
Giant Bomb- Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Review

Giant Bomb- Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified attempts to bring some of the flavor of 2010's Call of Duty: Black Ops to the PlayStation Vita by giving you new missions that put you in the boots of that game's main duo, Frank Woods and Alex Mason.

While this could have served as an interesting segue between the events of that game and the just-released Black Ops II, Declassified is a disjointed mess of meaningless missions played against a clock backed up with a multiplayer mode that occasionally approximates something that resembled proper Call of Duty combat.

More often, though, the game feels too small to be entertaining, with maps so tiny that you'll literally spawn with an enemy in your crosshairs... or vice versa. This would be a questionable purchase at traditional downloadable pricing. But at $50? No way.

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NukaCola4197d ago

Yeah. I guess this game isn't what it should of been.

Amazingmrbrock4197d ago

With all the games getting dual releases on the vita and ps3 you almost have to wonder why they didn't just port black ops 2 over to it direct.

I think acti just don't care for sony products as much. Probably not anything personal, its more likely that they just really like the money microsoft pays them for timed content, and sony in comparison is rather cheap.

I'm sure if sony had offered them a few more mill to put a good cod game on the vita they would have jumped to it.

Akuma-4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

this illustrates why reviewers in todays gaming industry are useless. i bought this game with a bit of apprehension on account of this game being developed by a novice dev team but i am surprised about how great of a game it is for a handheld. this game isnt a game being developed on a ps3 with engines that has been refined due to multiple iterations of a game. this is a first generation ''handheld'' game.

this game is amazing and i prefer playing this over the samey experience of blops on ps3. blops ps3 is a good game but it literally feels like the other cod before it which is good and not a negative. id like a mass improvement in tech overall in the cod series so i i cant wait to get a xbox 720 or ps4 version next year. the experience of a cod game on a handheld that is quite similar to console versions is a feat and a treat but i cant expect it to be pixel to pixel or close to the tech of everything on the console versions.

to each their own but this game deserves a way higher score indicative of the game being good. i love it

guitarded774197d ago

This sucks... normally I wouldn't put too much credence into such a low score, but Giant Bomb is one of the few review sites I usually agree with. Still plan on getting the game for Vita, but I'll wait to score it at $20.

BattleAxe4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

Generally when I see a large number of bad scores, I know the game isn't that good, especially after being burned many times myself from not listening to the reviews. Medal of honor is a good example of a game that got hammered by reviewers, and for good reason.

But with CoD:BOD for Vita, just what are they comparing this game to? Its probably the best shooter game to ever be released on a handheld. Theres no doubt that reviewers are not taking into account that this is a portable device, and while I'm sure that the Vita is capable of far bigger gameplay and graphics, as Killzone: Mercenary should prove, these reviewers have absolutely no perspective. The only thing that I see that is really wrong with this game so far is the price point. It shouldn't cost more than $30.00.

Ju4196d ago

^^ You were on a vendetta against MoH AFAIR, and I stil do not agree with your assessment.

I, however, agree with what you say about Declassified. This is a quick game mode CoD for a handheld device. I looks great and the controls and game speed is CoD. I am not sure why those reviewers actually expect a console version when it was clear it isn't. None of the games are - well, I would like to see a full console game on the Vita.

Declassified - and AC Liberation (and Burnout, err, NFS) show that visually those game can hold up. Its a design decision if anything to cater to a quicker get in and out of a game. That's all. But it sure doesn't reward a game a 1/5 score.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4196d ago
darkziosj4197d ago

Funny how people are still defending this game, IT's 50$ for a half-ass cod. with a very bad mp and sp.

TKCMuzzer4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

If he's enjoying it then why can't he defend it. At least he is explaining his reasons, you on the other hand I think may be a little lost. Have you played it?
some people will like games that others will not, personally I thought Halo 3 was utterly mediocre yet there are millions who would disagree with me and will defend it's over inflated scores (Yes I mean Halo 3, Halo 4 looks quite decent).
So no it's not funny how people are defending it is the answer.

Klonopin4197d ago

They can slap a big juicy turd in a plastic case year after year, the sheep will still buy it.

dubt724197d ago

This is more about people defending a game for a system that's an abortion.

tubers4196d ago

Half assed? More like a quarter if you ask me.

A total rip-off for 50 dollars.

MP looks serviceable though but not for 50 dollars.

4196d ago
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GribbleGrunger4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

You know, something smells a bit here. We now know there are problems with the new COD on the PS3 and funnily enough there are currently 3 reviews for the PS3 version up on Metacritic and 44 reviews up for the 360. mmmmm... It's time for PS3 fans to boycott Activation me thinks. This is looking more and more like the Skyrim situation

ronin4life4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

Two separate parties are ending up in a similar position, and the only connection is a party that is suddenly a victim?

No. The only constant in this case is Sony. The other devs are the variants. And many more have been having problems this gen, not just these two.

Sheikh Yerbouti4197d ago

Just buy good games.

You really can't blame Sony, when so many devs make great games on it - both first and third party. If they find it hard to develop, it is STILL their shortcoming when good PS3 games are out there.

If ActiVision obviously phones in a game with poor quality, they're the ones who should suffer. But as long as BO:D is in a bundle, Sony should be happy. Kids are stupid enough to buy crap; it's just their parents money.

miyamoto4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

The question is: Regardless of review scores, since when was a CoD PlayStation version better than a Microsoft one this generation?

Remember all the problems gamers had to put up with the past PlayStation versions of CoD everywhere?

Unfortunately this problem has carried on the PSV even if Sony of America CEO Jack Tretton was an Activision employee for five years.

It will be interesting to watch how CoD turns out on the Wii U, too.

Also let us see how AAA developer handles Sony's flagship shooter, Killzone. Then we can make a better analysis of the situation.

andibandit4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

The only thing that smells here is Declassified, it's bad, just plain bad....bad bad bad.


XabiDaChosenOne4196d ago

@ronin4life "Two separate parties with atrocious track records and close ties to a different third party that is in direct competition with the third party in 'question'." Stop leaving out variables just because they make your argument look stupid.

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killerhog4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

Yeah "wow" some of his critism of the game is similar to its console brethren but yet this gets a 1 but blacks ops 2 (even with reported errors/bugs) is getting 9's to perfect scores?

Spawning on your enemies crosshairs happens repeatedly on the console cod, which has the worse spawning. Just for an example. I'm seeing videos of cod black ops 2 with lag, bad hit detection, crappy spawning infront of enemies etc..

Cosmit4196d ago

Really? You're seeing VIDEOS!?!? NO WAY DUDE! Play the game yourself before being a blind N4G CoD hating sheep.

cleft54196d ago

Yeah I don't trust Giant Bomb any more than I would Gamespot. Reviewers just can't taken seriously anymore.

StraightPath4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

People trying to defend this awful game becayse theytrying defend the vita. They thought this game will save the vita and increase its sales. No one cares to buy this downgrade of a game over the console version. Which idiot will buy this instead of the actual black ops 2 experience let this join medal of honor as one of the worst pathetic games this year and this gen. So farvita hasno good fps. Resistance n now cod awful. Hope killzone dnt join them soon. System needs games badly only triple aa games so far is lpb. gravity rush was enjoyable but nothing amazing.

Vita defenders dnt embrass actual vita owners by hyping each shovelware game to be the,killer app. Its not stop trying making urself fools. Awful gamr is awful.

Tapewurm4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

Don't believe this review...have it ...love it.....online is actually a blast and runs great...a lot of fun to be had here....it's a mini console version and damn good...It's a different story and a nice stand alone game...exceded my expectations...pleasantly surprised.....review is full of bull puckey. Oh, and who is giantbomb.com?....someone got mommy's credit card and made a website 8)

NonApplicable4196d ago

"someone got mommy's credit card and made a website"

Oh, the ignorance...

Haha1234196d ago

Ill take GiantBombs review over yours anyday...

Cosmit4196d ago

Don't believe this review? Then why should we believe your short uninformed "review"?

Tapewurm4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

To all the kids in their mom's basement at giantbomb that disagreed and commented on my post. I have spent a lot of time with this game.... The campaign is made up of short missions and basically plays like every call of duty before it. The online multiplayer is stable, rooms have been full since launch, and the killstreaks, perks, and everything that makes it call of duty's little brother work great. There is a Hostile mode that plays more akin to the modern warefare survival mode...wish it could have been zombies, but I'm not complaining. For them to have put together this type of CoD experience on a handheld system in the timeframe that they did is a feat in and of itself. I like the effort they put into it and the result is a fun shooter that you can take on the go. I realize that we all have opinions, but I can tell by the review that noone at "giantbomb" owns a vita or the game for that matter. Have fun in your mom's basement guys :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4196d ago
Christopher4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

I've seen a total of about 30 minutes of multiplayer gameplay. It looked pretty good for a portable game to me. The maps weren't that small for 4v4 and you didn't always spawn on top of someone else, it was fairy random and infrequent actually.

I get the campaign may be lackluster, but for a portable title, it beats what you can get elsewhere IMHO. I think comparing it to the console version does a disservice to that fact.

Also, a 1/5 for a game with no serious flaws other than it's not as enjoyable or as big as their console alternatives? Seems weird, but I will respect their opinion.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4196d ago
Moncole4197d ago

There you have it, a big game site with a great game journalist saying its bad and now you know the game is bad.

TKCMuzzer4197d ago

Great game journalist? Did not know they existed.

JellyJelly4196d ago Show
cleft54196d ago

I don't trust any game journalist. None of them have an ounce of credibility as far as I am concerned. Game journalist are to quick to hide behind the nonsense that their review is just an opinion to be taken seriously. Also, keep in mind that these guys sold their company to Gamespot, after Gamespot fired them for writing an honest review. Yeah I don't trust these guys.

Cocozero4197d ago ShowReplies(3)
brettyd4197d ago

I've heard nothing but good things from gamers about this game, weird.

admiralvic4197d ago

Same thing happened with Resistance Burning Skies, but that doesn't make either person right.

SamPao4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

no that one was aweful :D great great gameplay, but totally pale on Story side and presentation...
about declassified ..I dunno, I have not played it to be honest, but that developer.... I dunno

bryam19824197d ago

Man I'm thinking the same now i can't make my mind if buying it or no, reviews say game is bad but the gamers say the opposite wtf?

Hdz544197d ago Show
admiralvic4197d ago

Let me help you out.

If you want Single Player, DO NOT BUY.
If you really only care about MP, I would consider it.

The controls are good.
AI is dumb.
Offline is short.
No co op or Zombies.
has an enemy rush mode (offline / ad hoc) mode called Hostiles.
MSRP is $50.
Comes with Roads to Victory (PSP CoD game).
Visuals are better than Resistance, but not the best the Vita can do.
and finally... unknown future. The developer is moving to iOS / Android, so it's hard to say if we get DLC, many patches or anything.

dennett3164197d ago

A lot of gamers who have invested in struggling hardware with a drought of quality games tend to kid themselves that they're having more fun than they're actually having. It happens a lot.

Fez4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

Exactly, was just about to say the same. Also reviewers don't have to pay for the games meaning they can be more objective about it as they haven't shelled out £40 for it. I found myself able to be more critical and objective about LA Noire after I got it free with Max Payne 3 than I would have been if I bought it for £40.

Hdz544197d ago

lol. so true. i feel bad for all the ppl who dropped $50 on this game and are trying to convince others that it was a good purchase.

Sheikh Yerbouti4197d ago

Depends on the person. I'm finding most who like it only do so for its multiplayer, which to me isn't anything I'd appreciate. It is easy to invalidate another's opinion by calling them fanboys. But some may indeed enjoy the game. You might too if you tried it.

