
Call of Duty Black Ops: A Disappointment?

We have been reporting on all kinds of Call of Duty Black Ops related news over the past few days, but we are definitely surprised to see just how many of you have expressed your disappointment with the game.

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TheOldOne4925d ago

its better than MW2 in everyway imo. apart from the graphics that is.

Mmmkay4923d ago

It the game would launch I could comment as well.... Fuck Treyarch!

InfectedDK4923d ago

Simple answer:
No, it's a great game.

KillerBBs4923d ago

and it LAG so bad. It felt like Gears of War.
Is Treyard making the worst connection host just like Gears does? (if so: I got the lag switch ready!)
Nothing looks right... but it was sweet being host once then my bro sent me an invite and the dream turn back into a laggy monster. I kick down good money to have a good connection why is there so much lag?

BeOneWithTheGun4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

..."graphics are not everything!!!" and this may be true but on November 9th, in the year of our Lord 20 fucking 10, 720p should be a MINIMUM STANDARD. Going sub HD when you have made gazillions of dollars and have the ability to throw millions at a game is unacceptable.

Games like Demon's Souls, sure, low budget, great gameplay so it's understandable. Bu a COD game? Give me a break!

We get raped on map packs and re-hashed level design for 6 years and they cannot come out with a "great looking game"? That is horseshit. Total horseshit.

EDIT: I was not venting at OP. Just venting.

Leon_Blu4923d ago

This is a space issue, and xbox 360 is to blame. Its been like this for years now.

Give us ps3 only games, and make use of the cell technology and blu-ray.

Shaman4923d ago

Yes but than again COD are 60 fps.That means twice less time to render each frame than "regular" games.Only racers can be 60fps at 720p,games like COD noup.

iamgoatman4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )


You've got to be kidding, right? So the 360 storage medium is to blame for the PS3 version having the lowest resolution of either console version? Great logic there!

What next, the PC version if holding the PS3 back? Give it a rest man. A platforms storage medium barely, if at all effects graphics quality, out side of compression of pre-rendered cutscenes and audio. You can stick as many high res textures as you want on a disc, but it still has to be processed by the GPU, and the GPUs in both consoles are very weak by modern standards.

Lol @ Disagrees. I give it a month at max before the level of stupidity flowing through this sites drops to a point where people start mashing their keyboards with their palms then posting the results.

TripleAAARating4923d ago

"November 9th, in the year of our Lord 20 fucking 10"...... LOL..... so true, COD defines the Big Blockbuster games phrase, yet I can't tell if the game is made for the original XBOX or for this generation at times.... Utter disgrace, it's like developers these days just hope for the Brand name to sell and take the shortcuts in developing the fucking game to cut costs and make 1000% in profits..... This is why I will always respect Sony and their first party. They always look to push the boundaries, Improving on their next project in every way possible, outdoing themselves, not just sitting back on what they have already established without moving forward.... this type of mentality helps the industry alot.....Trust me if (god forbid) Sony ever leaves the industry we are in some deep shit....

Shaman4923d ago

Why the fuck did Jimmy Riddle get disagrees for saying totally right thing,honest and unbiased,common sense stuff and Leon Blu got agrees because he is blaming 360 for ps3 version being worse.And all that,not because of gpu,not because of cpu,not even because of memory.Its because stupid disk space.WHAT does disk space have to do with resolution please answer me!Stupid N4G,this site should really be renamed N4PS3 cus this is how it looks like...man you guys act like little butthurth girls...

TripleAAARating4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

He did also say Cell Technology, which is why maybe the disagrees, your reply did not cover the whole context of his post.... and also why is it that COD4 and WAW were identical on both platforms?... There is no excuse for Treyarch

PoSTedUP4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

i didnt realize this untill i read your comment (sub HD), i was too bust playing and enjoying the game lol. and now that i know this, i still do not care because the game looks good and is fun as hell with everything the fans asked for.

and as far as map packs go... i bought a $60 games and it was complete upon purchase with mwf2, if they wanna charge extra for mappacks that is their choice and your choice to buy them, just remember you are getting a full single player experience and a huge multiplayer experiance right from the start.

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KyRo4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

100% agree, Treyarch's game is much better. People are hoping IW can make something as good as MW1 again but all they care for now is money. That was proven with the lack of support and the laziness of pasting old maps for map packs and not fixing over powered perks, glitches and expliots.

James Vanderbeek4923d ago

graphics took a step back in this one. but i like the gameplay better. one thing they need to do is fix the sniping though when it comes to close up shots. not quick scoping because aiming down a scoop and shooting it like its a pistol was dumb in modern warfare 2. but i shot a guy twice when he was walking up the steps. my cross hairs where dead in the center of him and i aimed down the scoop and shot quickly and missed him both times. no way possible should i have missed him. his whole body filled the crosshairs of my sniper rifle. i know they dont want quick scooping in the game but they need to fix that. dont make sniping someone close completley impossible. cod4 was perfect with sniping.

TheLastGuardian4923d ago

I swear, people are WAY too picky these days. They complain about the most petty things. Black Ops is a blast.

KingZFlipper4923d ago

Although the graphics isn't the strongest link in Black Ops, I think this game is very nice. SP is quite great and multiplayer is also great. And I've played MW2 and I think it's horrible

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4923d ago
KillerBBs4924d ago

Less graphics = smoother game play or that's what I was hoping for. I loved MW2 when it first came out but learn to hate it after awhile... But Black Ops... not enjoying multiplayer at all. It's kinda comical to watch how far off the aiming is on the finial kill cam. Shot two feet away from hitting barn door, totaly missing but end up with the cross hair and the kill. WTF. Is this lag or more auto aim BS.

RonRico4923d ago

That killcam thing happened a lot in MW2

Ace Killa 084924d ago

It's a new feel and I like it, and I put a good 21 days of gameplay for mw2. Black ops is a good game, with some connection problems and glitches (had only 1 match where kids glitched into the floor) but nothing of a deal break for me. A patch will come and it should be fixed wit it. I'm enjoying the game with friends so this game did its job of entertainment.

scar204923d ago

Just report them for glitching.

Undeadwolfy4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

Pardon my asking, but do you know how I can report someone for abusing the game on the PS3? Thanks

8-bit4923d ago

Multiplats are your only option so what else would you say? I will wait for Killzone 3

neonlight454923d ago

Yeah, I like the game. The players who have skills actually come out on top unlike mw2.

BeOneWithTheGun4923d ago

like throwing a tomahawk across the map and having it ricochet 2 times then hitting someone's leg and killing them? That kind of skill?

BlueEye4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

Thats called "Luck" young grasshopper

itsralf4923d ago

Tomahawks are a little over-powered. I agree. I don't see many people using it, though. But most people still haven't unlocked it.

-Alpha4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )


Wow, that was pure luck, no need to troll the game mechanic

neonlight454923d ago

talking about no danger close and one man army

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