CRank: 5Score: 43170

Sony currently has a deal with Activision for call of duty. Publishers don’t just release games on platforms, a deal is negotiated to cover marketing and revenue split, there’s also contracts that have to be signed if a game is crossplay on PlayStation.

These deals are renewed at regular intervals, for example Sonys current contract with activision expires in 2025, at which time a new one would be drafted.

Microsoft agreeing to a 10 year contract before r...

672d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment

Folks this is an MMO, 4 years is not that long for an MMO's development lifespan. To put this in context ESO was in development for 7 years before it launched.

I'd love to see this game soon, but it may be some time yet before we see what they are working on, and that is very normal for an MMO. FF14 began development in 2004, didn't launch until 2010.. and we all know how that launch went.. (ended up tacking on an additional 2 years development time for Reborn)....

672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's an MMO:
1) MMO development time is significantly longer than other games, 4 years is nothing for this genre.
2) PlayStation developers have zero experience with MMO or live service games. Sony had to buy Bungie specifically to help build this skillset

672d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It has been time for a long.. long long long.. so very long time for a new Banjo. It's so frustrating watching all these other mascot games get release after release, many with legit success. While Xbox is just sitting on Banjo. AH. Killing me.

675d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I’m not sure what your point is here.. a 4090 is catastrophically more powerful than a ps5. Like orders of magnitude beyond, and considered high end and niche even among pc gamers. Most people on steam are using the 60 version cards, so 2060, 3060 cards.

Further there’s a huge difference in the price expectations of pc and console players. I think there’s a lot of ps5 owners who would bulk at idea spending more for an accessory than the price of the console itself.

692d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Skyrim came out in 2011. Let that sink in. It's likely we won't see the next entry in the series until 2025 or later (probs much later). Nah, the slowness is not a good thing at all. Xbox should let other developers in house leverage the IP. One of the best Fallout games in recent memory wasn't even made by Bethesda (New Vegas). Share resources, get more studios involved working on the IPs concurrently.

692d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Others are saying this, but just to add to the pile. I think 40fps is a good compromise, it feels much more responsive, and you get all the visual fidelity.

I obviously prefer 60, but I can play a game just fine at 40.

Not going back to 30 though, it's horrible.

697d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Might be an unpopular take but I’ll make it. This is a huge improvement over the loot boxes, where you can sure as hell bet you would be spending considerably more gambling for the specific skin you wanted.

721d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

The part about mobile that sucks though is the advertisements and in app purchases. I wouldn't mind more high production mobile games that aren't trying to exploit it's users. Netflix released 'into the breach' on mobile a few months ago, it's fantastic on the phone. It's on the iphone and android stores, you need to be subscribed to download it.. otherwise plays just like any other mobile game.

I suspect their new games will work the same way....

727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't agree more. Felt so unnecessary.

755d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah but.. uniquely bad gameplay and bugs.

765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A Sony fan on YouTube Threatened to send a bomb to Sony headquarters over the launch of Spiderman on PC.

Does this mean all Sony fans are upset? No. Certainly not. But I do think this invalidates the claim that “Sony fans don’t care”

767d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Porting games is not free. It is technically a new release to the platform, it had resources dedicated to it to ensure it was optimized, had graphics settings, no bugs, rtx and dlss support.

Price is obviously justified. If you don’t like it, just wait a few months I’m sure there will be sales. What a silly article.

768d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

There was a leaked document posted from Capcom that clearly showed this for the Resident Evil series.

Article includes the leaked document. There's your proof if you accept the accuracy of the leak. Seems pretty legit.

775d ago 15 agree8 disagreeView comment

This. Elder Scrolls exclusivity is a huge deal for Xbox, no question. but let's not dismiss the monstrosity that is the annual releases and sales of the Call of Duty franchise. Activision Blizzard is a huge deal for Xbox, getting titles like that on game pass will drive subscriptions like we have never seen before.

776d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

Idk it's a weird head to head.. Returnal has better gameplay, but the story just got weird for my tastes. I was excited for a mystery on an alien world but.. that's not quite what I got.

Just not my cup of tea. But fun as heck to play though.

782d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I tried the 3080 tier of GeForce now recently and it felt like it was running natively. It's wild how good this streaming tech is getting. Still has a ways to go on other services, but for a more casual gamer this is currently a viable option for folks with decent internet. Neat feature on Samsung for sure.

816d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Considering the amount of microtransactions in this game, and that it's a battle royal.. it's weird that it's not already a free to play game. It's not out of the generosity of their hearts that Fortnite, Warzon, and Apex are all free to play. They make more money with that model.

They will likely make more money on the service with more potential spenders accessing the game, not to mention whatever financial deal they made with Xbox to be on the service. I...

825d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the story mode is easy. This is not an achievement in the slightest, the pay to win and predatory microtransaction pulls are most intensely felt in end game. There's plenty of content online showcasing this. But sure as a free player you could beat the story easily without spending a dime.

If you are familiar with the Diablo franchise at all, then you would know that the story mode is more of a tutorial or prologue to the main game, which is the end game, which is P2W ...

825d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely no. Bethesda should however give the IP over to Obsidian.

844d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment