
CRank: 5Score: 11240

lol silly....no next generation games will not look much better then this current generation and so call ps4 and xboxnext games will not look any much better then the wiiu...so at the end of the day if nintendo can get all things together wiiu is in a perfect position

4151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol..silly man , i wouldnt say wiiu is struggling..i would say its exactly what i would expect if there are no major games out yet and no interesting advertisement and the other systems are 100 dollars cheaper..but that will change soon

4151d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol...and why not...xbox and ps3 are selling for dirt cheap....haters are trying to create made up problems for wiiu , point is its almost at 4 million with no games....when you have 3 dirt cheap alternatives if you include the wii in the meantime...when sony and microsoft come out with their expensive systems that offers nothing and wiiu games start hitting the system then we can talk....isnt wiiu sales still ahead of the vita...then we're good

4151d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol..haha..the silly articles on this site never gets old does it..from silly childish fanboys...wiiu is in serious trouble from what?? wiiu is a great system and once the game hits its off and running...its already on route to sell 4 million by march...that is success without any major games in a down economy when all the complete package include google's apps and tvii had some hiccups...4 million in a couple months is a huge success with no games....ask sony and the psvita if thats not ...

4151d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol absolutely nothing for nintendo or wiiu fans to worry about ...but there seem to be alot of haters coming out of the woodwork with nonsense articles and silliness to get their two minutes of fame.......wiiu is doing good at close to 3 million systems sold without any major game releases....it goes to tell you how well the system will do when games hit...wiiu is a great system.

4151d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol since when was 3 months a time by which you judge if a system had a measure of games to claim if they were king of sports, rpg or a system even dedicated to such...get a life...what retarded article from a blind hater...wow...lol

4151d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol im not sure what excuses are out there...wiiu is a fantastic system selling well in a bad economy with bad commercial and games and being hated on by clowns and kids.....point is xbox and psnext will offer nothing new, deluted fanboys are just talking....once the games hit for wiiu sales will go through the roof..it is the most expensive system out right now....so you have all this hatred but nintendo is doing the right thing tuning up all the features...then hits the games and everything...

4151d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol go stand in a corner silly kids...wiiu has been out only a couple months so of course the games and sal

4152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol..haha first off psvita is not a subject....its not even a competition to the 3ds....the wiiu on the other hand is a fantastic system that really wont have too much competition since its going to be the most unique system out..nintendo need to get the games out real soon and work on better commercials

4153d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol silly articles from nintendo haters..devs speak about cancelled games...all you mention was rayman legends being delayed...get a hold on your silly articles....wiiu is at close to 4 million units in 3 months...what devs are cancelling games..the system just came out...a fantastic system..and once the games hit.

4153d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

i dont see the big deal really...its a little disappointing but its a great game coming to wiiu and the wiiu version will be superior....nintendo just need to get out their own games on time and bring them all out this year and next.

4153d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol nintendo fan...oh please...who was that a sony or microsoft fanboy masquerading as a nintendo fan to write such interesting foolish articles.

4153d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

this article is pure garbage...zombiiu is a great game and wiiu is a great system....and alot of people are happy with that bundle....but of course haters will write nonsense

4153d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo should definetly work to make bayonetta exclusive to the wiiu and keep those blind sony and Microsoft fanboys crying....and playing shinier halo and killzone

4154d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nintendo will always focus on innovation and they have a great system out there with some unique qualities...in the gamepad, miiverse, wiiustreet, and tvii....and with the games to hit soon...that's attractive to a well rounded gamer....blind fanboys and kids will always go for shinier pixels with nothing new...such is life

4154d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol..first off its nothing for wiiu owners...we are getting a great games and the best versions...so haters should be happy they are getting rayman instead of writing silly articles...

4154d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

Nintendo haters and blind fanboy will come up with any silly articles to write...why would activision be disappointed in wiiu launch? are they Nintendo...what does wiiu launch produce for them...if they make a good game and put it on the wiiu it will sell as wiiu fanbase increase regardless of time...point is wiiu will have sold 4 million systems by march 2013 with no major games...that's a great number...and once the games hit...its take off.

4154d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

despite all the hate the wiiu has a far better then either of the consoles from sony and Microsoft will have...and wiiu will only pick up sales as more games are released

4154d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol wow enough with the nonsense...wiiu does graphics better then current generation, have better memory and offer a new way to play games and unique options that the last generation did not offer nor could have...so wiiu is exactly what next generation is all about...I doubt ps4 or xbox will offer anything unique besides faster processors

4154d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

very beautiful...i can sit home and clearly see the streets i'll be traveling on before i go on a driving trip...makes sense to me

4155d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment