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XBros Are A Real Problem

What do the millions of people that bought Diablo 3, SimCity, and the defenders or the Xbox One have in common? They all just don't care about the terrible precedents they help to set.

To anyone who cares about little inconsequential freedoms like "choice," and "privacy," and "ownership," the Xbox One is indefensible. We'll come back to that later. Right now, I want to address the Xbox One defenders.

A common tactic that XBros like to use when defending the anti-consumerism, anti-privacy, anti-choice aspects of the Xbox One is to state anything negative they can dredge up about Sony from their Past mistakes. Clearly, they can't say anything about Sony now because Sony has been handling things masterfully.

When anyone brings up concerns over privacy violations or the used games market, XBros bring up online passes and ToA's conveniently ignoring how much worse Microsoft's own statements about these issues portray the Xbox One.

Another common tactic is the "we don't know everything yet" defense that is pretty much the pinnacle of irony considering how the XBros used to mock Sony fans with taunts of "I thought this was the year of the PS3, instead we have to wait for next year," or "wait for E3." These statements ignore the official statements already made by individuals like Phil Harrison, a VP at Microsoft, and others who were at the reveal all saying the same thing. But of course, waiting for E3 makes all the indefensible decisions that have already been made perfectly ok.

Now let's come back to the issues shall we? These are questions I would like to ask the XBros who are defending Microsoft's terrible decisions.

Kinect 2: It has been confirmed that Kinect 2 is a MANDATORY device for the Xbox One. The Xbox One WILL NOT function without the Kinect 2 always connected to the Xbox One, and always turned on. Once connected and turned on, the Kinect 2 will, when not in use, maintain a "low power state" in which it will always be listening thanks to its always on microphones. Now that right there was enough to make MOST people who heard that immediately concerned about privacy, including a German Federal Official who classified it as a surveillance device. Microsoft maintains, and the XBros defend to the death, that they have a strict privacy policy that anyone can read about. But here are my questions.

How can anyone be sure exactly what Microsoft will hear with the Kinect 2? Are you happy about the Kinect 2 monitoring conversations, listening for buzzwords to tailor ads for you to see constantly? How can anyone trust Microsoft's Privacy Policy when they were found to be listening in on Skype conversations?

If the Kinect 2 ISN'T going to be spying on anyone, what reason is there to force users to have it always connected and always on?

Wouldn't Microsoft have to consider the individuals who DON'T want to use their Kinect 2 driven features? If so, why not offer options? How can you not be upset by even entertaining the thought of users being monitored in any way?

Online Requirement: Here is a 100% truthful fact. There is no place in the whole of this world that has an always 100% stable network infrastructure. Nowhere. Even those places in the world with the best networking options such as Japan do not have 100% constant stability forever. The Xbox One is heavily focused on being online. Having internet is crucial for some of the Xbox One's most basic abilities and mandatory as the Xbox One will require a connection once every 24 hours under the guise of being necessary for "updates." This part isn't necessarily untrue, as Microsoft are terribly annoying with their updates as evidenced by any user of Windows having to deal with Microsoft's constant updates.

This connection requirement renders the Xbox One useless and pointless to whole countries with no internet, or spotty internet, as well as individuals who at times need to cancel their internet (like college students) to pay bills.

Clearly the Xbox One is for those people who desperately need to remain connected and can't live without it. Though those individuals are numerous, they aren't the total populace. The 24 hour check is also going to be used for another feature, to be discussed after.

So XBros, how do you defend Microsoft's clear lack of attention to real world problems concerning online infrastructure? How fair is it that the XBox One has to "accommodate certain offline modes" instead of just allowing people to remain offline to begin with and enjoy the system that way? Why should people be punished for not having the best and therefore most expensive internet packages?

Used Games: There have been plenty of people who made the very correct assumption that the Xbox One is the console that publishers like EA have always wanted. The Xbox One seeks to end the used games market.

The "policy" in place in regards to used games on the Xbox One is either buy new, or play on someone else's profile if you want to play a used game that you borrowed from a friend or bought used.

Basically, because the Xbox One forces installations of all games onto a non-removable hard drive, if I lent a game to my friend the only way that friend could play the game without having to pay (possibly full price) to play it is if my friend played it on my profile. Here's the kicker though, we can't both be on my profile at the same time

Remember those online checks every 24 hours? Yeah, those checks will check for multiple people using the same profile and whether any of those profiles are playing the same game. Whichever unit is the unit that the profile was created on, that unit will be fine, but any other won't be. Because of the mandatory install, the other units will have to pay for the game. So although MS will allow you to lend your games to friends, those friends can only play those games for free on your profile. Although MS will let you resell your games, the fact that they are used games may not net you a discounted price.

XBros: What part of forcing online checks to determine who is or is not playing a used game DOESN'T sound like even the smallest form of privacy violations? How is it a good thing for anyone but Microsoft/Greedy Publishers to force friends to pay (possibly full price) just to play a borrowed game on their own profile? Why should used products come with a full, brand new, retail price tag attached to them?

There are so many more issues to discuss and questions to ask XBros, but this blog is already long enough and there really is only one main question that needs answering.

Who in their right mind can be so much of a corporate apologiser/defender, that they would willing defend anti-consumer and possibly anti-privacy decisions/implementations/tact ics just for a few seconds of convenience, and the ability to watch tv on a device that requires you to already own a device that lets you watch tv in the first place?

The Xbox One is highly anti-consumer. It's Microsoft's push for control, not just presence, over the entertainment of the casual majority. And no amount of deflection onto another company, nor pleas of patience can erase what was already said, and what was clearly the design intent of the Xbox One.

The Xbox One is a device for businessmen to exploit/control, and the uninformed to blindly purchase on impulse.

urwifeminder4027d ago

Xbro for life thanks for the joy I had fun.

harkki864027d ago

i used to play xbox 360 a lot but mine broke and this was before they gave the warranty. i just decided that it was not worth it i mean i play to have fun but if my system is not reliable then what is the point? and now microsoft wants xbox one to be some kind of super-console that connects everything. i'm sorry but that just isnt for me. when i sit down i would just like to play games you know? maybe i will just find a new super nintendo like i had when i was a kid and that will be the console i play for the next few years.

DragonKnight4027d ago

I believe that handhelds will become very popular with core gamers soon as, besides PC, they will be the last bastion for those of us that just want to sit down and play.

harkki864027d ago

i hope that is true. i do have a 3ds and i want to get a vita. maybe it is because those seem to be a no frills sort of deal.

Man-E-Faces4027d ago

I hope that is not the case of handhelds replacing consoles, I enjoy my Vita but can't play for more than 1 hour at best, the small screen on a portable causes me to get headaches and in a few cases migrains. I know I can't be the only one who suffers from this either, I was fine during the gameboy black/white era but now there must be too much eye strain going on with these newer flashier games on a small screen.

MikeMyers4027d ago

Here, let's break some of the author's comments shall we?

1. Calling people Xbros doesn't help this persons credibility at all. One who is about as biased as one can get. Go through his post history and find out for yourself. Are all those game journalists that aren't over-reacting like this guy a Xbro too?

2. We don't know the full details of what Sony is doing either, so yes, it is very relevant since they are the ones who started this mess earlier this year and still haven't given out their fine details. Where are they now? They certainly aren't reaping the rewards of the bad publicity of Microsoft are they? Why aren't they coming out and saying don't worry, games will not be restrictive at all?

If you don't want the Xbox One, don't buy it. Simple.

3. Why are some people so worried going on about conspiracy theories? This is the same guy who supports piracy.

Kinect 2 has benefits of always being on. They will have restrictions of it. In fact if you read the current privacy outline on the KInect 1 it will tell you how committed they are to privacy. If you don't like it don't but it. Simple.

4. "Here's the kicker though, we can't both be on my profile at the same time"

Why should you? Why should more than one person own a single license. Right now you can't play a physical disc at home while your friend plays the same disc can they? What a stupid argument. What is likely to happen is what happens now with Xbox Live and PSN titles, they are locked to your account. What is better however with the Xbox One is you will be able to access your games on any Xbox One system easily (with your account). You will now be able to sell that game but we don't know to who yet or how it will all work, with the cloud it will play right from where you left off. Steam doesn't even allow this much flexibility with their games. They don't have any used games.

What I see is someone who is very worried that most people might not care like he does. One who has taken a position that it's his duty to somehow inform all of us why this is bad and thinking everyone else is just stupid.

Nobody is forcing people to buy Steam games. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy PSN, XBLA, Nintendo online games. So stop forcing your opinion on us about buying the Xbox One. Get over yourself, it's out of your control. You control your own purchases and if the industry wants to move forward, sorry. Buh bye. The game industry isn't going to stand still and wait for everyone to have a internet connection. Companies like Netflix didn't for movies and they make a ton of money. Apple has changed the way we buy music and streaming services like Spotify have changed that too. Games will be going in this direction whether you like it or not. It's called convenience. Instant gaming with auto patching and instant signing in of your account with cloud access. So go back to your way of playing games on your PS3. Partial installs just to start playing, waiting for updates security patches and online maintenance that shut down services from time to time. 15 button commands from watching a movie to playing a game. Turning the system on and waiting for it to boot up, then signing into your profile, they waiting for it to read your disc, then more load times, then only saving at certain areas.

Don't like the Xbox One, don't buy it. Simple. Don't worry about what other people buy. You're one voice, let's keep it that way.

DragonKnight4027d ago

@MikeMyers: Do you think your opinion so important that you had to post it twice simply because your original post was as a reply to a troll who was marked for it? Because clearly no one else agrees with you in that.

1. Deflection and personal attack. Irony in discussing credibility when the very first point made is made to troll.

2. Indeed we do. You just choose to ignore them in the hope that later on you can use them to attack every person who has been against Microsoft's anti-consumerism and anti-privacy tactics. I could post the links for proof but we both know you've seen and ignored them already.

"If you don't want the Xbox One, don't buy it. Simple."

Not really that simple. The Xbox One seeks to set precedents. So not buying one doesn't mean the problem is non-existent. But you wouldn't know about that considering you're short sighted and a corporate apologist/defender of anti-consumerism and anti-privacy.

3. Off Topic point once again, and once again an attempt to attack me. You really are incapable of remaining on topic and discussing the actual points of any post aren't you? Oh and on the topic of piracy, are you sure that I didn't actually state that piracy isn't theft because it isn't? Yeah, thought so.

4. This is where you go full retard. The point of borrowing and lend games isn't that 2 people own the game. Microsoft has tried to flip the script and made it that way. The point is that you have a game your friend wants to try out so you lend it to them. Up until now, that was a simply understood concept and easily performed. Your friend pops the game in, plays it, when they're done or you want it back you get it back.

You are defending games not as something you buy and own, but as something you're renting from Microsoft for $60. This merely cements your corporate apologist characteristic.

"You will now be able to sell that game but we don't know to who yet or how it will all work, with the cloud it will play right from where you left off. Steam doesn't even allow this much flexibility with their games. They don't have any used games."

This sounds like a good idea to you. Something that is against consumer buyer/seller rights sounds like a good idea to you. Every other product in the world can be bought, then sold to someone else without limitation (unless the items are illegal), without price restrictions, without "solutions" made to "accommodate" that kind of free market. But you are an advocate of removing ownership, of price fixing, and of restriction and people like me are the delusional ones? "Ain't nobody got time fo' dat."

As to your final paragraph, it's just more corporate a$$ kissing that's completely delusional. Xbox One isn't PSN, Steam, XBLA. It's going to sell discs. Physical discs that will become useless. Microsoft is trying to turn a physical object that you own the rights to, into a digital product that you don't own the rights to. Forcing a network connection isn't an evolution, it's a method of control. What you are defending, and agreeing to, is that you shouldn't have control over what you've bought. That that control begins and ends with Microsoft and they're being nice to you by letting you try it out for a bit.

If you don't like consumer rights and privacy, kindly remove yourself from civilization and live under a tyrannical dictatorship since you love giving up your right to choice, your right to borrow/lend freely, and your right to sell what you own. The rest of the world doesn't need your pro-slave attitude.

MikeMyers4027d ago (Edited 4027d ago )

DragonKnight has shown time and time again he is not interested in civil debates. I offer a counter argument, I get accused of being a corporate apologist. I offer a rebuttal, he tells me to go live under a rock.

You my friend are an extremist. One that gas taken what is a hobby and treating it like serious issues. A person who is way too absorbed in his own train of thought that he refuses to listen to anyone who may offer any benefits.

So quick to attack because you want your voice to be heard above all others. You've been talking non-stop about this ever since they announced the Xbox One. You need a vacation pal because all I see now is aggression towards anyone who opposes your point of view.

Why is it you never comment on how Nintendo are really the only one out of the three that is still just about games? The same company who as far as I know hasn't gone full tilt on DLC, who don't have online passes. Who don't even care about watching movies or selling them? Who don't have deals with sports teams or have a music service. Who aren't trying to sell 3D tv's? Who don't have rumours circulating that they will try and curb used games?

I'm sorry but I don't have any respect for those who push their opinions in others. You can have your opinion and so can I. I see it all the time, someone says something positive about the Xbox One and they get attacked. Called a corporate ass kisser or whatever. Since when are you judge and jury? You want freedom in used games? How about giving others the freedom of their own opinions without you pouncing on them and smothering their comments?

As for why I posted the same thing twice. It's because that person was called for trolling and the replies are now hidden. What difference does it make since you've been repeating yourself for what seems like forever. The disagrees don't mean much. I get disagree comments all the time whenever I or someone else says something negative about Sony. It's not a secret this place is very pro PS3. All other systems including handhelds and the PC combined see less activity than the PS3 forums. It's been that way for a long time.

DragonKnight4027d ago

"DragonKnight has shown time and time again he is not interested in civil debates. I offer a counter argument, I get accused of being a corporate apologist. I offer a rebuttal, he tells me to go live under a rock."

Who are you talking to? You sound like a victimized politician trying to drum up support from your fanboy army. You don't debate, you attack. You don't counter, you deflect. You ARE a corporate apologist and your own posts here prove that for me. You don't offer rebuttals, you play the victim card. You're still going off topic.

"You my friend are an extremist. One that gas taken what is a hobby and treating it like serious issues. A person who is way too absorbed in his own train of thought that he refuses to listen to anyone who may offer any benefits."

I listen to what's worth listening to. When you say something worth listening to, I'll listen to it. So far, in every interaction with me, you just go off topic, attack me, and deflect things. You have defended MS' actions saying (paraphrased) "if you don't have internet, tough." That right there is corporate apologizing. So what exactly have you said that's worth listening to?

"So quick to attack because you want your voice to be heard above all others. You've been talking non-stop about this ever since they announced the Xbox One. You need a vacation pal because all I see now is aggression towards anyone who opposes your point of view."

More off topic crap centered on me because you have nothing legitimate to say.

"Why is it you never comment on how Nintendo are really the only one out of the three that is still just about games? The same company who as far as I know hasn't gone full tilt on DLC, who don't have online passes. Who don't even care about watching movies or selling them? Who don't have deals with sports teams or have a music service. Who aren't trying to sell 3D tv's? Who don't have rumours circulating that they will try and curb used games?"

One, why would I talk about Nintendo in a blog that's not about Nintendo? Are you physically incapable of speaking within the context of the subject being discussed?

Two, I actually HAVE spoken about Nintendo in a comment section which you can read about, and consequently continue to go off on an off topic attack tangent against me, here.

Read my comments to Capodastaro.

See, your comments are laughable. You pick people to oppose and stick to opposing them no matter what the topic is. You then try to play the victim card and it never works. You are incapable of sticking to a topic and so you bring up off topic nonsense because deflection is your game. Problem is, you're very transparent and this renders everything you say laughable. When you're ready to stop defending anti-consumerism and have adult conversations, look me up. Until then, continue acting like the child you are.

nukeitall4026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )


I will *try* to keep this short:

Where was you defending "gamers rights" when Sony changed your freedom to forcing your friend to pay to play games online using a borrowed copy? You know, when Sony as the only console manufacturer offered online passes and attacking gamers rights, because it was never liked that before on consoles?

That is anti-consumer right there!

Hypocrite much?

You talk about privacy, yet there is no indication MS is spying on you not to mention the public fallout would destroy the Xbox business. Just look at all the misinformation being spread around bases on speculation (your trolling is part of the problem).

If you are that concerned, a real threat is the computer/laptops/tablet where people get spyed on every day! There are whole forums dedicated to that, so maybe take your fight there were it is a real threat.

Want to go further? What about when Sony lost private data (due to gross negligence of using unpatched and unsecure systems) such as names and date of births which is often times used for verification during the PSN hacks. Real data loss, not speculation.

Finally, are you part of PSisters then?

See, I can act immature too! :D

MikeMyers4026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )

I bring up the PS3 and Steam about how they too control software and yet I'm the one who is off-topic? It's ok for you to use outside examples like Simcity that has nothing to do with the Xbox One but I can't mention those? Talk about trying to control the discussion that only serves to meet your needs.

Here's is a couple of quotes in your opening statement so it can't possibly be off-topic.

1. "A common tactic that XBros like to use when defending the anti-consumerism, anti-privacy, anti-choice aspects of the Xbox One"

People should have a right to privacy. Just because Kinect is always on doesn't mean your neighbors now know what you're doing and have somehow hacked into your Kinect device. It's so the system can function even when in stand-by mode. Who's to say it's not just the voice that's active so that you can simply say hello and it turns on? I doubt it will turn on automatically because you walked by with the vacuum. Tinfoil hat scenario refuted, next.

2. "Another common tactic is the "we don't know everything yet"

So now waiting is bad even though nothing has been sold yet? Makes a lot of sense. These decisions, having to be connected, used games and so on are software based. They can be changed. It could be a situation any authorized dealer can sell used games. It could be the system checks in once a day. So. I already have my PS3 connected at all times. Playstation Plus works that way. Better get the tinfoil hat on since my PS3 automatically downloaded updates.

If the used market is controlled, more money actually goes back to the people who make the games. Is that really a bad compromise? Maybe then prices can go down like we see on Steam. Publishers can dictate prices more because they would have more control on actual sales. Right now game prices are high on consoles within the digital store. Now they would no longer have to compete with Craigslist and E-Bay. The used prices will reflect used prices at the store. Of course a major drawback is lending games. That's something that will either have to be ironed out or your friends will have to get higher paying jobs. Life sucks, not everything is free in life. The bright side is your content is accessible anywhere on any Xbox One system. You don't have to lug your system around to access your games, just sign-in. It will be treated like digital goods but more convenient because there will be some form of a used market.

How do you have a system that is instant, can access your content with games already patched, able to use the cloud to access 300,000 servers without it being locked to your account? People want their content in a quick and easy fashion now. The way your software is handled within the operating system is actually important to many people now. It's why some to use Apple for example over Android. It's about the service it provides around your content. What Microsoft is proposing is easy access in a seamless environment.

What if those games all have their own dedicated server? If a problem persists they can now isolate it from the rest of Xbox Live? Where latency and hit detection can now be much more responsive?

Ever wonder why some people say Xbox Live is faster to download items? It could be because they currently have 15,000 servers out there. Imagine what 300,000 will provide.

It is now Microsoft's job to convince us why being connected has it's advantages. Why restricting the used market has it's advantages. Why the software will be better with Kinect 2. Not react right away and keep the door closed. Not have a tantrum and gather troops.

I at least want to hear the full story. Not just read the back cover, call it a day, then write blogs about it.

Hicken4026d ago

You are amazing.

The entire time you claim to be having a debate with ANYONE, you ignore any and all facts and points they bring up, then simply say they're not being civil when you've got nothing else.

In ANY situation, you go on and on about the same irrelevant point, and eventually give up trying to make it, continue ignoring what the person you're supposed to be debating with, and eventually just try and attack that person's character.

I don't know where you learned to "debate," but I suggest starting over from scratch, as your skills are sorely lacking.

DragonKnight4026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )

@MikeMyers: Sorry, looks like I can't address your crying here since nukeitall wants to spout off nonsense. After all, you're part of the same fanboy circle and "strength in numbers" as it were. See you next time.

@nukeitall: "Where was you defending "gamers rights" when Sony changed your freedom to forcing your friend to pay to play games online using a borrowed copy?"

Guess what, your friend can still play the game without having to pay full price for it. Online passes suck, but they are a better option than forcing people to pay full price simply because they borrowed a game.

" You know, when Sony as the only console manufacturer offered online passes and attacking gamers rights, because it was never liked that before on consoles?"

Microsoft could never justify online passes AND charging for Live. Live IS Microsoft's online pass. Are you truly that blind? As for Nintendo, they are the only company that got consumer rights in these areas correct, but they chose to abandon the people that cared most about those rights. Which is worse?

"Hypocrite much?"

I love fanboy irony. It's the most hilarious kind.

"You talk about privacy, yet there is no indication MS is spying on you not to mention the public fallout would destroy the Xbox business. Just look at all the misinformation being spread around bases on speculation (your trolling is part of the problem)."

Xbox One uses Skype and an always on surveillance device.

Nope, MS would never do such a thing right? They can totally be trusted. Right?

"If you are that concerned, a real threat is the computer/laptops/tablet where people get spyed on every day! There are whole forums dedicated to that, so maybe take your fight there were it is a real threat."

And who's at the forefront of PCs and laptops with their OS? Who, as the predominant OS seller, has a console that is always listening? Yep, Microsoft.

"Want to go further? What about when Sony lost private data (due to gross negligence of using unpatched and unsecure systems) such as names and date of births which is often times used for verification during the PSN hacks. Real data loss, not speculation."

Oh, you mean the public knowledge data you can find laying around anywhere? Oh, but Microsoft has never lost personal data before right? Oh wait...

Finally, you don't act immature, you are immature. As evidenced by anyone that supports anti-consumer/anti-privacy tactics to the extent that Microsoft has. When governments have classified the Kinect 2 as a surveillance device, there is no argument to be made in its favour. When your friend can only play the game he borrowed from you, in its entirety and not just one mode, on your platform unless he's willing to pay for it in full, there's no positive argument you can make that is a plus to gamers. Xbox One is indefensible and only blind Microsoft loyalists disagree.

nukeitall4026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )

"Guess what, your friend can still play the game without having to pay full price for it. Online passes suck, but they are a better option than forcing people to pay full price simply because they borrowed a game."

You still didn't answer my question and merely avoiding it. Where were you with your blog articles defending gamers right?

At least with Xbox Live it is a value added service, i.e. exclusive things on console not available elsewhere. Online passes provided nothing to the gamer beyond taking their rights away.

Even then it pointless to discuss this as, what MS doesn't negate the evils Sony does. If you are going to fight gamers right, it should be irrespective of the evil doer, but we know why you target MS.

So I ask again where were you?

"As for Nintendo, they are the only company that got consumer rights in these areas correct, but they chose to abandon the people that cared most about those rights."

Mommy still loves you even though she has another child! What is up with this immature mentality of if I'm not at the center even though I got plenty attention means abandonment?

I guess you have to evolve beyond a 10 year old maturity to understand that....

"Nope, MS would never do such a thing right? They can totally be trusted. Right?"

All it takes is a little bit a research instead of fueling the flame, but we all know why you do it. You probably already knew about it.

That said, completely irrelevant. I could start listing the DRM madness with Sony as well like the root kit scandal which suggest Sony would do it again:

Again that is besides the point though.

"Xbox One: Kinect won't be used to spy on you, camera can be switched off"

"And who's at the forefront of PCs and laptops with their OS? Who, as the predominant OS seller, has a console that is always listening? Yep, Microsoft."


So Sony is at the forefront of cameras and make laptops, phones, tablets and even stand alone cameras. Yup!

Come on now, seriously?

"Oh, you mean the public knowledge data you can find laying around anywhere?"

My date of birth isn't commonly known, nor is my email address and so on.

Also, if you want to fight for gamers, your topic shouldn't be just MS, but also Nintendo (yes they have their wrongs too) and Sony, but we all know your hatred for MS. Only explanation I have for your outlandish comments.

Anyone can read the comments and see you are immature and a fangirl. It's fine, nobody really cares!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4026d ago
rainslacker4027d ago

The Wii U has quite a few SNES games on their virtual console, and as a bonus it can play Wii games and Wii U games. Might cost more though, but even though selection is spotty right now, there are good games out and coming out for it.

So far unless MS says all this stuff discussed in the blog is untrue, I won't be getting the console. If PS4 blocks used games or tries some control scheme for used, then I will not buy that either. In which case I will just use my Wii U, and get through the other 1000 or so games in my catalog from many years of collecting.

What's sad about authenticating on consoles, is that people probably won't be able to do that with the X1 10-20 years from now when MS decides to pull the plug on the servers.

4026d ago Replies(1)
SilentNegotiator4027d ago (Edited 4027d ago )

OMG Bro, wait for Eeeeeeee3! Phil Harrison was totally JK'ing! Ps4 will probably end up havin' the same DRM and prob worse.


You can already see the apologists at work. In 5 months a blog or comment like these will be considered "trolling" because enough tools will have bent over by then and accepted it.

4027d ago Replies(3)
4027d ago Replies(3)
DeadlyAssassin4027d ago ShowReplies(1)
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