
Lollipop Chainsaw is 4 hours long

Sad but true. You can complete Lollipop Chainsaw just in few hours.

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CustardTrout4352d ago

Hard to understand, but the title sums it up pretty well

zielocz3k4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

google translate is crap :), anyway the game has 6 chapters and prologue, u can beat each chapter in 30-40 mins, it's really short but there are many unlockable (and sexy) costumes, trophies, good and bad ending, leaderboards, so yeah, there is a replay value

CustardTrout4352d ago

Yeah I ran an article saying it always hit me as the kind of game you could replay, but I'm yet to play it so...

Lazy_Sunday4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

You charge the game $8 USD an hour based on campaign length. For example, Skyrim has an incredible amount of content, but it's campaign can be beaten in about 8 hours, and the game costed $60+tax at launch which comes to about $64. Journey can be beaten in around 2 hours, so it's $15 price point is a steal. Hell, Portal 2 took me 6 hours to beat but had that long lasting $40 special. So it sounds to me like Lollipop Chainsaw should be $40.

Now it's important to be reminded that games can get away with being 6 hours long--yes, even 5.5 hours long--if the content is valued higher then it's length. Battlefield 3 is an exception. Duke Nukem Forever is not.

However, if a game exceeds 8 hours of exciting campaign length, for example the Uncharted series, MGS4, or as previously listed, Skyrim--the game is not paid overtime since it is only scheduled an 8 hour time-slot, it's their own time and they should have closed shop when they had the chance.

Since the average MMO feels more like work then fun, MMOs are not paid minimum wage. They are paid what I call "the FoxConn Package." That means that gameplay time of 160 hours a month (plus 36 hours of overtime) can be condensed into about $400 a month minus 2 meals and a snack, and other necessities for yourself needed to survive, which brings the cost of an MMO to $0-15 a month. See what I did there?

Gen0ne4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

I'm calling out blatant speed run to 1: garner hits and 2: build a dislike towards the game to help whatever negative gamer politics this person has towards LPC. "Quick! Shoot this easy mode speed run completion time out the door before LPC goes retail and stands a chance to defend itself!"

Edit: This will sit happily right next to Vanquish on my shelf. Another 4 hour game I loved.

MySwordIsHeavenly4351d ago

You beat Portal 2 in 6 hours? No, you didn't.

RockmanII74351d ago

No one buys CoD for the single player so it's unfair to compare CoD's single player to another games single player. People buy CoD for the competitive multiplayer, something which this game doesn't have.

Gantrfaxx4351d ago

With the replay walue you can get how much? 8-10 hours... that's still much less than some other games offer, in one playthrough, for the same money.

nik666uk4351d ago

oh good, as long as I can change my skirt then it's worth it then!

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ATi_Elite4352d ago

WoW $60 for 4 hours!

either that's a Crack Whore or a Video Game only worth renting.

They better have some great FREE DLC in the works.

GuyThatPlaysGames4352d ago

There's no amount of free DLC that could ever make this game worth the $60.

FunAndGun4352d ago

oh wow! I always thought this was a DL title.

lol @ $60, yeah right!

MRMagoo1234352d ago

hmmm ppl pay that for cod and the stories barely last 4 hours either

KidBroSweets24352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

Yeah, but I have 27 days in the multiplayer on Call of Duty. It's called "replayability" which will be worthy of commanding a $60 price tag. And LPC isnt my sort of game but if it has replayability then I won't crucify it for that price.

MaxXAttaxX4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

Can't get that with COD with an even shorter campaign length.
I'd rather buy this game once than to keep re-buying COD rehashes every year.

Robotronfiend4351d ago

It's $45 right now on amazon.com

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showtimefolks4352d ago

i could still buy it but the game has to be really really good. Like vanquish which was 4-5 hrs but it was more than worth the buy at 39.99 not full 60 though

nukeitall4351d ago

I agree, if the game is short, it better be pure bliss! I'm down for some pure bliss.

Unfortunately, Lollipop Chainsaw doesn't look like pure bliss to me. Of course that is my personal opinion.

Gamer19824351d ago

So is call of duty yet that sells millions each and every one of them so whats the point?

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Double_Oh_Snap4352d ago

I beat it didn't rush lasted about 71/2 for me. Every hour worth it the game is really funny, unique and fun. You might hate this game, you might love it but I can guarantee you will not forget it.

zielocz3k4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

i'm glad you enjoyed it :) can't wait for my copy

Double_Oh_Snap4352d ago

I really did a lot more then I was expecting to. The characters were memorable, the combat was easy at first then got progressively more complex.

The game has tons of costumes and unlockables even after beating it. Leaderboards and zombie medals encourage you to replay stages.

All together it is a really solid game. I highly enjoyed my time with it, and still do I've put about 14 hours in the game an it's still a blast to play.

MoveTheGlow4352d ago

Yeah Hollow, it doesn't make sense that it's "sad but true-" this is kinda like Bayonetta in that it's a fast action game built for replay, not a cinematic story-telling game built for cutscenes, or an open-world game built for exploration. As a fan of these kinds of games, I can't wait to play both LC and MGS Rising!

WetN00dle694352d ago


Are the Rei Miyamoto and Saeko Busujima costumes in game unlocks????

zielocz3k4352d ago

yes they are :) if u want to know full list pm me

M_Prime4352d ago

i'm 4 hours in (according to RAPTR) and i am only on the 3rd level. Though i did play prolog over in the leaderboards mode. I am having a blast with the characters and the boss battles are fun. I love the style and i love the gameplay so far. The only thing i wasn't impressed by are the shooting sections.

Feralkitsune4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

Ha, it won't work. Save your breath, no matter how good a game is these days people will only buy it if it is 60hours long. Same thing I said about the Darkness 2. but people were so focused on the SP being 5-6 hours long they skipped an amazing game.

Robotronfiend4351d ago

I don't skip 6 hour games, I rent or borrow them.

attilayavuzer4351d ago

Damn 71 or 72 hours? That's some serious value.

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kevnb4352d ago

Looks like another crappy game the media thinks we like thanks to people clicking on the hot chicks.

Double_Oh_Snap4352d ago

Have you played it? No? Well then your opinion means absolutely nothing. People like you are morons who have no idea what makes a good game.

kevnb4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

I cant say it looks crappy because I haven't played it?

whiteheartrising4348d ago

I agree. Plus I'd like to see the clown make better. Truth is it is an amazing game, has all the fun components a game needs, and the characters are an outright riot. This is why the industry is not as good as before, people take a look and then board hate trains BEFORE trying it, then Call of Doody comes out and they've done nothing new with the game, but fanboys insists upon its greatness. I'm sorry, but Hollow is right. If you haven't played the game, shut the hell up and go bark up a different tree.

Colonel_Dante4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

+1 sir.
Agreed !

TheGOODKyle4352d ago

Do you even know who makes it? I assure you the "hot chicks" is on the backburner of trying to sell this game.

SeekDev4352d ago

Not many people care to know who the creator is behind their favourite, or least favourite, games music and movies. I like to know, because it often means that the next game a favourite developer releases will be one to watch out for.

I'd love to learn the names of all the devs in the world, but it's not like there's any supreme source of this info. At least, not that I know of...

kent800820074352d ago

Anyone seen Prometheus yet? Somehow I keep thinking that Elizabeth is the blondie while David is, well... the head

Hellsvacancy4352d ago

I did two weeks ago, it was awful, thanks for reminding me

Trenta274352d ago

You obviously don't like to think during movies, then. You have to analyze everything in that movie.

pixelsword4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

I saw it, to me there wasn't anything to think about, unless you're into that new age garbage (basically, a mental exercise in futility). It's straightforward and shallow; it makes The Matrix look like Solaris... '61 novel Solaris. Heck, even the movie whips-up on Prometheus in terms of scientific concepts.

This isn't a spoiler, but here's a warning before I speak anyways:

The captain summed-up the whole thing a little past the middle of the movie, almost 3/4 in.

kingdavid4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

I have to admit it was pretty bad. A relic of the past.

When you say "you obviously dont like to think during movies", Im not sure I understand. Its a pretty straight forward generic action/horror film.

strauser3604352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )


An opinion from intelligent people.

Colonel_Dante4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

Im not a betting man.
But I think the people that mentioned the "sexy outfits" as to what makes this game fun sound desperate and need a girlfriend.

Play it for gameplay or not,but just for sexy outfits..? damn..

Edit: Disagrees (lol)
Okay, I guess I upset the virgins

caseh4352d ago

To be honest the game is the last thing I've been interested in since Jessica Nigri turned up in that skin tight pink outfit at a recent booth advertising the game...

insomnium24351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

What about if you are married and have kids already? Are you saying that you are sure to have the ultimate babe as your wife so that there is no need to look at other women at all? Will she satisfy you 100%? Really?

I mean I'm married to a beatifull woman imo and we have 2 kids (a third on it's way) and i still like to watch other beatiful women. I'm loyal and just as big of a familyman as the next guy and i love my kids and my life as it is but I still like to watch beautiful women. They dress up sexy and my head WILL turn towards them even though I'm in no way desperate. I guess I'm just that much horny by default.

Lucky for me this is not a crime and I talk with my wife frequently about sexy women and men with sexy clothes. We like beautifull people that's all. She is sure to tell me if she sees a sexy man with a great ass or something. Not many can be this open in their relationships you know? They are not even allowed to look at other openly. They have to hide it. I guess it has more to do with insecurity.

i do get what you are saying as there are many virgins on this site no doubt. But as long as it comes to liking fanservice and sexy women I guess I will always be a teenager and a virgin in that department. I have my wife's consent so I'm good LOL!

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Lollipop chainsaw now a remaster not a remake

At fans request apparently.

gold_drake211d ago

i wonder if they looked into what a remake would cost and went "NOPE Remaster it is" haha

FreeckyCake210d ago

It probably has to do with what the producer had mentioned recently. The thing about not wanting to change the essence of the original (e.g censorship). So maybe remastering the game was the best choice.

CrimsonWing69210d ago

The link to the story didn’t really answer the question. It makes no sense that you have to censor a remake and not a remaster.

What I got from that article is licensed music forced them to change to a Remake(?) and that they’re working hard with the platform holders to negotiate not censoring, which Sony is stupid about.

My question is, how would a Remaster not have to go through censorship?

I’ve seen dialogue changed in FF7 and Baten Kaitos. Then you have actual cutscenes being removed like in the dmc remaster.

I assume the same could be done to this game.

FreeckyCake210d ago

No idea. That's why I said " maybe ".

CrimsonWing69210d ago

Bull sh*t, you show me where fans wanted a Remaster instead of a Remake. I was more onboard with a Remake, I’m less excited just playing the same game I did before but now with sharper textures and better framerate.

ModsDoBetter210d ago

Probably realised this won't do the numbers so didn't want to invest.

No harm, I love Lollipop Chainsaw but it's a bit of a niche title.

gold_drake210d ago

yeh it was super niche even bk then

LoveSpuds209d ago (Edited 209d ago )

Loved it back in the day and have my copy sat on the shelf and ypu are right, it was super niche, which is why my copy is increasing in value slowly but surely. Hoping a remaster doesn't tank the value of my PS3 copy

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The Best Hack and Slash Games of All Time on Xbox 360

It's game time!, or is it hacking and slashing time? Doesn't matter! Enjoy the best hack and slash games on the Xbox 360

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darthv72285d ago

....and that's a bad thing how?

343_Guilty_Spark285d ago

If it ain’t on Sony box it’s bad

autobotdan285d ago (Edited 285d ago )

Ninja Gaiden 2 was never multiplat. NG Sigma 2 is a remixed game not the same game at all

darthv72285d ago

Dante's inferno... such a great GoW inspired game. So sad the sequel was canned, it sounded like it was going to be even more epic than the first.

Vits285d ago

Yeap, classic GoW is still better mechanically. But the aesthetics and atmosphere of Dante's Inferno were just top-notch. Shame it never got a PC port, but at the very least is available on modern Xbox.

Juiceid285d ago

This list is ok, but Ninja Gaiden reigns supreme!

GhostScholar284d ago

I just can’t get into the devil may cry series. In my opinion you never feel powerful in those games. The guns are pointless as they only serve to be a flashy part of a combo. DMC was the only one that I could tolerate long enough to beat.

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Top 10 Rarest PS3 Games That Are Worth a Fortune

Twinfinite: "During the PS3’s tenure, plenty of huge games launched, but the interesting thing is, many of the system’s rarer titles are largely not amazing games. Sure, there are one or two exceptions to that rule (I’m looking at you Ni No Kuni!), but many of the more desirable and valuable games in the PS3’s library are usually rare for a reason."

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ModsDoBetter301d ago

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Sold my Painkiller for around £3 years ago and my Asuras Wrath for even less. Managed to pick up Lollipop Chainsaw and Splatterhouse again but they cost me a fair bit more than I initially paid on release when I first bought them.

Wish I bought Godzilla, the number of times I saw it in the game store for the price of a coffee and didn't bother.

Knushwood Butt301d ago

Never knew Last Guy had a physical release.

gold_drake301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

i own nba, lolipop and nino kuni. never heard of the rest tbf xD surprised they are worth that much, for what they actually are.

roadkillers301d ago

Getting a valuable game is all luck.. I had three of these. Africa is one that people might have seen coming, but otherslike Ni No Kuni wouldn't have been.

My most valuable game I remember owning was Conkers Bad Fur Day. When the game was being re-released on Xbox (remake/ upgrade if you will), the price dropped dramatically. Once the game released and the changes were seen, the value went back up. Then it was released on Rare Replay and value dropped again. 2020 hit and all collectables shot up along with Conker. Before stopping around $110 which it currently is.

Games change all the time because their digital media that can be reproduced even in weird contract bindings (GoldenEye as an example). One day it can be worth $300 and the next $150. The shrink wrapped items in mint condition cannot be reproduced.. but that takes strength to spend, not open, and hope its worth something.

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