CRank: 5Score: 4960

THAT is how corrupt the gaming industry is. The 360 version is only rated higher because they think this is another 360 "exclusive", when the game is coming to the PS3 and is already available on the PC.

Note that 360 has no games and has no DLC.

Fallout DLC
Mass effect
Kane and Lynch
Dead Rising
Lost Planet
Star Ocean 4
Eternal Sonata
Ninja Gaiden
Dead or Alive


5253d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I mean, lets face it. Its Electronic Arts. Not only does EA not do exclusive games, they are also PS3 supporters.

The facts are clear. Certain games do sell 3-5 million on 360 but overall, most games across many genres are sold MORE on the PS3. This is why all 3rd party developers, bar a few, earn more money on the PS3 than on the 360.

You just dont hear about that because xbots like to play with the sales numbers discriminately (when it sells, they use it as argumen...

5253d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whether you like it or not.

Uncharted 1
Uncharted 2
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Final Fantasy Versus 13
Final Fantasy 14
Gran Turismo 5
The Last Guardian
Demons Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
Heavy Rain

All legitimate full fledge games that push the standard. We are not talking about DLC for 3 year old games here to fill the big emptyness.

Suck it up bot...

5254d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

There were two 360 fanboys in that show (not counting Pachter who is a 360 fanboy aswell but he acted reasonably objective in this show).

Two 360 fanboys who didnt like God of war what a surprise.

Mass effect 2 lol. That game cant hold a candle on Kratos.

5258d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jump out, play beyond.

PS3, it only does everything. Including playing 360 "exclusive" DLC and franchises that were born on the 360 but ended sleeping with the PS3.

Lost planet
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Star Ocean 4
Eternal Sonata
Dead Rising
Dead or Alive
Fallout DLC
And many more.

5258d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

Notice how bots hyped this game like the second coming when it received a few good scores.

Understandably so, since this game is probably the last good one they have and its not even multi platform. But nowadays, its slim pickings for the 360. So beggars cant be chosers.

Did you see Bungie in those "mass effect 2 review" threads? Hahaha that sucker. Man you bots are dumb. Real dumb.

360 has no games. Jump out or betatest.

5261d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Play beyond. Another 360 "exclusive" that was really also available on the PC, has now been stolen for the PS3.

Now THATS next gen gaming, bots. Betatest those bugs for us. I might get this on the superior PS3 now that its coming instead of laptop.


All your games are belong to us. We will steal all your games. Splinter Cell is next on the list. Dont worry, we dont want Alan shiatgame wake. Hahaha

5261d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The other console has no games cos its games are either crap or multi platform.

Yea, definitely a rhetorical question.

5263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ima gonna play this game on my laptop.

There is absolutely NO REASON to buy a 360 at all. In fact, 360 has no games.

5263d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

If you want it for 40-50 bucks, thats possible too.

Just wait a few months until retailers price the game down to 40-50 bucks.

5264d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless you actually enjoyed the single player campaign, which hardly anyone did. Hell, I didnt even finish the single player and went straight to multi.

5264d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oops bots, you just got owned.

Mass effect 2 is the same piece of shiat that can be finished in less than 12 hours. For an rpg, thats just PATHETIC.

But keep walking in circles and explore those big empty and same looking planets...Its absolutely useless but sure does increase your playtime! Hahaha suckers

5264d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They are incredible losers in life.

They bragged about inferior games and great sales all 2008 but when their last argument left standing is being destroyed, they stop talking about sales.

Hahaha bots suck and that is a fact. 360 has no games. Enjoy those mediocre games. Ill be enjoying triple A exclusives AGAIN. Just like last year and the year before that and next year.

Best games, best aps, best of everything like 3D, Blu Ray and Motion controll.

5264d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

We will be enjoying the superior version on the PS3, bots.

Betatest Mass effect 2 and Splinter cell for us too. We will steal those too.

5264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone who has played UC2 knows that ME2 cant even hold a candle against Uncharted ONE, let alone UC2.

5264d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment


Flop sales for flop consoles.

5264d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant even hold a candle against the weakest PS3 exclusive games, xbots.

Thats how sad you bots have become.

5264d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

As from 2005, not one 360 exclusive has received a low score. THAT MEANS EVERYONE OF THE 360 EXCLUSIVES GETS AN 8 OR HIGHER.

Its almost ridiculous. Games like Halo Wars, Banjo, Ninja Blade, even Too human (just a few examples but certainly not limited to these games). All games which we KNOW to be mediocre, all of these received nothing but praise from these 360 magazines and some supposedly "independant" magazines like Joystick, Edge, Eurogames, Gametrailers and latel...

5264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Poor little timmy is angry cos he cant afford a PS3. Well tough luck, life is hard.

360 is a poor mans PS3. And it has no games. Its supposed 2010 line up is beyond average, mediocre and underwhelming. I fail to see who would buy a 360 for that.

And indeed, the market agrees with me as being witnessed by the yearly declining 360 sales. 360 has maxed its power and its sales!!! hahaha when bot sales suck, bots stop talking about sales. Hahaha fking losers.

5264d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wonder why...

5265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment