
CRank: 5Score: 9670

it's not true. I've gotten to chapter 10.

Or I could be saying this to make everyone feel better. You can believe me or not, but atleast now you're unsure :P.

4250d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It wasn't really more sleazy than ME2, or anything that's had a cliffhanger before.

If it doesn't have a sequal, or it ends up being dlc (I doubt it the dlc so far hasn't really had much content), then maybe... People jumped to conclusions about the there being a DLC ending, when nothing has really suggested that.

I also, don't know if bioware really planned to do any dlc ending whatsoever originally. It does end, albeit anticlimactically,...

4542d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not saying that FFXIII-2 didn't underpeform in japan.

But, for instance there could be other factors contributing. FFXIII-2 is still the 4th best selling PS3 game in japan and will be 3rd. Last gen. FF had the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best selling game on PS2. How much are home consoles dieing there? Ni No Kuni Sold worse on home console so did monster hunter.

I think their decisions will be influenced, more by how it does in the west. Because FF has been declin...

4617d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you completely missed the point. I said incoherent hate. That article is mostly coherent. People going to metacritic, and giving FFXIII-2 a 0 out of 10 when they can't have played it 5 hours is nonsensical. Just like the people that give it a 10 after playing it for 5 hours.

You can make an argument, that every story is FF is crap compared to 2001, Citizen Kane etc, because of plotholes, bad motivations. You can make an argument, that they all are way more linear than wes...

4619d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a fan, of FFXIII (not, I think it's the best, I also don't think it's the worst. I think it's in the middle). But obviously this post was not made to debate this.

But I agree, FFXIII-2 was made to address complaints that people had with the first one. I've been playing it, and I like it a lot.

However, I'm confused with their logic. There will be some people that didn't like FFXIII and will like this. But I'd have to th...

4620d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

these type of articles are dumb whether you like the games or not. The goals of games is to make money. When they quit making money. Then they go on hiatus, see what Activision did with Guitar Hero.

It would be absolutely idiotic for them to put AC, FF, or CoD on hiatus.Those games are the highest selling game for their respective company's. That’s bad business. If you don’t like the games don’t play them.

You could much more reasonably argue that some of...

4620d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

yeah :-/,

but cool, I can't edit my comment out. So I'm posting this to say, that my first comment doesn't apply anymore.

4621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is the same article as the game informer article


It's the same author and exact same text.

I can't report as dupe because I don't have 3 submissions yet.

4622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


If you spend an infinite amount of time and manpower. you approach zero polish as you approach infinity with that equation haha.

4622d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's a difference, between pointing out negatives, and overreacting and giving skyrim 1 star. (atleast the non PS3 versions)

For some people maybe the bugs/glitches, are too much to bear. But, often you don't even encounter said bugs. there aren't any other games that offer the same experience without the bugs. To compare Skyrim to say, leisure suit larry, or other normally perceived one star games is kind of ridiculous, atleast imo.

Open world...

4622d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

This review is a copy paste of the joystiq review. The words are exactly the same.


4622d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's the thing, I still think they are great. My favorite's are still some of (not all) of the older ones. For instance, I love love love FF5, but I find that FF4, and FF6 oale in comparison gameplay wise to Chrono Trigger or the Dragon Quests of that era. But that's just me, others differ, so good for them.

If you're going to say an 80's meta = subpar it doesn't make sense. when 8 out my 10 favorite games (FFXIII was not one of those) this gen were...

4623d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

According to VGC

Catherine only sold .29 in the US (it was released in japan a year earlier).

Now I love Catherine and it was probably my 3rd or 4th favorite ame last year. But, I'd say the only game that was a "hit" out of those was Dead Island.

And the quality of catherine really wasn't surprising, because it was done by the persona team.

4627d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't require origins with retail copy.

4630d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's 5 activations. However, you can get the activations back by unactivating it. You only get one Multiplayer Acct associated with key though.

It's not really significant. It doesn't require steam or origin either. Ubisofts DRM Assassins Creed is much much worse.

I know there's the argument "I paid for it I shouldn't have to worry about it." That's fine and all I'm not going to argue. But, it didn't bother me.

4630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Dialogue in FF has always been not so good (I love all the FF's that aren't online), except for FFIX and FFXII which had some of the better dialogue I've seen in games as a whole.

If you speak out the old dialogue it sounds just as silly, or more silly than the current FF's. It is just currently more jarring, because you actually hear it instead of making it seem better in your mind.

Most games have bad dialogue. There's exceptions l...

4631d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can set the default command to abilities you know.

atleast from the FF13-2 demo if it continues that way, it's less linear than FFX. The map is less linear then the pre FFX maps, except those had a world map, which did make it less linear, provided they gave you a means of transportation.

There's multiple minigames included in just the demo that weren't in 13. The Crystarium was modified so you can build your character however you want. And it...

4634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

uematsu wrote the 3 chocobo songs for FFXIII-2. Jus' sayin.

4634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He was meaning. Home Console. They've made a number great handheld games.

I agree versus looks neat. Though it's a race to see what comes out first hat or The last guardian. It however, doesn't look old school at all imo.

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought the FF13 trailer was bleh. As I did the FFX13-2 trailer. And the Mindjack Trailer wasn't ever impressive and I'm not sure anyone thought that was going to be good. (A shooter developed by the co-devs of lost odyssey published by SE).

The problems with FFXIII's dialogue was infact prevalent in the trailers. (And I liked XIII), I don't really understand the hate towards FF12 at all. Other than maybe characters and story. But FF fans have bitched about ...

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment