CRank: 5Score: 4960

Not when it flopped like it did.

5359d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So yes, the third gears is going to be multi platform.

5359d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Ouch bots, what you gonna do when Kratos comes for you.

God of war 3 is the final episode of the tale between Kratos and the xbots. And kratos is not too kind when he sees a bot.

5360d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

From the looks of it, aint gonna happen.

It sure does suck to be an xbot.

5360d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Get on your knees, xbots.

The 360 has no games.

5360d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment


5360d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

only to end in a fizzle.

5365d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

What you dont understand is that investors dont give a crap about MSs gaming business because the entire business is immaterial compared to MSs Windows division.

THATS where MS makes over 98% of its earnings and thats their main business. MSs gaming division can barely get a profit for a full year.

Think about that for a moment. Who the fk cares how many XBOXses gets shipped or sold. Its immaterial to MSs financials.

The only ones it will hurt, are gamer...

5365d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

The 360 install base will not grow anymore. What else is there to say.

5365d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

Many gamers have stated this long time ago, even way back in 2006.

What lies like these have in common with other aggressive revenue practises is that they always come to light in the future. Because if you take sales away from the future, when that future comes, there will be a gap.

And that gap is the red flag.

That is why many people have stated that 360s true install base is not 39 million but closer to 35 million in reality.

5365d ago 19 agree6 disagreeView comment

Not just the definitive racer but also the ULTIMATE racing experience.

GT is king.

5365d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with the statement above that Google is a company and that it shouldnt (and they dont - their withdrawal is just an excuse) intervere with politics. I have worked in the business industry before and let me tell you, there isnt a SINGLE company on earth that gives a damn about "human rights".

Hippies need to grow up. Nobody cares about "ethics" and "norms" in business. You utter the word "ethic" to your boss, and lets see how he is ...

5367d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

And even if it came from China, that doesnt mean that the Chinese government has to be behind it. People get hacked all the time in the West. Is the US government behind all of this?

You just take their word for it? How bout you use your own brain and think.

Let Google leave. I dont think you people understand anything at all. Especially when youre talking about how Chinese use a western search engine? Are you kidding me? Thats the whole point. THEY DONT.

5367d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Rofl no games, no DLC.

Sucks to be an xbot.

5368d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 dont matter anymore. It has become irrelevant.

PS3, home of the greatest games. It sucks to be an xbot.

5368d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rofl so keep talking about how great the 360 line up is. Its beyond underwhelming.

The 360 is a poor mans PS3. Its games are a poor mans PS3 games.

The 360 has no games. Haha.

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo is the racing king. 52 million copies sold worldwide. Enough said.

5368d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It makes no sense to speculate on the next gen consoles when the current gen is not even half way there.

5368d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

To continuously review its sales, is utterly irrelevant. The Go! is not a different handheld. Its simply another version of the PSP.

The PSP has done extremely well as a handheld and that is the bottomline.

Do people review XBOX 360 elite, pro and arcade sales seperately aswell?


5368d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

To claim that Alan wake is special, proves how desperate you xbots have become.

Better deal with it because the xbox lack of games will continue in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

And every year Microsoft will try to leech money out of you dumbasses with Halo DLC 5, Flopza 4 and 5, Left 4 Dead 3 (THIS YEAR), 4 and 5, Fable 4 (next year) and shiatty games like Ninja Blade and Alan Wake. And of course, the infamous raise of XBOX LIVE subscription fees.


5368d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment