CRank: 5Score: 4960

Now everyone wants to break Uncharteds bar.

But in all actuallity, Killzone 2 deserves as much praise as Uncharted 2s technical prowess.

Killzone 2 did came out earlier. And despite the hate for the PS3 in 2006-2008 and the hate KZ2 received from thousands of these socalled "journalists" whom all said it was IMPOSSIBLE, KZ2 destroyed them.

And where are these phony journalists now? Fking asshats that they are.

"but, but, but ...

5371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CES is not even over and the very first fanboys who, of course, picked the wrong console (whose name I will not name here but everyone knows which one Im talking about :p) waste no time and start to pounce on why 3D gaming is not needed and why it will be doomed to fail.

Will it fail because its not available on your console? No?

Haha - its not even out yet, so lets wait and see. Because as far as I can tell, we gamers only need an software upgrade from Sony and some...

5371d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

The definitive racer, right there.

5371d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment


"sure, Blu Ray has officially crapped on HD DVD but we dont need a PS3 because 360 plays games"
"sure, we have been proven dumbass idiots for buying a HD DVD player"
"sure, we fell for Microsofts lies again about digital downloads taking over in 2008, which makes us extreme idiots"

"sure, we dont have lots of games anymore so we cant use that argument but we have netflix now and w...

5371d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

So you went out and bought a Blu Ray Player, xbot?

5371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But it was like talking to a brick wall. Everytime you say that, they will counter argue how Sony doesnt "own 100%" of Blu Ray.

Their stupid brains simply cant comprehend the fact that their arguments are xbot fantasies and are thus fallacies.

The fact that two years later, 360 is still without Blu Ray is enough proof to say that 360 is an outdated inferior piece of shiat.

All the bots who went with the 360, bought outdated shiat when updated t...

5371d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Did it add anything to the experience? Not really. Because the 3D wasn't tailored to Gears of War 2, whenever my character hunched down to start running, my world blurred and nausea started to set in"

So next time you open your dumb bot mouth again, at least read the fkin shiat first.

360 cant do 3D as it is not equipped to do so. Plain and simple. For true 3d you need TV, HDMI version 3 and console to be 3d ready. THATS ALL THREE.

Sure you ca...

5371d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You get Alan wake, aka Luigi's mansion rip off.


Haha PS3, it only does everything.
360, poor mans PS3.

5372d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

360 has Alan wake, a Luigi mansion meets Silent Hill type of game that disappointed millions of 360 gamers last E3 2009.

I know which one Im getting :-)

5372d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment


5372d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the PS3 is the superior console with superior games. And as a bonus, the PS3 only does everything.

He shouldnt lie about his motives. Everyone wants a PS3. In the end, everyone wants one. Because it simply does everything else. And no matter how hardcore in denial, at one point in time, they will see it too.

5372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whens the last time shiatbox tried to run 10 vs 10.

Oh yea, OWNED.


5373d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how bots always pretend that the shiatbox is better because some shiatty as multi platform that nobody gives a flying fk about it, was coded somewhat better than its PS3 counterpart.

Who gives a fk. Baynetta? What the hell is that? Can you eat it. Oh, its THAT shiatty game with the freak women. Im still having nightmares about that video "lets dance, boys"

Talk about horror.

5373d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

And clearly thats no small feat.

So when Sony says "only possible on PS3".

Thats clearly a fact. People who were quick to bash, has obviously only looked at shiatty GOW3 videos.

I noticed that a lot of people (after E3 2009) didnt really want to admit that GOW3 looks good. Because they have been watching shiatty videos.

Gametrailers posted some HD vids of GOW3 demo but that didnt got people's attention and those videos PROVE that ...

5373d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

And the facts are:

- like all things xbox, its crap.

Lmao whoever thought up of this idea, is clearly getting desperate to combat Sonys "PS1 classics".

Because offering 15 year old neogeo and some other shiatty ass consoles games as a Simply speechless.

The only question remains...are they trying to charge for that just like the virtual console or what?

What a fking rip off.

5373d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

360 has no real games.

I feel sorry for those poor excuses of games and the bots who are going to play those. Haha, everyday they wake up and they wished they had gotten a PS3 for Xmas.


5373d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Haha - thats right. I expect the unexpected from Natal.

I expect FAILURE.


5373d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Their "speech" was 30 minutes long and was mainly 2 PCs with Windows 7.

Out of those 30 minutes, only 5 was about the XBOX.
Yes, FIVE.

They mainly just stated that they now have sold so many, has so many LIVE subscribers etc etc.

Nothing else was said. This article and the bot who wrote this, is on permanent Microsoft cok.

5373d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft and what army?

Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy 13 alone will ensure PS3 to have the best year and after the superb gaming year of 2009. Thats clearly no small feat.

In fact, why would anyone buy a 360. Why would anyone who has NOT bought a 360 in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, jump in in 2010. The line up is clearly inferior than 2007 and 2008. And is still not offering much.

Halo Reach = CRAP. owned.

5373d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

So PS3 sold 10% of total 360 install base in one month.


5373d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment