS4 may have? It's irrelevant to your debate when you picked your side a long time ago, before any specs even got leaked."

Translation : "I can't come up with a valid counterpoint, therefore the argument is meaningless."

Technology always matters on a level playing field, and so does price, but the timing of the release means a lot as well. XBox, the first of it's name, released well after PS2 had started to become the juggernaut it did. Funny how back then developers had no problem showing one box's power over the other's, but now it's all about "parity". Of course back then, MS had the most powerful console. An odd coincidence indeed.

GrownUpGamer3984d ago

@ MikeMyers

"Since when did technology matter so much? Oh yes, ever since the PS3 came out even though the PC showed drastic improvements. Didn't seem to matter during the PS2 era. I guess when you control the market it's ok but when that market becomes much more competitive now it's an issue. Odd.

Even if both systems were 100% equal you would not bother with the Xbox One. So why worry about any advantage the PS4 may have? It's irrelevant to your debate when you picked your side a long time ago, before any specs even got leaked."

Well said. 1+ Bubble. If i can only give you 1 more bubble.

Cmk01213984d ago

More over to your point the Xbox ( original) was more powerful than ps2 and Sony fans didn't care then whatsoever. Xbox had hard drive ps2 did not. Xbox live way better than ps2 online network etc... Nobody cared ... Ps3 arrived and all folks care about is specs

b3ast3984d ago Show
loulou3984d ago

come on n4g, you should have a betting system on here... where we can bet on who is the first to post, who has posted etc..

the same people everytime.

it aint even worth posting on here now. it is the same idiots writing the same stuff, in the same blogs over and over and over again

Qrphe3984d ago

So the 7th gen was your first game correct? Technology has ALWAYS mattered as far as consoles go, even as far back as the days of consoles such as the Atari 2600 and NES or personal computers such as the Commodore 64.

nukeitall3984d ago

First of all, people buy consoles to enjoy content, not because it has 8GBs of RAM, 8 CPU cores or whatever number for whatever specification you can come up with.

The bottom line is, the only things that matter is features and content period.

Then Wii was the weakest console and it won by feature. The Xbox 360 didsn't have the bandwidth or flops of the PS3, but it dominated the US market and is set to overtake the Wii in the UK.

If consumers care about specs, they would have gone PC a long time ago, but ironically gamers got sick of specifications and jumped over to consoles.

This argument is meaningless, from justifying whatever side they are on the fence. In the meanwhile, I'm just going to enjoy the games.

Stil working on Black Ops 2 campaign and have no idea what the story is about or what the heck those missions that has limited time on are.... someone?

n4rc3984d ago

When someone seemingly spends most of their time defending a product rather then enjoying it..

It makes me wonder how they really feel about it.. Is trolling ms more fun then gaming on a ps3? Or did you get hooked on it during the massive downtime? :P

YNWA963984d ago

Mike, your logic is correct, but not for here. Apparently, a couple of years ago, Sony fanboys got a hard time here and they have never forgotten. I own both current gen, and have preordered both next gen, but the fact I do not like the bashing on MS means I get hammered here. This is not a place for just simply liking games on any system. I guess my silence a couple of years ago when I did not have an Ipad, which makes all this easy for me now is a reason for punishment, disagrees and less bubbles. But a bubble for you anyway, I see you are not stupid, and will not miss out on great games simply because it is on another system. Hell, even play 360 on a Bravia.... Not good enough...

medman3984d ago

NatureofLogic makes a very valid point. I myself fully expected Microsoft to throw money at the problem and ensure they would have technical superiority this upcoming gen, but they went in a completely different direction. I was surprised, but pleased, at Sony's direction and the specs under the hood. I'm skeptical of any cloud processing being touted by Microsoft at the moment, I can't see how that is going to make up the gap in the specifications, but we shall see. One thing I know for sure is Sony's excellent first party studios aren't going anywhere, and they have delivered most of the best games of this current generation. That fact alone secured my preorder for the PS4. Everything else Sony is bringing to the table is just icing on the cake.

QuickdrawMcgraw3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

What's wrong with picking a side,then using facts to talk up your favorite console.You do it Mike as do many of us on this site.So maybe just come back with a smackdown when you can.And when someone is right admit it.I just read a 2 thousand word essay from you running down the PS4 and sing the praises of the Xbox1 on the new cloud systems.Stop acting so holier then Thou.

fr0sty3984d ago

The Xbox fans of today sound like the Nintendo fans of 2006.

fr0sty3984d ago

Mike, you are trying (desperately) to downplay a rather large performance advantage that PS4 enjoys. You continually keep ignoring the GPU advantage and only focus on the RAM (which is a big advantage in itself). Yes, the RAM has 150% more bandwidth on PS4. Yes, it is all one unified pool that makes programming far easier. However, there are also twice as many ROPS, and 50% more compute units in PS4's GPU, in addition to having 4 CUs that are specialized to aid in compute functions and a direct bus to the CPU to enable them to better aid the CPU.

The PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, and by a pretty good amount. You trying to use a couple of launch titles that are still in development as proof of otherwise does not hold up. It's a well known fact that most of the PS4 developers were unaware of the additional 4GBs of GDDR5 until the very last second, so Evolution Studios is likely just recently getting their hands on the full spec 8GB devkits and therefore may not have had enough RAM using the old 4GB spec to handle a 60fps game using their engine. It's also well known that Drive Club is only about 35% complete at this stage, and most likely has not entered the optimization phase where final frame rates are set and such.

The difference is far wider than what we had with Xbox 360 and PS3. 360 had slower but unified RAM, and a more powerful GPU. Multiplats benefited from this, which is why those games often saw better textures of higher resolution. Having one pool of RAM and 3 symmetrical CPU cores makes getting that power out much easier. When devs took the time to make Cell perform at it's best, we saw a performance advantage on PS3.

This time around, however, we have 2 nearly identical CPUs, but the RAM and GPU both heavily favor the PS4 in performance. This isn't just some minor "on paper" difference. A far more powerful GPU paired with a unified pool of RAM (360's advantage over PS3) is going to produce real world advantages, not just on paper. There's no other way to cut it. You may not see many launch titles take full advantage of that power, due to the fact that they have far stricter deadlines to meet and half the time are coding on incomplete hardware with their devkits, but the advantage cannot be denied.

YNWA963984d ago

@ creetche... You described who there now? Xbox fanboy... Sony fanboy or both? What about nintendo boy?

awi59513984d ago

Im so glad i dumped consoles to build a monster gaming pc. Im going to upgrade just a little for BF4. Since the witcher 3 is on consoles now they wont kill PC's like witcher 2 did. A mid lvl card will max it now so i dont have to worry about that game anymore.

Jaqen_Hghar3984d ago

A man doesn't think hardware matters. Sony has the best first party games (though Nintendo is right up there too) and has the same 3rd party support as Xbox. Xbox hasn't shown a man that they support a console all the way to the end (look at exclusives this year) and they have less in the pipeline for the first year of One (20 vs. 15). A man thinks it's a nice bonus for PS4 to be more powerful, smaller, and less expensive with a better online service (+ gives free games and PSN works fine without a paywall and had dedicated servers on many games THIS gen so with a paywall a man can only imagine how good it'll be).

3984d ago
thechowderp3984d ago

ever since the wii came out it showed specs did matter to make a game playable. almost every game on the wii was awful mainly because of the motion controls and horrible specs

UNGR3984d ago Show
bootsielon3984d ago

Actually it has always matter and the PS2 was cutting edge when it first came out. Whoever says that the PS2 was "weak" is really ignorant.

NeoTribe3984d ago

Since when did technology matter? Are you serious? The whole reason to buy a new console is for the improved tech you moron. Xbots are the most ignorant of people. Ps4 wins, fact.

360ICE3984d ago

If Xbox One was more powerful, I'd probably go for both. I probably still will, if Project Spark turns out nicely!

MrChow6663984d ago Show
Gaming_Guru3983d ago

At: MikeMyers

With the PS2 era yes the XBOX was more powerful but they were both on the same media disk. So the difference would be two classrooms the same size and one just has more people in it, but still teaching the same thing. In the end, it didn't matter because the same kind of games could be made for both.

Appose to the PS3 vs XBOX 360, more power and the 50GB blu-ray disk makes a difference. That's like taking university classes vs college classes, same idea different level of knowledge.

Lastly, the other comment is assuming the person chose a side based on bias when the statement itself it bias.

nukeitall3983d ago


Delusion is a major problem on this website, especially when you talk about blu-ray as the differentiating factor for gaming on Xbox 360 and PS3.

That had materially almost nil impact on games, beyond them having multiple discs on Xbox 360.

Please point me to where it drastically mattered beyond replicating the same data repeatedly on the same blu-ray disc, because the drive was too slow to keep up with DVD.

Beyond higher video encodes, it had no impact.

Gaming_Guru3983d ago

Some of the titles that utilize the space on the disk on Blu-ray:

Infamous games
Uncharted games
Metal Gear Solid 4
Killzone games
MotorStorm games
Resistance games
Gran Turismo
God of War games

Blu-ray won't have an impact on multiplatform videos games since the goal is to meet where similar hardware can achieve.

H0RSE3983d ago

Superior hardware only goes so far.

PS3 boasted about its hardware superiority, yet it was harder to develop for which led to many games actually looking worse on PS3, and some games being virtually (or literally) unplayable.

There is also the cloud service for each system, which will be a key factor in the experience players get out of online games, and perhaps even single player games if they are still connected to the internet.

The bottom line is which system developers can better optimize their games with what's available to them.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
no_more_heroes3984d ago

Oh, so the games don't matter as much then?

HammadTheBeast3984d ago

I'm sure we all know which company has proved itself for games this Gen.

The Last of Us rests my case.

NatureOfLogic3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Games do matter, but we need more games like this.......


Tr10wn3984d ago

"I'm sure we all know which company has proved itself for games this Gen.

The Last of Us rests my case."

That is someones opinion, i watch the whole thing on my friends house and i gotta say i enjoy it but not as much as i enjoy Bioshock Infinite and its probably because of the zombies/infected w/e they are or people claim they are is way over used and i'm tired of it but it was a good zombie game not like the other 99999999 games before it.

jeffgoldwin3984d ago

"The PS4 is superior in - literally - every conceivable hardware aspect"

Spend a few hundred more and get a gaming pc and then you can sing your joyous songs to all the heavens how you have the most powerful hardware of them all. You can get 5 times the output...etc, etc and what not.

It still won't get you laid, but I mean its something, right?

nick3093984d ago

You can get laid for less than a price for a pc or a ps4. :D

dedicatedtogamers3984d ago

I already own a gaming PC. And I already get laid on a regular basis, so I don't know what your point is.

Clunkyd3984d ago

If PC is the best place to play games, why isn't it mainstream enough like consoles are?

starchild3984d ago

Because consoles are easier to use and therefor they have more appeal with casual gamers and kids and teenagers that don't have the knowledge or money to build or buy a gaming PC, even though the cost of ownership over time is lower on the PC.

But just because consoles are more mainstream doesn't make them better, nor does it mean that they make more money. The PC gaming market is larger than all three consoles combined.

wishingW3L3984d ago

I can't play Uncharted, God of War or most Metal Gear games on the PC. PC is only good for slightly better looking multiplats and other games I don't care about like Arma or F2P games like League of Legends.

3984d ago
Tr10wn3984d ago

"slightly better looking multiplats"

Yup enjoy those slow loading textures pop ups those 30 fps on a resolution lower than a crt monitor shadows that look more squarish than minecraft and the graphics of.... oh wait you said they are slightly better graphics, i'm guessing you are blind so idk if you can read this and idk why i even bother.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
aceitman3984d ago

whats weird is when they said the 360 had 512mb and the ps3 had 256 it was a big deal and all praise the the 360 for having more ram , but now the ps4 has more its not a big deal and it doesn't matter , more is better . hell even with less ram the ps3 pulled out some major graphics in games , thanks to the cell imagine what will happen with 16 times the ram. booom baby , more games coming nd are going to make jaws drop.

jeffgoldwin3984d ago

Theres a certain tipping point where it doesn't matter if it's 4, 8, or 64gb ram. Currently pc games use no more than 4-6gb ram tops for 1080p. And that's with windows OS which is a resource hog.

Can't really compare apples to apples with pc to console, so it's just a rouge reference. Have to wait and see what how everything translates out.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3984d ago

Actually PS3 has 512 as well. However it is split in two with half dedicated to the system and the other half for games. Lots of unified b GDDR5 RAM is exactly what PS4 needed.

When Sony asked developers what they wanted in the next generation it was unanimous they wanted a powerful GPU and lots of unified RAM.

Kryptix3984d ago

It is true that total RAM doesn't matter, with all the compressing techniques you can fit a lot with only 5 gigs. What's going to make a difference is the GDDR5 vs GDDR3. A review was done here where two of the same video cards were compared but one was 512MB GDDR5, the other was 1 gig GDDR3, and though lower...the one with GDDR5 was 4%-13% much faster.


The GDDR5 is a quad core versus the GDDR3 being only 2 cores. Meaning that bandwidth speeds can be twice as fast than the GDDR3 if optimzed correctly. Bandwidth speeds will effect frames per second and other graphical performance. This is why a few developers have stated that the Xbox One will need adjustments if it wants to run 60 frames per second like on the PS4. Truth be told, the difference might not show at the start of next gen but developers will eventually figure out both console's true potential and PS4 having 33%~50% better specs...it might look just a little better than the Xbox One.

And @Jeffgoldwin
Stop sending me multiple PMs then blocking me after each one...shows how butt hurt and how much of an ignoranus you are. lol

avengers19783984d ago

From the games that have been shown for both systems, it looks like both are going to be able to put out some very great gaming experiences, with much better graphics. But like the man above said, I'm more interested in what's going to be down the road, after all this is a 5-7 year investment, so I hope both companies continue to push the developers, and there systems to make games get better and better over time

mcstorm3984d ago

Finlay someone who is not a fan boy but a fan of gaming. For me the start of this next gen is about the Wiiu and Xbox one and I will pickup a ps4 12 months down the line but that dose not mean I think one is better than the other and think all 3 will have must own game but the game I want the most so far on out of what I have seen is forza 5 so that is my reason for getting the one over the ps4 at the start.

We should buy consoles for the games we want not because people say we should just like anything else in life.

Anthotis3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

"Both Are Sufficient for Realistic Lighting"

...but one is still superior.

edit - "...but one is still superior."

Sorry, i meant four.

Gameratheart3984d ago

Lol... That's funny.... One is still superior, oops I meant four. Lol... Bubble buddy! But, to the argument above.... The ps4 is more powerful, I have one preordered, but there won't be a huge difference between the two... I'm mean really, there won't be.

medziarz3984d ago

PS4 has 50% more GPU compute units than X1,
X1 has 33% less of them than PS4.

mark134uk3984d ago

what games from xb1 and ps4 have been CONFIRMED running at 60 fps?

True_Samurai3984d ago

TitanFall and Forza are plus. Forza is running at 1080p 60fps native

mark134uk3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

both above are xb1? so no games has been SEEN/CONFIRMED (not speculation) for ps4 yet?

Jaqen_Hghar3984d ago

Infamous I believe as well as BF4 for PS4. COD Ghosts for both

NewWhiteFeather3984d ago

@Jaqen, why would BF4 only run 60fps on PS4 if X1 has the capabilities?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3984d ago
JBSleek3984d ago

No you aren't if that was the case you would be a PC gamer.

strifeblade3984d ago

you wanna know whats sufficient 4 years from now?
Go get a pc, cuz you will find ps4 or xb1 lagging in that department.

How does ps4 p2p gaming sound? sufficient right? Well **** that i want dedicated servers which msoft online infratructure can give.

The Cell? thats a joke why do you think sony abondoned cell architecture in ps4? Sony excelled because of blu ray in the first party department and the talent of their studio- cell has being responsible for bad ports as well as party chat (due to ram) for years.

Evil_Ryu3984d ago

you do know the current gen consoles have 512mb of ram...you know how silly you sound.

NewZealander3984d ago

firstly we don't know the full specs of either console just yet, we know the basic set up but how all those components will work together is largely unknown, and to be honest im not phased by which console is more powerful.

but im keeping an open mind, a lot of people seem to have written XB1 off as being inferior before its even shipped, that really is naive, there are so many things to consider.

as we have heard specs can change.

"I would like to pose this question to the audience," he remarked in a subsequent post. "There are several months until the consoles launch, and [as] any student of the industry will remember, specs change.

Microsoft' product planning manager Albert Penello said.

"Given the rumored specs for both systems, can anyone conceive of a circumstance or decision one platform holder could make, where despite the theoretical performance benchmarks of the components, the box that appears "weaker" could actually be more powerful?

"I believe the debate on this could give some light to why we don't want to engage in a specification debate until both boxes are final and shipping."

also things like tilled resources, DX 11.2 and cloud could play a massive role, also MS claims their off the shelf parts are heavily optimized, and rumors MS has held back on what they announce regarding specs due to the past leak, in an attempt to stop sony playing catch up.

im not trying to defend one console over the other, im just saying on paper specs are not an accurate gauge on a consoles power, sure you may get some insight, but there is so much more to it, i am excited to see what both consoles offer, and i know im going to be blown away by both!

slampunk3984d ago

Nice comment mate.....

I'm looking forward to both for different reasons...

slampunk3984d ago

Nice comment mate..... Looking forward to both for different reasons....

NewWhiteFeather3984d ago

I'm not weighing in on the debate, I'd just like to point out that "sufficient for realistic lighting" now will still mean "sufficient for realistic lighting" in 2, 4 or even 30 years.

It doesn't get more realistic than realistic, without delving into the real. What these guys are saying is 10x their current allocation is more than enough for realistic lighting, and that's only 1/10th to 1/5th a single gig.

3984d ago
showtimefolks3984d ago

as excited as that sounds for both consoles i believe the faster and more ram for games will play a huge role in later years of life cycle

BallsEye3984d ago

Really now? XBOX 360 was superior to ps3 when it comes to GPU power


and yet ps3 games look amazing. I rememeber all the fanboys saying ps3 got amazing architecture and teh cell that's why graphics are so good when 360 got simple architecture. Now when table turned, ps4 is simple and XO more unique inside, SUDDENLY NUMBERS only matter. You guys are hilarious.

awi59513984d ago

Why are PS fans making a big deal over DDR 3 and DDR 5 it wont matter it will just be used for textures with these slow butt cpus these consoles have. PS4 games will load faster thats all. Because if a game is using more than 5gigs of ram the developer programmed it wrong. Even open world games with huge draw disntance shouldnt be using that much.

BF3 used like 4.5 gigs and its the pC benchmark and that game had a memory hole it would take and take all the memory it could and you wouldnt see a fPS boost. And the only reason BF3 used that much ram is because all the crap windows have running in the background, on console it wouldnt need over 5. If you use 5 gigs of ram on your game your programmers suck my grandmother could do better.

Urusernamesucks3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

@all your comments

No technology never mattered. The ps2 was the weakest console next to the xbox and gc.

It sure as hell didnt matter last Gen when the wii mowed down the competition

Your using this tech argument because because it now Applies to your fav console, when last gen you used the gamez argument because you were hearing Rumors that the xbox would be more power full.

And what makes you think it'll Matter this gen? It will give you sheep something to brag about That's for sure. But other than that your bragging is pointless because the pc will always demolish consoles when it comes to power.

The only thing saving consoles are their exclusives.

Exactly how long have you been a gamer? Because gamers mostly care about gameplay quality. Id rather play open world DR3 over the linear TLOU. Thats just me, i love open world games with more zombies.

Graphics are great for a first glance but then you get use to Seeing them, it gets boring and then you stop caring.

But gameplay however, if unique and non Repetitive, Will last for ever.

Ive seen this site userbase get caught with its pants down multiple times and so they resort to using the pr. It only proves how invalid this site and its userbase is.

andibandit3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

"Power always matters. While it does not - alone - determine the winner or the best games, it's also not a non-issue."

...duh, get your facts straight,power has almost never been a determining factor. Name me one generation where the most powerful console won?????

3983d ago
Triforce0793983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

Ive never heard so much rubbish in my life since ps4 got lots of RAM this site makes out RAM is more important for graphics than your GPU or GPGPU feature set makes me laugh,why havn't the graphics blown everyone away if the RAM is that essential ?? all the top games from all 3 consoles shown nextgen graphics but nothing was mind blowing except MGS,MK8 and X.

The screenshots for titanfall look awful,second son looks basically ps3 level,Killzone was a bit less realistic but more colouful than ps3 version,madden25 looks like wii not wiiu wii,fifa14 looks aweful i'd take that wiiu one,Knack looks ps2,Driveclub looks impressive but not GT6 and defo not Project Cars level ????

Can i also add Havok which is built into every wiiu devkit has compression x10 with no drop in quality ?? so with this tech RAM isnt a bottleneck for any game,what will bottleneck ps4 and xbox1 is poor cache memory and gpu memory ie sram ??? there is no way around that like there is with system ram.

Jaces3983d ago

This escalated rather quickly. Anyways, fanboys on both sides blew up this graphics war and both sides are to blame.

Right now nobody likes MS or their system for a good many reasons so get over it. They have a long way to go before I even consider buying the Bone. They fu*ked up and now they pay the price, and quite frankly it's a little enjoyable after the trash talk.


Everything shown between PS4 and the Bone is in favor of PS4 graphically. But no one, not even the devs can say for sure how powerful one is than the other. The only way this can be "settled" is during the 10 year long life period, or more, between these two consoles.

As for this past war? PS3 by a mile, no one can deny the beauty and stunning graphical power shown in Uncharted, LoU, and GoW III. That's just my opinion but nothing on the 360 came close. Guess that makes me a fanboy huh? Cool, w/e gets you off.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
FrigidDARKNESS3984d ago

the xbox one GPU has two independant bus's, one to DDR3, one to the ESRAM.
BY contrast, the PS4 has a 2 very small bus's between the CPU and GPU, and one main memory bus.
MS chose the DDR3 because its more efficient to run the 3 OS although it is slower the ESRAM helps out.
The 176GB on GDDR5 not all of it is accesible to developers.

majiebeast3984d ago

Warning Frigid is spreading fud again.

FrigidDARKNESS3984d ago

Lmao at you. My info comes from a well versed computer tech engineer.

pete0073984d ago

not to mention the 192GB/s theoretically achievable by the one plus dx 11.2 N A T I V E

MysticStrummer3984d ago

That bandwidth increase only applies to the 32MB of eSRAM, and as you said it's theoretical.

AnteCash3984d ago

It has only 32mb esram and 102GB bandwith, didnt know if you realise it thats a small amount.And i didnt read any developer saying they preffer Xbox 1 ram layout.

By having 3 OS , ddr3 ,10% of GPU , 2 CPU cores,and 3GB Ram reserved for TV ,Kinect and other stuff shows that gamers werent the main focus.

With the ps4 all the CPU , GPU and 7GB ram is at developers disposal.
It has ARM chips for the OS , recording, etc.

FrigidDARKNESS3984d ago

32mb of esram is more than enough. The AMD 7970 G-Card has 12mb of esram.

imt5583984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

...The 176GB on GDDR5 not all of it is accesible to developers...

It will be available around 160 GB/s for PS4, but for Xbox one practically it will be available around 102 GB/s. Theoretically 192 GB/s from Microsoft is PR bullshit.

MysticStrummer3984d ago

That theoretical 192GB/s only applies to the 32MB of eSRAM anyway.

Triforce0793983d ago

Yeah but wiiu has 32MB/64MB which is 130 to 260 GB of bandwidth on the gpgpu alone ?? due to edram which is designed to push powerful processors to the limits kid...

System RAM doesnt bottleneck hardware with compression x10 these days ??

HammadTheBeast3984d ago

Only the ESRAM can reach the "theoretical 192 gb/s" the rest of the ram is much slower.

DDR3 is better for running 3 OS' stuff like TV, apps etc. However GDDR5 especially as its built into PS4 is better for games.

awi59513984d ago

Only for load times. Slow memory will work just as well you main gain like 10 fps with faster ram thats about it.

DoesUs3984d ago

Oh gawd, you really shouldn't open your mouth at all, I mean ever on tech subjects! Open it to feed yourself of course.

JP13693984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

The 176gb/s figure is attributed to the 256-bit bus that is used to communicate with the memory pool. There's a second, smaller bus that also allows the GPU to bypass its own L1 and L2 cache for tasks requiring less than 20gb/s bandwidth. So yeah, your "friend" and you need to stop spreading lies. There's no way 5 gigs of slow RAM coupled with a tiny amount of embedded RAM is going to outperform the 7 gigs of unified memory that is also much faster.

SCW19823984d ago

Did your comment about watch dogs only being 30 FPS on PS4 also come from the same guy? Your ridiculous!

wishingW3L3984d ago

they chose DDR3 because they thought the price of GDDR5 wasn't going to be viable while Sony took a gameplay that paid off. There is no advantage of using DDR3, that's why they were forced to pair it with esRam to bring up the bandwidth a little bit. But it doesn't matter how fast that memory is because is still is too small.

3984d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
joshuatobi3984d ago

Xbox one is good with its 102gbs or 196 gbs available for developers to use but what people seem to forget 5 out of eight gigs is available to developers so really of whatever number it can crank out just subtract about thirty percent and thats whats really available because of the os running on the one. Ps4 on the other hand uses only one gig of ram for os so in the end ps4 is ahead and will be future proofed more than xbox. Mark cerny did his homework and is the ps4 takes off he could become an executive in this company which would be great

pete0073984d ago

name one single game that will need the 8 gb.....
its not like the most ps3games with 24 gb disk space, they just dont mention dual or triple allocation of the same files in order to speed up load times due to the hyper slow bluray player

joshuatobi3984d ago

Now no they dont need it but in 4 years xbox is going to start having shortcomings because those 5 gigs of slow memory are not going to give devs the flexibility to create big games

JP13693984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

How the hell do you know the RAM won't be needed? Developers can now create larger worlds using higher resolution assets. This will drive up the RAM budgets. And with PC developers no longer having to worry about building games that will also work on consoles with 512mb of RAM, this trend will start to take effect sooner rather than later.
Also, indie devs don't have the budgets to refine code the way larger studios do and will be glad to know that they don't have to worry about resource management as much on one particular console. The Witness is using 5gb of GDDR5. If they were developing on the One, they would already be allocating time and money into increasing the efficiency of the code rather than simply focusing on their vision.

pete0073984d ago

in about 4/5 years this gen will be done and xbox 2 and ps4 will be coming, this gen will be a small one,

JP13693984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

That amount of RAM is being used now. Wait until the second generation of games are out, it will increase from there. Keep pinning your hopes on MS being saved by the bell.
Also, the gen after the one coming up would include the fourth Xbox and the fifth PlayStation. Your inability to count may be the reason you don't think numbers relating to RAM matter. Learn some basic math then rejoin the discussion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3984d ago
imt5583984d ago

The bandwith between XB1's GPU logic and ESRAM is 128 bytes wide at 800 MHz. It can send 128 bytes per clock in either direction. The peak bandwith is 102.4 GB/s, which you could spend all on reading from the ESRAM, or all 102.4 GB/s writing to the ESRAM, or split between reading and writing. If reading and writing to the ESRAM with a workload, logically the split is 51.2 GB/s.

XB1's bus cannot send and receive data simultaneous in the same clock.

Btw. XO GPU clock is 750 MHz, not 800. I'm afraid downclock did happen.

pete0073984d ago

what a nonsense comment, xbox one CAN read and write on the same clock, even so, to render 60 frames a sec on full hd, not using all the filters of course, we need between 1 and 1,5 gb, and its allready enormous what im assuming,
i see now the roles have changed, before who didnt optimize code was lazy aka os3 ports and now they dont need to optimize cause wee have plenty...... honestly N4G would be much richer without some comments

JP13693984d ago

The article that talks about concurrent read/write even states that it's basically bullshit marketing. You're right in that some people would be better off not commenting. People like you that can't read or write or count, for example.

imt5583984d ago

@ Pete

No Pete, it can't read/write at the same time. Go here if you wanna read from the start


Or search on Google for SRAM memory ( anadtech, beyond3D... )

PositiveEmotions3984d ago

I dont understand this whole dd3 and gdd5 thing the only thing i know is that the ps4 is more powerfull

jeffgoldwin3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

You just "know" something you completely don't understand at all. This is what's wrong with the educate system of today folks.

PositiveEmotions3984d ago

Care to explain? I mean not everyone knows about those whole dd5 bla bla stuff

3984d ago
ssj273984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

simple! the PS4 can do more in a game; bigger worlds, faster loading textures and times, better textures and better fps. Example, where the xbone can do 30fps the PS4 will be able to do 60fps on the same quality or even at a better quality of games.

PS4 games must run better this gen. xbone is powerful, but PS4 is simply better.

Right now we may not see the difference but soon the 7gb of gddr5 will make the PS4 shine and the 5gb ddr3 will make the ONE suffer . in those lil details not a big deal.. but the ego on the gamers make them rage and not want to understand such a simple thing.

and this are just technical stuff, the PS4 have the top rated best devs working for it plus indies, they have amazing policies. it's $100 cheaper in price even having %50 more raw power.

I mean you can help your friend from china to finish a level that he can't from your home in the US and that is a amazing feature that the xbone does not have.

dark-hollow3984d ago

"where the xbone can do 30fps the PS4 will be able to do 60fps on the same quality or even at a better quality of games."

That's a very bold statement.
The ps4 hardware is in fact more powerful, but nothing we know shows that it can do double the frame rate of the xbone while keeping the same quality/or even better.

ssj273984d ago

well devs have already said this.. and I believe them.. plus I'm not a PC gamer but that is why PC gamers get better new tech so they have have better textures and fps on the same games...
and the PS4 having %50 more raw power will give that advantage!
xbone will still have pretty and good games but PS4 will just do it better.

I don't see why is a bold statement when devs have said so and specs back me up.

it's facts. don't like the fact is your problem not mine. I can see high end PC's doing 4k at some point on the same games that the PS4 will be doing 1080p and that is fair.. they can have top of the line tech updated and spend lot's of extra cash for it.

Urusernamesucks3984d ago

"Where the xbone can do 30 fps, the ps4 will do 60 fps."

You are dead wrong and you also got that from sony making an example that was not regarding the ps4 and xb1 comparison.

According to neogaf"the ps4 has 50% more raw power than the xbox one"

What you did there was not 50% more, it was 100% more or 2x. So that would be 45 fps vs 30 wich is not alot.

Firan3984d ago

GDDR5 is better for transferring large amounts of data like textures while DDR3 is better for transferring small amounts of data like regular data processing. Each has their pros and cons.

BlaqMagiq243984d ago

No offense dude but if you don't understand then it's best not to comment at all then.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3984d ago
supraking9513984d ago

Nice, PS4 has the advantage again. Thanks Sony :)

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