Still ain't worth $50, can't get around that tho.

bicfitness4196d ago

RO, Dokuro, D3, Silent Hill, Little King, Gravity Daze and P4G around the corner. I guess it depends upon your taste in games. For Japanophiles like me, I love the Vita library and Soul Sacrifice, God Eater 2 and PSO 2 are out early next year.

If you're into hugely Western franchises or genres, then yeah, the Vita doesn't offer much. I hope the system picks up, but at the same time, I'm fine with it being niche for the next while so that I keep getting more obscure Eastern titles.

Sanquine904196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

i sounds you find it funny that the system is struggeling?

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soljah4197d ago

review scores seem to be a lot different from people who are actually online playing the game. most of what i have read on n4g and other user forum has been positive. a bite sized COD on the go.
game will still end up being one of the top sellers on the vita no matter what and activision knows this.

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Was Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Really That Bad?

PP: Was Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified really that bad on the PS Vita?

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cluclap1015d ago

In comparison to its console counterparts at the time? Yes. Yes it was. In comparison to DS versions? It was god like

Amplitude1015d ago (Edited 1015d ago )

I got tons of fun out of it.

Killzone was better, yeah. Heck even Resistance online was better. But CoD Resistance and Modern Combat and such were all fun to change it up a bit when you've grinded too many hours into Killzone.

If i had to review them, yeah, all those games would get a low af score except Killzone. But i had fun plowing through the Resistance campaign and playing online and goofing off with CoD online while travelling. Not everything has to be a masterpiece but they were all fun enough for what they were lol


Why The PS Vita Ultimately Failed (And How The Switch Did It Right)

How is a system so loved within its community considered a commercial failure, and how did the Nintendo Switch take its idea and run with it?

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MadLad1195d ago

Highly overpriced proprietary memory, and Sony showing it little support, themselves?

VersusDMC1195d ago

Agree with the support but the overpriced memory was always overblown. The switch is an handheld charging 60 for games instead of 40 as they always had before...yet that cost hike is fine.

darthv721195d ago

As someone with both a Vita and PSP GO, it really made me curious why Sony felt the need to make a dedicated memory card when they already had one that was more than adequet. The M2 format (that the Go uses) is virtually the exact same size and shape as the vita... just flipped. It would have made things so much easier for people to buy into it, especially if they were able to insert their existing memory card with their purchased games on it.

I really like the vita, I also think they had a huge missed opportunity with not having TV out. I like to pop my Go onto the TV dock and play some games now and then (doing the switch thing before the switch). Doing that with a vita would have been awesome, especially with full DS4 support.

persona4chie1195d ago

The only thing is the Switch isn’t a handheld, it’s a hybrid of both. So there isn’t really a “cost hike” sure you get an overall lower quality or “handheld” quality when playing portably, but you do get better quality and performance when playing in “console mode”

And yes I know people are gonna say “bUt thE sWitCh iS wEAk” and compared to the PS4 and XOne absolutely, but it’s still console quality games. And the quality is much higher than on any handheld before.

The Vita was a great system, but people’s expectations were too high. It was definitely a capable system, but not as capable as people thought it would be. I don’t remember if Sony said this, but it was said that the Vita would be able to deliver PS3 quality games and it ultimately couldn’t.

And yes the memory cards were definitely an issue. There are countless complaints about it. Nobody wanted to pay $120 for a 32gb memory card https://www.gamespot.com/ar...

Neonridr1194d ago

I mean compare the scope and size of a 3DS game (Link Between Worlds) and compare that to Breath of the Wild and tell me that the additional price doesn't warrant itself.

DarkZane1194d ago

The overpriced memory was not overblown, it's the only reason why the Vita failed.

You had 4, 8, 16 and 32GB cards, but anything below 32GB was too small and a 32GB was $100 at launch, which was way too expensive. A SD card of the same size was like $25.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1194d ago
ApocalypseShadow1195d ago

$249 was a great price for the OG PSP. PS Vita launching at $249 years later for what it did was a steal compared to PSP. Nintendo dropped their price because it made 3DS seem expensive against it for inferior hardware. It worked.

Yeah. The cards were expensive. But look at the flip side. Many gamers stole games on PSP by downloading them from online. Just like they did with PS1 and PS2 games. And we see how DRM gets cut through in software so fast that that wouldn't have been enough. SD Card would have guaranteed theft immediately. They tried something different. Didn't work out.

The games were coming. Problem was, gamers weren't supporting it like they were with PS4. Gamers either complained the games were expensive or that the games were hand me downs or lesser than console like Uncharted. And with mobile phones powerful enough to play games that looked just as good as portable consoles for cheap or free with ads, something had to give. Sony even gave gamers the ability to stream PS4 games at home or anywhere in the world. Even that wasn't enough for some.

Nintendo has ruled the mobile market for decades. It's why they can weather the storm of challengers and mobile. And with new customers being born all the time, Nintendo rides its same properties like Disneyland. But new in house IPs are almost non existent.

The only thing Switch did was have no opposition. No competitor. Microsoft was too cowardly to try ever and Sony gave it a shot. TWICE. Now, if we flip the article around, we can ask how Sony had been successful with PS4 and PS5, while Nintendo failed at dedicated home consoles and ran to mobile.

persona4chie1194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

Except they didn’t run to mobile? They’ve always had “mobile” devices, and they’ve proved in the past, gimmick or not that they can have a hugely successful system.

They literally just took the best part of the Wii U and made it independent. The Switch is a home console as well as a handheld, not just a handheld but people like that as an added option.

And while Nintendo has definitely had a few poor selling home consoles they haven’t failed by any means, “mobile console” or not it’s still successful.

Plus money is money. It doesn’t really matter if Nintendo is making it with a home console or a handheld. Just like Sony saw the handheld wasn’t viable so they dropped it to focus more on PS4.

Neonridr1194d ago

they failed once, with the Wii U... so you could say that but you'd be reaching Apocalypse.

rdgneoz31194d ago

@persona4chie "And while Nintendo has definitely had a few poor selling home consoles they haven’t failed by any means"

What would you call the WiiU? Nintendo ditched that pretty fast and went to a new console after a few years. WiiU (came out Nov 2012) had 13.56 million sales as of December 31, 2019. Switch has around 80 million and it came out just under 4 years ago.

That said, they learned from their utter failure with the WiiU and came out with the Switch.

ApocalypseShadow1194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

Nintendo has failed more than once. Home and portable consoles. But name a portable console competitor to the Switch? I'll wait...still waiting...still waiting...

What some fail to mention, is that Nintendo has/had no direct competition to Switch. Zero. They also fail to see that Nintendo has been the dominant portable console maker since Gameboy. Not one portable has won against Nintendo since then. Targeting Vita is foolish as the market leader has always been Nintendo.

As for home consoles, Nintendo basically abandoned the formula of building a dedicated home console. They built a hybrid that's really a portable that replaced 3DS and happens to connect to a TV. But we all know its use and tech specs is mobile. Trying to spin that it's a home console is ridiculous when it can't even play certain games on home consoles. That's why it's streaming certain games. Why? It's a mobile platform. That just happens to have no competition. And Nintendo has been riding on underpowered products while selling the same properties without new IPs for years. At least we can say with Sony, they make new franchises EVERY GENERATION. Something Nintendo doesn't do.

Summary: Nintendo has always been portable market leader for years. And now, they have no competition. Not even from 3DS. So, of course Switch is going to sell unopposed. Vita would have been destined to be second fiddle to Nintendo with portables regardless. Even if Sony would have stuck with Vita.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1194d ago
gamer78041194d ago

No first party support, end of story, they set it up to fail. I still have mine but after launch there was third party support only. They left it to die.

persona4chie1194d ago

Yeah I had a vita on two separate occasions, and I loved it. But like you said, they created this great system and then said “alright go die”

gamer78041194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

@persona. Right I really liked the system. I even bought the pstv thingy to play my vita games on the tv too

Knushwood Butt1194d ago

It did get a lot of first party support for the first couple of years, but what happened is that third parties didn't know what to do with it. Toned down ports on the cheap, or risky new IPs or AA spinoffs,

They all held back and waited to see someone else take the plunge but it never happened and sales of the Vita didn't pick up, leaving Indies and slowly dwindling first party support.

Name the big third party games on Vita. Assassins Creed Lady Liberty? That CoD game?
Nothing from Capcom.
Nothing from Konami.
Koei Tecmo supported it well but all ports.
Bandai Namco had Ridge Racer that got slammed due to weird content behind paywalls.

Also didn't help that the media slammed anything that wasn't breaking new ground. Strange how the Switch gets a free pass on that.

Anyway, it did get Darius Burst CS, which is also on PS4, but is portable shmup excellence.

Ulf1194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

This isn't true. There were a ton of (very well done) first-party Vita games in the first couple years -- Unit 13, Killzone Mercenary, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, etc.

They did choose to cater to an older audience, which may have been a mistake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1194d ago
badz1491194d ago

Nope. Games. Plain and simple. It didn't even have the games like the PSP did. Such a shame for such a wonderful hardware

specialguest1194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

Even today people are still not willing to accept that what you stated with the overpriced memory and Sony showing little support was a big factor leading to the Vita failure. I remember wanting to a Vista, but was really turned off by the proprietary memory price. Sony abandoned the PS eyetoy on the PS2, the Vita, and PS Move. The PSVR got more support, but Sony could definitely do more

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franwex1195d ago

Pretty much Sony ditched it to focus on PS4. Can’t say I blame them, but it is disappointing. If Nintendo can manage to put out games for handhelds and main consoles-I would assume Sony could too.

persona4chie1195d ago

Oh definitely and the Vita would have been the perfect system for it. The PSP sold how much? 80m? That’s really damn good. If the vita 1. Had more first party support from Sony. 2. Had cheaper memory cards or used SD cards (the 32gb card cost and eye watering $120 at launch) and 3. Maybe launched at a cheaper price, maybe $50 cheaper it would have easily been a success.

godofiron1195d ago

I personally skipped the vita because memory was just so damn expensive - then eventually, Sony gave up on supporting it.

it got nowhere near the love that the PSP got, which is an absolute shame cause it paired pretty well with the PS4.

1nsomniac1195d ago

The only thing Sony cared about was protecting its image against piracy. They were willing to destroy it for the sake of saving face to its investors after the PSP. Same approach they took with not allowing external storage on the ps5.

AnotherGamer1194d ago

The overpriced memory cards easily.

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10 PlayStation Vita Software Missed Opportunities

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Many would argue – and I wouldn’t really disagree – that the PlayStation Vita never really had a killer app. There wasn’t that one piece of software that helped change the console’s fortunes. The closest we got was arguably Persona 4 Golden, an early release that received huge critical acclaim, but it was part of a niche series and as such its sales impact from a hardware perspective was muted.

There were missed opportunities along the way, as certain titles had the potential to change the Vita’s fortunes, but the way the final product was delivered (if indeed it was delivered at all) left a lot to be desired and so they didn’t reach their full potential. It’s these games I’m aiming to look at this in this article – 10 games that were missed opportunities on Vita. I’m not saying that every release I’ll be talking out here had the potential to be a “killer app”, but if they had been executed a little better they would have undoubtedly been a key factor in helping the console reach a wider audience."

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ilikestuff1686d ago

Still thinking about the that last of us 2 multiplayer missed opportunity

isarai1686d ago

My soul still aches over the idea of making 3D Dot Game Heroes a Vita series never happening after the dev studio expressed interest in doing so. Could've been a flagship for it, or at least carried it a bit further.

Abcdefeg1686d ago

The vita contributed to the ps3 having less support from Japanese devs. I hope sony keep focusing on one console at time like they are now in the future

1686d ago