
CRank: 6Score: 92260

um, no. i just looked on both gamespot and ign, and on both sites the only links i could find for Assassins Creed in relation to the 360 was filed under "Rumors".

6619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and have you read ANYWHERE where it specifically says that FEAR ISN'T coming to the PS3? i have no doubt that Assassins Creed is coming to the 360...eventually. but still, i'm not holding my breath until i have some concrete evidence other than fanboys playing on words. but even still, should AC eventually come to the 360 i'd STILL get it for my PS3, for the same reasons i'd get FEAR for my 360 even if PS3 got it; because those games would be available on those respective systems FIRST. s...

6619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

couldn't agree with you more. Ken, Kaz and Phil have been saying stupid stuff since the early PSOne days, but their systems have always delivered on fun and enjoyable games. despite the stupid stuff they've said recently, the PS3 looks to build upon the enjoyment i found in the previous systems. as a gamer/consumer, thats ALL i really care about.

6619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

couldn't agree with you more. Ken, Kaz and Phil have been saying stupid stuff since the early PSOne days, but their systems have always delivered on fun and enjoyable games. as a gamer/consumer, thats ALL i really care about.

6619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Vivendi has stated nowhere that a PS3 version will be made period."

well so. Ubisoft has stated nowhere that Assassins Creed is coming to the 360, but that hasn't stopped the hoards of 360 fanboys from proclaiming that it will.

6619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

look at how scarce feedback this insightful article has gotten, compared to the previous articles, which did naught but inflame fanboy bickering. this is truly a sad time for gaming.

6620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm a PS3 fan, and i don't want Oblivion. you know why? because i already have it...on my 360. you see, i'm a 360 fan as well. so whats your point?

6620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bethesda developing for the PS2? bodes well for Oblivion coming to the PS3!

6620d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sounds like Joystiq's a bit jealous to me. i go to both ign and gamespot on a daily basis (a LOT more than i come here, due in no small part to the fact that those respective sites aren't plagued with idioic fanboyism like this site). i value both of their reviews and the authenticity of their news. i've come to accept the fact that, typically, games rating in the range of 7.0 to 7.9 are average, not great games, and that the buyer should purchase with a slight air of caution. games from ...

6621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well i saw the actual CG rendering, and quite honestly i can't deduce why 360 fanboys CAN'T see the difference. this looks nothing like the CG video Sony showed at E305. however, that it looks so close is proof enough of PS3's power, and only bodes well for how close Killzone will look to the CG video. the replays in a racing game always look better than when you're actually playing said game. i'm not saying that it IS better, because it's using the same graphics and assets. i'm just say...

6622d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

...notice i said fanBOY. if you are NOT a fanBOY, then you needed even have to respond to my post. but to the 360 fanBOYS, here's some advice: don't say that a PS3 game is CGI. because when you say that, and when it's proven that its actual in-game footage (ya know, like this Motorstorm trailer) then it just makes the PS3 look that much more superior and appealing

6622d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

for starters i haven't said anything negative about the 360. i'm not sure how saying that i don't like most of those games you listed is negative to the 360, especially since i have one. i'm just saying that a medicore shooter, a racer, a strategy game i'd probably enjoy more on my PC, a medicore mech game, and a table tennis isn't my cup of tea. i'm not slamming them, just saying that I'M not into them, thats all. sure, with games like Fable 2, GOW, Halo 3, Bioshock etc. the future looks...

6622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude, thats your prerogative if you don't like MGS4 or Heavenly Sword. some people do. some people don't like Prey, Chromehounds, Table Tennis, etc.; some people don't like BFME, and could careless about Dead Rising or Lost World. and guess what, thats their prerogative as well. if you don't like something then just don't get it. but don't go around slamming it just because YOU don't like it.

6623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well actually, both Atari and Nintendo (with the Gameboys) had backwards compatibility with previous systems before Sony came along. the reason they made it a staple is probably because of their name recognition at the time of PS2's release.

Microsoft's lack of support for the XBox in light of the 360 doesn't bother me that much...after all, i'm usually one to adopt to the newer system pretty quickly anyway. haven't bought a XBox game since i got rid of my XBox. but what ...

6624d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't hope down Jin's throat like that, especially when you have one of the site's most longwinded 360 supporters (the real deal) posting novel-long comments about how he thinks 360 is better.

6626d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so, paying $600 for a system whose 1st generation games look at least as good as 360's 2nd generation games is a bad thing?

6626d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

yep, Microsoft must've sold me a faulty system.

6626d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...about as long as it takes for Fable to load on my 360

6626d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah, and the PS2 version will probably outsell them both.

6626d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

well i'm a 360 owner, a 360 fan, a future PS3 owner and a PS3 fan. so it matters little to me either way. who it REALLY sux for is 360 fanBOYS!

6626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment