
CRank: 5Score: 11240

exactly the wiiu can do 1080p at 60fps that has been confirmed by a few developers...actually that's what nintendo use to criticize about the ps3 and 360....so thats been fixed so that the wiiu can do it with no sweat....as for people saying most of the wiiu games are 720p , well most of those games are ports or launch games developers are rushing to get out the doors..if fifa13 and ac3 already looks better then 6th generation ps3 games...wait until a true wiiu game with all the bells and...

4430d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

i will go above that...i wouldnt be surprise if there are 3 big name surprise games coming out for the wiiu before the end of year, 1 at least at launch....nintendo seem to be telling third parties to keep quiet about more then a few announcements until close to september and 3rd parties are listening...nintendo has work hard to have a good relationship back with third parties...wiiu will have tremendous support and be super successful...wait and see

4431d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol..the nonsense doesnt stop...so when microsoft and sony announced their own gamepad i'm sure digitallydownloaded will see the success in what nintendo was going for...nitendo is stepping on alot of toes with the wiiu because it's innovation and attack on everything, apple, microsoft , sony, time will tell if like nintendo says the wiiu is very important for the gaming world and seing all its potential and lineup of games..i agree with nintendo

4432d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@phil32...no i have one screen name and its this one that was created 3 days ago so i'm new....and there are opinions and opinions stated as facts/lies...when the real facts gives a complete different picture....fanboys will hate and some of your silly points shows it too.....but puddle jumper clarify alot of things for you

4432d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

im sure its coming out....there are alot of so called core games yet to be announced for the wiiu

4432d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol...and the wiiu will be better then the wii but not better then the xbox360 and ps3...according to all sources ac3 and fifa13 looks better on the wiiu then both of the competitors..think about what that means....those are 7th generation games on the xbox360 and ps3 so developers know how to work those systems by now to get the last drop out of them...yet a game thats not even a first generation game for the wiiu looks better and developers havent even figure out the system yet as EA pointe...

4432d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

puddle jumper great points.....i didnt want to take the time and go into details with people that doesnt seem to care for it.....but glad you did

4432d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

nintendo is too important to fail...as there would be no innovation or nothing for fanboys to hate about....plus nintendo has got everything right with the wiiu....you can just see and sense it

4432d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

try harder....yes nintendo has been making system for 35 years and without nintendo sony and microsoft systems wouldnt exist...so they are doing what they do right....wii won this generation of console war, ds killed the psp...3ds is leading the vita....wiiu is coming out with innovation and the best lineup or core and mainstream game from any nintendo system for a long time....success is awaiting the wiiu...but haters will hate....

4432d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

how many dumb articles will nintendo haters, sony and microsoft fanboys put together to try and push people away from the perfection that nintendo has in the wiiu....its a very scary system for those fanboys, especially since wiiu is coming out first.

4432d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

nintendo would come up with all the innovation and new ideas for system and games.....sony would sit around deciding which dvd or storage media to use, microsoft would be looking for which microprocessor to use....

4432d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i complete agree...this article's concerns are really silly...especially about third party and core games...and i will repeat what everyone else is saying the launch lineup for wiiu is very strong and not only that there are third party games that has yet to be revealed and even those that are ports are being played by alot of nintendo fans for the first time since they only owned a wii system...the name wiiu is not bad at all if nintendo can do a good job of marketing it will actually he...

4432d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

nintendo need to keep moving fast on all fronts like they are attempting to do with the wiiu by getting big third party games , now they need to work as quickly as possible to bring killer first party games out, mario , metroid because it's true nintendo's gamepad is unique and great but i already microsoft and sony are copying it as we speak...

4432d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the wiiu will be a huge success...and silly fanboy opinions will not change that....with the wiiu nintendo is taken all the right step mixing hardcore with the casual market to truly cater to everyone the right way.

4432d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol..microsoft is already in panic mode trying to stop the momentum of the wiiu by announcing that they've copied nintendo and have a gamepad controller on their xbox720 too... its me too moment for xbox follow by sony...

4433d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

to yi-long, the only person who sees wiiu as low quality is clowns like you and sony and microsoft fanboys as we don't even know the specs of the wiiu, and if madden 13 and fifa 13 is any indication ...a game that's not even a first generation wiiu title since most developers are still understand the tech of the systems already clearly look better then a 7th generation xbox and ps3 game.....the wiiu is complete quality , nintendo is just not focus on graphics or silliness

4437d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah will definetly be checking mass effect for the first time...cant wait to check out fifa wiiu too

4437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

first time i'll be playing mass effect is on the wiiu , so i look forward to a good game i hope

4437d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

im sure nintendo is not using this clown patcher as a spokesperson....especially since he hardly knows what he is talking about predicting failure for any nintendo system..i think nintendo can figure out whats best for them and their consumers by saving them money...its not how much their charge that shows quality, its the games themselves...silly guy

4437d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

not only does nintendo still have killer franchises , the best selling games of all time...but i also believe with the wiiu nintendo will develop new games and concepts.

4437d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment