
Why the Xbox 720 Will Be the Next Generation’s Top Dog

StickSkills said, "Released a full year before its competitors the 360 was immediately snapped up by gamers eager for something new. It’s had a few dips here and there, but right now it’s outselling Wii and PS3 monthly and with pretty impressive sales for a console that is seven years old. So with that in mind, here’s why I think the next Xbox (it won’t be called 720, let’s be serious) will be next gen’s top dog."

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NYC_Gamer4246d ago

I hope MS offers us all some new exclusive franchises

LOGICWINS4246d ago

Even if that were to happen, I still wouldn't get a 720. No way I'm paying for XBL Gold.

hennessey864246d ago

I don't mind paying for gold, I no online play should be free but the service as a whole is worth paying for in my personal opinion. I think giving away some freebies ps plus style would go a long way to thank gold subscribers for supporting Microsoft from day one, which I have as I have been an Xbox live sub since day one. I suppose if you were a play station only gamer last gen and didn't have to pay for online you can't really expect them to do it this gen when psn is free. Hopefully they will have a platinum service next gen with gold being free. At least it's then a choice like ps plus.

3-4-54246d ago

You can't pay a one time payment of $60....but you can buy 5-6 $60.00 games a year ?

You have no logic.

LOGICWINS4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

^^Who says I buy 5-6 $60 games a year? The only game I spent $60 on this year was Max Payne 3.

@hennessey86- PS Plus is only getting more and more popular. You can bet that Microsoft will try to do something similar when the next Xbox comes out.

Peppino74246d ago

If released at the exact same time... ps4 will eventually have more sales.

thorstein4246d ago


For $50 (PS Plus) I get tons of games that were all priced from $20-$60. My HD is full of them... so, what is your point?

NeverEnding19894246d ago

You're a good poster boy for the internet. Your comment is nothing. You don't explain yourself, you don't provide any links, and you don't state any facts.

Even if you're simply stating an opinion, provide some sort of reasoning.

Again, your comment is nothing.

MariaHelFutura4246d ago

Buying ANY game you want is better than purchasing XBLG. Even if it is only $60/yr. No one can say they would rather purchase XBL then buy a new game they really want. People buy XBL because they are forced to, plain and simple.

TheGreatIndonesia4246d ago


well maybe his reason based on fact that despite 1 year late came into the market (1,5 year in europe) ps3 has been outselling 360 almost every year except 2011... even 2012 until now according to neogaf ww number ps3 still leading.

would you agree if ps3 and 360 released at the same time ps3 sold better? maybe the same thing could happen with ps4 and 720

ABizzel14246d ago

This was a waste. 4, 3, & 2 could all be combined into one topic for XBL. 5 is only going to help if MS takes Kinect and put 10x more work and effort into it for core gamers.

How about

1. Exclusives
2. XBL & Community (gamers)
3. Unrivaled 3rd support
4. Price & Kinect
5. Xbox Brand is now Mainstream

Those are the things that will carry the 720 through the next-gen, however, Japan will always hold them back, as well as diversity of exclusives.

PurpHerbison4246d ago

There isn't even 5-6 games worth buying for 60 bucks every year.

Ryo-Hazuki4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

Next-gen Playstation won't be $600 so MS won't have the pricing edge on Sony and most likely won't have a year head start either. Playstation is the bigger brand. Not mention all the features PS4 will have (party chat...etc) and the games, ps plus, etc

sticky doja4246d ago


If using trends of past systems to predict future system sales you could say PS2 outsold Xbox by a huge margin. PS3 and 360 are neck and neck. Based on these 2 facts 720 will outsell PS4 by a huge margin.

Of course this is all speculative BS but as long as we are pulling crap out of the air might as well have the poo fling both ways.

InactiveUser4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

"but right now it’s outselling Wii and PS3 monthly"
(from article description above)

False, not outselling the PS3. In the US, sure. Worldwide, no.

PS3 is the highest selling home console the past 40 straight weeks, including every week in 2012.

indubitably4246d ago

I could see Sony requiring a fee for online as well in the next generation of consoles. The fact of the matter is, they are not making nearly as much profit as they should be, and they can not subsidize the costs for their customers much longer.

EVILDEAD3604246d ago

The site made a case for all 3 as Top Dogs..

In regards to the 720, MS is in it's best position ever to solidify a successful gen.

Xbox Live has not only been a huge factor in the 360s success this gen, but it will be a HUGE reason that the migration to the 720 will be massive early on for the hardcore 360 fans.

Xbox live 3.0 + Windows 8 + Kinect 2.0 + A system that will clearly outpower the 360 by a long shot all could could equal hardware that will easily put MS in a great position.

Franchise-wise the 720 has a strong set of go-to titles and next gen games gthatr will be hugely anticipated by millions and millions just like the Nintendo.

At the end of the day..they got a shot..only time will tell.


andibandit4246d ago

Reason would be because:

Nintendo wont have the same success they had with the Wii,
and Sony is in the process of some major internal restructuring.

sikbeta4245d ago


It'll happen, rumors saying that all Devs switched to XBX3 development for at least a year, that's why there isn't much exclusives right now.


In America it already won ;) next one is Europe, Japan is out of the question right now, but in the future you never know...

mewhy324245d ago

Well I don't think that I'll be making the next gen jump right away. I'm going to play the wait and see game. I have Xbox, PS3, Wii, and gaming computer. I've got plenty to do. ROFL.

DragonKnight4245d ago

@EVILDEAD360: Every time you post I get the impression that you're at home with a powerpoint presentation ready, Microsoft banners everywhere, Microsoft mugs filled with coffee, with a Microsoft t-shirt on. I wonder why. Oh yeah I know why, because you're a freelance PR rep that loves his work so much you refuse payment from them.

On Topic: 1 reason this article is wrong: You don't know jack shite about the 720.

yesmynameissumo4245d ago

If XBL were so successful, why don't they release their numbers of Gold vs. Free? Probably for the same reason PS+ numbers weren't released. They're good, but not as good as they've lead people to believe. The 720 isn't on my radar simply because of XBL. Not paying for what I get free on PC, PlayStation and WiiU.

nukeitall4245d ago (Edited 4245d ago )


"Buying ANY game you want is better than purchasing XBLG. Even if it is only $60/yr. No one can say they would rather purchase XBL then buy a new game they really want. People buy XBL because they are forced to, plain and simple."

I buy XBLG over a game all the time. My problem isn't finding games to play, but rather finding people I want to play with that has a microphone and a way to efficiently play and communicate togheter. I have too many games sitting on the backlog already. It wouldn't surprise me that the vast majority of people hanging out here has the same problem with a backlog.


"@hennessey86- PS Plus is only getting more and more popular. You can bet that Microsoft will try to do something similar when the next Xbox comes out."

I would doubt MS would do something like that. It's like the strategy asians tend to employ by lowering the price so bad they think the competitor will die out. What really will happen is they both die as consumers get used to that price point.

In MS case, having free games every month would massively affect long term profits of third party. Third party pretty much makes up the platform when you look at the sheer amount of money that flows.

It will also negatively affect the value of games that already struggle.

A good example of this is why a new generation is needed to renew interrest and buying. Because lots of games are so cheap, there are no longer much profits to be made since people will just buy the cheaper games instead of the latest and greatest.

I do it all the time!

I held off buying so many games until they hit $20, because I already have so many games.

If there is one thing MS is smart at, it is the business game. They have consistently shown that during this entire generation with the Xbox 360 as it has been a massive success for both MS and the consumer.

EVILDEAD3604245d ago

'@EVILDEAD360: Every time you post I get the impression that you're at home with a powerpoint presentation ready'

See the only reason you get that 'impression' is because your bleed SONY and your a fantroll still fighting the make believe console war.

I love how keeping it real on this site, brings out the hypocrisy in these fankiddies. But, it's easy to see though em' like glass.

On topic..

You don't have to know one spec detail to know that if MS simply builds on what made the 360 successful they will be in great shape...


SolidStoner4245d ago

awesome! Next generation isnt even here, yet someone is stating his personal opinion about best things in future, what a surprise!

I predict my old black atari 16 bit will beat the shit out of any future console :)

DragonKnight4245d ago

@EVILDEAD360: "See the only reason you get that 'impression' is because your bleed SONY and your a fantroll still fighting the make believe console war.

I love how keeping it real on this site, brings out the hypocrisy in these fankiddies. But, it's easy to see though em' like glass."

Oh really? Go ahead and look through my recent comment history and find a post that's filled with the PR garbage you spew but about Sony. Go ahead, I'll wait.... Can't find any? Yeah thought so. You're spouting MS PR left, right, and center and yet you're not a "fantroll" or "fankiddy" and you're "keeping it real?" Yeah, ok there bud. Keep missing out on those checks.

"You don't have to know one spec detail to know that if MS simply builds on what made the 360 successful they will be in great shape..."

Actually yes you do. Nintendo, Sega, and Sony have all proven with their own failures that there are no guarantees and that you can't assume that "more of the same thing" will guarantee success. But what else can you expect from people who are satisfied with the same 4 exclusives every year and absolutely no demands being made for console defining exclusive GAMING experiences. Have fun continuing to pay for what everyone else gets for free.

soxfan20054245d ago

You're 100% right. Guys like Dragon Knight simply HATE the fact that MS has so many console defining AAA exclusives. He claims he's not anything like Sony PR, but he does his best impression by actually trying to spin the 360's multitude of highly rated, high quality exclusives into a negative. His hate of the 360 has actually made him think it's BAD to have so many quality games.

Sure, we know nothing about next generation from MS or Sony. But, if more of the same from MS means more quality exclusives, that's fine with me. Dragon Knight (and the rest of the SDF) can keep spinning while Xbox gamers continue to enjoy the console defining games that he pretends don't exist.

Next will come the inevitable comment in which he tries to twist the definition of a console defining game so that ONLY PS3 games matter.

DragonKnight4245d ago

@soxfan: LMAO! And I thought EVILDEAD360 spewed PR. Wow son, that must have taken quite a bit of effort.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 4245d ago
greenpowerz4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

As long as the games are not crap made as fluff/filler simply for boasting's sake.

Over promising games that might not even finish development, hyping games barely on the drawing board and then having to announce delays and cancellations isn't MSFT's way due to being the world leader in software.

MSFT's goal this generation wasn't to fluff up their games lineup list with fluffware but to help 3rd party developers flourish adopting what they thought helped PS2 beat its competition last generation.

The only way MSFT was going to earn more marketshare/mindshare this gen was to help 3rd party developers thrive, at the same time allowing the 360 to become the go to console for developers.

What good is that strategy if MSFT had a ton of 1st party games competing with 3rd party games.

MSFT has built their rep up enough for them to do what they wan't next gen with the XBOX-720 (1st or 3rd party strategy or both)

MSFT has said this since before the 360 even launched.

Jason_Tanner4246d ago

Where on you body did you get your "Microsoft 4 Life" tatoo?

mcstorm4246d ago

That was well put and what ive said all along about microsoft and the 360. Microsoft are very good at coming from behind in markets to over take the number one they have done it so many times and this is what ms are looking to do with windows 8 windows phone 8 and the next xbox.

Ms are looking to overtake rim and close the game with android and ios with windows phone 8 but know they wont over take it until at least 2015 if things go to plan.

Windows 8 is looking to pickup the tablet market as there are still issues in bridging the gape between pc and tablets with ios and android.

The next xbox is to take more market share from both sony and nintendo and if you look at the services they will offer in term of phone tablet xbox office skydrive xbox music and more microsoft will offer a very good all in one package that may get people using there products over others.

But each console gen is different and just because they had success this gen dose not mean they will this gen look what happend to sega after the mega drive or nintendo after the snes or even sony after the ps1 and ps2.

I hope sony microsoft and nintendo all do well next gen as they all offer us some amazing experiences and games and i will be supporting all 3 again by getting there next gen consoles.

GuyManDude4246d ago


One time payment? That would be nice, except I've had my Playstation 3 for five years now, and I'll be playing all year next year since new systems won't be out until next holiday at the earliest.

Had I bought a 360 instead I'd have had to pay $360 for online gaming ($240 if I got 12 month cards on sale for $40).

$240-$360 to play video games online? No thanks.

FragMnTagM4246d ago

Why is it such a big deal that people enjoy Live?

I will pay it until a similar service comes up for cheaper or free. Right now, neither Sony or Nintendo offer the same as Live.

People pay way more for cell phones EVERY month, yet Live is too much? LMAO.

I am very satisfied with my 360, PS3, not so much. I have had two PS3's and have sold both of them. The first party exclusives are pretty, yes, but replayability is severely lacking.

I have a gaming PC too, but most of my buddies have a 360, so that is where I primarily game. If I want to drool over graphics, I turn the PC on.

Anyway, I know I am falling on deaf ears here, so I will just shut the F^(& up as I know I can't spread any logic or common sense on this site.

GuyManDude4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )


"Why is it such a big deal that people enjoy Live?"

Perhaps you need a lesson in literacy. I never claimed that people shouldn't enjoy XBL. It's nowhere in my post. What I did say is that I'm not going to pay about $300 over 6 years to play games online when I can do it for free. I have no problem with other people paying money to play games online.

The games I've played online (Call of Duty 4, Warhawk, Killzone 3, Uncharted 2 & 3, Portal 2, Battlefield BC2 and BF3, and now Borderlands 2) have been problem free. That's what I care about in an online service. Not LastFM, Facebook, or cross game chat. But again, if others want to pay for those things, that's OK with me.

moparful994246d ago

@Frag "I will pay until a similar service comes up for cheaper or free." 1 word, 3 letters. PSN.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

You mean your NOT willing to shell out $60 a year to play the other half of YOUR console? You mean you won't pay $60 a year to play the online portion of your already purchased game? You mean you aren't willing to blow $60 a year to use Netflix which is another paid service?? You mean you aren't willing to.... ah nevermind you get the point....

Rhythmattic4246d ago


"The first party exclusives are pretty, yes, but replayability is severely lacking. "

Wow...Your severely lacking any reasonable judgement.

Kurt Russell4246d ago

I agree with Frag.... UH-OHHHHHH.

WetN00dle694245d ago


Nah im good, dont feel like playing on the Maintenancestation 3. Ill stick with live.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4245d ago
xtremeimport4246d ago

this is the most retarded article I've ever read.

Lets speculate about systems that we know absolutely nothing about and already start calling winners and losers!

Paired with the fact that this kid is clearly biased towards the xbox as his negatives towards the Wii and Ps3 are typical over hyped criticisms.

just silly

wastedcells4245d ago (Edited 4245d ago )

Isn't the 360 out sold everywhere this gen? They do great numbers in the US but everywhere else it's in third place. No doubt they will sell well coming off a strong console in the 360 but I can't see them outselling the wii u or the ps4 worldwide. With regards to advertising majority of 360 ads I see are tied to third party multi platform games... Very smart. Just caught a RE6 ad during family guy.

FanMan4246d ago

i am not planning on buying one unless they offer something other than gears or halo.

kikizoo4246d ago

"stickskills" lol, new xbox's fans blog spotted...

"It’s had a few dips here and there, but right now it’s outselling Wii and PS3 monthly and with pretty impressive sales for a console that is seven years old."

yeah yeah, sure, and ton of exclusives..keep dreaming.

wastedcells4245d ago

That's not true. Check the numbers again.

Megaton4246d ago

The Xbox 360's success has proven that games don't matter as much as advertising. If you cram consumer faces full of "XBOX XBOX XBOX" all day on TV, they'll buy your thing regardless of the quality. I wouldn't expect too much beyond Kinect exclusives. Expect more timed-exclusive DLC and more of the same 4 exclusives they always release. Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza.

I'd love to be proven wrong, with Microsoft releasing a cornucopia of great exclusives and new IPs, but I just don't see it based on what has lead them to success this generation.

MacDonagh4246d ago

Totally agree with ya Megaton. One thing in my opinion that has been severely lacking on Sony's end has been the advertising. Microsoft marketed the hell out of their console and it sold despite their launch consoles having an unacceptable failure rate and Microsoft actually advertised their 4 major IPs while Sony didn't which baffles me to be honest. They have great games/system sellers but they aren't pushed.

It won't matter though. Next gen will be won by Wii U. ;)

Funky Town_TX4246d ago

Every time I turn on my 360 and watch my PS3 collect dust I do so becuase M$ told me to, GTFO. I plau my 360 the most because the online is better to me, the controller is better to me, and most of the games I play are multiplats. The PS3 has great eclusives but they have zero replay value.

4246d ago
Megaton4246d ago

Who are you responding to, DK286K? Can't be me, because I didn't mention Sony once, nor did I claim Kinect contributed to any of Microsoft's success, let alone all of it. Don't project so much.

4246d ago
Megaton4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

You're far too defensive. It's unhealthy to be so emotionally attached to a mass-produced electronic device. It doesn't love you, and neither does Microsoft.

Aside from the network effect, Microsoft's biggest gains this generation came largely from multiplats. Exclusive DLC, exclusive ad campaigns, exclusive console bundles, exclusive launch parties, etc. This became so successful that they no longer had to rely on exclusives. Why dump 50m into a AAA title developed in-house when you could just drop a couple moneybags off at Capcom, SquareEnix, Bethesda, or Activision and produce the illusion of multiplat superiority on the Xbox 360? Potentially greater payoff for a fraction of the price and manpower.

While it might annoy me in a "I see what you did there" kind of way, I don't hate them for their aggressive PR. It's not necessarily dirty, but merely something Sony can't afford to do. Having Windows as a bankroll allows Microsoft more breathing room for expenditures than almost any company on the planet.

Advertising, one of Sony's biggest weaknesses, is one of Microsoft's biggest strengths. Not a day goes by where I don't see an ad for at least two Microsoft products, and I don't watch a whole lot of TV. I can't remember the last time I saw a Sony commercial. Whether it be because I really didn't see any, or because they were completely unmemorable.

I'm sorry you feel so hostile and agitated by my post, but that's something you need to sort out yourself. Nothing I said was unreasonable.

MacDonagh4246d ago

@DK286K Advertising is a very important tool when it comes to getting your product sold. PS1 and PS2 both had advertising budgets and they pushed the games that were on it. You can have the best product for your chosen market, but if you don't advertise it properly, it'll fail.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4246d ago
otherZinc4246d ago

M$ already has the exclusives that sell the most. It doesnt make sense to dump money into franchises that no one buys.

I'm sure they'll bring back Banjo, Kameo, Perfect Dark, Halo, Gears, Alan Wake, Forza, Fable, Blinx, and several Kinect Titles. Also, others that were good.

The one game I hope they bring back most is Brute Force! (that is after Halo, Gears, Forza, & Fable)

M$ will start out fast next gen because they used the last 10 years making everything work together!

Live is outstanding & Smart Glass is going to keep everyone live no matter the mobile device.

720 is going to be a Beast!

moparful994246d ago

So instead of calling it a gaming console lets call it the HaloGearsForzaFableBoxKinectAp papalooza machine 3.. Because you know new Game IP's dont matter at all.. SMH

insomnium24245d ago

OtherZinc pretty much sums up the typical x360-person today.

Zales!, exclusives-are-not-important and "Woo Kinect is teh great".

I would just love to hear what a person like that would've thought of the x360 fanbase that ruined the atmosphere in here during the first 3-4 years of this gen saying the exact opposite of everything he just said pretty much.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4245d ago
Bigpappy4246d ago

Those are good points. You can argue any of them, but if you live in the west these point maybe easier to accept.

OneAboveAll4246d ago ShowReplies(2)
blue_cheese4246d ago

i think its a no bainer the NextBox will be a commercial success, but I'm more curious if they will keep us avid gamers pleased. i realy hope to see more IP's from MS, and some actually good kinect games, not to mention this whole MS points and having to pay for XBL+DLC Passes+App Fees, this whole part of Xbox needs to be streamlined for gamers its too convoluted and tedious.

ACBAA4246d ago Show
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purple10121d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

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Kaii94d ago

Well, 4-Infinite dropped the ball massively so don't worry.

Sgt_Slaughter93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Not really. 4, 5, MCC, and Infinite are only remembered for their shortcomings and failures when the franchise was purely known for being a system seller and an all-time great. There's a reason 1, 2, 3, and Reach are looked back on fondly, and it's not because of nostalgia.

FinalFantasyFanatic93d ago

I don't know of anyone that speaks fondly of the later Halo games, I would like to play 5, but I know it's not good, and I'm just waiting on Infinite to hit my strike price. I played MCC a lot later after it came out, so must of those bugs/issues were gone by the time I played it.

93d ago
PhillyDonJawn93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

To say it dropped the massively is just not true. Many in the community hold H5 as the best mp mechanics in the entire series and say its what 4 should've been. Its campaign was trash but the MP is Fantastic and many faces of the community still play today and it only made 500mill in the matter of months but sure it dropped the ball massively. 4 was hated due to all the changes at once. And CoD like feature and rightful get hate but it's campaign story was liked by a majority of ppl. 343 hasn't nailed ot 100% but they get 1 thing perfect but F up in other places. Infinite had a good campaign and design but the story was a mess. The MP improves upon what Halo 3 was and is what many ppl wanted to go back to but it lacked content severely. So massively aint the word. Dropping the ball massively is when it's pure trash and unplay/unenjoyable. Most ppl blind by nostalgia so soon as 1 thing aint the same its hated cause Halo set the bar so high
FYI reach was not that good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 93d ago
Vengeance113894d ago

Dead IP, time to invent something new.

kaos8994d ago

Maybe they can have ID or one of the COD studios help 343 with this series.

jznrpg94d ago

Halo-Pop like Gears Pop. Halo bowling. Halo Cooking Mama. There’s a reason why you won’t hear about them

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