
CRank: 5Score: 11240

lol just haters...nintendo just have alot of nongaming haters that only like shooters....but all wiiu needs are the games and nintendo need to get those out quick....and wiiu will have the lead for good to stay...and better advertisement....wiiu is not the psvita or the ps3 or xbox360...wiiu is unique and has alot of possibilities nintendo just need to show them....im disappointed in the way they advertise the wiiu. its not that hard to advertise it right.

4237d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol sure psvita is in for a great year base on what....im sure sales is not part of that equation

4237d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the wiiu is at 4 million systems despite all the hate and nonsense articles and having no games.....its an easy fix the wiiu is a fantastic system..nintendo need to release advertisements that address its features...what they should do if compare the wiiu to the wii in the commercials and highlight all the things wiiu does that wii doesnt......also they just basically need to release they top franchises for it this year and problem is fixed.

4237d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol..clowns....psvita is a flop...is ps3 or xbox360 flops? because im not sure either of them had sold 4 million by this time in their life cycles and especailly with no games, bad economy and advertising..wiiu is ahead to stay and once the game hits it will prove it

4237d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol..who give this clown value except for haters...wiiu is on pace to win next generation, nintendo just need to get the games out...thats the bottom line

4238d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol everything about the wiiu is fantastic, gamepad, miiverse, tvii, street....its the only unique next generation system...not sure why nintendo is having such a hard time coming up with a few decent commercials showing that.....damn start hiring some high school kids to do the advertisements if its that hard for those working in that department to do it.

4238d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

wiiu is a fantastic system glad to hear all the next gen games coming out for it..nintendo need to get busy and bring its own aaa titles out quick

4238d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

had nintendo had the games ready and not delayed wiiu would be selling alot better..wiiu can do graphics beyond this generation haters breware...wiiu is a fantastic system

4238d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

u mean how important is touch screen to sony because they will once again copy wiiu like they did the wii and bring an inferior smaller version of the gamepad to their controller

4238d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol what evolution..ps2 to ps3 was basically the same system with more power besides copying wii's motion control and from ps3 to ps4 looks nothing more then the same thing all over again.

4238d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

lol...haters are still upset over wii winning last generation and sony coming in last place....let me see ps3 is in last place, psvita is a disaster but its nintendo haters are hating on.....they know nintendo cant lose so they are hoping silly childish articles can help their causes....point is there wouldnt be a videogame era without nintendo, its true that they make the best and most popular games but they should only be on their own consoles because they are the only game company that con...

4238d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol...it should be more of a wake up call that gameplay and fun factor matters more then shinier pixels...then wiiu can really shine this generation with the uniqueness and gameplay possibilities that it offers.....actually looking the pic, a new ghost n ghouls would be a great game right now.

4239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol..i dont blame sony, they came in last this generation so they are fighting not to come last next generation too...but judging by the lack of improvement base on their controller alone, i wouldnt be surprise if they are destine for last place again especially if the psvita is any indication

4239d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

nintendoland is better then wii sports..but motion control is no longer new...and nintendo didnt advertise or point out the features of the gamepad well enough...it still remains with that silly controller from sony and microsoft continuing kinect ,that the wiiu is actually the only system offering something unique and new with the gamepad and other options such as miiverse

4239d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

nintendo did not fail anyone..as wiiu is a brand new system and the only next generation with uniqueness and as for the games they are on the way...end of story

4239d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol..silly crybaby fanboys....of course the best version can be the wiiu version because its the better machine and the install base will continue to grow because the system just came out...whats so hard to understand...and only wiiu give them unique possibilities with the gamepad

4239d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

wiiu is legitimately the only true next generation system if you base next gen on uniqueness and offerent things that wasnt being done last generation....its too bad nintendo need to hurry up with the games

4239d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol..haha ok...what exactly is ps4 bringing thats new..besides the same ps3 with shinier pixels...i'll say it again base on uniqueness wiiu is the only true next generation machine

4239d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

lol...ok he sounds like a hater....some crybaby fanboy thats upset because wiiu has extra contents

4239d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

stop gap between what...? when its offering gaming possibilities and uniqueness that sony and microsoft will not offer besides prettier pixels of the same ole systems.....wiiu is actually the only true next generation system if you look at innovation and news ways to play as the future...which should be ...would you want a flying car or a car that drives itself or a v16 or v20...seems alot of nintendo haters are saying they prefer a v16 or v20

4240d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment