CRank: 5Score: 3620

This is just mindless b.s. created by a news site that knows that some good flamebait will generate a lot of hits, and earn them a lot of ad revenue.

When you have a community as biased as the gaming community it's only too easy to do.

6193d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, good point. It'd be hard to mention them in the same breath...I'd be waiting so long for GT5 to release I'd probably pass out.

So far all GT5 is good for is screenshots. There's nothing to prove otherwise.

It'll be a great game...someday. But by then we'll already be halfway to Forza 3.

6194d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have it. Until I unlocked a few more cars I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but on an HDTV the graphics rock...they're not perfect if you pause and look around (which seems to be the best part of the Gran Turismo series, taking a screenshot and saying "wow!", rather than racing) , but the sense of realism as you play is very high, and brings good emphasis to the gameplay.

The weather effects are to see the raindrops on the windshield and the wipers go...

6194d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

And keep in mind that this is cross-platform, rather than solely 360.

I'd imagine more PS3ers will be buying Orange Box than 360ers, just because PS3 doesn't have as many killer apps at the moment. So most likely PS3 owners make up a large portion of this stat.

And FIFA '08? Come on. Those UK types can't get enough of their 'football'. It's only natural.

6195d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

All I still see is excuses...PS2 is last gen., and in what, the 10th year of development?

Again, until I see any solid evidence the PS3 is doing anything so far as good games goes, I'm not sold on it. Until then it's all speculation on your part.

6202d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

For those who disagree...

I'm just stating the facts from unbiased website that compiles the average scores of's just the truth.

Yes the 360 has been out longer, but for the only top ranking PS3 game to be a year late port from the 360 so far is pathetic. You can go on and on in circles about the potential the PS3 has with it's cell processor, big hard drive, and Blu-Ray, but games are the measure of a system.

I'm not saying the PS3 will...

6202d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, but it hasn't been out 8x as long, which is how many more times 360 has 9+ rated titles compared to PS3 thus far.

6202d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um...did any of the Xbox 360 bashers in here in watch the videos?

Hmm....looks like another 9+ game for the 360...

Now let's look at and see how long it's been since the PS3 got a 9+ game....hmmm....
Ouch...the only one on the entire list of PS3 games is Elder Scrolls Oblivion? Pity....especially because 360 players had it a year wonder you guys are all so grumpy.

Avg. Score of 9+ for PS3

6202d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think the idea behind that is to make it more like an actual pirate ship battle....if you fall into the "sea" you're more likely to die.

So it'd keep more people in their various "boats" and make that aspect of this gametype more fun.

It's really exciting all the different possibilities the more enhanced rules system allows. Loads of replayability.

6205d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it's good it has a web browser too, or else you might not have anything to do.

As for me, I need to beat Bioshock before I play anymore Halo 3.

So many great games, so little time. Later folks!

6206d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hm, so your PS3 is so much better and all... so why do you spend all this time you could be playing it trying to belittle the 360?

Sounds like insecurity to me. Or maybe you just don't have anything to play right now?

Never had any problems with my 360 here, had it since summer '06.

And apparently the 100,000 people on Live playing Halo 3 last night didn't have problems either.

Yes, and I agree, this site just usually turns into a f...

6206d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Most gamers aren't usually into literature or the arts, so this will probably be lost on many of you, but one of the most important things I found about Bioshock is the way it digs into human nature and philosophy, and that in and of itself is very commendable in a world of gaming that is almost always either a mindless action movie or a straight from tv sports simulation.

That alone makes Bioshock revolutionary.

6226d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simple really....

Most people nowadays who care about reviews won't bother with a game if it's not above an 8/10, because the magazines and internet have pretty much built the system that way...if a game is getting below 8 it has crippling what about the copycat games that don't really bring anything new to the table, but still have a tried and true formula? They tend to get low to mid 8's (i.e. Madden '08, DIRT, etc)...these games don't have flaws that distract fr...

6226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll believe it all when I actually see something worthwhile come from the PS3.. Resistance shone for awhile, but all in all, it seemed to be eclipsed as far as attention goes compared to Gears..besides the whole Church deal I haven't heard much about it since a month or two after it launched. It never nabbed everyone's attention like Halo did on Xbox, or GTA III on PS2. Back in they last gen. those were the main reasons to buy one of those consoles.

Now Xbox 360 has a very we...

6263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No matter how "god-like" GT5 is going to be, you can't compare it to Forza 2 because it's not out yet. In fact, it doesn't even really have an official release date yet..and once it does, we all know how Polphony is with them.

I'm sure it will be a great looking, maybe even great playing game if they can get the physics down, but until then it's just renders or the occasional preview to fantasize about.

Who cares how much better it's going to be? You ca...

6273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The GT:HD demo is definitely a much better looking than the Forza 2 demo, at least from this video...anyone could just as easily make a video of two cars running into a wall and Forza 2 would be the clear winner "completely realistic" damage or not.

Also, having played both of the demos, the GT tech demo is only running one car on the track at a time, which may make it a little deceptive of a comparision. If you have 8 cars that each have multiple layers and variables...

6338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And in other news, police agencies have a procedure in place to deal with murder! Look out, because you're almost certain to murdered!

Even more shocking, hospitals have a procedure to deal with gaping head wounds! Watch out, because you're next!

I mean, they wouldn't have the procedure in place if it wasn't really really likely to happen to you, right?

The 360 scratches disks if you move it while it's running. Should that come as a surprise?

6471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, I forgot one...the older consoles are dead now.

6471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The worst thing about this isn't that the article is old, all the reasoning is way way outdated!

1. Price: $399 for the best system is expensive, sure, but next to the $599 PS3 it doesn't look so bad.

2. Lack of games: The 360 has more than enough games to justify buying it at this point: For the racers, PGR3 is the best arcade racer to date, R6 Vegas and GoW are two of the best squad shooters, Oblivion one of the best rpgs ever, and the list goes on.

6471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please ban this person.

I guess it's less fun to play the PS3 than pick on people with better consoles. ;)

6480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment