Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

the only source where these trolling fanboys base their opinions on, was the resolutions analysis article about a compressed video showing PS3 footage, nobody has played the PS3 version for real and still the fanboys continue to bash this game...just wait till it has been released fools.

4861d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

really round looking objects use NURBS...and that technique has been in 3D rendering software since the early nineties...the thing is all those techniques already existed for more than 20 is only now that computers and software programs/engines are fast enough to render it in real-time, so it can be used in games like the NURBS rendering.

4861d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what's wrong with you people in here? u play judge and jury and condemn a game before u even played it...u give Sony 1st party developers like ages to develop a game and when a 3rd party developer just brings out a TEST version of a game a couple of weeks later on PS3 than other platforms, U all go whining and consider it a personal insult to ur existence? Crytek doesn't deserve such treatment...these developers are really cool guys and they are just fine tuning the demo for PS3..what...

4861d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No Comment

4861d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Him and Mark Wahlberg are just two guys who want to make their own movie and sucking it up to each other...Russel wants to make this into a Sopranos drama and cash in big to keep the suits happy and his own self-esteem...he clearly has no respect for the artists/writer/actors who made Uncharted what it is today and why we gamers loved the game...he just wants to make it into his own movie so he can take credit for it...and not do justice to these hardworking artists/writers/actors at Naughty ...

4862d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the demo is just the same test version as the MP beta from a while is not representative of the final version let alone the is just to gather data for Crytek....again another b%llcr#p article...pfff and yet still this old version is fun as hell and looks amazing!

4862d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Sh%t, that 1st comment on the article page after the link made me laugh out loud..hilarious 'thats obvious. go to any game and ask for a demo. this thing makes your eyes feel like they're being tugged back into your skull'....OMG this is going to be a disaster for Nintendo....Sony's choice not to use 3D in NPG and make it as powerful as PS3, is a good decision...NPG for me ; )

4863d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

U obviously didn't google long enough or were blindfolded:"words of Kaz Hirai were misinterpreted, PS4 development not halted,Sony will likely debut PS4 in 2013" http://www.crazyengineers.c...

4864d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Darn right hoops!

4864d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Multiplayer has the best graphics ever for a multiplayer check this

4864d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Same as CoD graphics? u clearly haven't played Cod Graphics u mean fake set pieces as backgrounds and buildings/fake lightning/pre-baked shadows/respawning looped enemies/water that looks like flat textures/no draw distance what so ever/super dumb AI/unstable framerates/fake auto-aim/etc Crysis u can walk/fight into almost every building go up stairs to the rooftops and continue fighting there/everything is destructible and has physics/u can use almost every object in...

4864d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

bla bla bla bla...wait till u play the game urself..geez u guys really don't know what the CryEngine2/3 looks like for real. I cannot comprehend why people make up these articles...trying to keep people from buying this game? This will have the most realistic graphics...don't believe the trollers. check out the new flythrough trailers called 'Map Focus' amazing detail!

4864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great preview...makes me want to play it even can somebody say Crysis is boring? dude u are so

4866d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and nobody says anything about the physics(everything has physics attached to it/everything is destructable)/lightning/enviro nments(huge realtime rendered sandbox spaces with wide draw distances)/design/gameplay/the AI of the enemies/music etc other games like BlackOps/CoD ur just in between fixed set pieces with fake lightning, scripted AI and looped spawning enemies. Crysis 2 does so much more and it all runs in 720p, what Crytek meant by 'the same experience on console'=th...

4866d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This so called sub HD is based on a heavily compressed video not on the game itself..and this game is not a porsch going 80 but a TANK having somewhat less speed. It has the best graphics on a console yet in our reach, 720p is HD only not Full HD and most games run in these resolutions on console but most games can't do what Crysis does...

4866d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

ich spreche deutsch mein freund und ich werde die deutsche version gerne lesen...

4866d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes!! i loved the other beta and now more try out days!

4866d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why such a cry out over it being sub hd??? most games are sub hd since 2007...this isn't a true HD era the consoles are just not strong enough...u guys are all i don't give a damn about it being somewhat less than hd...this game Rocks!! just wait till u give it a go...this is a super game and i can't wait to play it! it looks amazing u should all wash ur mouths with soup...what a bunch of losers in here.

4866d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

What???? the man cracked his head on the frontside! 10-20 hours is worth $60....5 hours is way too short!!! why they always say 'should be'? why??? no real gamer is satisfied with 5 hours... these are all opinions of the 'commercial' kind...give 'em less for more profits..this is just economic depression talking.

4867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

loads of good multiplatform games and exceptional quality, but only Gears3 as an exclusive? come on Microsoft! I hope for better announcements on E3.

4867d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment