
CRank: 6Score: 92260

there always has to be one rotten apple to spoil the bunch. oh wait, make that two rotten apples--i forgot about #3. speaking of what Dolby Digtail (or whatever his name is) said, GROR and N64 should go hand in hand. why don't you give that one a try instead.

6647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it DEFINATELY isn't deserving of a 8.5 out of 10. more like a 7.8. i traded my copy in yesterday. it was quite underwhelming.

6647d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

okay, i'm starting to see some resemblance to the 2005 E3 demo Sony showed. still not quite there yet, but as good as any reasonable gamer could expect. can't wait to see more on this as it develops. it just MAY become a launch-day go, along with Heavenly Sword, Lair and Resistance.

6647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

agree with andy capps

6648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so far The Wall looks promising. yeah, it may be a PS3 exclusive, and yeah, there are apparently STILL some people in the gaming community (such as Play Ten) who have faith in the PS3; but there's no need to start calling XBox fans Xbots.

6648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cause that was some blatant Sony/PS3 bashing going on there. i mean, Heavenly Sword flawed (despite the fact that it still has several months of development time left)? Resistance, which graphically looks at least as good as COD3 while offering something besides the tired WWII theme, lackluster? Warhawk, which also has several months left to improve, lackluster? and all this coming on the heels of the 360's flawless (obvious sarcasm) launch? so far the PS3 launch games are looking better...

6648d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

ign.com gave it a 9.0. gamespot.com gave it a 7.5. played the demo for myself a week ago, and i'm leaning more towards gamespot.com's review. maybe not a as low as 7.5, but DEFINATELY not a 9.0. the demo had some cool effects, like the ability to walk on walls through what i'm assuming is some sort of gravitational shifting technology, and the ability to jump to completely different sections of the map through portals. the gameplay however was bland and lackluster. definately not one of...

6648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for the record UT2007 hasn't be announced for the 360 (thats a rumor 360 fans have cooked up, unlike with Assassins Creed, which SEEMS PROBABLE). and anyway, TheMart listed Epic as if implying that they were a first-party developer for Microsoft, which isn't true since their most lauded title ever (UT2007) has been announced for ONLY the PS3 and PC.

6649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

couldn't have said it better specialguest and XbugTerminator. if TheMart were smart he would've replaced Epic with Bungie, giving Microsoft a whopping THREE (apparent scarcasm) first-party developers that makes any worth-while games (though i haven't seen much that Rare's done that's worth-while). fanboys SERIOUSLY need to chill. they are the ones who make gaming sickeningly unattractive.

6649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

haven't actually made it inside the castle in Oblivion yet: but from what i've seen in motion while i was playing it, in the events leading up to Kvoltz (if thats how you spell it) Oblivion doesn't WOW me graphically like, say, GRAW does. like i've said, i think its a great game gameplay-wise (don't think its the best the 360 has to offer, or even the best rpg, but great nevertheless), i just don't think that its graphics look any better than the pics or vids i've seen of Untold Legend. tha...

6649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who cares about what Sony says? only an idiot would place much stock in what Corporate CEO's say. in all my arguments on this site you have NEVER read me quoting anything Sony says. i NEVER discuss the verbal hogwash that goes on between Sony and Microsoft, nor that between misguided Sony fanboys and Microsoft fanboys. i STRICTLY talk about games, and what DEVELOPERS think about them. i'm talking about whats been SHOWN. when i posted the news article about Untold Legends one of the thin...

6651d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well, since that's your personal opinion it'd be cool if you implied it as such, instead of trying to imply that its the rule that all gamers should go by. gaming is about taste and preference, not Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo. the moment you knock someone elses tastes is the moment you make your own open for attack. the "brainwashed Sony fans", as you call them, would beg to differ with your sentiment; and with good reason. already the PS3 looks to offer far more variety in game...

6651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're starting to sound like that ssj04 dude. if you can't respond intellectually to a comment then perhaps you shouldn't respond at all.

6651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

my guess is that Sony is banking on the initial sales of the PS3 to spur Blu-Ray, not the other way around. regardless of whether or not Blu-Ray sells well before PS3, PS3 WILL sell-out when it comes out: that'd be 1 million+ Blu-Ray players in consumer homes, giving Blu-Ray's installed base a significant lead over HD-DVD.

as far as i'm concerned it really doesn't matter. i'm getting a PS3 not because of its games and irregardless of Sony's arrogance. i'm getting a PS3 STRIC...

6652d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

who said anything about gameplay. yeah, i have Oblivion, and its a great game--maybe not as deserving of all the hype it's getting, but a great game nonetheless. but its GRAPHICS are hardly next-generation calibur, as evident by the hi-res pictures i've provided from ign.com. don't let your hatred of Sony blind you to logic and reason. the proof is in the pudding; just compare the pictures.

6652d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

don't be a dumb ass. for every low-graphical-quality game that a system has, there are three more with great graphics. i never said that Untold Legend was the cream-of-the-crop of PS3 grahipcs, hence me saying that it's finally starting to look next-gen. that Untold Legend (amongst the most graphically lackluster PS3 games so far) looks better than Oblivion (the most lauded 360 game so far) is justification enough for my argument. have you PLAYED Untold Legends to know that Oblivion kills...

6653d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment



6653d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

with all the talk about PS3 and 360, i'd kinda forgotten all about this current-gen gem. the first one was perhaps my favorite current-gen game. can't wait for the sequel. hopefully Incognito has begun work on a PS3 rendition.

6654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG! we now rely on drunken employees for our gaming info?

6654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you KNOW that you want Assassins Creed and you KNOW as of right now that it's at least coming to the PS3, why not just get a PS3, instead of sitting back getting you rox off HOPING that it'll come to other systems? it shouldn't even be an important topic for argument. if its so important that the 360 EVENTUALLY gets Assassins Creed, then PS3 losing the exclusivity of GTA shouldn't be that big of a deal, as Sony has said all along.

fanboys crack me up. they sit back and sp...

6654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment