
Ads up, games down: The ugly, profitable details about Xbox Live advertising

Xbox Live is the online platform for the Xbox 360 that allows people to play against each other online, chat across games, and manage their friend list. Xbox Live is also a for-pay service, costing around $5 a month depending on where and how you purchased your subscription. Microsoft has successfully created a service that offers much of what other services like the PlayStation Network and Steam give away for free, but the company didn’t stop there. The other way Xbox Live is being monetized is the sale of advertising.

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Emilio_Estevez4338d ago (Edited 4338d ago )

Wow, they are raking in the dollars from those advertisers. I work for a media company and those #'s are insane. I mean off your rocker, strait in the looney bin, do not pass go, do not collect $200 insane.

The more these companies pay for it the more it will go up too.

darthv724337d ago

I do not see these ads as being a bad thing. You can find some interesting stuff you probably didnt think about at first when you went to sign into live. Not to mention that I know where everything is.

Give me a cable remote and tell me to find a specific tv program amongst the hundreds of channels WITHOUT knowing the exact channel number.....now that is navigating.

Bottom line is the ads are nothing like what we see on tv. You have to actually stop on them (if they are video based) to see/hear what they are about. All of the other ads (well...most of them) are all relating to content available through Live.

Like the ad for breaking bad season 1-4 at 50% off...yeah that is available in the marketplace. Oh go figure....advertising things that are available to buy WITHIN the very service you are using. What a concept.

Im just glad you arent subjected to watching mandatory ads before playing your games like movies do when you buy them. In this business of making $$$ it comes down to who is willing to pay more. The consumer or the advertiser. Just look at the insane prices companies pay for a 30 second spot during the super bowl.

Now that is something I actually watch AND enjoy watching the ads.

ApplEaglElephant4337d ago

Always trying to make a bad thing into good one.

Paying to get advertisement is now a good thing? and comparing it to TV?? Are you for reals?

Takes fanboy defense to another level. Trying to turn around so hard. I bet you will argue that RROD is a good thing too cause it makes u spend more money and boosts economy. LOL

ChunkyLover534338d ago

I wonder how many will actually read the article instead of post something about the Xbox 360 lacking games due to the title on this article?

There is a full section for games on the dash, I do hope the forthcoming update lets you arrange things a bit better like this thread suggests. http://opa-ages.com/forums/...

That being said, I pretty much know where I'm going when I turn on my Xbox 360, I'm in the loop when there is an arcade game releasing. I am usually about to either play a game or use a service. Its fairly easy, and the ads don't bother me. Ads are everywhere, I mean literally everywhere, yet everyone tries to make such a huge deal out of the ones on the friggen Xbox Live dash. Yes you pay for XBL, but there are tons of ads in things you pay for, cable, satellite, phones, movies, EVERYTHING.

StrongMan4338d ago ShowReplies(6)
SnakeCQC4338d ago

this is evil i really doubt im going to renew my xbl membership

OC_MurphysLaw4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

If you think its evil.. then by all means dont renew your membership. Vote with you wallet. While your at it... stop going to the movies since they force you to watch 20 min of previews, stop watching TV, stop going to websites like N4G that have ads all over. Just stop allowing companies to try and advertise to you...just read a book... don't listen to the radio while doing so either.... forget driving down the street too...

Advertising isnt evil.. for F*ck sake its just advertising, not a Satanic ritual.

SnakeCQC4337d ago

if im paying why should i be subjected to it? its just greed!!! at the cinema it can be avoided and its not annoying, as i like watching movie previews. with sky plus you can record programs for later and skip through all the shitty adverts!

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Moving In My 30s Made Me Nostalgic For Physical Games

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Sciurus_vulgaris3d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle2d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff21832d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.


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solideagle6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?


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SovereignSnaKe7d ago

It's an outstanding game and so was The Old Blood. Also a lost era of gaming. Interesting, I received a physical copy of The Old Blood 9 years ago today from Poland. It was digital only in North America initially upon release so I had to import.