
CRank: 6Score: 92260

thanx lawman. that was as clear as day from where i'm sitting. most people just can't contain their eagerness to bash the console they don't like

6635d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well, i'm a proponent of the notion that you cannot judge the final in-motion product of a game based off of still screenshots. that was one of the reasons i posted the Oblivion pics. as screenshots they don't look that good: but in motion the game is gorgeous. by that token, the screens to the games i've listed (as well as Resistance, Untold Legend etc.) will probably look considerably better in motion as well.

as far as PS2's problems persisting with the PS3 i personally d...

6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment






6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sounds SLIGHTLY arrogant, sort of like a console manufacturer we all know. just maybe Ubisoft and said manufacturer are actually in cahoots, which would bode well the prospect of Assassins Creed remaining exclusive to that system. ; ) now, let the fanboy frenzy begin.

6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats what i thought too, until i bought a 360 and tried it. i'm still more into traditional Japanese style turn-based rpgs' ala FF and DQ, but Oblivion's not too bad. gorgeous graphics, music and sound. its kinda weird fighting in first person (there is an option where you can switch to third person, but it sucks): but otherwise the game is good. definately worth getting, even if you have to wait for the PS3 version. me? i already have the 360 version. not even sure if i'll be finishe...

6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude, thats just a poor-quality image. try this one instead. its taken from the same news source


6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

um, Sony is one of three Corps. that hold the patent on CD's, and i believe one of a few more who hold the patent on DVD's. this translates into them having participated in both the development and production of said formats. do you honestly believe that either format would've been as successful as they were without Sony? besides, no matter how Beta may have failed, it was still regarded as the superior format over VHS; it was just marketed the wrong way. as far as UMD's: who cares? i sa...

6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*sigh* i have NEVER said that Mass Effect doesn't look good. i simply said that i'm not into KOTOR-like rpgs. Mass Effect looks great! but i STILL ain't getting it. can it be done on the PS3? most definately, especially considering that Heavy Rain looks AT LEAST AS GOOD. oh, and here's the ign.com link to an interview they did with the developers of the Heavy Rain...they CONFIRMED IT AS REAL-TIME

i don't know why my name keeps being thrown around. but since it is, let me share my own links. you wanna talking abour realism? how about this. best looking graphics to date, and yes, it is PS3 and it has been confirmed as in-game real-time (NO CG).


yeah, yeah, i already know what you're gonna say. "Noob, its coming to the 360 too lol.&quo...

6639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

um, why should PS3 launch titles be leaps and bounds above 360 launch titles, especially when developers haven't had as much time to develop for the supposedly difficult-to-develop-for PS3? i never said that GOW doesn't look better than Resistance, i'm just saying that Resistance is a decent looking launch title, more so than most of what 360 had at its launch. granted, Mass Effect looks great graphically; i'm just not into those KOTOR type rpgs'. if anything, 360 fans should tout Bioshock...

6639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanx 360theAssassinsCreed

6639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol! now i've heard it all!

6639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as far as i'm concerned, both XBox and PS2 fanboy camps spread half-truths; XBox fanatics are just a wee-bit more mature about it. case in point: PS2 having Toy Story graphics may been reaching for the clouds, but the fact of the matter is there were some gorgeous games on the system under their own right...and yes, some even came close to early cg renderings such as in-game cut-scenes at the time. i just find it disheartening that gaming has to come to this: bickering between camps; there ...

6639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so, you would rather come here and laugh at Sony than go to a 360 article--which, btw, could use some attention, since they're always so barren of feedback activity--and read up on 360 news? sounds kinda lame.

6639d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

otherwise you wouldn't be here reading about it. in any regard the game looks like a solid LAUNCH title.

6639d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

besides Gran Turismo and Wipeout, i've never really been into racers. but at $40, i might just give this one a shot

6639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

couldn't agree with it more. now, if only Sony would take heed to it...?

6639d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

no offense, but this is all beside the point. it isn't Sony's or anyone elses place to tell the consumer to get a job just so that they can afford what Sony is selling. Sony needs to cater to its pre-existing and future consumers, not the other way around. the fact that they have come under attack (and in some cases rightfully so) doesn't bode too well for their future prognosis. despite the fact that i'm buying a PS3 release day i still believe that they need to change their strategy if ...

6639d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the problem with Sony is they are trying to make the PS3 this set-top box inspite of the fact that it is primarily a game system. for this to work they MUST realize that the overwhelming majority of PS3 purchasers are buying it as a game system, and they should cater to them. gaming should be the utmost goal for Sony with the PS3; all other features should just be treated as additional. when Sony talks PS3 they should talk gaming primarily, not how its a PC or a Blu-ray dvd player. this i...

6639d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment