
Naughty Dog’s First Comments on The Last of Us

Unless you’ve been far, far away from the internet this weekend, you should already know that the VGAs afforded us our very first look at Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us. If you haven’t, watch the trailer now! Then come back.

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majiebeast4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

Still cant believe they managed to keep it a secret for 2+ years.

Dunno but a good thing is that they got the lead designer of the kz2 multiplayer back. Who knows they might do a rpg or something.

Solid_Malone4557d ago

yeah they really took me by surprise when I saw "Naughty Dog" crop up in the trailer.

Now, i'd love to see what guerilla games are working on :)

nveenio4557d ago

It blows my mind. Obviously, they're divided up into two teams, and they're still Naughty Dog, but seeing that trailer just makes it seem less like two little teams with different styles and more like one big masterful family of geniuses.

I love geniuses. Especially when they bring the funk.

darthv724557d ago

everyone's main focus for them was UC3. Yet while they were working on that they were also doing this game. Not that hard to keep it a secret.

They knew the attention would be on their other masterpiece. Once that was out and people praised them for the game it was the perfect opportunity to keep the spotlight on them with this game reveal.

Sony has pumped loads of $$$$ into this dev and it shows.

sikbeta4557d ago

I'm with you guys, I never thought ND would be the Developers of this Game, my mind totally blowed when I saw ND logo, was like WOW! really? *jaw drops* :D

NewMonday4556d ago

i wish they would grow even a 3rd studio

and if Sony get all their exclusives to this level they can hold off the PS4 till 2014.

this game reminded me of Winds of Amnesia, one of the best post-apocalyptic stories made.

krisq4556d ago (Edited 4556d ago )

working on KZ4 for PS4 and something else for PS3.

Razmossis4556d ago

It would need to have better gameplay than Uncharted

JBaby3434556d ago (Edited 4556d ago )

^^Hopefully gameplay, graphics, presentation, etc will be up to Uncharted's level. Then we are all in for a real treat.

Judging by the trailer, this game is looking phenomenal.

nveenio4556d ago

If it's even half as good as the first Uncharted, it will be ten times as good as any other zombie game...so....

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4556d ago
gunnerforlife4557d ago

I am hoping it will be this generations very own Resi4, here's hoping its resis4 spiritual successor! Cuz RE5 failed big time for me.

BABY-JEDI4556d ago

I totally agree. Where was the horror in RE5? Play SH2 & you would understand my point.

STONEY44557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

I know, not really even a single leak. I think no one was suspicious of them making anything because they were working on and basically just released Uncharted 3.

Oh, and it's amazing how this has much better graphics than Uncharted 3. This is more like the leap that should have been seen between 2 and 3.

Army_of_Darkness4557d ago

The graphics are good but I don't think that they are that much better than uncharted 3's graphics.. Just a little bit Better because I'm playing it now and I find the graphics pretty damn impressive!

andibandit4556d ago

I have this feeling it's gonna be uncharted with zombies.

JBaby3434556d ago

^^Uncharted was with zombies :P

Oldman1004557d ago

In terms of gameplay i'm hoping for something like The Last Stand: Union City, but of course in 3d :p.

Here's a link for those who haven't played it:


AKA4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

so the new studio has this guy from KILLZONE 2?
and i bet it has more guys from KILLZONE 2 team plus part of U2 team = the best ps3 game lol...

UNCHARTED 2 & KILLZONE 2 are one of the most polished games ever... so far!

and who say they don't have any kind of MP in this? or CO OP? i mean why the f this gu from KZ2 is in this project?

some kind of side mission's co op will be nice, with other characters, juts for the fun of it..

Panthers4556d ago

I believe they said no multiplayer at ll. All the focus will be on the story. This guy from KZ2 is probably there because he knows how to develop a game. Be it single or multiplayer.

Although side missions for coop would be fun. I do hope to see that.

Ducky4557d ago

... isn't that the guy who went on to design Brink's maps?

kcuthbertson4557d ago

Brinks Maps were good...the rest of it just sucked lol.

ATi_Elite4557d ago

Yeh......... ND cranking out the hits.

Can I get a PC version of something? If not I'll just keep using my neighbors PS3.

Looking forward to more info on the Last of Us......It's gonna be epic!

Blackdeath_6634556d ago

the real question is why you havent got a ps3 yet? never mind what platform this game is coming at

Darkfocus4556d ago (Edited 4556d ago )

meh if I had a neighbor that let me borrow it I wouldn't own one either...pretty much only turn it on when a new exclusive comes out which takes around 10hrs average to beat (dark souls and demons souls being the only exception I've come across that actually appealed to me) and I'm done with it...why bother when you've already got more games then you've got time to play on one platform...I've got 269 steam games in the 3 years I've been using it... It's certainly better than the xbox though...can't even remember the last time I turned that on....

ATi_Elite4556d ago (Edited 4556d ago )

wow i got a ton of disagrees....."Rabid Fanboys"!

Disagree all you want but Naughty Dog are a AAA developer and the Last of us looks AAA+. Looks like they are going for REAL survival horror.

I'm a PC Gamer so i rarely have time for anything other than PC games but i do go next door to check out all the 360/ps3 stuff. Usually takes a case or two of beer to run through a game then i stumble back home to my PC.

and NO I'm not gonna buy a PS3 cause that money is going towards a triple 40" screen set-up for my PC in time for Command & Conquer Generals 2 2013!!

so if your a Rabid Fanboy hit DISAGREE again so i can laugh at you cause no matter what platform is your choice ND makes good games!

MsclMexican4557d ago

"A number of Sony-owned developers, including Guerrilla Games, Sucker Punch Productions, Media Molecule, contribute "tech and ideas", along with ex-developer of the Halo series, Bungie"

OMG..... This could be the greatest PS3 exclusive of all time.... sorry Uncharted

showtimefolks4556d ago

hopefully we will see something in gameinformer or at E3.

ND having 2 teams and doing a new IP
GG are working on a new IP
QD are working on a new IP
SM studio are helping with 4 games maybe new GOW?

a lot of new IP's by sony when many devs are saying its too late to introduce a new IP now for this gens consoles.

I Hope on ps4 we see JAK 4 by the other team.

also i know i have nothing to worry about but just because its 2 teams hopefully won't mean a dip in quality. ND are known for quality and i hope they keep up the great work.

now to the main thing and my wish list:

only one thing i hope this game has a mixture of RPG/action adventure/puzzle solving and survival horror if it makes any sense.

other than that can't wait to find out more

Soldierone4556d ago

Don't forget Insomniac is also working on something. They just announced their third party title, but their Resistance AND Ratchet teams should also be working on something, plus they said they would work with Sony San Diego if they wanted to do Resistance 4 with them.

Also as for new IP's and it being too late

-Bungie's third party title has been in the works for some time now.
-EA's Respawn Entertainment is working on something.
-MS noted a bigger emphasis on exclusives coming soon.

And I'm sure there are plenty we are both missing. I'm not saying a new generation isn't coming (it obviously is) but I'm curious where all these IP's will end up.

showtimefolks4556d ago


its very interesting what you brought up insomniac have 3 or more teams yet they are wokring on one game for EA what are the other 2 teams up to?

If these reports over the last 6 months are true than for the time period we have seen the last of insomniac on ps3 till they see if they can succeed being 3rd party

best of luck to them, i hope they continue doing somethings with sony but i also am looking forward to some fresh devs doing ratchet or resistance games

and yes you are right there are a lot of unknowns, with xbox720 rumors suggesting sooner rather than later we will have to wait and see. E3 2012 just got very interesting

GamerGuy1534556d ago

I personally am very curious as to what Media Molecule are working on. A crazy new IP as well so they said!!!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4556d ago
ApocalypseShadow4557d ago

720p trailer if you have a psn euro account.looks great.

erathaol4557d ago

I actually do, going to get on that now.

Wizziokid4557d ago

I can't wait to play this game

Prcko4557d ago

This is instant day 1 buy!!!

Bathyj4557d ago

Hell, I might even steal it early if I get the chance.

tarbis4557d ago

leave at least one for me. lol

wages of sin4556d ago


I know right.

andibandit4556d ago Show
TBONEJF4557d ago

NAUGHTY DOG. you guys are great! Even I couldn't know that this was a secret game you've been working on for 2 yrs.

Show all comments (94)

The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.


The Last Of Us Series Has Remarkable Potential For Spin-Offs

Najam from eXputer writes "It's time fore a new installment in the series, not another pointless remaster."

anast122d ago

They are working on something new. Not to be rude but it is impossibility stupid to think ND next major announcement is going to be a remaster or their next Last of Us entry is going to be another remaster.

AlterRecs119d ago

I think this is in response to them releasing a remaster for the sequel, a game that didn't need a remaster.

Basically a "why did you put out a remaster no one asked for when you have all there options available"

anast119d ago

They remaster is to put out something quick while they are deving new stuff. I don't get how people can be so static.

AlterRecs118d ago

There's no news about a third game being in production, you're just assuming that they're working on something that they aren't

anast118d ago

When they release the news to start the hype-train, you can give me my props then.

DrDoomer122d ago

I want an alternate timeline spin-off, where part 2 never happened.

CrimsonWing69122d ago

They’ve already done Remasters of 1 and 2… what else is there to Remaster?

AlterRecs119d ago

Considering they remastered the first game twice, who knows lol

CrimsonWing69119d ago

That was a Remake. I guess they could do that to 2, but man…. They should wait a couple generations so it can look like a major upgrade.


The Last Of Us Online Devs Celebrate Their Experience With The Canceled Game

The team is sad for losing out on such a great project but celebrates its growth because of spending time on it.

Chocoburger166d ago

All they had to do was make a basic online mode like their previous games. Instead they wanted more money and choose to go live service which makes games worse in my opinion.

What a waste of time and money, what a shame.

seanpitt23122d ago

I can't wait for season 2 so they can kill Joel off in the first 2 episodes!! Then it will be just Abby and Ellies revenge plot!

Something is telling me that this won't happen though because it wouldn't make sense, oh wait

Linzoid166d ago

Not sure why they didn’t just make Factions 2. There was no need to make it a live service.

TLoU Factions was a great addition such a shame they couldn’t be bothered to remaster that for PS5 considering the crazy high price tag of the remaster of a remaster…

anast166d ago

This is something to be celebrated. This studio is smart and they get it, even factions 2 wouldn't've have been worth the time. I am surprised they didn't just remaster the first one though, but actually how popular was Factions?