Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

don't get me wrong...the military uses their simulations...there is a difference between their GAMES and the simulations for the military..but at least they how to make the simulations and KNOW the real deal...U make me laugh about ur comments...u guys do not get it..Crysis is a different game than COD/Killzone etc...complete Crysis 1 and Crysis Warhead...and do some research into Crytek and their expertise before U laugh on..the AI is stunning...really smart AI..enemies really react to w...

4991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u suck you didn't have to play it differently than other Crysis is a league of it's own...and btw Modern Warfare and Killzone based their with weapon running style and modern weapon usage on Crysis from Crytek not the other way around....Crytek makes Real millitairy simulations and AAA games nothing but quality.

4991d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game looks f#$king Great! Idon't know who was stupid enough to make this lame and lazy article, but for a beta it looks stunning! just what i wanted Crysis 2 with high settings running on a solid framerate even the direct X 10 sun streaks are in there plus great shading and bumpmapped textures at a high setting...guess y'all didn't play Crysis on a PC in 2007 cause this is a miracle watching it unfold...Crytek did an amazing job wait till you play the Campaign that's going...

4991d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My hope is that these words might inspire some thoughtful discussion and logical discourse concerning the topic instead of the common knee-jerk reactions that we have come to expect, What bothers me is how other so-called “scientists” blatantly disregard the principles of empiricism and make proclamations that express certainty concerning these beliefs when the scientific method does not allow for such certainty to exist.
Conclusions derived from existing data are not proof nor are t...

4993d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but already more than a year old..

4994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's awesome

4994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

depends on the person who is watching...some people like eating trantulas...some people like playing games...some people like shooting deer...some people like to make money...some people like to climb mountains....some people like to sport...all need some form of agression to do well in each's just what it means to be human...millions of people do different things...0,0000000001 have actually or accidently killed someone...why all the fear? entertainment=for entertainment.....

5000d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Brink is just an ordinary Mirror's Edge rip off and they hide the fact that they stole from DICE and claim to be Original....Crytek brought us the Next Gen FPS back when the sea of FPSs was just a little river...Crysis is the pinnacle of all FPSs...know ur History before making a comment here...i bet u never played FarCry and Crysis on PC back in the day...Modern FPSs are all based on Crytek Games....Crysis 2 will Rock! can't wait!

5001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Special atmospheric game that only Japanese can make love it! It's the only serie that comes close to the Shenmue experience....I still hope Yu Susuki will make Shenmue 3 and why isn't SEGA re-releasing Shenmue 1+2 as an HD remake that would be almost as cool as announcing Shenmue 3

5003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No U/Mark Wahlberg/Nathan Fillion/Hollywood and the suits not the people who want to go see a great movie made out of a brilliant game.

5004d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nathan Fillion is a cool guy it's obvious he makes that remark...that just something like Nathan Drake would say...

This is what Mark Wahlberg needs to say:"i played the game and heard what the fans want...i will not take this part and give Nathan Fillion a chance to shine...i've had parts galore".

5004d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WOW can't believe it, i've always hoped they would make a movie out of the original Secret Wars 1+2 one of the best marvel superheros stories and the most interesting especially how Dr.Doom gaines the powers of the Beyonder and becomes almighty...Epic!! a game would be cool too : )

5019d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

says the thriving custom PS3 themes least give the users some color choices for the dashboard, Microsoft : {

5019d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dashboard NXE is great, but i don't like the white used to be easier on the eyes...what Microsoft could change is let the users pick color themes for example let us pick custom letter colors and blade backgrounds...why isn't there any customization except for premium themes(they change only the BG pictures but leave the aweful whites in place) plz MS integrate custom color settings.

5019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nathan Drake is about the same age as Nathan Fillion in his mid-thirties...the Nathan Drake part isn't a role which a teenager could play..Nathan Fillion is born for this role stop bitching about his age...i'm glad Mark Wahlberg is out of the picture...we NEED more mature actors and good movies based on games this movie could be perfect! Nathan Fillion could make this Uncharted movie a special movie and one than could do the game justice.

5019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nathan Fillion is the Underdog of this Generation soon to be a Star! He's a cool guy and a marvelous actor! especially in Serenity (1 of the best Sci-Fi movies made in the last couple of years) he's the only 1 destined to play this role and proof all the mediocre haters wrong...he's intelligent/humorous/cool and he's a gamer and has that kinda geekness without the nerd look we all as gamers/comicreaders love! he's the opportunity for Hollywood to do something extra ordinar...

5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

U are a nobody JJFNights80! Nathan Fillion is the Underdog of this Generation soon to be a Star! He's a cool guy and a marvelous actor! especially in Serenity (1 of the best Sci-Fi movies made in the last couple of years) he's the only 1 destined to play this role and proof all the mediocre haters wrong...he's intelligent/humorous/cool and he's a gamer and has that kinda geekness without the nerd look we all as gamers/comicreaders love! he's the opportunity for Hollywood t...

5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the guys in here who deny the quality of graphics that Uncharted2 has are full of BS...i know for sure they haven't played Uncharted2 on a i tell U that game has the most mindboggeling graphics ever...nothing on the Xbox360 comes close and i have played both Uncharted games and i'm in the possessing of both consoles i can tell you these screenshots are definitely in-game graphics(the resolution of these images here are just upscaled)...u don't actually know what kin...

5037d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This article is spot on!!!

5047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah Right like we all still thought of Han Solo when we saw Indiana Jones, this Uncharted movie is just what Nathan Fillion needs and what the Uncharted IP needs He is the best for the fans and the industry it's better to cast a less known actor instead of another big star....same goes for all the other failed movies based on games...also give other people the chance to shine instead of the already played out stars..Everybody should watch the movie Serenity !! and then you'll realise...

5050d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment