
Capcom: Resident Evil and Street Fighter would restrict us on PS4

Yoshinori Ono explains to MCV why new IP's like Deep Down are more preferable to PS4 at the moment than Next-Gen sequels.

Walker4082d ago

Resident Evil 2-3 Remake with Deep Down's Graphics Engine would be truly scary !

Wizziokid4082d ago

That is actually an awesome idea!

NewMonday4082d ago

or Dino Crisis, just replace the dragon with Dinosaurs.

PS: Is it me or dose that guy in the pic(from the Deep Down demo) look like Steve Ballmer

sobekflakmonkey4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

I think they should re-make RE:Outbreak.

dolkrak4082d ago

OMG Deep Down MS exclusive featuring Ballmer confirmed !!!

Then again, the demo was on PS4

OMG PS4 = Xbox 720 twist confirmed !!!

zeee4082d ago

^ Watcha smoking bro?

DOMination-4082d ago

The guy from deep down looks exactly like Zaeed Massani.

LOL_WUT4082d ago

If what they showed off of Deep Down is true, of being in it's early stages then i'm totally hyped for the final product. ;)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4082d ago
wishingW3L4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

just let go of old experiences. Those games were good for their time but that doesn't mean that they'll be just as good now because of a graphical overhaul. That's just nostalgia speaking.

EbeneezerGoode4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

In your opinion! If you don't like it - in the words of Cliffy B, then don't play it.

Those of us who would like to play it, great games done justice graphically with advances in tech, why be selfish?

I'm sure they can remake them and make new games too?

Resi 1 remake on Gamecube was beautiful, and I loved the original on Playstation 1.

And btw 'dungeons and dragons' bore me senseless - does that make me want Capcom to abandon 'deep down' even though there are people out there who like all that dungeon shit? 8-)

EbeneezerGoode4082d ago

The gamecube remake of Resi 1 was brilliant, remake the lot for PS4 on this engine and get back the old Resi spirit. Would sell loads!

Chris5584082d ago

Btw dragons bore you but totally overused zombies not? Haha

EbeneezerGoode4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )


AM sick to the ball bag with zombie games (TV and Movies too).

However creepy mansions, realistic atmosphere and a sense of 'this could really be happening to me' does NOT bore me.

A good game based around dragons/dungeons I'm sure would be fun. All I said was the general theme of all that medieval stuff is not my preference. Am not stopping anyone else enjoying it (and said that too!).

Knights, Dragons, castles etc... honestly I glaze over.

Zombies? yes they are overdone these days, but resident evil is fine with them as that is what the game is! So long as the atmosphere is there the zombies are almost secondary to the exploring, thinking, fear and immersive aspects.

It was the non zombies in RE games that really bring the horror anyway.

4082d ago
MariaHelFutura4082d ago

I think this a perfect opportunity for them to bring RE back to form.

doogiebear4082d ago

If u think a graphics engine will fix RE than your dead wrong. They need to fix the team/staff making these terrible RE games. IF they put the makers of RE Revelations on a new RE game, with Panta Rhei's engine, THEN maybe we could get a new RE game that doesn't suck (gameplay wise).

BertlSenix4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

The team is fine.
The community they made the games are for is not.
Revelations was made for a Japanese Community and didn't suck.
Everything else was made for idiots aka Xbox/CoD/Halo people and they sucked....COINCIDENCE!!!NOT!
Sames goes for SquareEnix

Capcom said themself they want to get the attention of the CoD/Xbox Community and changed their style to suit those "players"
As it looks they are back on the Sony train after one more realized people on the 360 don't care for anything else than their yearly copy+paste shooters.
If they go 100% Sony and 100% Japanese Community/Taste(cause western people liked those games cause they were Japanese and not westernized) and develop games for the people who made them big Resident Evil and other franchises could come back insanely big.
Same goes btw for SqaureEnix - Xbox destroyed Final Fantasy in just one Gen after 2 Japanese Companies(Nintendo and Sony) made them big over 4 Gens.
People don't care for Call of Duty Fantasy Hallway "RPG".
They want their Japanese Final Fantasy and SE Franchises.

MariaHelFutura4082d ago

No, I don't think its because of the graphics. It's because capcom have said they intend to do that, its a new gen and it's a powerful system. It's just a good time to try it, if that is really what they intend to do.... hopefully they follow through on their aspirations.

Max-Zorin4082d ago

Without Shinji, and Capcom's ''DLC'' scams, I don't think there is any hope for RE.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4082d ago
IAmLee4082d ago

Oh dear god. Dino Crisis.. i'd give my left ball for that :')

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4082d ago
NastyLeftHook04082d ago

@newmonday, yeah dino crisis! love that game, very underrated.

MasterCornholio4082d ago

Dining Crisis was fantastic however Dino Crisis 2 was too arcadey for my tastes.

Motorola RAZR i

stuntman_mike4082d ago

yeah the silver service on Dining Crisis was disappointing.

clintagious6504082d ago

Wouldve been nice to see a new Onimusha. Loved all the Onimusha games.

Arai4082d ago

Totally agree with this, remake the original Onimusha in true 1080p/60fps glory.

Next-gen is shaping up nicely, wish it would be November already.

fei-hung4082d ago

Until you end up with Ninja Theory remaking Onimusha in western style with Samanosuke being a modern day Samurai resembling Justin Bieber, who has a mobile phone which collect Oni souls (instead of the Gauntlet) and the Genma Lord becomes someone like the CEO of Foxconn.

wenaldy4082d ago

Ahhh.. Now that you mention it, i really miss Kaneshiro played as Samanosuke.

clintagious6504082d ago

I loved them all. Jubei, Samanosuke, & Soki. Loved all 3 of them. =]

miyamoto4082d ago

PS4 is now the "Big Easy" of gaming.

abzdine4082d ago

Give me some Maximo with Deep Down graphics!

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Dragon's Dogma 2 continues Capcom's hot streak on Metacritic

Dragon's Dogma 2 continues Capcom's hot streak of favorably reviewed games as the studio lands first on Metacritic's top publishers ranking.

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Capcom Is 'Aware' of Dragon's Dogma 2 Frame Rate Issues on PC

Responding to a query about frame rate problems from IGN, Capcom said in a statement that performance issues on PC may be linked to the heavy amount of CPU demanded from NPCs in the game.

"In Dragon's Dogma 2, a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and dynamically calculates the impact of their physical presence in various environments. In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate," a Capcom representative told IGN. "We are aware that in such situations, settings that reduce GPU load may currently have a limited effect; however, we are looking into ways to improve performance in the future."

just_looken45d ago

What a load of bull there blaming the npc load for there poor performance? the new hitman games has way more going on beyond that they are saying any pc cpu is not powerful enough?

In the article it is also stated a ign reviewr got motion sickness playing ps5/pc version but still enjoyed it? like wow if that was me i would knock it down alot and asked for a patch asap.

So those about to play thank denuvo get a barf bucket if your on pc play 720p because like cites skyline its going to be a unoptimized cpu mess.

Man those on series s/steam deck/rog ally rip :(

just_looken45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

Just putting up a pcgamer review

"its janky has bugs poor performance need lots of updates 89/100"

Gameing bolt unstable frame rate rate below 30fps but that is great??????

Man have we dropped that quality bar for acceptable performance/optimization

a person's view on performance using a high end pc

andy8544d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Am I hearing that right, that reviewer with a 4090 is getting drops into the 20s when there's several NPC on screen. Sorry but there's zero excuse for that. BG3 had hundreds at a time on screen and that's a pretty game. What an absolute piss poor engine

just_looken44d ago


Yes the is correct but every review is giving it a past and or saying that its great that the performance is like the first ps3/xbox one game.

2012 20-30fps 2024 20-30fps dragons dogma keeping things the same reviewers like that apparently

just_looken44d ago

IGN put up a video showing the 4090 struggling aswell as console performance all versions are like the first game with fps issues.Remember dlss 3.0 can almost double your fps like that cyber punk video so without dlss on your looking at 30fps on the most powerful gpu that is out right now.


Cacabunga44d ago

Capcom where is Deep Down???

Tapani44d ago

@andy85 At launch BG3 dropped to under 30fps at the final chapter on 4090. I played the game at launch and had that experience. And that was with a 5800X3D. Everything watercooled and fine-tuned CPU/GPU and memory at 32GB with good timings, and a fast SSD etc.

just_looken44d ago


I am sorry are we comparing a AA game with a small budget with alot going on 24/7 to a AAA game funded buy the billion dollar capcom?

You are right yes but that was patched and that team loves there community but if the first dogma said anything we should expect a patch or 2 but that is it.

andy8544d ago

@Tapani indeed but that was hundreds of NPCs. Not a few. It's piss poor

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 44d ago
lellkay44d ago

Can they be aware of the need for 60fps on consoles plz

just_looken44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Oh no kidding that "pro" model better have a 60fps mode.

But that ps5 pro PSSR will no doubt be a hold back as i see very few devs make a fsr/dlss/pssr game like really sony why did you spend millions to make upscale tech on the 6800 when amd already has fsr 3.0 just sitting there.

I remember the ps4 pro patches that dwindle over time yes new games had the modes but they were not standard and that was without the base ps4 using another upscale tech.


In tldr form devs now make fsr upscale for ps5/xbox PSSR upscale tech on ps5 pro game then dlss/fsr upscale tech pc version and we also have intels xess just insane workload

Eonjay44d ago

'Oh no kidding that "pro" model better have a 60fps mode.'

Perhaps but only if Capcom addresses the issues first. substantially more powerful hardware is struggling.

Furesis44d ago

I mean it's not helping but this is something more than that. Plenty of games with denuvo that work fine

just_looken44d ago

That could be also taxing for sure sense the ps5 also supports that dreadful drm

This is also running off the RE engine remember those re vids with the denuvo drm on/off



MrDead44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Project Zomboid a simple looking isometric game has a similar problem as the Zombies are CPU heavy. If this is the issue GPU tweeks won't do anything, you need less calculations per NPC or more static NPCs


Well that’s just great…looks like I’ll be holding off on buying this on PC until it’s fixed. If I wanted low frame rates I’d just buy it in console smh…


Capcom Boosts Starting Salaries in Japan by Over 25%

Capcom Boosts Starting Salaries in Japan by Over 25%! Strategic move to attract top talent and align with industry trends amid economic inflation.

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58d ago
rlow158d ago

Well there is a lot of laid off talent out there. Very smart of them to target that. Plus if it’s in Japan, that’s a great place to live.

aaronaton58d ago

"Won't someone think of the shareholders!!" wwwaaaahhh

Eonjay58d ago

It funny with this news, their stock price took a small hit. But you know what... thats like too damn bad. We have to stop letting shareholders run the industry into the ground.

FinalFantasyFanatic58d ago

Seriously, you have to spend money to make money, I think some companies and share holders forget that, If you don't pay enough, you can't attract the best talent, or possibly even enough staff for the company to function properly.

Eonjay58d ago

I really approve of Capcom for doing this and will show my appreciation by supporting them. There are a few Capcom games I need to get... and this includes Dragon's Dogma 2. Support companies that support the people working in the industry over shareholders! REMEMBER: Shareholder's don't make games!

Darkegg57d ago

25% sounds like a lot, but it's from $1,560 to $2000 per month. That's $24,000 a year. Unless u became a monk, that is below poverty line.