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Are PC Gamers Stuck-up?

I'm sure plenty of you who will click on this blog have already decided to flame me or are currently thinking of smart responses. That's okay, but let's talk.

Now, I'm not one to call people out on every mistake (too often), but some gamers I'll just never understand, but perhaps that's a good thing. If I did, I might as well not call myself a gamer anymore.

I recently read an article that EA would not make available their upcoming AAA shooter Battlefield 3 (BF3) on the popular digital distribution service Steam. Anyone could understand being upset with not being able to use your favorite store, but what about skipping the game altogether? Well, that's where the PC eltists come in.


As the epitome of spoiled rottenness, we have people refusing to buy what could possibly be the most highly acclaimed game this year just because they can't buy if from Steam. Now, let's take a realistic look at the matter. How many console gamers have you ever seen react this way to retailer selection? Not nearly as much as these sad eltists.

Let's have a look at another game, shall we? Now, our focus will be on Crytek's latest, Crysis 2. Being a fan of a game that started a movement is resectable. If you fell in love with something revolutionary or unique, you'll have fond memories and expectations on what the sequel should bring. But what's this nonsense? Apparently, that's a lesser reason why some PC gamers chose to "boycott" Crytek. Yes, indeed, there's another much more ridiculous.


There were people, believe it or not, that accused Crytek of being a sellout because they didn't include DX11 support at launch. What? Seriously? You won't buy a game because it doesn't come with the graphical settings you want? That is indesputably WEAK. Apparently, these are the same guys who claim "gameplay > graphics". Or how about another favorite: complaints that the start menu in the game said "Press Start". Wow.

How anyone could enjoy being a part of such a depressing community is beyond me. Granted, plenty of PC gamers don't do such things, but let me reiterate. You will almost NEVER find console gamers complaining over such trivial things.

Many people will blame "consolization" for the simplifying or "dumbing down" of sequels to their favorite games. Well, you can essentially blame pirates for things like that. If more gamers bought games, developers wouldn't feel they needed a safety net as badly. Piracy isn't restricted to PC games by any means, but my point still stands, but I digress. Just my two cents.

Console gamers are far less demanding and entitled than their PC counterparts. People like to bag on the console communities, but the PC community has its own issues to work out. I'd say that console owners... they're more gamer than the others.

*I changed the title of my blog because I felt it was a bit too flippant and not accepting of challenge.

TheDareDevil4676d ago

Boycotting BF3 just because it doesn't release on Steam won't hurt EA. Hell, it'll give EA more proof that they should make console only games.

I'm pretty sure that 90% of the people complaining will go on and buy BF3.

They were more pissed because Crytek went on and made Crysis 2 a multi-platform game, and it apparently didn't have better graphics than Crysis. What they don't see is that C2 was overall a much better game in terms of gameplay and story.

4675d ago
NCAzrael4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )

I already posted my response to the whole "Are PC gamers stuck up/jerks/etc?" thing a while ago, but let me summarize this for you real quick just to make sure you understand where, at least for me, the anger comes from.

For me Steam isn't just an online store. It's a gaming platform. It's my PC's version of Xbox live/dashboard or the Playstation Network/XMB. I buy my game, download, and install it all from one simple interface. I launch my game from a different tab on the same interface. While playing the game I can hit shift+tab and pull up my friends list and chat with someone playing a different game. If my friend is playing a multiplayer game and there is room on the server I can launch the game and jump right into that server.

If a game was released on Xbox or PS3 which, when you played it, you couldn't use Xbox Live or PSN, console owners would be PISSED. Not just pissed, but actually PISSED. The outrage that would pour forth would actually be in all caps. For Steam users, Origin is taking away our platform of choice and forcing us to use a new platform which will probably go through several revisions over the course of countless years until it finally matches what Steam does, which is exactly why EA is doing this.

EA wants a slice of Valve's action. I completely understand their desire, as Steam makes a lot of money. And I don't have a problem with fair competition. But when EA tells me they are all about making sure I'm free to choose ( http://www.ea.com/news/dema... ) and then tell me that I can still choose, but not Steam, what they're actually telling me is that they want me to have the appearance of choice. I'm not stupid. I see the whole thing with Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2 for what they are. They're high profile games that are designed a certain way so they'll violate a term of their agreement with Valve so they can pull the game, point their finger at Valve, and then innocently suggest their own digital distribution service. It's all a marketing campaign to kick start Origin.

Now, will I boycott BF3? No. However, it will be the first non-collector's edition game I've purchased at a retail store in years. If EA is going to force me to use Origin instead of letting me use Steam, then I'm at least going to ensure that someone else gets a portion of my money instead of letting it all go to EA.

Kran4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

"PC Gamers Aren't Stuck-Up, Huh? Yeah, Right."

Not all of them are. To be honest, Console owners can be a heck load worse for the fact that they flame at each other over exclusives.

PC Gamers dont really do that. Besides, a lot of PC owners also have consoles, so yeah.


It is true. But then again, PS3 owners are quick to brag about having Blu-Ray and then 360 owners are quick to brag about having "better features" as they say.

Basically, no set of gamers are better. Not even Wii gamer, in fact, they're worse as they brag on sales. "Oh. Mario Kart has sold 10's of millions. WE WIN!" no they f**king dont! Sales mean nothing to be honest.

SageHonor4676d ago

True, but there are alot of PC owners who are quick to brag about PC having the best graphics...

-Alpha4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

A majority of "Graphics" arguments and topics are started by console owners about console games. A majority of the crowd reaction is to praise such console games while saying something like "Xbox can't do this"

But when PC fans do the same, it's considered elitism.

Arnon4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

Consoles are completely responsible for DLC and patches to add things into the games that were already meant to be in them from the get-go. Consoles are also the reason why Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, as well as a Call of Duty every year, exist.

The reason why the majority of people on this site are angry over PC gamers and their "stuck up" attitude, is because they jumped in front of all the "PS3 has better graphics than 360!" "Oh yeah? Well 360 has better online!" "PS3 has better exlusives!"

Finally, the PC gamer said "PC has more exclusives, better online with more communities, cheaper games, and better graphics with mod support and dedicated servers."

This article is one-sided. This website was built around people arguing over who had the better console, not PC.

DragonKnight4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

@Arnon: "Consoles are completely responsible for DLC and patches to add things into the games that were already meant to be in them from the get-go."

Not only is that chronologically wrong (PC's had DLC and patches WAY before consoles) it's also categorically wrong as well. DLC and patches started on PC's and the implementation of them on consoles is a DIRECT result of trying to offer to console gamers what PC gamers have had for a long time. If you think there aren't plenty of lazy PC devs who leave things out for future "expansion packs" or "fixes" then you're completely naive.

"Consoles are also the reason why Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, as well as a Call of Duty every year, exist."

Wrong. Developers are. Speaking of Capcom, their actions are decades old, so you can't blame consoles for things like Super Street Fighter, which is essentially an expansion pack, which again had its birth on PC's. You're trying to place blame in the wrong place.

"Finally, the PC gamer said "PC has more exclusives, better online with more communities, cheaper games, and better graphics with mod support and dedicated servers."

More exclusives? That's HIGHLY debatable especially when you consider that the PC is heavily lacking in quality games across multiple genres. And by that I don't mean that the PC doesn't have games in every genre, I mean that it's "best" games are almost always in the same limited genres such as MMO's, Shooters, and RTS' whereas consoles don't have that problem. Better online is only disputable in the "it depends on the game" sense. It is purely subjective, but there are also arguments that make that statement indisputable as well, given potential. More communities isn't necessarily a good thing. Cheaper games is indisputable, but the hardware is vastly more expensive, and I don't care about these fairy tale gaming rigs that supposedly cost $300 and ALLEGEDLY outperform consoles. There must be something up with that that I'm not seeing yet. Mod support is again a tricky subject for 2 reasons. A) At least one console game this gen has mod support (I believe Unreal Tournament) and B) Mod support is per developer approval. Dedicated servers is indisputable, although many PS3 games have them as well so that is changing.

"This article is one-sided. This website was built around people arguing over who had the better console, not PC."

It's a blog, a complete opinion piece, of course it's one-sided. But that fact doesn't negate PC gamer elitism. It's rampant. But it's no worse than any over the top fanboyism.

Arnon4675d ago

So consoles are not responsible for DLC and patches, is that correct? How many games last generation on the console had DLC and patches to fix and/or add things to the game that were already meant to be in them?

"Wrong. Developers are. Speaking of Capcom, their actions are decades old, so you can't blame consoles for things like Super Street Fighter, which is essentially an expansion pack, which again had its birth on PC's. You're trying to place blame in the wrong place."

Uh, no. Consoles most certainly birthed having the same game released 4 times. There's a difference between Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (which was a separate game), and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Remix Super Ultra Whatever.

"More exclusives? That's HIGHLY debatable especially when you consider that the PC is heavily lacking in quality games across multiple genres."

That's NOT debatable. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact. I never anywhere mentioned it had "better" exclusives, I said it had more. Not only has the PC been "backwards compatible" with every PC game released through over 20 years of gaming (indie, browser, full retail, digital download, etc.), but it also allows for emulation, which essentially doubles or triples it's library.

"I mean that it's "best" games are almost always in the same limited genres such as MMO's, Shooters, and RTS' whereas consoles don't have that problem."

This is ignorance. I assume you're not much of a PC gamer considering you're contradicting yourself by making such a gross generalization. The reason this is made is BECAUSE these three genres are BETTER on the PC. But I think you need to go take a look at Steam.

"but the hardware is vastly more expensive"

The hardware is not vastly more expensive. You can in fact build a gaming computer for around $500 that will outperform a console 3-fold or more.

"A) At least one console game this gen has mod support (I believe Unreal Tournament) and B) Mod support is per developer approval."

A single console game having mod support does not suddenly classify the console to have mod support. Also, mods are hardly ever looked at with developer approval. Most, if not all games on the PC have mod support.

NCAzrael4675d ago

Just to be fair, while it does come across as bragging, it's also the truth. And for most of us, the graphics discussion is primarily used because we see the decline of our platform of choice and need a strong point in our favor.

Personally, I could care less. I happen to be lucky enough to have a good paying job, a car that's all paid off, and a house with a low monthly payment. I can afford the $500 I spent on my video cards, the 65" TV in the living room, the PS3, the 360, and the Wii.

Also, @DragonKnight

Please point out to me the plethora of PC titles that sold DLC before the consoles started making it common place. And I do mean SOLD. The vast majority of "DLC" for PC games are actually free content, mostly user created content, or mods. It wasn't really until Microsoft started using microtransactions for the 360 that DLC as we now know it became common place.

Patches I will agree with, as patches have been available for PC games for years before consoles even dreamed of connecting to the internet. However, the amount of release day patches for PC vs consoles is pretty heavy on the console side.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4675d ago
SageHonor4676d ago

Yeah 360 players would brag about online
PS3 players brags about exlusives.
PC players would brag aabout graphics

Another case of people putting down something because its different when it comes to something..

Solidus187-SCMilk4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )

Its true, what you say is correct kran.

There are stuck up people on every platform. You will notice these are the people who usually only game on one platform and want to tell everyone their platform is the best.

Ive seen more pretentious people in the 360/ps3 crowd then PC gamers.

Sure PC gamers may come and brag about how outdated consoles are, somewhat tru by the way, but ps3 people brag and dis xbox for multiple disks and xbox people rag on them back for a mandatory instals and various other things.

Basically, console fanboys make a huge deal about tiny differences between version and then a PC gamer mentions the actual TRUTH about the huge advantage PC gaming can have and they are being elitist?

Funny you mention how PC gamers were mad, with good reason, when former PC pushing games like crysis get held back by aging consoles. I remember the same thing happening everytime a formerly exclusive series goes to 360, FF13 anyone?? PS3 people hated that game as soon as it was announced for 360.

You sound worse that any PC gamer you might be describing, acting like there is a division between these groups.

Regarding your last paragraph Id say that the "more gamer" community is the one made up of people who play on PC/consoles. I have my entire life and PC has always been ahead of consoles tech wise. it sounds like you are taking that fact of life personally and are trying to put down PC gamers for something that is done far more by PS3/360 owners than PC gamers.

to be frank, you come off at the one who thinks hes better than everyone else and sound butthurt because a PC gamer pointed out the truth that the PS3 is outdated and PCs are far ahead. I think your one of these people who get upset about everything unless some blindly says the "Ps3 is the best at everything even though it is 5 years old" and "power of the cell."

And I play my ps3 and 360 far more than my aging PC, but Im not going to pretend like a good PC won't destroy both of my consoles even if they combined their powers and merged in the the ps360.

Christopher4676d ago

What's wrong is the generalization of people into such specific groups. It create the whole 360 vs PS3 war and now it's expanding to just drive a wedge between everyone out there.

Why can't we just realize that a small percentage of users are idiots and make stupid comments that make others look bad?

SageHonor4676d ago

Some people cant accept its the internet... People say whatever they want

MidnytRain4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

How about this: PC gamers tend to have different priorities when complaining about things. The amount of heat devs get when they haven't met demands is scary. I should clarify that this is from personal experience (though I shouldn't have to), and that I typically don't see console gamers bashing devs over graphical quality when its already better than the other versions.

Actually, cgoodno, because of you, I might cover other fanboy "demographics" in future blogs. Thanks for reading!

Also, if you noticed, I never referred to PC gamers in general, except at the very end of my blog.

steve30x4676d ago

PFFFFT I see console gamers also complaining and throwing their toys out of their pram because a game is'nt up to their standards. One instance is GT5. I have never seen so many cry babies as the Gran Turismo fans. There isnt one thing they wont complain about in Gran turismno.

Hicken4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

The people who complain about GT5 aren't even people who really play it. They tend to be fans of Forza- or so my experience has led me to believe- looking for any and everything to have issue with.

GT fans who have been playing for longer than just GT5 rarely complain. When they do, it's more along the lines of, "Yeah, it would be better if 'this,' but the game is still great without it."

Edit: after looking through your other comments, I notice that this game is the ONLY one you point to. And, honestly, in the case of GT5, it may be well-deserved. The title spent far more time in development than any other iteration; a lot of people would say that because of that long development time, it should be better than it is.

But the site you mention is one that neither I or anyone I play with on GT5 has ever gone to. Which means those of us who are happy with the game (maybe not ALL of us, but a good number, I'd wager) aren't going around complaining about things, but simply enjoying the game.

Therein lies the problem. It's as GenoZStriker says below: they're the loud minority. Sites like this and (apparently) GTPlanet are full of that type of individual: a small crowd who complains loudly about something.

Bladesfist4676d ago

2 links make pc gamers stuck up?

DragonKnight4676d ago

Did you read anything in the links? Count the amount of stuck up comments within those links. And it's not just isolated to N4G. It's everywhere. Granted, this is a gross generalization, but it is also FACT.

fullmetal2974676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

I'm not mad at EA for making their AAA title exclusive. I've bought Mass Effect 2 and now the upcoming Battlefield 3. Purchasing a game from EA was surprisingly simple, however I am a bit irritated about providing my CC info to another company.

LOL the whole "Console gamers are far less demanding" killed me. The entire site proofs that statement wrong. I've seen consoles gamers complain up-and-down about the player count of Battlefield 3 and making redundant statements like "Herp Derp MAG has 256 players so why can't Battlfield 3?" and coming up with false myths like buying a 5k PC to play games. Those people piss me off.

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I truly hope so.. day one buy