
CRank: 5Score: 9670

I'm not surprised it's not turn based since it is a Nomura Game, and his games are all.... action rpg.

The original FF7 had a mindless turn based system because the game was so easy (besides optional bosses ofcourse). It had little strategy and usually involved pressing attack...

I love turn based games like SMT games and persona, but pretty much every Final Fantasy had hardly any strategy involved in the game since they are too easy. Thus, I'm no...

3216d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It has both Japanese and English Audio and their cutscenes. It was 29GB previously, but people on steam were complaining so they obliged.

3639d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is quite exciting, to me not the first one or the second one.
Both I thought were fun not "classic games"

LR was by far my favorite of the 3, but was a graphical disaster. This has the most modding potential, particularly if enemies from other games can be ported in. The story can't really be fixed.

3661d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't like a lot of the things SE does,

But they've posted a profit in each of the last two quarters.
And just last week they revised their forecasts and now expects to record three times the net income previously expected for upcoming period.

It's impossible to know, who this deal is good for. Since no one knows how much MS paid, or how long it's timed, etc.

3695d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I prefer some of the new ones and some of the old ones probably about a 50/50 ratio.

But, the verdict for me is how they integrate into the game. A problem I had with the old soundtrack is despite some great tracks. I felt that it wasn't as cohesive as previous FF games and it sounded like it was written by 3 people (because it was), I'm hoping the new soundtrack will be a bit more cohesive.

My favorite 3 FF soundtracks are 6,7,8.

3931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will have things better than the PC.
I'm not sure why both sides have to argue about it.

PC has, better AA, FPS, Resolution, and 3D.
Next Gen has better Vegetation, Shaders, Animation.

3934d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

There's difficulty mods, new character models (these aren't reskins), reskins, backgrounds Fractilized, Remixed FMV's, Redone Menu's, a variety of soundtracks, etc.

3937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having the cost too prohibitive at the start is better than having it too low. If they make the cost too low, it can cause a lot of other issues with economy. If it is too high and not enough can afford it in a reasonable time frame. The mechanics will likely get adjusted.

The economies in these type of games take a long to develop, and a lot of times never end up developing well.

3937d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

A lot of artists would rather work for themselves, pick and choose projects that they want to. I as an engineer work on a lot of projects on a contract basis, and have some friends who do only that.

A) Working for a big corporation, where you inevitably do what they say. There are some benefits, like stock options or places for advancement where you'll make more money than an artist ever would.

B) Working by yourself, choosing which projects you work on r...

3939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is called Roses and Wine which lets you use the original soundtrack (Better version of the PSX), PSX, or orchestral tracks, whichever you prefer.

However, unlike FF7, the XG-Sounds aren't aweful and some people prefer it to the PSX sound (Roses and Wine Mod is the best though, because you can choose what you prefer)

I'm not sure if Roses and Wine is compatible with it yet though.

3946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a 5/10 because of the story.

Which is pretty expected, if you've paid attention or observed anything at all. I don't *think* anyone that was excited for this was excited for a highly elaborate sensical story.

It's a toriyama story. While I do enjoy his story's more than a lot of people because they're fun in strange ways. And end up making more sense after you think about it much more than you should have to. They have problems.

3948d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

these are definitely strange, even for FF (Date with Barret is amusing strange, Mog trolling in XIII-2 was amusing). This is just strange strange.

the JPN demo was fun though.

3953d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

NA =/= USA.

Not that the numbers are correct.

3963d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say with certainty that they are made up. It's just data extrapolation from a very small sample size that results in wildly innaccurate numbers. (And explains why their numbers are frequently wrong).

Ofcourse, they could make them up the numbers where they extrapolate from.

3963d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think that has to do more with the writing...

3964d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's an approach you have to use when you're set with constraints. Like budget, time, scope, requirement for good graphics, features, deadlines, etc.

Every industry uses it. Yes, you would like to make a 10/10 product every time. But that exists in a vacuum, and not in reality.

But sometimes, having a working product that is less than ideal at the right time is more important than having a better product at a different time. The PS4 launch needed excl...

3966d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamefly, but I quit using it because I could really get new releases.

I bought GTAV for like 65 dollars and then sold it for 57 on ebay... so that's basically the same thing :).

3974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if anyone can read...

it says Etro is the only same thing that's connected... Which was announced long ago, all they did was reiterate because they were asked a question about it.

"When Etro is mentioned in the context of XIII and XV, we’re referring to the same goddess of Death. It’s the same goddess, but how she’s featured, how she appears and how she’s involved with the story is completely different. They’re different stories and different project...

3984d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is an interesting concept. And fairly well thought out.

However it's making a few huge assumption's without taking other factors into account. The huge assumption is that SE is eyeing the release date in Japan based on install base of PS4 in Japan. While the home console market in japan is shrinking.

The other thing is, those previous games were released on consoles with a 4 million install base. But there's no data saying what would happen i...

3992d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love skyward sword.
Link is a Silent Protagonist and should stay that way.

However, in skyward sword there is pretty much already VA's they just grunt and make noises instead of talk.

Adding good VA will not make this worse imo.

3993d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment