Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

not retarded just impatient, quick in their judgement and spoiled..they take everything for they can build such games on their own and the Journalists are addicted to manipulation..

4941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the more u play the more fun it gets u just have to get used to the gun handling it's just different cause of switching between clock/armor energy usage will all make sense the more u play...u will get skilled..don't immediate dismiss it because of the different approach.

4941d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what's with the horrible all the time...the game looks great. Crytek did a terrific job making it look like this on this generation looks better on PCs but that's not the point this about the console versions..i can't believe how spoiled u all are...makes me sick. go play on ur ridiculous expensive gaming PC rigs then and don't come here posting trolls.

4941d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

or u just suck at ur internet skills...PC gamers have these problems often and most of them don't directly go out and say 'this game suck'...this MP is a test version it doesn't represent the final version.

4941d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

why do PC gamers troll so much?

4941d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

the guy is telling the truth both versions are exactly the same. i compared them on the same TV hooked both systems via HDMI and tell honestly no difference at...maybe a slightly better connection speed increase on the PS3 resulting in somewhat smoother play..but that will still depends on each individual internet connection. don't believe the critics..maybe the guys who supply N4G with these trolling Journalists articles have hidden agendas, cause i cannot comprehend why they ...

4941d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that's what i'm talking about they immediately reacted....this something u can't win cause there are no differences...the MP looks EXACTLY the same on both systems...and the Campaign will too...u all know Campaigns will have better graphics than MPs...i'm excited for both versions..Crytek didn't lie about the quality of both versions...and people who say the framerates are not smooth: these MP versions are test versions...just for Crytek to gather data they are the sam...

4941d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes that's what i'm saying u guys have too many influence on how games are perceived by the major's a disgrace...u guys have got ur display settings all wrong or ur wearing the wrong glasses or ur so blinded by ur preference for a specific system that u deliberated say that the versions differ...i just played both version again hooked both systems up to the same TV via HDMI..and not only do they look the same, they also run the same/play the same and have the same shor...

4941d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

He's telling the truth...i don't know what's going on with people but the PS3 demo is EXACTLY the same as the 360 demo like 2 drops of water...i have participated in the 360 beta and still play the demo...have both system hooked on the same TV via HDMI and i honestly can say they are both the same please PS3 owners don't believe these's like they want Crysis 2 to fail on PS3...Crytek must react, this is ridiculous IT IS EXACTLY the same!!!! the join proble...

4941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a Bunch of LIARS!!!!!i just played the demo on PS3 after participating in the Crysis 2 MP beta on the Xbox 360 AND i still play the Crysis 2 demo on 360, i can tell EVERYBODY HERE: the PS3 Crysis 2 Demo is EXACTLY the same as the 360 two drops of water! i don't know what's going on in here or if the Journalists have become the trollers but i'm no fool IT IS EXACTLY the same...Crytek must be thinking that people have become insane or some people desperately want Cr...

4941d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i will check the demo today and it will be interesting to IF it is different from the 360 mp demo...360 mp demo had some issues at IF these issues are true then it will be cause development of PS3 took longer that's all, but i will see for myself today...instead of being influenced by a bunch of spoiled fanboys here.

4941d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

spoiled brats..

4941d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

u couldn't be more right Neko! the most innovation comes from developers that didn't go to gaming schools(because they simply didn't exist and the knowledge about how to make games that is being taught at these schools comes from self taugh developers like the Engine builders such as Carmack and Tim Sweeney).

4942d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

yes Crysis was hyped....i say that in my comment...i meant new kid on the block in the console area...and i modded/tweaked the hell out of Crysis 1 to be able to run it on my unupdated PC and make it still look great and run at a decent framerate...i just dig the game i like the sandbox gameplay/combined with the nanosuit gameplay...and i'm surprised Crytek has been able to make the CryEngine run on this generation consoles at all and still make it look great and run with these framerates...

4942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they acknowledge that there is no competition to RDR at the moment that's all. but RDR was in competition with it self and Call of Juarez 1+2.

4943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this IS an article about rendering technology and not confuse me with fanboys. if u are hating on me cause of the comparisons than why is it that developers are in positive competition with each other on graphics and gameplay?..without competition no progress...they boost each other to higher levels...we all benefit as gamers because of it...check urself.

4943d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

why do i get a disagree?? i'm not a fanboy..i've got a PC and all consoles and i'm only explaining why there is a difference in programming of the exclusives and the 3rd party ports on PS3...i dig all the consoles but since i've played God of War 3 i could clearly see the result of developers using the Cell with multi-threading and those who just port titles from the 360..The difference between PS3 exclusives and PS3 multi-platform ports/360 games is also more clear to me now....

4943d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

because most developers are still accustomed to single-threaded programming instead of multi-threaded programming...PS3 exclusives show the difference in quality cause Sony's 1st party developers have invested in learning to program for the Cell and most 3rd party developers still just port their 360 version to PS3...Crytek has also invested heavily in multi-threaded programming with the CryEngine3 and build the PS3 version of Crysis 2 from scratch using the CryEngine3 so Crysis2 also mak...

4943d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

8/10 is a more real score than blindly hand out 9s for hyped games, it means this game is really good and it will get better when people experience it for's a fresh change from ur average corridor shooters with ridiculous high scores, the new kid on the block has almost arrived can't wait!

4943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cez of rage talks as a politician or he himself is heavily brainwashed by watching to many media channels...1st of all children know the difference between a videogame and reality very well. 2nd they are only influenced by real world people like their parents or friends or the people in the media venting all these opinions because they blame games for almost every shortcoming in society since prehistoric times(without acknowledging that every generation is different and each child is differen...

4944d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment