
Ken Levine tweets he was ‘roofied’ and sh*tstorm ensues

Ken Levine comes under heat for a "rape" joke

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majiebeast4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

Social media where every idiot can attack you for a harmless joke, feminazis need to tone it down, to be so vicious at someone for a harmless joke, telling him to die, so classy feminazis bravo. Everyone is so sensitive these days grow a pair and stop being offended by every tiny thing. Im just waiting for Sessler and Polygon to call Ken Levine a pro rape supporter just to complete the circus.

Nitrowolf24062d ago

He didn't even mention Rape, people just jumped on him an associated it themselves. Honestly, if anything I thought it was geared towards the movie Hangover.

GusBricker4062d ago

Lunacyeyes is a female and you have to look at it through her mindset. A roofie is something totally different to a woman.

And whoever wrote this gem, "Feminist like you are fucking retarded. I hope you both get raped." is an idiot.

zebramocha4062d ago

Glad it was a joke and no guy showed him what a "bigdaddy " is.

SilentNegotiator4062d ago

I'm sick of these feminazis inventing VG-related issues every week.

Nimblest-Assassin4062d ago

Oh my god... reading that chain made me despise people.

Both gamers and feminists

Gamers for being retarded for telling women to get raped, and feminists for generalizing gamers as white and fat

Seriously, you called Ken Levine porky?

Gaming1014062d ago

aaaaand here concludes this week's edition of "Retarded Feminazis have ultimately futile internet arguments with whoever they will listen to their retarded rants"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4062d ago
Wenis4062d ago

Well said majie. Social media is making people retarded. Oh crap I said retarded I better put up my flame shield..oh wait this isn't twitter luckily.

vickers5004062d ago

Here's a link to the two morons twitter pages, if anyone wants to let loose on them.


adorie4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

"Proud Virgin" Hehehe. Add the word "forever" at the end. :D

"@lewdkitty @dragon_ebooks I'm totally self conscious about my voice but I still very much want to talk online. I need to work up the courage"

Okaaaay... I don't even talk online because I don't care to. Plain and simple. She needs courage to? I could if I really wanted to. But I don't want to! What the hell is her problem? It sounds like feminist attention seeking. Being a female myself, I think she's an idiot.

Losing faith in humanity. One day at a time. PS3 and PS4 aren't doomed, Wii U isn't doomed, Nextbox isn't doomed. Humanity is doomed.:/

HammadTheBeast4062d ago

Lol Proud virgin...

Nothing wrong there.

PSVita4062d ago

There giving him crap over a tweet. The whole Hangover movie was based on four guys getting roofied.

Root4062d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Crazyglues4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

Welcome to the dumb ass internet... First and foremost he didn't say anything about a rape...(he didn't even imply anything like that)

he said, "he was drugged by Giant Bomb’s Jeff Gerstmann that's why he looked tired." As a joke... -how again does that have anything to do with a rape.

Well, welcome to the internet -were every idiot with a keyboard in-front of them is all of a sudden a rocket scientist-

Really, how is this even news? this is more about -stupid things- people say on twitter..

Hydralysk4062d ago

What does news have to do gaming journalism?

Crazyglues4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

nah I didn't mean like that, I meant like how did this even make news because he clearly didn't even say anything like what they were implying

gaffyh4062d ago

First GOW: Ascension, now this, a few years ago, this would have been a non-issue, now people are crying about somebody making a joke about being tired. Thank you again twitter for getting offended over some useless crap that was clearly not intended to cause offence!

FAT MAN GO BOOM4062d ago

Well Said Crazy...

It is getting to the point of stupidity...

Kurylo3d4062d ago

Even if he did say something about rape (which he didnt). Who gives a crap. I mean really. Just cause people die in the world.. doesnt mean people stop joking about death. People like to use that whole double standard thing, because they somehow associate a woman being tortured and assume everyone else in teh world sees that image if the word roofie is used. Some people just need to stfu.

Hicken4062d ago

What kills me is how the exact right attitude is being taken by people in the first comment, and they're being marked for Immature?

Seriously, this is going too far. It's what I worry about for gaming: that people will take something- ANYTHING- and turn it into an issue that negatively affects the industry.

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Derekvinyard134062d ago

This is blown waaaay out of proportion

WildArmed4062d ago

This happens often.
Squeaky wheel gets the oil, a few people make non-issues a big deal for no reason.

Abriael4062d ago

I prefer Minsc's philosophy, and it would be more appropriate in this case.

"Squeaky wheel gets the kick!"

MattyG4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

Jesus, lighten up people. I saw the tweet earlier IN CONTEXT. Laughed it off and went on with my day. Rape never crossed my mind because he never mentioned or implied it.

And really? A s***storm? So now two or three people being hypersensitive is worthy of news?

PSVita4062d ago

i could kinda understand if he said " my bum is sore from last night because i was roofied" but he didnt say anything implying rape at all.

ApolloTheBoss4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

This is why I am no longer on Twitter nor Facebook. They can ruin your future if you're not careful.

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Judas First Details: How Ken Levine Is Building on BioShock With 'Narrative LEGOs'

IGN: "We spent six hours playing a recent build of Judas, the next game from BioShock creator Ken Levine, followed by a lengthy conversation with the renowned game designer to discuss the long wait since BioShock Infinite, bringing the "narrative LEGOs" concept to life in Judas, what the game is all about, and much more."

RaidenBlack41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

YT video : https://youtu.be/aIqmnoo8Ui...
with new gameplay segments

Psychonaut8541d ago

I’m tentatively hopeful for this. Love Bioshock. As far as the narrative Legos we shall have to wait and see. The early trailer for Infinite showed off a lot of stuff that didn’t make it into the finished product, and Levine is notoriously difficult to work for, so if this narrative stuff makes it into the came will be curious to see how impactful it is. I’d be fine with something more in the vein of the first Bioshock. Not much like that now, especially since Arkane’s fall from grace.

Psychonaut8541d ago

I didn’t realize Levine’s new studio was under 2K Games just like Irrational was. What was the point quitting Irrational and then 2K dissolving the studio only for him to open up a smaller studio still under 2K? Why not just downsize Irrational, keep operations going and have the brand recognition. Cuz it’s not like Judas is a departure from his normal style. Must be a story there

RaidenBlack41d ago

Cloud Chamber, under 2K, is the new studio developing the next Bioshock (4?) game.

toxic-inferno41d ago

I imagine he had a negative experience building Bioshock Infinite, due to the pressure on the team. As you pointed out in your other comment, lots from that game was cut out or changed before release. I suspect he wanted the opportunity to step back and create a game in a timescale that allowed him to deliver the product he wanted.

Irrational may have also been locked into certain contracts under 2K, and opening a new studio may have allowed him to negotiate new terms.


Looking Back On BioShock With Its Creator, Ken Levine

DualShockers Writes "One of the most important shooters of all time, BioShock, has turned 15. Playing it today, it doesn’t feel like a 15-year-old game, and I realise that’s in large part because so few games have attempted to really follow in its footsteps. It’s a predecessor to certain genres that would come later – like the ‘walking sim’ – and it was the first blockbuster game that showed the medium to be capable of seriously exploring some high-minded ideas, but that mix of emergent gameplay, eccentricity, and worldbuilding where you piece together the story of a fallen city through desecrated rooms, meticulously positioned corpses, and brilliantly delivered audio diaries hasn’t quite been repeated."

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MIDGETonSTILTS17624d ago

How’s the narrative legos coming along, Kev?


Ken Levine On New Game: "People Will Be Surprised But Unsurprised"

The BioShock director has hinted at his new project but isn't giving too much away.

Read Full Story >>
MadLad845d ago (Edited 845d ago )

More and more Levine comes off as that great "ideas" guy, and less someone who should be directing the project.

Infinite came out very little like it was supposed to be, and whatever they're actually working on has been in development hell for years, with nothing to show for it.

Every project he heads is riddled with reworks and reimagining.

He needs to team up with Warren Spector again. They seem to balance each other out.

SeTTriP845d ago

Accept this guy has two definitive goty under his belt and arguably one of the greatest first person adventures ever made.

Well make that two.

MadLad845d ago (Edited 845d ago )


Molyneux was gaming royalty until he tried resting on his past works, expecting his name to sell games.

Over promising, and not delivering on those promises. That sounds a lot like Infinite to me, even if it reviewed well.

Harkins1721845d ago (Edited 845d ago )

It's not in development hell.

Godmars290845d ago

Has it not been in development for eight years?

antikbaka845d ago

"it's not hell! it's just 8 years without anything to show"

MadLad845d ago

What would you call working on something for the better part of a decade, and having nothing to show the public on it?

senorfartcushion845d ago

Artists should be given as much time as they need. Any body controlling that time is detrimental to the process and therefore jeopardising the workplace and therefore their own profit estimations.

Mr_cheese845d ago

While costly, reworks and reimagining are part of the process and when done right, make a game better than it's original concept.

MadLad845d ago

Yeah, but he created this studio many years ago, and all we have to go on what they're working on is, essentially, he promises it's going to be really interesting.

Key talent left to make their own studios, stating they didn't want to deal with his management anymore.

Infinite, as well reviewed as it was, isn't close to as prolific as he was pitching. Not much different than the original.

It doesn't speak well on his skills as a project director; even if good games end up being had.
There's probably a reason he was kept, but relegated to a smaller studio. He makes good products, but he wastes resources with bad direction.

Harkins1721844d ago

He said it started off as something smaller based after being burned out from Bioshock Infinite and the new game became something bigger. Why the hell do you even care? Theres plenty of games to play while you wait for this.

MadLad844d ago

Why do you care that I care?
I never said there weren't other games to play.

Harkins1721844d ago

Because your complaining it takes him awhile to make a game. So im telling you to play other games while you wait.

MadLad844d ago


Yeah. Almost a decade and can't even tell us what his game is about.
Talent actually left the company and produced titles before we can even get a screencap of what they're apparently working on.

No issues there whatsoever. I dont hate Levine. I appreciate his work. He just shouldn't be in a director's position, because he apparently doesn't know how to direct a team.

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antikbaka845d ago

I will buy this game... but not...

Ninver845d ago

I like cold weather, but I dislike cold weather

Relientk77845d ago

I will release a game, but I won't release a game.

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