
Who can Develop LucasArts games now?

Brad Long at Aussie-Gamer.com writes: "on April 3rd.

With this, Disney effectively ensured that all future Lucas games would be either developed by Disney Interactive (to be brutally honest, this is worst-case scenario) or developed by third Party Studios.

The following five franchises paired with five different developers is a scenario that I would love to see happen if Disney were to magically allow me to choose the future of their gaming franchises."

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sitharrefus4067d ago

Anyone can, they just have to get the license, bioware did swtor by getting the license so any developer could do it if they wanted to .

guitarded774067d ago

Well then... let's get Naughty Dog working on SW Battlefront 3 so the universe can implode from all the awesome.

Zha1tan4067d ago

you do realise naughty dog are specalised, they are not the greatest developer ever than can develop anything.

If anything their multiplayer efforts so far have been bland and poor.

BALLARD324067d ago

Will someone please get the license for Battlefront please? Thanks.

Donnieboi4067d ago

I wish it would be more open. I mean, why should any one company be able to lock down the rights? Lucas arts should let any company want to make Star Wars games as long as Lucas approves of it's story. Whenever a single game developer has the sole rights to a franchise, it tends to go sour if they are not a particularly good developer. Then we're stuck with them because they own exclusive rights and have no other competition. Look at EA with the Madden series. American Football games were better when EA didn't have sole rights to the franchise, because the competition from 2k and Midway etc kept football games from getting stale.

RuleofOne343 4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Cause if they do that ,they may never get their rights back. Like the way Sony rushed to make the Amazing Spider-man movie before their licences rights expired, clause stated that if a movie is not being made for a period of time rights revert back to owner. that is why they must not be so open with their IPS or license .

dcbronco4067d ago

It doesn't have to be done the way the Spiderman license was done. The licenses could be one-time use and handed out on a case by case basis. If a company does a good job on a particular game they get an option for a sequel.

RuleofOne343 4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Whatever Disney does I just hope they License to 3rd party studios, So all Star War game remain Multi-platforms so everyone can enjoy them.

@SJPFTW they may have not been developing them but no matter how you slice it they have say over anything star wars & that whole fictional universes

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LucasArts Co-founder David Fox Reflects on Four Decades in the Gaming Industry

In an era where pixels ruled the screen and creativity sparked the imagination, a few names stand out as trailblazers in the gaming industry – David Fox is undoubtedly among them. As a co-founder of LucasArts, Fox played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of gaming, leaving an indelible mark with iconic titles that continue to resonate with players worldwide. Join Sector as he shares captivating stories about the birth of LucasArts and the enthralling narratives behind some of the industry's most beloved classics.

mastershredder119d ago

eh…Gilbert, Purcell Schaffer were the trail blazers in that crew. David, while he did do some stuff once, like a real long ass time ago is more like b-list personality that specializes in reminiscing and signing ops at a convention.


The Darkness, Chronicles of Riddick director joins Indiana Jones team

Andersson will act as design director on the title and work in parallel with creative director Axel Torvenius – who was previously art director for the Wolfenstein games and with executive producer Jerk Gustafsson at the helm.

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isarai551d ago

Dope! Gotta be honest tho, i completely forgot this existed 😅

Sonic1881551d ago

Still in the early stages. We won't get a reveal until two more years probably 😂

rlow1551d ago

I wish they would make another Riddick, Butchers Bay was the best.

hotnickles551d ago

You know what games I want way more than Indiana Jones? The darkness and Riddick.

Snookies12551d ago (Edited 551d ago )

Haha, completely agree... But, the fact that he is involved in this is a definitely a positive sign! Could actually be a good game!

hotnickles550d ago

You might be right. Indiana Jones will never do Jackie or Riddick stuff though. The darkness was brutal on the eyes and ears lol.

Leeroyw551d ago

The Darkness was an underrated gem. Fantastic lore and Mike patton from Faith No More voicing the darkness is up there with the great video game voice overs imo.


Amazon’s Prime Gaming Offers Free Select LucasArts Classics

While new chapters or remakes would be great; it is nice to see the classics get some love. Amazon’s Prime Gaming is amping up the nostalgia this summer by offering Amazon Prime members a selection of free classic LucasArts games for PC.

PapaBop1069d ago

Secret of Monkey Island is a classic, I highly recommend it for anyone who hasn't played it.

Garethvk1069d ago

Those older LucasArts games were all good. Full Throttle is still amazing