CRank: 5Score: 3620

Oooh, COD4 for Mac? I'm so buying that. I love COD4, but I don't want to buy it on my 360 because I wouldn't use it as much as I do Halo 3. But a portable COD4 on my MacBook Pro would be very fun and useful for on the go gaming for me.

My 360 is my gaming machine, but sometimes I like to have the ability to do play on the road...(my PSP was a failed experiment.) And I like the interface and reliability of the Apple laptops a lot more than my Compaq, Dell, Toshiba, and Vaio that...

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder what level of detail there is on the surface.

Just a flat white floor 458 times the size of earth's surface isn't all that impressive.

Behold the power of my hand, I can draw a scale map 10,000 times the surface of the earth! I call the planet Large White Paper Sheet, and the main character is Mr. Dot, and I can erase him and move him around it as I please!

That and there's graphic girl dot on girl dot sex!

Hmm, sounds lik...

6095d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just kind of funny how it's all flipping around now.

Remember when they said GT5 Prologue was going to cost money?

Then everybody asked "Why would they make you pay money for a demo?!"

And you were probably among those who would have responded with "ITS NOT A DEMO XBOT."

Yet here you are.

Remember, you're paying money for it, and you even admit it's a demo. Meanwhile I paid money for a full-fle...

6119d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If the game being reviewed has the same price as a full game, it should be reviewed as a full game. I'd even argue that if it's much above $30.00 (Well above the price of the average XBLA arcade or PSN game) it should be reviewed as a full game.

I'm glad this guy is taking a level-headed approach to it. As I suspected, the physics and AI still aren't on-par with Forza 2, but they've got some time to sort it all out.

No upgrade system at all is too bad as well, th...

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Graphics look great, too bad you know in the back of your head that if two cars collide they won't be affected in the least.

Hopefully they at least fixed the awful physics in the GT:HD demo (The jump on the track and the way the car turns and brakes feels so fake and floaty, like you're hydroplaning the whole time.) And yes, I've autocrossed and driven at Portland International Raceway, so I know what a car feels like at the edge. Maybe the new dualshock controllers will ease ...

6130d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Canada is in North America. D'oh!

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can't detract from the realism...they need to be like they are in real life... varied, and only put in places where they don't hurt the gameplay. In Rainbow 6 Vegas it was distracting that all the ads were for the same thing, and all the cars were Dodges.

6148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've played for about 4 hours so far, and I'm totally into it already. It really pulls you in.

There are a few glitches now and then, graphically, and getting around can take longer than it should with the elevators, but those little gripes are more than overwhelmed by the feel of the game. I love it.

I can understand where the reviewers saw the flaws, but it doesn't pull you out of the experience like some of the glitches in AC.

6152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the install base of the Wii being so massive, I'm surprised Halo 3 sold this more than 3 times as much as Mario Galaxy in it's first week.

6152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Out of all of my friends with 360s (several of them from day one), and myself, we only experienced one RROD, and that was solved by plugging a cable in all the way with the help of MS customer service.

So 0 failures out of 10 or so isn't too shabby. I think the minority is just very vocal about this crap. At least Microsoft has stood behind the 360 and given a great warranty.

As for this, with all the press the RROD gets, I don't understand how a big name media...

6152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, despite a few "good but not great" type reviews this is very solidly another AAA game for the 360. I can't wait to dive into it! Only sad I won't have more time to try it out this weke.

6153d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Don't buy into the hype....but Mass Effect still kicks ass."

B+ is not bad especially considering it's on the low end of the review side of things.

Obviously for some people portions of the gameplay and the graphical glitches have a 10%-20% impact on the perception of the game as a whole. But for an overwhelming majority the rest of the game is so superb that it doesn't detract from the experience by even 10%. (All the 10/10's to 9/10's). So to the ove...

6153d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Um....sorry to break your little rant there up, but it looks like it's living up to it's hype so far.

All AAA reviews so far except for one no name magazine (hardcore gamer), a generally harsh site (eurogamer), and a whiny PC magazine editor.

So out of the twenty-something reviews for only 2 be "good" and 1 whiny PC editor to say it's bad, while the rest of the gaming world says it's AAA says it's living up to the hype to me.

6153d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

But that's only 15% off the average for the game, this is more than double that.

This is just a guy being argumentative for the sake of it, and hoping to get some publicity.

6153d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

More likely is that aggressive people have a higher tendency to play violent video games to release that aggression.

6153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He may have legitimate comments, but a 60%? That's just plain stupidity at it's finest.

He couldnt have even let himself try to play the game, just set out to pick it apart from the beginning.

Edit for below:

Then why is this one random guy 33% off the standard?

6153d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um. That's 13-15 hours for the main story. They say another 15-20 for the sidelines, and god only knows how much exploring you can do besides that.

The the replay value is extremely high, so there will be more than a few with over 80, and even 100 hours into it.

What's really interesting to me is despite how much they like it, they have to go to the "barely passing" level of videogames. Everyone is giving it 9s and higher, and they can't even muster u...

6154d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed, there were so many good games so far this year that the best one undoubtably earns a 10. None of the games that earned a lot of 10s were perfect, but if this is better than those, it really deserves one.

So it just varies from person to person. Which is how reviews work. :-P

6154d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The 360 is still early in it's cycle, so there's a learning curve for the devs to figure out how to efficiently extract maximum power from it. So far so good.

Aside from it's nearest and dearest fans (which I will give there are quite a few), Final Fantasy is a washed out franchise.

MGS4 is a no brainer, it will be a great game, and undoubtedly a system seller for the PS3. But it's another shooter, so comparisons dont track well over to Mass Effect, which is a...

6154d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So 9.5 or better graphics wise. So the loading issues thanks to so much going on at one time is only worth at most 5%.

Sounds awesome to me! Assassin's Creed and COD4 are both beautiful games, on both consoles, but they both suffer from hit collision problems and some framerate stumbling in the most intense moments.

Bioware knew they had to deliver big, so they pushed the 360 as far as a developer knows how to at this point, and it seemed to be a huge sucess gra...

6154d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment