
Why the Wii U Will Win the Next Generation

There are concerns about the Wii U. Many people are worried it wont be powerful enough and the next consoles that come out are going to crush it. To that Nathanial Rumphol-Janc says... Cool story bro. The DS and the Wii were both less powerful than their competition and ended up being better for it. Let the facts do all the talking. The Wii U has full 1080p HD, it supports 25gb discs, it has an actual legitimate online network, and it's at least as powerful as a PS3, but likely performs even better since it uses newer tech. Yes, the competition will be more powerful, but that merely gives the Wii U the same advantage the Wii had.

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Outside_ofthe_Box4489d ago

Don't really get how you can list reasons on why the Wii U will win next gen when you know next to nothing about the next Xbox and PS4. One of those systems can contain something very appealing to the mass market that no one could have predicted just like no body could have predicted that the Wii's motion controls would appeal to the masses as everyone expected the PS3 to dominate because of the PS2's success.

Colwyn4489d ago

because itll be a win with the fans just like the other consoles will win with their fans

Outside_ofthe_Box4489d ago (Edited 4489d ago )

I'm talking about in terms of sales. Of course if you are talking about which one is 'better' it'll come down to personal preference.

LX-General-Kaos4488d ago

Sales will be fine. Especially since nintendo has a chance to own the next gen market lone for an entire year. Once E3 comes around nintendo will show the big guns and pretty much put all the doubt away.

jony_dols4488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

You should never judge the potential commercial success of a console, by looking at it's predecessor.

Case in point: The Gamecube barely managed 20 million lifetime sales, whilst it's successor; the Wii, has sold over 95 million.

The Wii U might be a success, it could flop or perhaps it will fall somewhere in the middle. Either way, it's kinda pointless predicting this early on. Especially when a lot of the details are still hazy.

Liefx4488d ago

Except the Wii U isn't next Gen.

DeadlyFire4488d ago

WiiU has lots of benefits from launching first.

They have three things they didn't have last generation.
1. HD Comparable graphics. Even if WiiU is the bottom of the barrel with next gen graphics. They will still surpass X360 and PS3's graphical ability. In either case. Many hail PS3/X360 quality graphics as something that could potentially last another 4-6 years. If so what's wrong with Nintendo using that to their advantage?
2. Major Third party support. Major publishers skipped the Wii. This time they are not.
3. An Online network. Something everyone that played on the Wii wanted and many overlooked the Wii because it lacked.

MysticStrummer4488d ago

Yup. Nintendo fans already know they want it just like I already know I don't. I only buy one console per gen, and my personal preference is to go with the one that has the exclusives I want to play along with the multiplats. The "exclusives" part of that equation puts Nintendo out of the running for me until they prove otherwise. For Nintendo fans it's a different story. Once again though, "winning" will be deteremined by sales and not opinion of quality.

BattleAxe4488d ago

To the author of the article I say "cool story bro". Its fun to read articles from delusional people :D

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4488d ago
tehpees34488d ago

It sounds like 720 (or whatever they'll call it) will contain a enhanced verion of Kinect. No idea about PS4. There is no doubt Sony will want a piece of the casual pie as well since its a big market.

RevXM4488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

About the ps4 I could see Sony hangin on to core gamers and give us more advanced hardware than the other 2 and push games like they do today.

They already have a strong share of the core market seeing a lot of core gamers prefer the ps3 to the 360 and wii.

Seeing microsoft going the casual route with 360 (Wich probably translates to a lot more casual oriented Next box) I think Sony be smart to try doing better what they already do. To satisfy core gamers.
Trying to compete with Nintendo is insane, competing with nintendo and Microsoft would be the doom but up against Microsoft or all alone being completely unique will get them far and I think Sony will be the most unique next time around trying to have something for everyone but putting the core gamers and system value/functionality first.

Thats what made the ps3 survive and bloom, and that is why Im sure Vita wont flop. cant say Vita will be a huge success (DS, WII, Ps2 etc), but Im 100% sure it will do just fine.

And If MS doesnt come back hard to core gamers then Sony is guarantied major success with a ps3 caliber type system.

So many core gamers out there, yet everyone but Sony seems to be giving all in ATM to this silly all casual gaming trend thing.
SONY would definitively not benefit from changing into being like MS or Nintendo and compete directly against them both at things that they both obviously seem better fit at.
Casual games/Experiences and marketing/advertising or reaching out to people like they do.

mcstorm4488d ago

I am looking forward to next gen i think all 3 are going in different directions and to me it is a good thing as they all give you a reason to buy all 3 of the consoles as they all offer something different. This gen the 360 has been about online and kinect. Ps3 has been about single player and. Blueray and the wii has been about family games.

I think next gen will be different as i think sen and nintendo network will try and close the gap on xbox live but all 3 will have motion controls from the 1st day so most of the games on the console will support the new controllers unlike this gen where you have wii motion+ ps move and kinect half way through the gen but with move 2 wiiu and kinect 2 they will all offer different experiences to the other controllers.

I think next gen will be even closer than this gen though and there wont be a clear winner.

Lazy_Sunday4488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

So by that standard, the Wii U isn't going to be next gen, it's going to be a step ahead of this generation but a step behind the next. Like the original Wii, but it was already a step behind.
PS, N64: 1
GC, PS2, DC: 2
XB, Wii: 2.5
PS3, 360: 3
WiiU: 3.5
PS4, 720: 4
We've already confirmed the GPU isn't that much more powerful than consoles, so don't expect it to be a part of next gen because, again, it isn't.

dcbronco4488d ago

Not sure how you're coming up with your estimates but they are different from what computer experts say. The 360 has the most powerful graphics chip this generation. The Cell's ability to help the GPU in the PS3 is what gives it the advantage.

The GPU rumored to be in the Wii U is 4xxx series ATI. The 360 GPU was based on an 1xxx series ATI. There were huge increases in ability between the 1xxx series and the 4xxx. Not sure how the current generation would still be considered more powerful. I also assume that you believe that a gaming PC from 2008 was inferior to the PS3 and 360 too.

An 4xxx series GPU coupled with a Power7 4-core CPU will blow all previous consoles out of the water by a ton. It will be several times more powerful. The rumors that the Wii U will be 20% weaker than the next Xbox makes more sense given the rumored parts for the next Xbox and the belief that it will be 6 times the strength of the 360.

But I actually believe the next Xbox will be more than 6 times the strength of the 360. That's because I believe they are using a lower end GPU because they intend to have dual GPU's fused to 4 core modified Power7 chips. Designed to work with C++ AMP. That way the next Xbox will have 10 to 12 times the power of the 360. Maybe more. There's a lot of computing power in all of those GPU transistors.

Lazy_Sunday4488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

Yeah, I'm coming up with my estimates the same place you are. Our brains! lol...
I'm not putting the 360 ahead of the PS3 because of standalone GPU strength, and yes, the 360 has a 512MB DDR3 GPU, the PS3 has a 256 XDR GPU, but the PS3 makes up for it with it's 3.2GHz Cell that in a way bridges the gap graphically, and gives it the slight advantage performance wise. It also has blu-ray, so it can utilize bigger textures without compression but we rarely utilize it for third parties. Yes. We both know these things. Don't understand your conflict.
Look, I'm a PC gamer. When I look at consoles and what I used to play I look at graphical capacity over time, and measure that per console gen, simplify it and make it easier to understand. In terms of 3D graphics, we really started with the Playstation and the Nintendo 64. So they're generation 1. Then we have generation 2, which is the PS2, GC, and the DC. But Xbox had better graphics then any of those consoles, so it's a step up graphically, but not PS3 or 360 quality. Are the Wii's graphics as good as the PS3 or 360's? No. Are they better than the PS2 or GameCube? Yes. Are they better than the Xbox? Not really.

I'd rather not speculate on what will be in the next 360 and PS3, rather, the power it will have. I say that the WiiU will be outdated when the PS4 and whatever the Next Xbox is based on simple logic: the WiiU is being made before the next consoles have been announced using bargain bin technology, therefore, the next consoles will use better hardware that's slightly above bargain bin, and the WiiU will not be able to compete. My speculation is that Sony and Microsoft will not profit for the first year or two on their next consoles, despite the failing economy, they will invest in decent graphics technology that's good enough to be a step up and not just a step forward. We will not have true 1080p 60FPS graphics next gen, but I could imagine Skyrim at 720P running 60-80FPS on next gen hardware on high PC settings. CoD this gen runs at 600p to run at a constant 57-59 FPS, keep that in mind.
You probably know this. I said, and I quote: "We've already confirmed the GPU isn't that much more powerful than consoles, so don't expect it to be a part of next gen because, again, it isn't." It's a step forward, not a step above, and most likely that's where it will stay. Based on your logic, I don't see a disagreement between our ideals, rather a consistency between them. I just chose not to write a wall lol, but I'm capable of it.

Anon19744488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

To me it has nothing to do with power. Like the author mentioned, all you have to do is look at the Wii for evidence of that. To me, it's an issue with the controller.

As a father, I would not buy this for my kids and the reason is the tablet controller. There's just one. We don't know if Nintendo will add support for multiple tablet controllers but we know they've told developers not to count on it, so don't make games for multiple controllers.

So, which of your kids or their friends get to use the uber controller? I'm sure they'll all just share and rotate out and it'll never, ever be an issue. Any parent knows better than that. This is going to be a nightmare for families. The Wii was about bringing together multiple people to game together. You throw just one super controller in the mix and see how quickly that falls apart.

I'm sure it'll be fun. I've always been a huge Nintendo fan, and still am despite the Wii not being my thing, but I will not be buying this for my family unless there's support for multiple tablets, and then it depends on the price.

digitaleraser4488d ago

You're dead-on with why it isn't going to be a great system for families. I get the sense that, at least for the first year, they're going to try and target lapsed non-casual fans as early adopters...except that everyone in that group is just going to be thinking about how much their Wii collected dust before they got rid of theirs, and won't want to invest in this new one.

Between that, and how tough its going to be to educate casual gamers that the Wii U is a brand new system (not a controller) and that Wii U games do not play on the Wii, I'm predicting a pretty dismal first year for the console.

Maybe they'll try to rescue it with a significant price drop and a handful of free downloadable games, like they did with the 3DS? That's probably the only way I could be convinced to buy one during its first year.

hazardman4488d ago

I wonder if your gonna be able to use the wii controllers as well!

showtimefolks4488d ago

who knows we are at a point where wii-u comes out this year than xbox360 next fall and ps4 the fall after or even in 2015. and we could have xbox360 announced next year and come out in 2014 and ps3 either 2014 or 2015.

wii won because it had a gimmick that worked and worked well, nintendo is known to take some risks and i respect that about them but a lot of things have to go their way for them to outsell xbox720 and ps4, but if it gets a 2 year head start you never know.

my only concern is that both xbox720 and ps4 will have much better specs than wii-u, also this is the 1st time nintendo has joined us in HD era so we will see. I will tell you one thing i am very excited about wii-u i just hope they will allow us to play the games with a regular controller

Blacksand14488d ago

For get it PS4 coming out next fall when 720 come out.

user39039994488d ago

I agree, no one know what the PS4 or next XBOX will be.

This article (from a nintendo fanboy website) about Wii U wining is based on speculation and rumors on the internet. It's factless and bias.

morkendo234488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

I believe the WII appealed more to the masses for one simple reason an one simple REASON ALONE!!
everyone is NOT!!!!!! into first person shooters.
there are hundreds,thousands of people who like simple easy going games.everyone dont need to feel they need to hunt for bin ladin,hitler,sadam hosain in every military type game.why is american gamers BRAINWASHED (programed)to think no farther by these type of games??? this is why nintendo wii WILL!! win again. they have VARIETY sony, MS dont. a company cant be stuck on hardcore only. those who have a ps2 and wishing to buy a ps3 for there love of ps2 games in hoping their game cross over to ps3 will be HIGHLY disappointed like sidescrolling games as I am. I would welcome WII U with open arms. any company provide Variety casual & semi- hardcore gaming (minus blood,gore) is a WINNER for me. any video game offer (virtual reality killing) as a hobby is not a game for me. and no im not a hardcore gamer never will be.
I represent CASUAL GAMERS on hardcore site. im not here for agrees but be a voice for simple casual gamers of yesteryear.

Outside_ofthe_Box4488d ago


Casual gamers don't need a voice since they are the majority to begin with.

Casual games dominate the market. There are less games that require skill than there was before. There are less games with thought provoking stories than there were before.

And for the record blood and gore first person shooters =/= hardcore gaming. Hardcore games are games with depth (i.e Metal Gear). Go back to playing your wii fit please.

AWBrawler4487d ago

You are my freakin' hero man! Finally somebody else speaks up and explains everyone isn't all for FPS. Heck I play Angry Birds for hours sometimes and Pushmo, but I still have time to play the "core" titles like my JRPGs, RTS, Turn based Strategy, Platformers, and sidescrollers.

Variety is what makes gaming so grand, and as Reggie Fils-aime stated "Content is King" And let's face it, if you care about more than just Map Packs and FPS Download content, Wii clearly had the best content.

From the great wiiware games like Lost wind,Lit, Jet Rocket, and Zombie Panic in Wonderland, all the way down to the type of game experience that the other consoles lacked, such as Endless Ocean, Fragile, and Mii party.

Wii was the place to be for people who don't take gaming way too serious and think everything needs to be M rated and bloody, and there are now, and forever will be more that think this way, than those that only want M rated bloody gore realism.

Kos-Mos4487d ago

Blood and gore is hardcore?
Go outside and see the world kid.

SonyPS3604488d ago

There's no reason to doubt it, because the Wii won this generation a long time ago. Sales, my friend. Sales.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4487d ago
Queefy_B4489d ago

I cant see people getting bit multiplat hits like battlefield and cod and other online heavy games over playstation and xbox consoles, as currently (We have to see what nintendo network is like) so currently they will be just relying on a graphics upgrade in hope of selling the 3rd party games, also a big thing is nintendo platforms dont have trophys/achievements which is a big incentive for alot of gamers and will want the trophys+better online of the other two consoles, so i highly doubt in terms of third party the wii u will win next gen, they will need amazing first party games and it will probably be expensive.

rdgneoz34488d ago

Yep, people for some strange reason tend to like digital points for things they do. Hell, Sony created trophies to get on even grounds with achievements.

In the words of Kevin Bulter, http://www.youtube.com/watc... .

As for Wii U's hardware being able to do a lot, it won't help too much with multiplats since many devs try to keep the different systems around the same level. One system might have a few features they can add in if they wanted to, but not every one does.

AtomicGerbil4488d ago

Sony created trophies because the userbase wanted them, if it was all about keeping up with the competition we'd have avatars akin to Microsoft and Nintendo.

JayD-1K4488d ago

@ flat
Did you forget about HOME?

dcbronco4488d ago

The graphical advantage will be large for the Wii U so developers will develop for it. It is also basically a beefed up 360 CPU and GPU so it will be easy for them to develop for. It is everything developers have wanted. More power, easy programming and a disc with more space. Plus that added power will be used for things that can't be done on the PS3 and 360 like more physics and better AI.

AtomicGerbil4488d ago


Home has never been compulsory, and only features if you download it.

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Brosy4488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

It makes me wonder just how 3rd party developers will treat the Wii U. They will probably just release games for 360, PS3, and Wii U simultaneously. Meaning it will be up to the developers to decide if they want to do extra work taking advantage of the Wii U's extra power. I suppose alot of it depends on the toolkit nintendo sends out. I don't know, but who knows until we finally see.

LX-General-Kaos4489d ago

The wii u probably will win next generation.

ziggurcat4488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

not exactly. the wii u will have only just caught up with the current gen. once the next MS and sony systems are released, the wii u will not be "next gen."

@ LX-general-kaos:

there's no doubt that the next playstation/xbox will be faster/more powerful than the wii u and by that time, the wii u will be (more or less) obselete. we may see something from MS this upcoming E3, but i don't think we'll see anything from sony until E3 next year.

LX-General-Kaos4488d ago

Next gen is not always about graphic capability. Even though we have all seen the zelda in engine footage at E3 its clear to see the wii u is beyond just catching up. It also sports a fancy new next gen controller and is said to be a hell of a lot faster then current gen.

Also as of now we dont even know if the new xbox or ps4 will be much stronger then the wii u. Thats just what people want to believe. We as a group will find out at E3 2012

Hicken4488d ago

Based on what, exactly? The most we know about the Wii U is that we'll likely see another entry in all of Nintendo's firs party franchises, and that it will have that tablet-style controller(that's currently gonna be a one per console thing). Oh, and that it won't play Blu Rays.

Ahem, but specs-wise, we know next to nothing about the Wii U. And even less about the PS4 and nextbox. So what is this confidence of yours based on?

Lex_Dangerously 4485d ago

I hope your mother gets raped by a bunch of niggers.

Titanz4489d ago (Edited 4489d ago )

I have a strange feeling that those same people who taught Nintendo had burnt them for two generation (Gamecube, Wii), will except the Wii U with open arms.

Finch4488d ago

This will be the first console I am going to skip. Just ain't feeling the Nintedo vibe no more haven't in awhile. I'm just done with Nintendo! Can't wait for next gen but for me Wii-U won't be part of my house hold.

PimpDaddy4488d ago

I didn't hit disagree. But I do think it is kind of early to make a decision. I want to see the console specs, price, online network setup, and games before making my decision.

Finch4488d ago

Its not the system really, its the games. Grow out of the Nintendo wash and repeat games they have. Feel like I been playing the same games for decayeds! So that's why i'm done with them.

dcbronco4488d ago

There is already a lot of hardcore support for the Wii U. Darksider, Ghost Recon Assassin's Creed. Add the EA sports. Funny that many of the hardcore games that people play also appeared on the Wii but people seem to ignore that. Call of Duty has a Wii version. So did Far Cry. If they developed down to the Wii, they will surely develop up to the Wii U. Especially since it will be more of what they really want than the 360 and the PS3.

MysticStrummer4488d ago

Sure, multiplats appeared on the Wii, but the Nintendo usual suspect exclusives are a huge turn off for many gamers. Some feel their status as adults being threatened by playing the same games they played as children, and some just plain lost interest in those games. I personally am in the latter group and Nintendo will have to show some new material to win me back.

dcbronco4488d ago

They aren't playing kids games. Madden, Call of Duty or most shooters aren't kids games. There are people that were playing a PS2 ten years ago when they were 10. Are you saying the PS3 is off limits to them. What console should they be playing. The Wii U will have the power to render Call of Duty at a higher level than the PS3 and 360. It already has AAA hardcore support. Previous Wii consoles were underpowered compared to what others were doing. This time, at least for one year, they will be by far the better machine. And given the power of modern systems, it should be enough for a huge part of the population. And there will be developers there because the it should be cheaper to program for and it should appeal to customers because it should be $100 cheaper than the other two consoles.

DrJones4488d ago

You were never in the Nintendo crowd anyway, so you won't be missed.

PopRocks3594488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

Repeat games? If you're seriously going to sit there and tell me that Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy are one in the same or make the same accusation with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess then I will kindly ask you to GTFO.

Use of the same franchise over the years is not re-releasing and it never has been, particularly when each new installment provides new innovations and freshens the experience with them (unlike the current lineup of blockbuster military shooters). Nintendo has released ports and remakes, sure. But that doesn't suddenly force the sequels into the same category; especially when they are spaced out as much as they are. The yearly gap between main Mario and Zelda titles is typically half of a decade. This mold was broken when TP and Galaxy sold as well as they did.

Finally, next to no Nintendo exclusives have been announced for Wii U. In fact, save for a handful of third party titles, no launch games have been announced. To make this decision right off hand is a jump of the gun. You're free to to make that decision just as I am free to tell you that I believe judging the console based on its games so early is ridiculous.

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GhostScholar5h ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder30m ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.


The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor15h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde11h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast11h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows10h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast9h ago(Edited 8h ago)

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9h ago
Hotpot7h ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear219h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning776h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger5h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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