
ZombiU: Why Ubisoft's Divisive Wii U Launch Title Is Misunderstood

Forbes: ZombiU is a misunderstood game. The exclusive launch title from Ubisoft Montpelier for Nintendo‘s new Wii U console has garnered some divisive critical reaction. While it shouldn’t be heralded as the second coming of survival horror the point is that ZombiU is survival horror, a genre which has been diluted and, in many circles, completely forgotten.

I’m not here to suggest that reviewers who pan the game are wrong, but I am suggesting that their expectations might be.

Neonridr4213d ago

More and more reviews trickle in, and the game seems to be leaning more towards the positive now. I for one am really enjoying the game and the tense atmosphere and moody lighting it brings. I honestly recommend everyone with a Wii U to at least try it. And those without Wii U's should have no business saying it sucks. That's like me saying Uncharted sucks (I don't own a PS3, only a 360). This game may not be for everyone, so the only way to know for sure is to try it for yourself.

Neonridr4213d ago

The majority of people who downvote this game, or say it "sucks" are people who don't even own a Wii U. As I said before, this game isn't for everyone, so you are entitled to your opinion. Care to elaborate at all on your reasoning?

Lovable4213d ago

Nope and I agree. I just want a reaction from you :)

konnerbllb4213d ago

@Neonridr I don't own a WiiU and don't plan to purchase one, but if I had one ZombieU would be my first purchase. We need more games that challenge gamers like this game does. I hope this idea spreads to other consoles. The developer also said porting the game to other consoles isn't out of the question so I look forward to that possibility as well.

DaCajun4213d ago (Edited 4213d ago )

Reminds me of when Demon's Souls came out on the PS3 a ton of people where complaining because they tried to treat it like some hack and slash button mashing game, when you needed to take your time and think before running in like a chicken with it's head cut off hoping for the best. There is too much of the COD mentality out there that thinks if it isn't easy or makes you a super hero in every game that it isn't fun.

Pretty sick of this give every pathetic little kid a trophy attitude. Love Demons Souls, Dark Souls and love ZombiU also for the challenge. It's not perfect, no game is but it is a very good survival horror game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4213d ago
WPX4213d ago

It seems that this game you either love it to death or hate its guts. I, for one, bought this game yesterday and am loving it. This reminds me of Killer7. Its reviews were like this too, either real high or very low(loved that game too).

TheLyonKing4213d ago

The GT one is really good, showing both good and bad very well.

They raise a point that it seems that it should have been left in development a bit longer.

Judging from the reviews it seems like Ubisoft has done another red steel and maybe rushed this out cause of nintendo but non the less I am still looking forward to it and it seems multiplayer is good.

ronin4life4213d ago (Edited 4213d ago )

In many ways redsteel was fundamentally broken while being a little junky. ZombiU is a little... rough around the edges. The concept and design(from what little I've played so far... got to the first manhole and played a bit of MP) is sound, but the package is not polished up to a higher standard one would expect from a physical release exclusive(from what little I've heard from reviews)

Moncole4213d ago (Edited 4213d ago )

Its a survival horror game and lots of people are playing it like an action horror game and thats why its getting mixed reviews.

iamnsuperman4213d ago (Edited 4213d ago )

The ones that I have seen that are giving it mixed reviews are because of technical issues, animation issues (I mean its the same reaction animation for every hit you hit the zombie with a cricket bat), some corner cutting in development and the only logical weapon seems to be the cricket bat and swinging it around gets boring and samey after a while (edit also story). No I haven't played it so I can't comment if they are true but I can comment on the fact that they seem to have issues with those areas and not because they are playing it like an action horror and not the way it "should" be played.


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NecrumOddBoy949d ago

The title says the criteria was explicitly written to mention Eternal Darkness. I am happy to see House of the Dead: OVERKILL on here. With the rise of Grindhouse themes in the 2010s, (ie WET), this was one that was both entertaining and camp funny.

-Foxtrot949d ago

Would be nice to see a new Zombie game set in the UK again, some of the landmarks, old architecture and the like really fits in well with the genre.

Aussiesummer948d ago

Sean of the dead and 28 days later.


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NecrumOddBoy1888d ago

No thank you Gamespew. Not flipping through single pages of ads.

Also speaking of London, I'm pretty pumped for BLOOD AND TRUTH on PSVR

nucky641888d ago

no page flipping for me, either. i wish i looked at your post before clicking on the link.

DaveZero1888d ago

well without clicking through pages The Getaway has to be rite in there.