
Treyarch DeRanking Black Ops 2 Players for having High Speed Internet

RGN writes, "In Episode 1 of the following Series Article chronicling the people against Treyarch in a confusing new development in which Treyarch is DeRanking Black Ops 2 Players for having High Speed Internet connections such as FiOS or Comcast Business Class Cable.

While strict standards have been put in place for a very good reason, the Call of Duty series has one of the most widespread cheating problem in the industry, it appears the features put in place to protect gamers’ enjoyment may now be harming innocent players."

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tristanwerbe4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

Thats stupid

4105d ago Replies(1)
ATi_Elite4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

That's why you have DEDICATED SERVERS to correct this problem instead of that p2p crap that they got where everything gets outta whack!

it's a casual massacre and nobody cares as these same people will buy it next year!

porkChop4105d ago

Black Ops 2 has dedicated servers on PC. Still, most PC players have lag and reg issues. Dedicated servers doesn't equal a better experience. It's the net code that matters most.

Statix4105d ago

Yes, the horrible netcode and lag compensation is the problem with new Call of Duty games. Even with dedicated servers, Treyarch can, have, and will still screw it up.

N0S3LFESTEEM4104d ago

@Porkchop I'd take a dedicated server over the lag fest called P2P. Any day...

Dedicated servers put you at the expense of either the developer or the Admin... the developer has the option to close down servers which can be brought back up by the community but then your at the mercy of the Admin which can either be a dick for no reason or rather cool in some rare instances. Counter Strike and BF3 being are shining examples of admin abuse.

SilentNegotiator4104d ago

And odd. Whenever I played Call of Duty (post-MW1), I was always killed by people with BAD connections.

PhiMattic4105d ago

Interesting, will have to listen to this one.

Romudeth4105d ago

Are there a lot of COD users using 56k connections or something? lol Pretty much everyone has high speed internet nowadays. This isn't 2001.

Hitman07694105d ago

They mean high-speed as in FiOS and Commercial Cable. I'm pretty sure nobody is using 56k but most are using very poor cable or dsl and the result when they go up against somebody with a good connection they lose - bad... If you play the game for just an hour or two you will experience it more than a few times. It's persistent problem among all COD titles.

2pacalypsenow4105d ago

Happens to me even tho i have 22 mbit down and 4 upload comcast but i notice the lag versus other players

geekgamer764105d ago

That's insane rewarding those just for having a fast ISP! Ridiculous!!!

JRivera924105d ago

Lmao, sucks for all the people actually playing legit with a regular fast internet... They should ban or reset all the people that have dodgy ass stats along w/ being Prestige Master...

e-p-ayeaH4105d ago

who cares about stats just have fun playing the game

JRivera924105d ago

Lol, you'd be surprised how many people care about their precious stats... I personally don't, Call of Duty takes no skill whatsoever, it's superbly easy to play.

SilentNegotiator4104d ago

Some people enjoy ranking up and increasing their stats. And if people are getting them through artificial means, other might feel like the experience of gaining stats is devalued.

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Kaii246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

I'll bite.
I don't min/max or alter controller schemes anymore because the default options suit me fine aside from aiming sensitivity, which was freakishly low on default.
But the matchmaking system still does that dissemble-reassemble which I hate and knew that my following games after my first overall score would increase In difficulty, i.e. drop shotters (many more examples)

You've got this ranked play but you have this spm scale that throws you against the sweatwall of hell (2 good games>1 bad game)

Swiftly uninstalled and I save 110+gb