
Comcast to make monthly Internet use cap official

Comcast Corp., the nation's second-largest Internet service provider, Thursday said it would set an official limit on the amount of data subscribers can download and upload each month...

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Merritt5738d ago

It sickens me to see this happen. Is this how censorship of the internet will work?!?!

RevN8r5738d ago

I think that actual censorship of the internet will be much worse. This is bad, to be sure, but it's already a practice throughout much of the rest of the world.

My ISP is through Charter Communications, and I feel like they're already throttling our bandwidth. It shouldn't be the case, but I truly wonder sometimes.

Bnet3435738d ago

and to think I was going to sign for Comcast because I am moving next week. No thanks Comcrap, I'll stick to DSL like always.

sack_boi5738d ago

Here in france we have 100MB/s dl and 50MB/s up, without and restrictions.

I really feel bad for you Americans.

Silver3605738d ago

of the internet service if they are changing what is offered. None of this bull about we have the right to change what we provide, the customers get no compensation for the change of the deal.

JoySticksFTW5738d ago

!! The Atmosphere will begin charging for the air we breathe...
!! God will begin charging new born babies for souls...
!! The devil will begin charging for extra helpings of Despair when you reach hell...
!! Too Human, Fat Gabe, Haze, RROD'd 360's, Lair, and the Wii's whole line-up of games will begin charging for the right to laugh at them...

When and where does it frickin' end?

But in all fariness to Comcast, 250gb is pretty generous compared to what the other guys are offering

Motion5738d ago

Digital phone companies like vonage will be pissed about this, since comcast is limiting the amount of time you can use it, especially while comcast itself offers a digital phone service that will probably remain unlimited...since this will effect other companies services, such as vonage, hulu, (basically any IPtv or voice company), I dont' see how they can put these restrictions on.

kalel3335738d ago

Wow 250 gb cap??? That's still pretty good ! here in Canada Quebec, I have a 20gb download cap and I pay 40$ (student price) but if I weren't a student it would be 20$ more I think. I'm hating the internet more and more everyday because I can't do as much as when I had my 256 kbps connection !! Who knew That I'd want my 256kbps connection back when I have 7mbps; f*ck capitalism !

IdleLeeSiuLung5738d ago

I hope it will be illegal for isp's to cap. Frankly this is heading ina bad direction. First they say, oh the cap is at a 250GB, then they reduce it by introducing lower cost plan. Then they get rid of the old plans and introduce newer crappier plans.

Step in the wrong direction though, but in Comcast defense they have provided me the best internet I gotten compared to crappy DSL service from AT&T and they are far more generous....

Wish I could get fiber!

SaiyanFury5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

So the American corporate monopoly of the internet continues. Soon the cap will drop and the internet will become more expensive as all things that are involved in a corporate monopoly do. I'm stuck on 1.5mbps DSL so no cap in the world would be low enough for us here in BF nowhere, Florida.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5737d ago
ShinFuYux5738d ago

How much data does Online gaming use in a month?

Yesterday, I downloaded National Treasure, it was 7GB.


OGharryjoysticks5738d ago

This would suck sheep balls if it cut me off a game in the middle

Shadowstar5738d ago

So, at 7 GB... you'd be able to download only 35 movies per month (assuming no other internet usage-- if we say that other than movies, you're around average, that's still over 30 per month.) How many movies do you watch? 250 gigs sounds like you'd only hit it if you were a heavy filesharing family using multiple computers to download individual movies every day, or running a very successful website out of your basement... I mean, I'd prefer no limits, but most of the rest of the world has them, and if the US is going to get them too, they should be reasonable, and this... actually seems reasonable. And from Comcast, no less! Surprising!

JoySticksFTW5738d ago

They won't cut your game off in the middle. Comcast will let you keep playing and just charge you CRAZY fees for going over your limit.

They probably, secretly hope you go over the limit just to charge you more money.

Believe it.

strotee5738d ago

Sounds like Comcast is ready for digital downloads. /sarcasm

dragunrising5738d ago

Hopefully the restrictions won't last or will be refined (higher than 1000 GB). Digital distribution is going to happen at some point and the last thing we need is a data cap. It is more beneficial to single out the major abusers of data bandwidth. Spammers and pirates in particular...

Raoh5738d ago

dont take this lightly

comcast is the second largest isp...

other companies are all trying to reach the same goal and are all looking at each other to see what works

not only to stop piracy but to make money on it...

this also allows them to blame the customer/offender for less than stellar service

while they still wont upgrade their networks

lets not forget that comcast was also caught delivering SD quality television to its HD customers to increase bandwidth (or not increase bandwidth)

rogimusprime5738d ago

they are just trying set set a strong precedent for F***ing people over.

This is garbage. I'm glad Time Warner bought them out in L.A.

kalel3335738d ago

Yeah i totally agree with you, people don't realize how "dangerous" this could be for us consumers. If we start accepting limited internet every ISP is going to do the same in order to save bandwidth and make more money out of the GB's we download . But then again they'll have to either remove the caps or give us more download and upload with digital downloads becoming more and more popular everyday. Apple should sue all ISP's that force caps (have no limitless plans) saying that they are hampering the growth of their itunes store or something lol. So should Microsoft and Sony with their PS's and Xbox's.

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The PS5 Has Shipped An Estimated 5x More Units Than The Xbox Series X/S In The Last Quarter

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Of course that didn’t last, and soon manufacturing limitations on the consoles were a thing of the past, and sales started to leap forward. For one next-gen console platform, at least.

-Foxtrot14h ago

I can see why Microsoft is putting their games on PlayStation with these numbers

Imagine how many copies of future games like Elder Scrolls VI, Blade, Indiana Jones and more they could sell if they went fully multiplatform.

OtterX9h ago

If they don't, it would be the death of them.

purple1017h ago

while I see your point, i'm one of those people that dont really want to see a M$ logo, when I boot up, however good the game is, unless truly exceptional, I've got enough games from Sony and enough coming down the pipeline, plus the 2 free smaller games on ps+, why do I need to give Microsoft anymore money,

I usually play just GT7 and cod, you've got Gran Theft Auto coming, its over for microsoft, they shot themselves in the foot, and now have to hobble away, to the losers corner, sit there, and repent.,!!! hahaha

OtterX7h ago(Edited 6h ago)

@Purple101 At this point, Microsoft just wants to be the American Tencent, but also just happen to have a console available for those who want it.

I hate what they're doing to the industry, but I would play the next Elder Scrolls on PS5 or PS6 even if I had to look at a MS logo at the beginning. At this point, I'm just invested in the series. I didn't feel this way about Starfield, which is why I've skipped it. Worst case scenario, I'd pick Elder Scrolls up on PC if it didn't come to PS, but I've stayed true to my word - I have not, and will not buy another Microsoft console after 3 red ringed 360s. They've killed my console support for life. They showed how scummy they can be by knowingly rushing out a product before it was ready, just to try and capture a 1 year headstart.

If a MS logo shows up at the beginning of the next Elder Scrolls on a Playstation console, so what? That means Sony won and MS is just another publisher. Many of the large publishers are quite dirty, so it fits them well. I wouldn't mind seeing their console die off though and them solely take up this publisher role.

Jingsing3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Yeah, I never bought another Xbox console after the 360. But at the same time you shouldn't find yourself captive to Elder Scrolls if the company behind it is very scummy. I dropped COD after Ghosts and I don't regret it the company has only become worse and I'm glad I never was part of funding that.

14h agoReplies(1)
13h agoReplies(1)
Barlos3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

A surprise to nobody.

S2Killinit2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

5X is a surprise as it’s just unreal.

Jingsing3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Sony would probably be selling more if they stopped sending mixed signals about their future. Putting games on PC because you are taking data analytic advice from Microsoft about the future of consoles is folly and has limited their potential sales. Microsoft want Sony and the world to believe that consoles are done as a business so companies like Sony and Nintendo etc can end up serving Microsoft's platform. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It is us or no one and the three E's" Don't fall for it.

S2Killinit2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

MS has forced everyone’s hand in regard to PC. If the other two dont release on PC, they will be giving them an edge. Imo

Although i think Sony/PlayStation would be wise to release selectively on PC.

Jingsing1h ago

The way Sony are doing it though is very suspect, It almost seems like they are trying to tunnel their way out of Steam with a PSN back-end. They should have just launched their own store. Yes this would no doubt upset PC users but you just can't have everything on Steam as that means no market competition. Microsoft and Sony should only use their own stores. That way they can also enforce their subscription fee's (I don't think there should be fee's) like they do on console as right now they are saying people on console have to pay this fee but if you play on PC you don't. That is very anti-consumer.

Skuletor28m ago

While putting their games on PC would lose them some console sales, there's a large market of people that prefer consoles for their simplicity and convenience, I wonder if it would really effect them negatively. Well, I guess at this current point they won't be dragging PC players into a PS Plus subscription, so there's that.

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got_dam15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Slow news day, I guess.


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