
PlayStation 4 Are You Willing To Pay $600 For It? Shut Up and Take My…Wait How Much?

GamerFitNation's CEO Antwand Pearman AKA BlackBible asks if you're willing to pay $600 dollars for the PlayStation 4.On February 20th, 2013 Pearman will be attending the Sony press event to see if the rumors of the PlayStation 4 are true or false. He won’t be able to conduct an on camera interviews.So Pearman thought it would be awesome if he could ask, you the gaming community your thoughts on his opinions. In this video Pearman pose the question “Are you willing to pay another $600 price tag?”

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mandf4125d ago

I did it once and I'll do it again. No questions.

GalacticEmpire4125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

It depends on if I feel I'm getting enough tech for my money. The PS3 was a fantastic games machine coupled with a Bluray player, which at the time were expensive, so I felt I easily got my monies worth there.

raytraceme4125d ago

You guys gotta understand that after inflation $600 in 2006 is really almost $700 now. That actually means that for if the ps4 is $500 than its almost $200 cheaper than the ps3. Though with the specs leaked I honestly don't expect to pay over $400.

guitarded774125d ago

Sony said they wouldn't do that again, and I don't expect them to charge that again.

aCasualGamer4125d ago

I'll pay 600$ yes, i don't want to... but if i have to i will. Why?

Because this is my favorite hobby apart from working out. It's my lifestyle. It's a part of who i am. And i'll gladly put in a 600$ investment every 7 years. What people don't realize is that spread out over seven years, that's about 85$ a year. I pay 200$ a year for my gym membership and i'll gladly pay that aswell cause it's part of who i am and it's my hobby.

Now... i'll ask again. Do i want to? No, i wish it was free. I'm a realist though, and i know Sony would collapse as a company if they sold it for 5$. That's the last thing i want, to see the gaming industry crumble and die.

So, will i pay 600$? Yes, if i have to. I'm ready for nextgen gaming, and i'm willing to invest.

Thank you come again!

Dylila4125d ago

i would gladly pay 600 for a ps4 if its worth it with cutting edge technology and very powerful. getting ps4 first day. why would i even think twice about sony ps4 when all their other consoles were cutting edge and powerful and more than worth the price.

i cant wait for ps4

Temporary4125d ago

I'll fork over 600 for a PS4 with no question. It's an investment that if you can afford, is well worth it. I bought a PS3 at launch for their price and I dont regret it one bit. I know i'm getting quality hardware and quality games with my Playstation for the next decade, so 600 dollars is nothing.

4125d ago
Kevin ButIer4124d ago

600 dls price point would make sense if they add a 1 yr subscription to ps+... however, I don't think sony will push that price. No blu ray troy horse this time...

4124d ago
andibandit4124d ago

Completely depends on the specs and the lineup of games.
Also it must carry games i can play in coop with my wife.

Irishguy954124d ago

I'll wait till it's 400 and has alot of games on it. Unless it's launch line up is so amazing that I simply have to get it.

Legion4124d ago


I see what you did there. You threw out figures and then slipped in the new price quote of $500 instead of the talked about $600 and perceived a $200 savings based on faulty inflation logic.

You do realize we are in an economic downfall and virtual recession in the making so the inflation point is mute.

Not to mention that the price of the previous PS3 system was considered ridicules then.

Some people can't even afford bread on their tables these days. So the thoughts of saving due to historical inflation is laughable.

I know I have lost 20% spending power with retirement earnings in the past 3 years alone. That is all due to the power of the dollar dropping so much. (though obviously my situation does not fit that of all gamers)

decrypt4124d ago

Pay that much for a low-mid range locked down PC..

no thx.

scofios4124d ago

When it comes to paying 600 for a console people are fast to complain.

But spending 600 for a phone (Iphone / galaxy) seems to be no problem.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4124d ago
darthv724125d ago

I've paid upwards of $600 for various systems throughout the years. Most notable ones: Neo Geo AES, 3DO, Pioneer LaserActive.

With the exception of the AES, the other two obviously werent worth it. They make good collectors pieces (especially the LaserActive) but I would not go that route again.

Hell, i didnt even pay $400 for my 80gb BC PS3.

LOGICWINS4125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

What if they bundled it with a Vita and a year of PS Plus? Would you buy it then for $600? I would.

EDIT: Black, you were on CNN? Is the vid on Youtube?

nirwanda4124d ago

I loved my 3DO road rash, and need for speed, I felt alot more ripped off with my CD32.

NastyLeftHook04125d ago

i agree, yes i would pay 600 again. i bought 2 at 600 bucks online.

user39158004125d ago

I thought they failed at it onced? The machine its worth that much actually, but they have to sale it at a lost if they want to stay competitive, its what ms will do with 720, they sold the first xbox at a lost. The question is, will sony be able to afford a huge lost from sales of the hardware? Well, cough, cough, cough... I think they have been loosing money for the past 6 years, why not loose some more.

mi_titan274125d ago

"sale it at a lost?" who lost the sale?, is money tight right now so the need to loosen it up (loosing money)

nirwanda4124d ago

Most consoles have sold at a loss and made the money back later on, it usally take about 2 years before they make a profit.
Look at the kindle fire as another example, sold at a loss made money though apps and ads.

nirwanda4124d ago

Ha ha i read it wrong twice.

Anon19744125d ago

I'd wait until the price came down. $400 is the sweet spot for me, even though I paid $500 and $600 for my 360 and PS3 respectively. I've got enough games in my library currently to last me another couple of years, not even counting games I want to play but just haven't ponied up for yet. I'm in no rush to replace either console. I'm excited to see what the next gen offers, but I'm in absolutely no hurry to jump onboard.

insomnium24124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )

LOL the rational person in me thinks exactly alike but come launch day the child in me might force me to act differently. My backlog is miiiiiles long and I still need to replay many old classics. I'm set for a decade ffs but like I said come launch day I might not be able to control myself. My god I remember how it went with the PS3 so I'm not holding my breath for this one.......

Lior4125d ago

You can buy a decent gaming pc for that much which performs better with a gtx 650 which is leaps and bounds better than the rumored specs of both next gen consoles and running with an i5 3.2ghz proccesor

Caffo014125d ago

but you couldn't play the awesome ps4 exclusives..

jetlian4125d ago

A console will never need to be exactly like a pc to beat it. Crysis 1 on pc needed 1 gig ram to run it on low settings yet a console with half the ram could run medium settings.

also the consoles predate crysis the game by 1-2 years

papashango4125d ago

But then you'd be able to play the even better pc exclusives

broken_back-man4124d ago

you must notunderstand the difference between counsles and pc no pc could run kz3 or uncharted 3 or ev3n the last of us on 7 year old hardware and on 512 mb of memory haha your comments are invalid buddy!!!

CrustifiedDibbs4124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )

why do consolers think old pc hardware cant run current games? optimization only goes so far. you dont need current high end pc hardware to get console quality graphics.


i would pay 600 for a console with specs that are worth it, but judging by the rumored specs, its not worth it.

Dasteru4124d ago


Optimization does help but that was a bad example.

The console version of Crysis 1 was made with Cryengine 3 which was basically CE2 light.

It was heavily stripped down to work on consoles and neither the 360 nor PS3 versions looked even half as good as the PC version on the lowest settings.


ps3_pwns4124d ago

no red dead redemption, ni no kuni, and gta 5 for you then. most pc exclusives are just the same mmo's and stuff no one wants. Console game devs are just better is why pc gamers been crying for console games on the pc all the time. Nintendo exclusives alone destroys pc exclusives dont even get me started on adding the ps3/x360 exclusives.

Its only so many times you can play the same skyrim type rpgs, sims games before its like meh pc need to make something better then these rag tag generic games. everything just looks like skyrim on the pc lol. WoW, the witcher 2, insert random game name.

jetlian4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

more like this dasteru


pc looks washed out and most people now use texture packs on crysis and dont know or remember what it really looked like in 07

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4123d ago
muttley654124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )



slapedurmomsace4124d ago

I did it once, and it wasn't worth it, no questions. Of course that is solely because the launch line up was eh', and the first year was turrible in terms of software. If the software is up to snuff, and there is no 1 year shortage I'd have no problem doing it again however. The moment pre orders are avaliable, put the $50 down and pay $50 everytime I get paid and by the time it launches, I have a new system with 4 or 5 games, and no uh oh, where the hell did that $800 go problem. Plus if the line up does suck, you can always get your money back, or put it towards something else.

Kinger89384124d ago

Same! Got an ipad recently and they are £470 so would pay more for a home console

GuyThatPlaysGames4124d ago

I paid $1,000 for mine 2 days after launch because I just had to have one. No big deal.

Flavor4124d ago

Twice burned, once a fool.

0ut1awed4124d ago

Shit, I have no problem paying whatever the price tag is. You know why? Because I am preording it, getting it day one, and selling it for 5 times+ what I paid. :D

The average price of the 360/ps3 was $3-4000 on ebay during the launch weeks. I have a top of the line gaming pc so I think I can wait the extra month or two to buy another one.

lilbrat234124d ago

I don't think it will happen I think that was one of the reasons it did not sell well at first was the price. I hope Sony learned their lesson and maybe it will be less then $400. But who knows.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )

If it's near a high end pc and can be upgraded yes. Otherwise no.
$600+ for static hardware? nah..

BlmThug4124d ago

My opinion is, I would rather they price it at $600 than price it lower but skimp on parts

007Bond4124d ago

Mommy gonna buy it for you? Hell no am I wasting 600 on a video game machine, I work long shifts for my money F that

joab7774124d ago

I agree. i want to support Sony. I just worry about their non video game divisions. I will pay more if the money is used to support the ps4 so the loss they initially take is mitigated and can be used to make great games. I just wish they could figure out the rest so i had more confidence in their company as a whole. But yeah, $600 isnt so bad. My only worry is the xbox price and i dont want the ps4 to become too expensive for gamers again. It isnt outof the realm of possibilities that microsoft does a mobile phone type contract. 199$ and a monthly subscription. Ppl have proven that they will buy anything and pay monthly for it.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4123d ago
mushroomwig4125d ago

It won't be $599, Sonys lessons have been learned.

BitbyDeath4125d ago

Not really a lesson learned, Sony were still losing money even at $600 and it paid off. (Blu-ray won)

Shouldn't be that high this time around unless they decide to bundle in some other new tech like VR.

BitbyDeath4125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

Blu-ray beat out HD-DVD and secured its place in the market.

Blu-ray was a huge part of why the PS3 cost as much as it did because at the time a blu-ray player cost more than the PS3 itself.

darthv724125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

not exactly. Stand alone players were cheaper than a PS3. Even sony's own line of BDP units were less but that was the intention. The PS3 was aimed at trying to capture the market like the PS2 did for DVD.

Back then, the PS2 was the cheapest DVD player but it wasnt the same for the PS3. There were more makers and the competition between HD formats drove prices lower in a quicker amount of time than back in the DVD days.

Remember, there wasnt really a competitor to DVD other than VHS so the conveniences that DVD offered were what kept it more expensive until the adoption rate was sufficient for even more companies to commit to releasing movies on the format.

Blu was bound to win because Sony was more than just the backbone on the format but a major content provider. They didnt have the studios under their wing back in the DVD days. They didnt acquire them until many years later. There is no chance sony was going to let Blu suffer the same fate as Beta and they made sure of that by securing deals with other studios by using the PS brand as leverage.

It worked in the end but nowhere near the rate that Sony was expecting. That could be attributed to the number of companies that were in the race to lower stand alone players. Sony lost out from one perspective (market share) but won from another (format success).

BitbyDeath4124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )

@Darth, It's hard to find prices now but here's some examples of what one cost back in 2006.

Samsung Blu-ray - $999.99.

Sony Blu-ray - $1,000

PS3 was $600.

It wasn't until June of 2007 til Sony was able to reduce the price.


No doubt the PS3 highly contributed to allowing Sony to reduce the price of the tech so quickly.

Flavor4124d ago

Blu ray won.. I can't remember the last physical disc I purchased...

Physical media is so last century.

JamieL4124d ago

I know Blu-Ray won, but "pays off" suggest to me that it made them money, and that has not happened yet. I don't want to sound anti-Sony, but I don't see how the PS3 paid off at all. It seems to have been more of a problem for Sony, to me. It's really too bad seeing as how Sony has the best stance on what gaming should be from a gamers perspective. Sony does focus on bringing out new fresh new IP's, lots of games, and that should be commended, I don't know why that strategy fails so hard, but they do try.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4124d ago
SeanScythe4125d ago

Sadly I don't think I could do something like that again...I've got more bills now then I did when I got the PS3. As much as I would love to be a first adopter I won't be able to do that if it's $600. Now if it's $599 or less I should be good to go. :)

SAE4125d ago

You will be able to buy the ps4 if it is 1 dollar less then 600$?..LOL. I hope it's a mistake or a joke xD..

SeanScythe4124d ago

Yeah it was a joke I'm not even talking about the $50 tax and games needed to even play it. I'm just hoping they don't drop a $600 price tag. Hell I see them doing two models again $499 and $399.

I would like to see the Dualshock controller stay since I'm used to it. What they could do is say for people that will simply be upgrading from PS3 to PS4 you can use the same controller and we will sell just a console without a controller. That would be $50 less on the price tag. But I;m sure they want money for whatever new changers they make to the controller.

Maybe this time it splits and can be used as a motion control, that's how move should have been.

SolidDuck4125d ago

Ya people bash the ps3's $600 price tag but I think a lot of them foget that stand alone blu ray players at the time were $500 plus. So it all depends on the tech.

LOGICWINS4125d ago

Take a $2 million Ferrari for example. Say you got a special deal where you could get it for $500,000. Thats a great value because your getting a 75% discount. Still, $500,000k for a car is too expensive for 99% of people.

Just because something is a good bargain doesn't mean that people can AFFORD to take advantage of that bargain.

For instance, even if the PS4s tech was future proof for the next 15 years, an $800 PS4 wouldn't fly off the shelves EVEN if the tech justified the price point.

Conzul4124d ago

You make a good point but the numbers in your final example are all wrong. People will spend that on a phone or tablet that lasts a year......and if PS4 somehow magically was going to last 15 years, it WOULD fly off the shelves @ $800

LOGICWINS4124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )

^^You put too much faith in the intellect of American consumers. This coming from an American consumer.

Just because people are willing to spend $500-$600 on an Apple tablet doesn't mean they're willing to spend that kind of money on other electronics. That assumption is ludicrous.

Operating under your reasoning, the Vita should be selling TWICE as much as an Ipad since its half the price...not the case in the real world.

You forget that price isn't the ONLY factor that people go by when making purchases. Brand recognition, word of mouth, and advertising play an even BIGGER role than price. THATS why Apple can release a tablet at double the price of Vita or PS4 and STILL smoke both saleswise VERY easily.

Dude why do you think Macbooks outsell Vaio laptops even though Vaios are cheaper? The argument that people who spend $600 on an IPAD are EQUALLY willing to spend $600 on a console is played it. Theres so much evidence out there that contradicts that theory.

Conzul4124d ago

Guess I'll have to concede since Sony's marketing is so atrocious. [non-existent]

LOGICWINS4124d ago

Sony will improve for next gen though. I hear they hired a new marketing company.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4124d ago
KwietStorm_BLM4125d ago

The problem is too many people confuse value with price. The value of the PS3 was never in question. The price, simply was too high for many people, for what is primarily a game console. Even myself, a long time gamer and everything PlayStation owner, didn't get my first PS3 until it was $500, and that's still up there. I want a PS4 at launch, but not for $600, not that I expect it to be that price anyway. Another thing people don't understand is manufacturing costs. I've heard countless people say Sony was stupid for pricing the PS3 so high, not realizing they were losing $300 on every unit. The price tag was a result of what was inside. Being that they appear to be going with more modern, yet still powerful, tech this time around, I think the initial price should be reasonable.

ps3_pwns4124d ago

yeah i remeber when people who knew blueray was superior and what the world needed yet they were fanboys so they got the HD dvd movie format thing for the x360. this is why we cant have nice things in the world. people will sell there soul for crap things in time of war instead of just doing the right thing and getting blueray.

Fel084125d ago

If they price their new console anything above 400 bucks, they will be setting themselves up for failure. The fanboys will be first in line to buy it no matter how much it costs, but the general public won't be paying more than 400 bucks for it.

Conzul4124d ago

That would only be true if Sony continues to fail at marketing in the US

madjedi4124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )


$400 is the absolute minimum price point of either next gen consoles and likely $500 is the absolute highest price point either will see.

How the fuck do you know, have you done any polling at gamestops across the us?

I'll still buy it at $500, but i don't expect anything higher than $450.

Like hardcore 360 fans, will be any different when the 720 is released numbnuts.

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